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Everything posted by beadgirl

  1. That's actually a thing. Not that I'm brilliant or anything, nor was I an early reader, but I am a big reader and a lot of my vocabulary (at least the words one does not often hear in casual speech) comes from books. Which means I often mispronounce them; moreover, because Spanish was technically my first language (even though I speak English much more fluently), I tend to pronounce words I don't know following Spanish rules, which leads to more errors. My husband gets a big kick out of it, but I guess it's only fair given how I mercilessly correct his grammar. And yes, I thought it was pronounced "par-EV" too.
  2. Some churches do, some don't; and don't forget some are hundreds of years old and therefore built before the idea of cry rooms. Also, Catholics are split on whether it's a good idea, with those opposed saying it ghetto-izes (so to speak) families and encourages the notion that kids don't belong at Mass. As for whether it's a good idea to bring young children, I think it depends on the child and the family. I brought my kids when they were infants, but once they started walking I stopped for a while. But then, I also have 1) unusually active boys, 2) an oldest with significant special needs, minimizing my ability to look after a toddler, too, and 3) a non-Catholic husband who doesn't attend. But I have seen kids in the 1-3 age range who really are able to sit quietly for the most part (why can't I get one of those???). It helps, too, to do it every Sunday, because the kids eventually get used to it. I like that this show takes faith so seriously, and has characters with different perspectives on and levels of faith. That's quite rare on TV.
  3. Gah, you're gonna make me cry, now. I miss my grandparents, and while visiting their house wasn't the most exciting thing ever, I did enjoy seeing them. I have a lot of good will towards him, but this commercial is a whole lot of nothing.
  4. Well yeah; is it really so horrible to not have internet access for a few hours, or even a day? Moreover, it's an awful attitude to have -- imagine how much better the commercial would have been if the teenager, as an act of love for her grandparents, helped them get all the gizmos and connections to wire their house for their sake. Beadboy2 is ten, not a teenager, but when we went to my mom's house for a week-long stay I explained to him that because she is on a fixed income and is not a big computer user, she has not-great wifi and his games wouldn't run as well; he was cool with it, because he's not (so far) an entitled brat. Of course, I also limit how much screen time he's allowed each day, so he knows how to do things like read, draw, and talk to people.
  5. Ok guys, I'm confused -- the finale, called episode 9 by my (NYC) PBS station, aired last night. But you all are calling it episode 10. Wikipedia says there are 10 episodes, but the PBS episode says there are only 9 (and I checked next week's schedule -- no Poldark.) As I scroll through the descriptions of the episodes, it seems like the numbering done by PBS is off by one number; I watched "episode 5" last night, but the description and plot points match episode 6, as listed in the thread for it. Was the first episode PBS aired of season 2 really both episodes 1 and 2? Am I missing an episode? Am I going insane?
  6. Yeah, the sausage shop bit was the weakest link. I mean, an adult human male would generate a lot of ground meat -- what happened to the rest of it? The shop-owner didn't notice? Did other people buy and eat the human sausage, and if so why didn't they die from the horse tranquilizer? Or was the original victim unusually susceptible to it? Or was Sherlock able to pull that sausage off the market before anyone else bought it? God knows I'm no apologist for capitalism, but I am getting tired of "the evil CEO did it." I like how Watson handled Sherlock's decision to stop going to meetings, and that she was able to get him to reconsider.
  7. Nobody recognized me, unfortunately. Perhaps because I was pushing a stroller and corralling a bunch of kids.
  8. beadgirl

    All Episodes Talk

    I'm so glad I have a way to watch it again -- on a station called Cozi TV -- I really missed it once Lifetime (I think) canceled their morning airings. Assuming Mr. Beadgirl comes home in time, I run upstairs, turn on Frasier, and hide from my kids for a bit. Unfortunately, they are well into season 8, so it'll be a while before they get to the really good episodes. Niles: "I really have to go." Mrs. Moskowitz: "Yes, I understand this is your busy time."
  9. I just saw the Hersey's Kisses commercial. On the one hand, I love that one and I don't think I saw it at all last year. On the other, it's not even Halloween! Even my ten-year-old was outraged.
  10. Hmm, based on all your comments maybe I should swallow my Nancy-Grace rage and watch it. Next year when they get back to normal programming.
  11. I'm not ready to watch these. For one thing, I'm still enjoying the fall, and for another I'm Catholic so my Christmas season extends past New Year's and Three Kings Day (don't wanna front-load!). I will start recording the new ones and my favorites, though. Like the 12 Dates one and the 9 Lives one -- both are fun and cut above the usual, and Christmas Angel (2009) which I sing the praises of every year. So, any POC protagonists this year? Hallmark movies and shows are my guilty pleasure, but I am getting disheartened over how freaking white they all are.
  12. Not the best Halloween episode, but still amusing. I was planning on dressing up as Tina when I take my kids trick-or-treating, but now I'm tempted to switch to Goth Tina.
  13. For a second there, I thought the guy's name was Eric Cartman. That would have been a very different show.
  14. Well, I've stopped watching the show, but I'm greatly enjoying the recaps!
  15. I am amused by the idea of a different iteration of Harrison Wells every season. Plus it means more Tom Cavanagh. I, too, wondered why the heck Caitlyn didn't use hair dye, especially if it's not the first time it happened. She cut it at an odd spot, too. And missed a clump. Possibly I'm thinking too much about this.
  16. Well, now I have a giant grin on my face. Didn't realize how much I missed this show until now! No freaking kidding. The one thing I ask of this revival is no Luke and Lorelei drama.
  17. And the evidence piles up: I really am Santiago without the competitive streak. I had a caboodle, and I too would have freaked out if Holt started to say something to me, paused, and said "never mind." (God help my husband whenever he tells me "never mind.") Loved loved loved how into the team-up Diaz was; I second seeing more of their relationship. Normally I like Gina in small doses, but it helped that they softened her (so to speak) 1) when she walked back the "just like segregation" bit and 2) at the bar when she talked about how much she loved the rest of them. Fake-Boyle was the gift that kept on giving. Holt training cheddar to retrieve plaques, Holt and Santiago agreeing over a young Al Gore's looks, pizza dark thirty ... you know what? If I list every thing I loved about the episode I'd end up with the entire transcript.
  18. Wow, sounds like I made the right choice to watch an old episode of Knight Rider (don't judge!) rather than this. Assuming the summary is correct, I'm out. Speedy trials, witnesses who take just fifteen minutes to testify, discovery that doesn't take years, mild shenanigans with civil procedure and evidence rules, these I can accept in a fictional depiction of the legal system. But Bull is taking the implausibilities too far. (Of course he only ever lost one trial, and of course it wasn't because of anything he did.)
  19. Probably. People assume all the time I took my husband's name, and I rarely bother to correct them.
  20. Woohoo! Michael's alive! But I'm still worried for him, given my suspicion/fear that Jane and Rafael are end-game. But: maybe it will work out better than I expect for them. Loved young Jane "schooling" the author on the conventions of the genre. Poor Petra; her current situation is horrific. Xo's story is depressing me; I'm pro-life, I really don't want to see an abortion storyline, but there's no graceful way out of it, either. An oh-so convenient miscarriage? Xo suddenly deciding she does want another child after all? Ugh. Why did they even give her a pregnancy, given that we already had an accidental pregnancy with Jane and an intentional/devious pregnancy with Petra? Surely there were other ways to add conflict to Xo and Rogelio's relationship. HunterHunted, that sounds awful. Unfortunately, suffering doesn't always bring out the best in people.
  21. Before the fighting kids showed up, I thought the Hunger Games parody was going to be about Urinetown (I missed the title). Too obscure? Although it also had the theme of idealists not thinking through their revolutionary plans. Nice callback to Lisa's imaginary friend Rachel Cohen! The "girl power" helmet with the flower made me laugh out loud. "And it runs on pony smiles!" "You ruin everything." Loved the idea of Moe running a spy agency, and the Moefinger closing credits, but the story itself was meh. Also, I haaaaate Steely Dan's music.
  22. I'm from Massachusetts and I live in NYC, yet I confuse Eli Manning and Tom Brady -- which tells you how much I care about football. But they'll have to pry my Red Sox cap off my cold, dead body, so I sympathized with Bart and his stubbornness about the hat. Loved seeing all the sight gags and references. Man, do I miss Boston. Hey Lisa, let's ditch our families and move back together! Lisa did revert back to the name "Snowball II" for the latest cat, part of the "let us never speak of this again" ending to that plot.
  23. I worked very hard the past couple of weeks to not listen to the audio of Trump, and then it shows up in a cartoon. Thanks, Family Guy!
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