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Everything posted by ItCouldBeWorse

  1. It made me wonder why they even had whipped cream in the house. But then I realized that Bob probably bought it for Abishola's special breakfast.
  2. She thinks his little fingers are cute! I suppose, but med school is likely to cost $60,000 a year for 4 years, and she'll have to leave her job to attend. Then Dele will be starting college, and who knows if his father will be able to pay for the whole thing. Unless the factory does really well, their finances are going to be very strained for a long time, not even considering the fact that they are also feeding the 2 mothers. They were great, and the young actor really resembled Tunde-his nose was very similar.
  3. If it were dubbed, the word wouldn't match his lip movements. I don't think they like to do that.
  4. For those who want to learn a lot more about how the murder was carried out: Death Capacitors
  5. Like Jennifer Grey, she had rhinoplasty many years ago. Her daughter, Hannah Einbinder. costars on Hacks with Jean Smart. Although less-than-optimal grammar usage could be a character trait, I assume that in the case of Pete, the actor misspoke when saying his lines, and either no one present at the filming "heard" it, or it wasn't thought worthy of a reshoot. I don't know if the showrunner has the authority to ask the director to redo a scene for something like this. I wonder how long the writers were waiting to use that line. In this particular case, I don't think she was trying to be mean. That's just how things were in her time.
  6. https://lorenz.com/shop/elementary-classroom/programs-and-musicals/frankly-franklin There's a warning about that on Peacock.
  7. When Kathleen wanted to do the encore, Michael said, "What happened to we hide out overseas for a year and then reemerge, confessing our love?" Rebecca was pretty careless with that blue paper. Just as she plucked it out of Michael's jacket, Charlie saw it sticking out of Rebecca's. She should have stuffed it down her costume for safekeeping. When Michael signed his autograph on the menu (and then ordered a club sandwich, which wasn't on the part of the menu that was visible), I though that perhaps he really was illiterate. But the blue script refuted that rumor. Remembering that Kathleen had said she needed the money, I was wondering how much Kathleen could possibly have been paid for one performance (even with a director's fee) of a play in a dinner theater. But of course, small change was not her goal.
  8. Too bad that Brenda was the only guest at the shower. Did Mary and Connie buy all those gifts? And Mary should really be happy to honestly answer all of Missy's questions about the mess of childbirth and of nursing; it's the best way to ensure that she will not get accidentally pregnant.
  9. Lego makes 11 different flower sets, ranging from $9.99 for 3 tulips to $99.99 for a potted Bird of Paradise. The succulents are also cool: https://www.lego.com/en-us/search?q=floral
  10. Lauren Ash, who plays Lexi, did a great job in Superstore playing a very unusual character. Her role here unfortunately seems to fit the trope of "child trying to impress rich daddy in the family business," which isn't that interesting. (Although Adrian Brody milked it for all it was worth in the first episode of Poker Face,)
  11. I don't know if Amber would think that $60 is expensive, although I'm sure it is to Gregory. I doubt that a $60 bouquet of flowers (if she were not allergic) would have seemed a sufficient-enough present to her, either. I wonder what Gregory's other 2 ideas were. According to Barb, 2 tickets on Spirit Airlines were cheaper than a meal for 2 at an airport restaurant!
  12. Angela Gibbs, who plays Cricket, is Marla Gibbs' daughter.
  13. https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/flower-bouquet-10280 $59.99. I have it. Here's a new option: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/wildflower-bouquet-10313 As Gregory and Amber were walking out, he was talking about assembling the kit with her and her kids. When Janine and Mo met up with them, Janine said something about how much fun Amber and Gregory would have building it together. Soulmates!
  14. Judith Light played Irene, but I agree. Although Joyce (S. Epatha Merkerson was pretty cold-blooded also.)
  15. She was just a nosy resident who helped organize the zoo trip, not an employee. I thought it looked like a very nice retirement community with up-to-date tech and separate cottages. I assumed that one of the women had family money that she used to pay for both of them. Also, if Irene and Joyce were (presumably) in their 20's when they were arrested, were incarcerated for 30 years, and are in their 80's now, they've probably been out of jail for 25 years. They wouldn't have been very employable. Irene might have qualified for social security disability payments but even upon reaching retirement age, Joyce's SS payments would have been peanuts. Without another source of income, they would have been in very bad shape financially for many years. And it totally makes sense that a rich college girl would have decided to become an anarchist.
  16. Isn't his job shopping for food and preparing all the meals for the guests? He's also Lena Horne's great-grandson.
  17. I wondered about that, too. Not so much the withholding, but about being in the nursing home records while Frost is searching for her.
  18. I think Betty called Joyce and Irene's boombox a ghetto blaster. I think she was just a nosy resident who helped organize the zoo trip, not an employee. And she knows it's Mahjong, but thinks since it's Chinese in origin, it's a heathen game, hence "witchy" and "runes". Yes, when we first see Irene, she's doing sitting pushups (while Joyce is misting the pot plants). Then she pushes herself up into her wheelchair, which is a surprise. So Charlie lacks cultural sensitivity to non-human primates. Btw, Reed Birney and Judith Light just played a married couple in The Menu. Her role is pretty subdued, his is more dramatic.
  19. Yes, agreed. I still wonder what would have happened if they had disassembled the car. Btw, for a $1550 car, the interior was very nice.
  20. Before Connie hurt herself, I was thinking that Mary should really be over there building a relationship with the mother of her future grandchild. She just doesn't seem very interested in the progress of Mandy's pregnancy, or in her health. I know there was no room for her to stay at Mary and George's, but we've barely seen them interact.
  21. Yup. Hopefully, this will lead to George cutting out his private conversations with Brenda.
  22. Ha! I didn't even think of that. I didn't think of it either; the character said it to Ruby after they planned the murder! Almost all of the lyrics were the names of actual products. There's no prohibition in mentioning Coca-Cola, Amazon, etc. in songs, works of fiction, or other creative endeavors. A trademark protects a good or service offered by a company from infringement by another company. It might be fair use if he had used actual ad copy. No. A charity can not call itself "Amazon" or "Coca-Cola" anymore than a non-charitable enterprise would be able to. A charitable entity could create a scholarship. A scholarship, in and of itself, is not an entity.
  23. He would have been thrilled to share it if it meant he could be a permanent part of the band. And even if he retained all the proceeds from the song, a resurgence in their careers means playing bigger venues and, eventually, getting a percentage of the ticket sales (and of course, selling more merch), doesn't it? So did I! The guy studying for his MLS gave up his vegan principles to murder a human being. It was fun to see John Hodgman. And this was John Darnielle's (Al's) first acting gig, according to Wikipedia. He was great! Murder podcasters existed long before Only Murders In The Building. Only Murders In The Building is based on the fact that there are real-life murder podcasters. Exactly. Now, that would be copyright infringement, since Gavin wrote the lyrics. Agreed. Possibly, but it's actually not the same amp. John Darnielle replaced Gavin's blood-smeared amp with an almost identical, tampered-with amp. Then he foolishly listed Gavin's actual amp on eBay, which listing accidentally Deuteronomy found while searching for the same model, thus allowing Charlie to notice the blood smear on it from when Gavin was hit by the stapler. The amp that shorted out was kept by the police following the electrocution for "insurance purposes," which made no sense. Whose insurance? The club didn't burn down; no one is making an insurance claim.
  24. It is also an homage to the famous Sherlock Homes story The Adventure of Silver Blaze in which Holmes solves a murder due to the "curious incident of the dog in the night-time" (the "curious incident" is a missing sound; the dog in question did not bark). In this episode, Charlie only realizes that there is a murder because of a "curious incident of a dog in the night-time" (although here it is caused by a dog that did bark) and she solves it because of a missing sound (the train).
  25. They might not want to, because then every customer would demand that their cheese be tessellated.
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