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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. I can usually feel a lot of compassion for a victim's family but I just was not moved by the husband's emotions.  Ari333, you are right that there is something just off about this case.  I also hate when a woman is called a "Super Mom".  You don't have to be all things to everyone, relax a little! 

    We had a case early this year of a woman getting killed early in the morning at her church where she had a fitness class.  There is video of a strange person(moved like a woman) in what looks like SWAT gear but I don't think the crime has ever been solved.  I also had a side eye for the husband in this case.  

    Madding crowd, I agree the cellphone detail was very strange.  Is it common for people to have an app to follow their mates cellphone?  Seems a bit controlling for me.  He had that app but they didn't use FB?  Alrighty then!  I thought Millennials were into "everything" social media.  I'm over 35 and I am not on any SM-FB, Twitter, Snapchat, blah, blah, blah. Couldn't care less, but I have always bucked the system. ;)

    • Love 4
  2. Did anyone catch the latest episode, "Finding Sherri"?  That poor woman is going to be scarred both physically and mentally for the rest of her life.  At first I was very suspicious of the husband and then I wasn't. Who the hell took her, branded her and beat the hell out of her for weeks???  This is scary stuff!

    • Love 4
  3. I have given this show a chance but it is just trying too hard to be hip. Meh.  Who drinks that stuff in the fridge anyway? Come on now!  It looked disgusting, too.   And if someone is that dumb, wouldn't the rest of the family kick that guy's ass for bringing it in and having to have your brother go through the "shrooms" hallucinations.  Give me a break!

    • Love 6
  4. 4 hours ago, Lizzing said:

     driving past some crazy landmark, like the world's biggest ball of twine. 


    Or Cadillac Ranch just west of Amarillo!  It's a piece of land off of I-40 that has 10 old Cadillacs buried by the nose end and people have been painting them since they went in in the early 1970's.  An eccentric rich man, Stanley Marsh 3, was part of this weirdness.  He also put weird street signs all over Amarillo just for the hell of it.  He used to office in the tallest building in Amarillo and he had a huge pool set on the top floor that you could see from, uh a helicopter or something. Dude was weird but it would have given the boys a little break to get out and stretch their legs but I forgot it smelled to bad for them. LOL E

    Eh, if you ever have to make that cross country trip on I-40 it's worth the stop, but please pass right on by the The Big Texan Steakhouse.  This is NOT what real Texas steak taste like, BY ANY MEANS!  If you can consume a lot of food in less than an hour then maybe it is worth your visit.  72 ozs of a terrible cut of meat. Yuck!

    • Love 3
  5. If you can bare going back to the last episode, slo-mo the shot where Kim winks...oh my!  She is so bizzare looking and when she winks it looks like a creepy baby doll.  She has really screwed up her face with all that work.  How can Kroy not laugh at the clown look she supports?  

    Does she just continue getting lipo in order to keep from being obese?  She is such a sloth that she can't even be bothered to eat well or do a small amount of exercise.  Menopause will be rough on her.

    Does anyone know if she still smokes?  

  6. tenativelyyours, I think you are so right that Kim has can change on a dime but  I think she really has to work on any charm she can come with.  I think she is so self-centered that the only charm comes from manipulating someone or a situation.  She seems nasty and mean to me.  She bites Kroy's head off and then walks away not wanting to be an adult and talk things through.  I can't imagine even Kroy will go the distance with this bitch.  

    It shocks me how much she acts like a 16 year old, what with the constant selfies and the constant primping.  She is just so gross.

    Doesn't Kim have a brother?  Has she also cut him out of her life, too?  

    • Love 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

    That manure smell is god awful.  I don't think it's indicative of Briana's character that she thinks shit stinks.  I lived for 2 years in farm country and never got used to that smell.  

    I certainly wouldn't make a candle from that smell, but I would make a candle with smell of horses and hay(both coastal and alfalfa).  We have a hay barn and when I walk by it, it reminds me of my childhood sleeping in the barn with my friends. Great memories!

    20 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    I have to laugh about this because here in farm country, smallish farms, some people buying homes in new housing developments near farms are flipping out about the smell of manure and want the farmers to eliminate it! LOL City people! LOL

    LOL!!!  It happens around my hometown, too.  They love to bitch about the smell but most love to frequent the nice steakhouses in Dallas! 

    • Love 9
  8. 18 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    I could be entirely wrong but there was a point where both V and B hold their nose at some stench.  I saw a clip of that this weekend and it sounded like they said Owie or the other one created that smell.  I could be wrong and they were being assholes.

    No, it's the outside smell from the feedlots.   To folks from the panhandle, that is the smell of money!  It is the largest concentration of cattle in the world.  It is an area west of Amarillo on I-40, just outside of Vega.  It may be a pungent smell but those people in the panhandle are the nicest folks around.  I still have family and friends out there.   I grew up ranching, and still do, so that smell doesn't bother me but it would for someone not ready for it as they are driving down the road.  It couldn't happen to a better person than Icki-Vicki.  Brianna doesn't bother me as I have to give her a break having to deal with Vicki all those years.  

    • Love 9
  9. It's no surprise no one has commented on this episode. It.was.SO.boring.  I wonder how many viewers watched? 10?

    I was shocked that Ariana asked Kim how she had such full lips and she has none!  I had to rewind that twice to make sure that is what she said! LMAO It was also nice to hear Ariana tell her mom to stop dressing like she is 14. BWAH!

    I got life from watching Kroy try to explain to Kim that Brielle is a lazy human being.  Kim Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

    And quit trying to make Tracy happen. This show is getting more boring as each episode goes by.  I do like pausing on Kim' s face and trying to figure out what look she was going for.

    And sorry, KJ is not cool, he is a BRAT!

    • Love 5
  10. My jaw drops each time I see the footage of how horrid Joe is to Teresa.  He has zero respect for her and she has zero respect for herself.  I quit watching RHofA and RHofNJ will be next.  I hate all of the screaming and back and forth.  I hope the show gets put out of it's misery and Tre has to drive a Ford Focus AND Joe gets shipped back to Italy!

    • Love 6
  11. 2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    With their bad plastic surgery and love of clown makeup, Kim and Brielle look like aliens out of an old 1960s scifi show.

    Also, why is Kim always shuffling around in that gross blue bathrobe? It's especially bizarre when she tries to make it sexy by pulling the shoulders down.

    Snarking aside, this is not a woman who is going to age gracefully, either from a physical or a psychological perspective. Her life is limited to talking heads, gambling, beauty procedures and shopping.

    She has always shuffled around like a sloth.  I think someone even started calling her that way back on RHoA.  She really is useless.  How has Kroy not grown so tired of her??

    And KJ ain't cute!  He's a spoiled brat! And I, too, could not understand a word he was saying.  Go get a real job Kim or here's a novel idea; STAY HOME AND RAISE YOUR LITTER AND QUIT DEPENDING ON THE NANNIES OR KROY! 

    • Love 1
  12. How much of a sad human do you have to be, to be BFF's with your cheating wife's F-buddy?!?  WTH? I'd just watch the damn Giant's games alone.  With friends like that, who needs enemies?  I agree with the victim's dad in that she(wife) should have punched Gil in the face or kicked him in the balls for kissing her while she was there for a dental appointment. Who does that and gets away with it??? C'mon lady!  Have some self respect! Latin Lover my ass!!  SMH on the "patient" that was at the trial because he knew Gil would never hurt a fly and thought he was innocent. Dude, you are just a patient, y'all aren't huntin' buddies or on a bowling league together. 

    Why did Tom park so far away from the front door of the gym at 5 am?  Was he too having an affair of some sort?  Shirt untucked, belt undone, pants unzipped laying back in the seat?

    The evidence was pretty strong against BFF Gilberto the former CIA agent. BWAH!  

    • Love 2
  13. I see no one has even posted on this episode. My guess is most of us fell asleep.  It was pretty boring.  I just don't get the "cuteness" of K.J., at all.  He is a misbehaved brat and Kim couldn't care less about disciplining him.  How many times was she going to say, "I can't wait until my husband gets here!"?  

    I can't believe they have a chef at their house and she makes basically the same dishes all the time and of course it is nothing healthy because Kimmy doesn't roll that way.  Kim, mix in a salad every once in a while!

    Brielle, don't quit your day job, dear.  And next time you have an interview try putting something professional on and not a big ass man's shirt.  It looked like one of Kroy's dress shirts.  I can't believe how gross it was when they showed her literally scarfing that burger down her maw!!!  

    I hit paused during several of Kim and Kroy's TH's and just stared at how incredibly strange Kim looks with all of her plastic surgery and botox. OMG!  She looks like a circus sideshow.

    • Love 9
  14. Oh for the love of Pete why does Kim constantly have to be primping and preening herself?  She uses any piece of glass/mirror she can constantly find!  Honey, you ain't all that and if you keep messing with that plastic surgery crap you will not know who is looking back at you in that mirror. You aren't a teen anymore so knock off the selfies, too!

    $25K at the casino?!  I see Kroy is NOT amused in that sneak peek for next week.  Oh yeah they should procreate some more!

    • Love 3
  15. Bruce was all kind of confused and wanted nothing to do with ALL those damn kids should something happen to Wig and Kroy. I'm sure his wife would have some say and it would be HELL NO!  How annoying is this woman?  I can't believe Brielle called Kaia an asshole at the dinner table. Trash, just pure trash!

    • Love 6
  16. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


    Seriously, what is Kroy going to do if he isn't picked up by another team?.  I know Kim doesn't live in the real world but he looked worried. 


    Oh I am sure the billion in sales of Cashmere will keep them living high on the hog!  These people are completely delusional! 

    • Love 6
  17. 23 hours ago, Canada said:

    Another episode that just seemed wrong/off/fake somehow.  This season has been really bad for this.  I don't even want to watch anymore.


  18. 2 hours ago, ultraviolet1 said:

    I haven't yet seen the episode, but I do know that she spent quite a bit of time cleaning before the crew came, only to have Rob come home the day before their arrival and go apeshit. By that point, she was exhausted (mentally and physically) and decided to leave it as it was.

    She absolutely was depressed from the whole thing, which honestly, is probably the reaction that 99.9% of people would have if they were in the same situation.

    Also, I lol'd at the thought of her sticking with him for money. She works hard online for what money she's got now and from her stories about the tenants she has to deal with, I honestly solidified my desire to never ever ever become a landlord. I'd rather work a fast food job. It would be a lot less work.

    Ultraviolet1 are you Robert's wife, friend or family?  I only ask because if you hadn't seen the episode, how do you know she cleaned before the crew got there? How do you know she is depressed and has an online business?  If you are close to the situation, it would be interesting to hear your take on it. 

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