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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. I don't think Zac is good looking at all.  It might be that he NEVER smiles and I like my guys to have a great senses of humor.  His wife is really pretty, except she needs to learn how to put on self tanner or not any at all.  It looked like she forgot the tops of her hand.  I think she married down in the looks dept.

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  2. Robert is super weird. Tami has emotional problems. They're not right people to put in a situation with this stress. Zac and Isaiah seems to be super smart. Zac has the body, mind-set, and attitude which allows him to be an inmate. Isaiah, on the other hand, is more quiet and to himself. Sac is getting a lot of information while Isaiah is gaining information by observing.

    I respectfully disagree with your observation on Isaiah as I think he is just biding his time and not involved at all.

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  3. it's always been blob to me.....Am I the only one who saw the commercial with Happy Zoloft Blob?

    I remember the commercial but I guess I didn't consider it a blob but more as a rock. hehe

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  4.  I didn't feel at all comfortable with Sylvia doing that intervention. Personally, I don't think she has enough sobriety.

    I completely agree with you Farmgal.

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  5. Kinda boring episode. I think the best part was Jeff and his "I'm too old for this shit" approach to the family. Seriously with the two grandmothers and the wife I can see why at least one of the guys does drugs. And apparently he's the good parent.

    JVV does look like he is feeling a bit tired and old, doesn't he?  He is my all time favorite interventionist.  

  6. First of all Go Red Raiders!!! ;)

    The Pony holder thing is just insane, she must not work out or have any kind of an active life where you might need to pull your hair up, I do that often as I have long hair. What a joke.

    Thanks for the warning, I won't tune in to KVIL in the p.m. I'm sure Ron Chapman is spinning in his grave, sheesh!

    Guns up!!!  The reference to Ron Chapman lets me know you been around these parts as long as me! LOL  

    • Love 1
  7. I live in the DFW area how do I not know who this Courtney is???? Lucky I guess.

    Hey Central Texas she was on the "Most Eligible in Dallas" show and then they gave her an equally horrible spin-off called, "Courtney Loves Dallas",  Anyway, she is the very negative, blah personality on 103.7 KVIL in the afternoons.  I will TRY to listen to the music on that channel but I can't take her.  To give you an example of just one of the many ridiculous things she talked about, she said she HATES when someone wears a ponytail holder on their wrist and not in their hair! Bwah!  I do that all the time so I would love to run into her and talk to her all while knowing I was pissing her off with my dreadful ponytail holder.  Bitch!

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  8. I have no idea where Tami is a cop but my husband was a cop in two cities in Texas.  The big city did a background check but it was nothing as intense as the one done by the medium sized city.  My husband never took his job personally and he didn't get to upset about criminals except one time they picked up a really crazy dude and he was the only one to really put the creeps on my husband and his partner.  This guy was very Charlie Manson-ish. My husband worked deep nights in a VERY high crime area so he saw a lot of bad seeds but this guy took the cake. As a matter of fact, my husband NEVER wore his badge or gun out when he was off duty but one time a guy came up to us in a casual restaurant and he said, "Hey, man how's it going?" to my husband and they talked a bit and when he walked away I asked my husband how he knew him and he said he had arrested him a while back!!! LOL  I'm just so glad he is no longer a cop because it is just too dangerous out there today.

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  9. I think Theresa Roemer was auditioning for a spot in the RHoH when it was rumored that Bravo was looking to create one.  I wanted to see her host parties in her 3 story closet.




    I have always thought that Theresa had her own house robbed to get attention.

    I think that Theresa and Kristi are friends or know each other from their "fabulous" <----vomit, charity soirees.  I know at one point Kristi had rhinoplasty in L.A. that caused a serious staph infection.  That would be a great story for RHofH!  The vanity of these women is never ending.

  10. It must be a prestige thing, but I just can't see the appeal. My kids love to run around naked, but you don't want to give the guys on the course an eyefull!






    My parents retired to live on a golf course and I think my dad misses living on a ranch and not having people in your backyard everyday, all day.  My mom loves it because she loves to golf so she digs seeing everyone out there or she is out there herself with all her friends.  I absolutely don't understand the appeal and I wouldn't be able to be a big mouth yelling at my dogs like I do on my remote ranch. lol

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  11. Me too, I have been a Houstonian for over 25 years, 20 more before that in a small gulf coast coast town. These women are embarrassing our great state. I know there are also people who are serious with charities that cringed the entire episode. I could not even stomach the entire episode had to stop the torture!

    Texasmom1970, if they ever have a HWoH be on the look out for Kristi K. Schiller!  She is the type that LOVES to be noticed for all her charities(K9forCops and K9forKids).  She lives in River Oaks and in the last few years she got highly involved in my sport of barrel racing and she can name drop and brag with the best of them.  In barrel racing she can be a whale in a small pond as opposed to cutting horses, race horses or polo she would just be another equal and maybe even a lower woman on the totem pole. She is married to John Schiller of ENERGY XXI LTD and the two of them LOVE the spotlight.  She had some nasty blog up several years ago that was found when she entered the horse world of barrel racing and she was absolutely the type to look down her nose at the commoners. She made some such comment like, "I hope oil goes higher and higher so I can get a bigger diamondto cap my wells..."  I can't remember the exact quote from the blog but she removed any and all evidence of that blog as soon as many started to read it. She claims she was a Playboy centerfold but no one has ever found evidence of that and she also claims she "graduated" from the Univesity of Housto but I think she only attended UofH. My family is in the oil and gas business in North Texas and the Houston area and they are very well known around town and not so welcomed into the old Houston money. LOL

    I do think her charity is really great and serves a wonderful purpose but I can do without all the constant bragging and look at me, look at me stuff. Meh

    Its a big crazy train wreck.  I am watching for the scenery and trying to figure out where they are.  We've lived in the area (suburbia) and I work in the Park Cities area of Dallas for the past 3 years.  I can't imagine anyone with good sense would sign up for a show like this -- thus the train wreck...  I'm in though...

    I'm with you on the scenery. I keep pausing and looking at everything and they are using a lot of the "cowboy' stuff straight from the Fort Worth Stock Yards because Dallas is not a cowboy town.

    • Love 2
  12. There are good, nice, down to earth people IN Dallas!  You just have to find us! I hate throwing real estate shade, but I find the snotty, catty bitches typically come from outside Dallas proper (Frisco, I'm looking at you) and technically, the super snotty ones from Highland Park aren't actually in Dallas either.  Regardless, don't let this show taint your opinion of my amazing city!  Damn you, Bravo.  Now I know how New Jersey feels.

    I love getting to talk about my neck of the woods with others from my area!  Cool!  I grew up with Frisco, Mckinney and Allen all being itty bitty towns where we everyone knew everyone and now those areas are so snooty.  Frisco and Mckinney were fairly dangerous areas when I was growing up and when we went to games, especially in Frisco, we could not go anywhere such as the bathroom without a buddy and that was in the early 80's.  LOL  

    I am not too familiar with Dallas as far as living there but I do go to a lot of doctors appts and such at Baylor and Uptown so I do see the type of folks that live there and you are right about the Highland Parker's, they will quickly look down on others which I couldn't care less about it.  I grew up going to a lot of family and friends' homes in all areas of Dallas and the city has changed so much in just 40 or so years.  When I was a kid we would go to the Old Spaghetti Warehouse downtown before it was the East End and after we would walk all over the beautiful city of Dallas with absolutely no fear.  I remember it fondly.  We would walk past Neiman Marcus and all those old stores. 

    One other thing, I still love our Dallas skyline.  A very good friend of mine from elementary/jr high/high school/college, his granddad put the flying red horse(Pegasus) up many, many years ago.  

    God these ladies sure do make our city look horrible!

    • Love 3
  13. I have a friend that lives in Dallas, moved a couple of years ago for a great job, and she hates it. I know this isn't real Dallas, but man does this show why she just may not be exaggerating as much as I wish she was about having trouble meeting down to earth people there.



    Whoa!  If your friend lives IN Dallas I can bet this is sort of what women there are like but if your friend lived anywhere but Dallas proper we are great down to earth folks. Please don't let this show make you hate Dallas.  That bitch Courtney from the Bravo show "Courtney Does Dallas" has been doing an afternoon radio show and she is the epitome of mean Dallas girl.  Although I was raised and still live close to Dallas I honestly don't think there are as many fame whore rude women here.  I sure hope your friend finds a great group of friends and doesn't run into these Dallas Debutantes.  In my adult years I have lived all over the state and the nicest people in the state, in my opinion, are from the panhandle and south plains of Texas, hands down. 

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  14. Lee Ann's comment about Plano made me laugh, and I'm from here. And it's not a small community. It's population is about 200,000. In the 90s, Troy Aikman lived here. It's one of the wealthiest cities in Texas.

    I only caught 15 mins of this drivel and I did catch the part where she(don't even know her name) said something about thinking she was in Plano! LOL  I grew up in a very small town(at least it was small back in the 70's&80's) very close to Plano and our family business is located there still so I just rolled my eyes when I heard that crap.  I don't know any of these characters(clowns) but there is extreme wealth EVERYWHERE in the vicinity of Dallas.  I live an hour east of Dallas and there is some very old oil money out my way but no one needs to flaunt it like these fools.  I don't know if I will even watch this crap.  I will watch the full first episode but I'll probably be out.  

    BTW, Bravo, Leddy's Boots is in Fort Worth not Dallas and I can't believe they agreed to be featured in this show. 

    I think people would get a kick out of a rural North Texas show where we are REAL farm and ranch women and some of us do have a nice savings account but don't need to flash it to everyone!  We are tough and strong women that don't sound like teens when we talk, either! Don't ever look to me to volunteer for one of these ridiculous reality shows but I know some of my friends that might make an appearance LOL

    • Love 8
  15. Anyway, I've seen some truly gross things on Intervention before but for some reason Krysten sucking her thumb while being shot up really turned my stomach.

    I didn't realize she was sucking her thumb.  I thought she was blowing air into her mouth and just had her thumb there as a plug so she could get her carotid vein to stick out.  

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  16. I called fake antics on the same things last night while watching this show.  I thought granny's house was adorable and when they went walking down the street, I thought, "Hey not a bad area to be homeless for at least a few nights." Also, they looked too clean to be addicts living in a car.  Spencer was also a bit too plump to be a meth addict.  I did feel sorry for Spencer though and his granny was so sweet.

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  17. I also wonder about getting the EMT's/EMS to come to help her get out of bed at home as frequently as Dr Now wanted her to. (Every day for a month, at least two times a day.) Are the EMT's from a private company? I can't imagine the state /county provided 911 EMTs being allowed to do this when it's not a medical emergency. Do the paramedics do this for free? TLC covers the cost?



    Yes!  I wondered the same thing.  I'm a Texan and do not want my EMT's or tax dollars out daily trying to help a woman stand if it is not life-threatening.  They need to hire their own private service for that help.

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  18. Again, another person talking about how upset and sad they are that their children have to be burdened.  Please sing that tired old song somewhere else.  I felt incredibly sorry for those kids.  It's not like she has cancer or some other debilitating disease with which she has no control.  She kept going and going and putting more burden on her husband and then her kids.  I can definitely see the daughter carrying a lot of resentment into her adulthood which she has every right to do.  I also don't understand how she was able to keep adopting at such a high weight?

    And I too, want to know how the bypass went and if she is now able to get around.  I thought the way they put this episode together was lazy and vague.

    • Love 3
  19. Here is something that came as a big surprise... I watched a Showtime series called Seven Deadly Sins. It was about building caskets for obese, morbidly obese, people. The part about cremation pointed out that the burning had to be watched carefully because the excess fat could start a grease fire.  Now, is that something you all have ever thought about? 


  20. I agree.  I've lived in Texas most of my life and I have never heard of this kind of living arrangement.  Of course, who knows what could go on in the woods of east Texas.  :)  (kidding)

    Quebueno, thanks for the huge chuckle!  I have lived in east Texas for the past 13 years and you are spot on with the, "Who knows what could be going on in the deep woods of east Texas?"  The countryside is beautiful out here but most of the people-yikes!  I've lived all over Texas and there is no comparison to the, um, clan-like mentality out here.  I honest to god knew a guy that his dad and grandfather were the same person.  SHIVERS!  He was a very nice guy in our area but unfortunately he got mixed up in the heavy meth use in our county and they found him dead a few years ago.  

    I think it's a birthmark. 

    My guess would be birthmark, too.  

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