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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. I'm in my late 40's and I am absolutely embarrassed how Vicki, Tamra and Shannon acted. I hate Vickie as much as I hate Ramona from NY, but Shannon hasn't bothered me to badly, but girl is trying waaaay too hard to be fun-not buying it. Why is it so fucking hard for these morons to have fun without being LOUD and DRUNK.? Christ on a cracker, learn to hold yor liquor by the time your 25! And Bravo, WIU is not funny, ever, and if that is all you got to show us, RH's is really circling the drain. What a waste of a fabulous trip.

    • Love 10
  2. This did nothing to improve my opinion of Sean.  If anything, he seems worse - possibly because now that he has married a woman who has fallen in line with what he wants, he no longer has to pretend not to be a completely selfish ass.  When I saw him and Catherine sitting with their Small Group from church I shuddered, because I don't know if it's just a southern Baptist thing, but I've had friends who got involved with that exact same kind of couples "love language" group discussions, and I watched them turn into people I didn't even recognize, especially my girlfriend who I'd been close to since high school.  She'd always been confident, independent, had opinions... but by the last time I was with her she was like some kind of 1950's Stepford wife who "understood" that God wanted her to be a good wife, which meant her husband was the master of the household, and what he says goes.  She started getting an allowance instead of being able to just use their joint account like she'd done before, she was admonishing HERSELF if dinner wasn't on the table at the time she had promised it would be, and weekend activities were decided by her husband which meant she started to go with him on hunting trips as basically his lackey.  I had to peace out from the friendship because watching all that made me feel ill, and I could feel the same stirrings when I saw that not only had Sean made a To Do list of chores that Catherine was to have done by the time he came home, but he had drawn a cross on it, as if to remind her that this is what God wants her to do.  So.  Gross. 



    It is so disgusting.  I am from the Dallas area and there are a lot of these types here.  I just can't be around them, at all.  Man's the head of the household!  Pfft, my DH and I are equal partners.  If he EVER left me a list he would find it up his ass. Of course in the south, god is used a lot to guilt people into things. Vomit

  3. No one can really know what is happening in someone else's family but from what we have seen I can see Kroy's family not accepting Kim, she is just gross and inconsiderate among other things.  I get the impression that Kroy has cut his family off just like Kim did to hers.  When they run out of money, which they will, I don't see Kim hanging around.  She has to be the most self absorbed person I have ever seen on reality tv. How does a mother of 4 small kids and a tween have time to take A SELFIE let alone thousands?  Like I said before, she is just gross.

    • Love 2
  4. Raiderred, that's all kinds of messed up. I would be upset too. It should be up to your sister to kick some $$$ down to her kids from her own share. There's three in my family too and mother's estate will be divided three ways, regardless of the fact that my brother has no kids and me and my sis have 4 each. 

    Yeah, it's messed up but hey, what can you do? Me and my DH have a great life despite it. And we help my two nieces out a lot because we like spoiling them. 

    • Love 1
  5. I hate when I hear all the talk about Jer getting the farm. THERE ARE 4 KIDS IN THIS FAMILY. It SHOULD be split 4 ways normally, but the favorites of a lot of families end up with more. There are 3 kids in my family but my dad informed me and my bro that the inheritance will be split 5 ways because my sis gave my parents two grandkids and me and bro gave them zero. My dh and I dont need the $ but it sure makes you feel unimportant when these type of decisions have to be made. Me and hubby bought our family business and paid good price. No special deal was made because we are family. My sis married a complete bum who hasnt had a job in years and my folk help support them. I think it embarrasses my sis but she still excepts the help.

    Sorry about the tangent, it just gets under my craw sometimes.

    • Love 7
  6. George Eads and I went to college together. He was" Phi Delt" and those were definitely the hot Greek guys. I was a GDI, but I had a good friend that was a Phi Delt and he always invited me to their parties. I must say George is still a looker!

    BTW, how did I know that there would be a lot of grey in George's remodel? (insert sarcasm) Gah, Jeff needs to rein it in on his drab pallette.

    • Love 3
  7. I've always loved Gage, 


    People who love their animals are the best kind of people, period. 



    Me, too!  

    And I totally agree with you about people LOVING their animals.  I am always suspicious of someone that hates animals. ALWAYS.

    • Love 6
  8. I found tonight's episode to be the best so far. I sure hope they can keep it on the air. I did not know that was John Ritters so until reading about it here but dang sure see the resemblance.

  9. That was a hoot! I watched that scene twice. I've actually been in a very similar situation with a roommate. I wish I could have been chill like Lu, but my reaction was somewhere between Heather's anger and Carole's disgust.

    Lakewood, I've gotta cop to watching it several times(slinks to the corner) as it is just such a typical "bawdy" Luanne thing to say.  The body language was priceless. I would have been just as pissed as Heather or Carol but this scene with Luanne just cracks me up.  You could see Heather's sheer shock at the at the nonchalant attitude in Lu's response.  It's worth several watches. 

    • Love 5
  10. I'm not in love with any of these fools but I really can't stand Ramona.  Anyway, the situation sucks that either Ramona or Luann put them in and I would be pissed, too, but I did get a pretty good chuckle out of myself when disheveled Lu(cigarette/liquor voice) shrugs her shoulders and says "No, not really."  I believe she has had MANY a  nekkid stranger stay the night.  Heather asked the wrong person.   

    • Love 8
  11. Am I the only one who thinks that the HW genre has outlived it's usefulness and is spiraling the drain?



    Nope!  I'm right there with ya.  I used to go straight to the DVR to watch any of the HW's but now I may get around to them a few days to a week after they air.  No more must see tv for me.  I didn't watch the entire season of Atlanta and I am getting close to that on OC.  NY still has me entertained but I'm sure that will change, too.  I have watched every city since the very beginning but I bailed on Miami and DC pretty early.

    • Love 4
  12. All I could think last night while watching, "The First Look", was that Vicki is stunted in her emotional capacity, like at about 8 or 9 years of age.  I am in my late 40's and my parents are in their late 70's so I could be in the same boat as Vicki at any time, it is just the circle of life.  As others have said her histrionics are just too much.  I think her initial reaction was fine maybe a bit over the top but everyone processes grief differently but several days later she still sounded like she was a damn child with the "mommy" stuff.  I also feel she lays it on pretty thick for the attention.


    As for meg and that poor young lady having to discuss her mother's impending death. Ack, meg you are rotten on so many levels.  I am sick that this woman is her stepmom.

    For some reason, I'm reminded of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer hears that a 90 year old passed away: "Wow, that makes you think!"


    Nice Seinfeld shoutout. ;)

    • Love 12
  13. I just happened on this show and stayed watching it. I got the feeling this woman is much more in love with this man than vice versa and I don't see them lasting too long. She has major "daddy" issues, which I don't blame her, her dad was a real piece of work. How could he NOT know what he did by cheating and eventually marrying the other woman would destroy his daughter? Narcissistic much, dude?


    And they are all much better friends to Ramona than she has ever been to any one of them. I think this is their point. She always treats everyone like shit and at some point folks just get tired of it. 


    The funny thing is that I completely expected this to be a redemption season for Ramona. She looked like such a giant jackass last year, and then had a horrible showing at the reunion. I expected that with her divorce she would make a much more sympathetic character.  Leave it to Ramona to screw up what should have been a slam dunk season by being herself. 

    Because Ramona is a dick, plain and simple.  

    • Love 10

    I feel like she and Vicki from OC should meet, on tv, for drinks, because it may create some kind of vortex and that would be interesting to watch.

    I absolutely LOVE this comment!  Although I did not think about a vortex(birlliant), I did think while watching either OC or NY that Ramona and Vicki are virtually the same damn reality person. NO filter, whatsoever!

    • Love 5
  16. It sounds like Heather had a ganglion cyst.  I had one removed from the base of my thumb once.


    I was thinking the same thing.  I had one removed at the first knuckle of my middle finger, must have used that finger waaaay too much. ;)  

    I don't know if it is the same everywhere in the country but in the south they are called "bible" cysts because in the past people would rid themselves of these cysts by literally smashing them with a bible-so I've been told. A plastic surgeon removed mine about 10 years ago.


    As for the Vicki reaction.  I got a similar call at my parents' house while I was alone about my best friend's death.  It was my best friend's mother thinking by calling my parents they could deliver the awful news to me because at the time me and my DH lived right by them.  As stated, I just happened to stop by mom and dad's and the phone rang so I answered.  To this day(16 years later), it is the hardest and most painful call I have ever gotten.  I only remember screaming and saying, "NO! NO! SHE CAN'T BE GONE!! The room was absolutely spinning.  I dropped the phone and I guess my DH hung it up when got there.  They finally got in touch with him at the office and he flew home.  I am still lucky enough to have both of my parents but they are getting up there in age and I know the day of the dreaded phone call will come.  I don't wish the pain of loss of a loved one on anyone. 

    • Love 4
  17. Jimmy's new in town. Jimmy's been watching you. Jimmy would like to get to know you.


    Jimmy's got some new moves.


    Oh wait. Jimmy's DOWN!


    Jimmy doesn't like misunderstanding. Jimmy and misunderstanding kinda clash. JIMMY HOLDS GRUDGES!


    Watch out or Jimmy's gonna dis-invite you to his OC benefit.

    Awesome ode to Seinfeld!  Thumbs up!!

    • Love 3
  18. I'm a kid from the 80's but was not a MC fan so I didn't know who Vince Neil was but I did recognize Gunnar.  I think Gunnar looks ridiculous with that damn hairstyle he has now so the long haired wig wouldn't have looked any more ridiculous.  Vince Neil looks bloated and sad to me and I like I said I wouldn't know him from Adam's snake. Note to Rain, "Honey, he's been married 4 times before don't get too attached."  Why do guys like this continue to get married?  Why don't they just keep a girlfriend or hookers?  Why mess up another person's life?

    • Love 2
  19. I seriously wonder if David's business does that well or if he needs Shannon's trust fund to fund his business?  How sure are we that David does really well, now or ever, in his business?  I am trying to figure out how a man or woman stays in a marriage being treating that horribly?

    My sister treats my BIL pretty badly and the idiot stays but he also has never really had a much of a job(they've been married for over 25 years and have two teens) and they get plenty of help from my parents but dang, I just can't see it being worth it.

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