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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. If you say so. In my experience, guys that age like to talk about partying, but at the end of the day they just sit around and drink a few beers. The living room carpet is probably the thing to worry about, because sloppy eaters.


    They said that they specialize in small market college towns, and they do a lot of field work to identify and recruit homeowners in those markets. AirBnB doesn't actively recruit specific renters , as far as I know, they are just a marketplace. 

    I graduated from Texas Tech University, located in a kind of smallish Texas town, Lubbock, and I can see where this would be a good idea there.  I personally wouldn't do it but I know so many people there that would

    • Love 1
  2. I hated the guest Shark.  He was a pompous asshole and although I don't care for Lori I was glad she beat him out just for the sheer fun of it.  Oh and the fancy Scully western shirts are so 2008.  

    "Windwhatever" was just plain weird and I agree he will be a nightmare to work with.

    STEM, uh huh, ok.

    I liked Coffee can guy and I hope he becomes successful.  I don't drink coffee but I can see a need for his coffee on the go.

  3.   Bottom line. It was my choice. Sometimes the treatment is just not worth it. Sometimes quality of life is better than quantity. 

      Is Brooks lying? Maybe. But how many people watching this crapfast may now look at the next person and question their status? There are some Idiots out there.

     And if Brook IS lying I will be furious at him. But frankly, I'd rather give the benefit of the doubt to one person who is lying about cancer  then open the door to question people who are legitimately sick.  I am just not going to go there if there is even a slim chance that Brooks is sick. 

    First, I am so sorry you are going through all of this,truly sorry.  Second, I am dealing with a health issue and that bolded area stood out to me and spoke to me completely. 

    • Love 4
  4. Ummm...ok, native Texan here so maybe a little jaded regarding tornado safety, but I have no idea what Brianna was talking about. They were gonna sit in their shelter for the entire time there was a tornado warning? Or else, go out to eat downtown? What?!? We will either be excessively safe or just go out and say, eff it?

    Native North Texan here, too and that was a ridiculous reaction to a tornado warning.  We have a "Family SAFE" room, or shall I say a big steel box 8'x8' in our master closet, and we have yet to spend any time in it.  We made sure that the two of us and three dogs could fit in there if a tornado actually hit the house but that is the extent of it.  Springtime storms have you on guard but you don't react the way they did.  I have been part of two tornadoes in my lifetime and I still don't think I would chose that ground shelter WITH Vicki during an F5 tornado.

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  5. Vicki has so many qualities that I find loathesome.  I thought her words and behavior tonight were despicable.  And even when Meghan is a bit out of line, or Brianna is judgmental, I just can't care. Anyone involved in an altercation with her automatically has the benefit of the doubt from me.  Vicki's heart seems filled mostly with self-centeredness, and the rest with a bold, ugly jealousy.  It's hard to watch her interact with people, and it's hard to watch people allow her behavior because of her "OG of the OC" status.  To me, she's the least likable Housewife of all.  

    I'm with ya on this one but I truly can't say who I can't stand more, Vicki or Ramona.  Like they say, "They are both cut from the same cloth".

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    After awhile it doesn't really matter if it's Teresa or Nene or Ramona or Brandi or Stereotypical Italian Woman #7 who's name we don't know yet, 'cause they're all doing the same thing.

    Absolutely agree.  I have not watched NJ nor do I plan on watching it.  NY and OC are really all I have the energy for and that bulb is dimming quickly.  Same shit different city.  I'll be happy when reality TV goes bye-bye. 

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    Exactly. I agree that Shannon will never be truly happy, but damned if anyone else is going to be happy either. 


    As for why David stays - perhaps she is using the kids to guilt him into staying.

    I agree completely.  My sister is married to a complete loser(no job for years) that has my parents help support them and I totally think he has convinced one of my nieces to worship the ground he walks on in order for him to stick around.  It's disgusting.  My older niece just started college many miles from home and seems VERY happy, but we also think she is totally on to her dad's game.  The younger niece is a Junior in HS so it will be interesting what happens to this toxic relationship when she leaves for college in two years.  I do NOT understand what makes women or men stay in these types of relationships.  Everyone around my sister knows she is stressed and miserable. 

  8. You are so right about Ramona's look. Also, have her nostrils always been that uneven? Her left nostril looks much smaller than the right. Either way it's kind of "carthartic" to see that the new facework didn't work. ;)

    I got a good long look at Ramona on my HDTV, and Ramona's last round of facial work did not turn out well.  She's somewhat lopsided around her lips and mouth, pulled too tight around the eyes, and even a little lumpy looking at some angles.

    • Love 2
  9. I was braced for the retching sounds, but they didn't happen.  I guess Vicki's motion sickness is situational and occurs only when she's not the center of attention.

    I certainly noticed this.  I get motion sickness so easily and I wondered why Tricki Vicki wasn't getting sick nor was she sitting with her body facing the front.  She is so full of shit.

    • Love 9
  10. How'd you like to be neighbors of these white trash folk?  Kroy doesn't understand gun safety and someone next door will get their child, their pet, themselves or their property shot.  Having grown up on a ranch and currently living on one today, you ALWAYS have to take into consideration ricochets, misses and bullets going through your target, ie., a possum. We have livestock surrounding us and we set up target practice in the bottom areas that are surrounded by trees. I guess the saying is true, "You can't fix stupid." 

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  11. Kim has hit the point of no return in the looks department and at this point she will only get more clownish looking(if that is even possible).  I agree with Swankie that when the Bravo/$$ stops Kroy will have a totally different feeling about this set up.  Of course, he doesn't look so great either.  I think he is either wearing mascara or fake eyelashes and probably makeup at this point.  Poor Ariana, does she even have a fighting chance of being normal?


    ETA-I fixed the poor 2nd girl's name.  

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  12. I have to say, there were quite a number of cringeworthy moments for me:


    1. Dorinda and John's dinner.  Memo to John: She's just not that into you.


    I came here to say the same thing.  Great minds!  


    I also think this episode was so tiring with all the bickering. I just don't care to be around that in real life and I sure don't like to watch it on my TV.  Andy has just run out of shit to show us. 

    • Love 4
  13. I saw an episode today that one of the questions was,"If you could learn a language in 24 hours, what would it be?"  Guy said, "MEXICAN!"  LMAO  But they decided to put it up on the board as Spanish, which to me, he answered incorrectly on the first try. Boo!

    • Love 1
  14. You're right Tamra, it's so unfair that you can't leave the room for a minute TO TALK ABOUT PEOPLE IN THAT ROOM BEHIND THEIR BACKS, without someone talking about you behind your back. There is no justice.


    This is so foul and so is this show.  I turned it off at this point.  

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