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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. Living at home with Mom and Dad is not uncommon in certain environments. Like down south. Or some places back East where whole families rent an entire building and it becomes a communal living arrangement. Or in certain cultures. Kids, cousins, aunts, uncles, distant relatives and acquaintances.

    I'm from the south and only about 3 hours north of Randy and his family and it is not common in Texas.  I was born and raised in NC Texas and have lived in every major city in the state except El Paso and this living arrangement is not common here.  It may be in the deep south but not in Texas.  There was definitely some weird vibe coming from this family.  

    • Love 1
  2. Once again, I see this particular patient as someone who could of lost the weight without the surgery.  He was fully capable it seems of losing a considerable amount of weight before the surgery. Why stop there is always my question?



                    As for his daughter, I got the feeling that Randy has a very bad temper.  His I will get this candy because I can and his loud its time to eat declarations kind of seemed like clues to me.   I can understand not wanting a child around someone like that, who can also not care for the child.

                  This family with their fondness of mac and cheese and a house full of grown children seems very dysfunctional to me.   I don't see Randy living on his own for too long.

    I got the same exact feeling about his temper.  Something was very scary how he snapped at his sister about the candy.  Also, I am at a complete loss as to why all those adults live at home with mom and dad. Very strange.

    • Love 2
  3. I think the bike lock guy should add an option that continues to shock the shit out of anyone that decides to steal it. Court adjourned!

    Just a quick comment on taking things that aren't yours.  My husband is a former police officer and he knew a guy that got so fed up with getting his Jeep broken into(cut through the cloth) to steal his stereo that he rigged some four pronged fishing hooks all along the back side of the stereo. No one ever bothered to try and get past that booby trap again.  He did find traces of blood from those that tried. ;)

    • Love 4
  4. I kept thinking about people (like me) with Raynaud's syndrome who can lose toes and fingers over getting too cold. I've had my toes go numb and completely translucent even with shoes on and heavy socks when it was maybe 30 degrees outside. That cryogenic thing's temperature just seemed like a very, very bad idea even in normal circumstances though. "It's a dry cold..." wasn't very convincing.

    Niksac, I'm a fellow sufferer of Primary Raynaud's and had it since early in life and a contraption like the Cryo machine makes my hands and feet turn yellow and cold just thinking about it. 

    • Love 2
  5. I just had to come here to say that "Erika Jane" was on our local Dallas radio station today and she was as obnoxious as the host Courtney Kerr.  She went on about being authentic and being a woman's woman, whatever the hell that means.  She was speaking as though her work on the housewives is curing cancer or lyme disease as it were.  Take it easy EJ you ain't that important nor are you that authentic. Anyway, they were just praising her for being so supportive of Yo at that point I had to change the station.  

    • Love 10
  6. Kathryn always looks so dopey. Mouth open, eyes bugged out. She's like Mr. Furley.

    If Lisa V wasn't rich, she'd be called an animal hoarder. I could see it if they had rescues. Enough with the animals woman.


    I agree with you on Kathryn's look and I also don't believe her when she says she has had no enhancements to her lips, BULLSHIT!  She had nice full lips before but they weren't that unnatural and effed up looking in her younger years.

    And yes Lisa is an animal hoarder but she is rich and can have hired help take care of them for her as she holds them or pets them for a few moments and tells them how sexy they are-SKEEVY.

  7. I thought Teretha was manipulative and actually enjoyed being taken care of by all of her family.  Her son seemed a bit over her antics. She talked a good story but not wanting to walk even a year after surgery and a huge weight loss, no bueno.  She is my age and as someone said upthread she looks so old.  I was shocked to see she was in her forties.


    All the care she had must have cost soooooooooooo much money.  I still wonder who pays for all of this care?  I don't mind giving anyone a hand up but a handout that never ends rubs me the wrong way.


    Meh, I hope she finally sees the light and realizes she can walk but I don't hold much hope for her.

    • Love 16
  8. Yeah I'm not sure about the whole dad resting his hand where he is. 



    Ryan Seacrest.  I was disappointed they did not catch the latest round of work.  Nothing like a change with the hair to try and distract from that.  Usually, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise grow a beard for "a role" to hide the latest lift and carry with their backs.  I'm think Seacrest might have been so tweaked at this point he has no pores left on his face to grow hair.


    Nothing had me rolling this week.  I don't care for Beyonce.  Don't care for her Superbowl show.  Not even a Bruno Mars fan.  He is okay but I am not as thrilled as even the average person let alone the couchies.  I don't care for How to Get Away with Murder.  I like it for the show to see the reactions, but like The Walking Dead it seems that when they view it, it seems more like a over-long commercial for the show. 



    Dang, I could have written this Tentatively. Great minds do think a like.  As far as the dad and resting hand it doesn't even faze me.  I think a dad with three daughters is usually pretty whooped by them.  My dad has me and my sis and he adores us.  My brother has to live up to a different standard than his sisters.  I have noticed that a lot in men that have daughters.  Most girls are daddy's girls.  My dad and I can butt heads quite often but we adore each other.  My sister is the opposite and doesn't butt heads at all so they get along all the time.  Of course, I am more like my dad and LOVE a good debate. ;)

    • Love 1
  9. I have a friend that is a therapist near Ashley's town and she would be a great therapist for her.  She has been called to several nursing homes in our area to work with some super obese people and she says all of them have suffered past abuse of some kind.  She said years ago there was a fairly young woman that was almost 500lbs that just laid in her bed at the nursing home and had just given up.  She and the staff tried desperately to help her but she just couldn't or wouldn't fight anymore and she ended up dying of a pulmonary embolism. 

  10. In the last year I have had some very serious health issues and had to have a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed in June and it has been the hardest journey in my life.  At first, I empathized with Yo because being sick for a long time is hard and VERY scary but now I am like all the others in thinking she may not be as ill.  I was forced into surgical menopause and it totally sucks but each day I think my body is starting to get used to balancing itself so now I am just annoyed more than scared at my future.  I honestly think part of Yo's issue is going through menopause, it just plain sucks!  

    • Love 13
  11. I totally agree with everyone on the need for therapy.  You don't get to 300+lbs without having an issue of some sort.  When I was in elementary school in the 70's we had a teacher that was morbidly obese, probably 350lbs-375lbs, not really that heavy compared to the folks we see on the show and just in everyday life.  Anyway, she was an awesome, awesome teacher and all the kids loved her.  The one thing I do remember is she always had very crusty, scaly legs.  I always thought it looked so itchy and painful but the fact was she could not reach that area to clean it.  They lived about a mile or two from us and her husband was a farmer and skinny as a rail and so were all her kids.  About 20 years ago I ran into her at a town hall meeting in our old hometown and she had had the surgery and was probably down 100lbs-125lbs but you could see where it had taken its toll on her and she ended up dying just a few years after I saw her.  It was such a shame that we lost such a sweet, smart teacher and human being.  I'm glad there are doctors out there that can help these patients but I think therapy MUST be part of the program.  

    My best friend suffered an eating disorder and when she went to treatment they explained that food addiction is one of the worst kind of addictions because you can cut drugs and alcohol out of your life but you need food to sustain you and she said they called it, "Petting the tiger every single day."  Sadly my best friend committed suicide almost 18 years to this day and her molestation by a neighbor is what kept her sick and sad.  She needed extensive therapy and back then she just wouldn't go after a while and the demons finally won.  It didn't help that her mom didn't believe her about the neighbor's abuse. ;(

    • Love 3


    Sorry, Texas. I just cant take that sun belt high pitched voice dim witted version of tired and cliched one dimensional femininity. Never could. 

    I don't blame you.  I'm from here and that persona grates to my very core.  I am a "real" cowgirl and I HATE when they ALWAYS portray Dallas as a cowboy/cowgirl city.  There is nothing about Dallas that is rural, nothing!  Most Dallasites wouldn't know a horse from a cow.  I actually have to drive through Dallas a lot with my horse trailer to get to get to a rodeo or to my vet in Grand Prairie and it is a nightmare to try to navigate in that city. Rrrrrr!

    • Love 3
  13. I suspect the hispanics they wanted had enough sense to decline being on this show.


    I have to admit when I saw the "throwing their hat" promo, I thought Courtney had managed to get herself another Bravo show, a la The Patty Duke Show. Those WERE different women, right?

    Ugh, Courtney!  I am shocked she is not on this show.  She is sooooo annoying on the radio in the afternoon.  She is a complete Debbiedowner. SMH

  14. I knew they would eventually reach my specific area of Texas and Kemp, Texas is only about 30 mins away from me as is Kerens, Texas.  I thought Ashley looked so familiar that I have probably seen her at the grocery store, Brookshire's, in Kaufman, Texas.  None of this family's lifestyle surprises me at all.  I am not from East Texas as I grew up in North Texas but have lived in East Texas for about 13 years and most of the people out here are very uneducated and there is tons of white trash here.  The land and most of our area is gorgeous with very lush pastures and huge oak trees but the people definitely leave much to be desired.  I think most of the "People of Walmart" come from my area.

    I am happy to see Ashley really giving it a try but I do think she is still extremely depressed.  I hope she can get help for it.  Her husband is very typical for around here and the overalls didn't faze me, either.  

    Subways are abundant in our area but none are drive-thru.  The Brookshire's grocery store that they showed does have a deli but it doesn't have very healthy choices because most of the folks out here eat the same things she eats. White bread is a staple in this area.  We live on a big ranch out here and we have a beautiful garden with our own chickens.  We also have an abundance of wild hogs and deer so you can definitely eat lean and healthy out our way. 

    I also thought Ashley's husband looked almost as heavy as she was when they first went to Dr Now.  I wanted him to step on that scale so badly.  Talk about living in denial. 

    • Love 5
  15. I had to laugh when Yolanda was asked if she was going to Erika's show and said she wans't but would like to see her show someday as she had never seen her performe before. I thought Yolanda has know Erika for years, so why hasn't she ever been to an Erika Jayne show before? Are they REALLY friends or is this another example of Yolanda's friends MUST support her but don't expect her to return the support? LOL

    Great minds think alike, Wirewrap!  I thought the same exact thing.  Also, I have never warmed up to Erika and find her to be boring almost like she is taking too many benzos or something.  She has to use "Erika Jane" as a way to let go and even then she doesn't do too well.  I thought her performance was blah and auto tuned to the hilt.

    Eileen is like me when it comes to bags and shoes, who gives a shit?!

    • Love 8
  16. I have only read the first two pages so I don't know how many times this has been brought up but I think most of Yo's problems are menopause.  I just went through a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed about 6 months ago and what she is describing her symptoms to be sounds so much like what I am currently facing.  Going through menopause is one thing that can be very difficult on women but being thrust into it overnight is certainly not for the faint at heart.  I have never felt so horrible in my entire life.  I am an extremely active individual and for the last few months menopause has severely altered my way of life.  The depression and anxiety, which I never had before are horrible.  I WILL get through this but it is very rough. When Yo said the anxiety, depression, brain fog and exhaustion were so tough I thought, "Girl, you are going through menopause."  It ain't for sissies. 

    • Love 9
  17. Oh my!  That video of Brielle getting lip injections is disgusting! Why are these young girls defiling their beautiful bodies?  It's bad enough grown-ass people mess themselves up with most plastic surgeries and fillers but young people, ugh!

    • Love 2
  18. Ugh, it's happening.  My city is now going to be shown as an idiot city, which it is not.  I was a loyal RHW follower up until last year and now I have bailed on most of them and just don't see them as must watch shows anymore.  I don't live IN Dallas but I was reared about an hour from there.  I am currently about an hour from Dallas now and it will be cool to see all the landmarks but I'm sure these women will make Dallas look foolish like the rest of the women from other cities.  


    I saw Courtney Kerr commenting on the show on one of our news stations here and she is just as annoying as she was on "Courtney Does Dallas" or whatever her damn show was called.  She is on a radio station that I used to listen to but since she is now on there in the afternoons I just can't listen to her.  


    I will be so happy when the RHW franchise is dead and gone.

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  19. I think I identify with Egber "bed mom" because we are about the same age and my husband is as clueless about pop culture as her husband seems to be.  The looks she casts his way are very similar to mine. I really identify with most of the couchies that are my age.  I also identify with Julie and Brandy because I have the same sense of humor.  I really like all the couchies. 

    • Love 2
  20. I just couldn't watch this, after it got into the trial stuff and how it was swung to prosecute Mark Furman and the LAPD instead of focusing on all the evidence against Simpson. It upset me then, it's even worse now. I remember when the not-guilty verdict was given, we were watching at work and the one black woman who worked with us whooped it up like she'd just won the lottery. That's when I realized people were judging Simpson on a "us-vs.-them" meter. Didn't matter if he was a double murderer, he was black so should get off. That thinking boggled my mind. It still boggles me today. I can't comprehend it. Nor can I think that way.


    As for the glove thing, give me a pair of my own gloves and I can fake not being able to get them on, too.


    I hated this being on again, although seeing all the pre-trial stuff was good. Except it also reinforced how he was guilty as all heck and still got off Scot free to play golf in Florida whenever he liked.

    I so agree with you on all counts.  I also felt that those former bloody WET! gloves would shrink so of course they wouldn't fit now!!! 

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