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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. 1 minute ago, SweetieDarling said:

    They didn't remove Marissa's ovaries, so she shouldn't need any HRT.  Still, she's been through emotional and physical hell and her hormones are still haywire from just having had a baby.  I don't think anyone is blaming her.  I agree, her doctor seemed dismissive of her complaints.  I hope they had a more in depth conversation, privately, when the cameras weren't rolling.

    Thank you SWEETIEDARLING!  I'm glad they didn't have to remove her ovaries and yes all the hormone upheaval from just having a baby is enough. Wowza!  I hope her ovaries kick back in soon as sometimes they get shocked from a partial hysterectomy and go off line for a while or in some cases they never come back.  Did she have uterine cancer? Cervical cancer? Fibroids? Cysts? Why did they have to do a hysterectomy?  Sorry for so many questions.  Thanks again for the information! <wave> 

    BTW, I didn't mean to implied that anyone was blaming her because I have never watched this show before but I wanted to stress how hard a hysterectomy can hit some women even when their ovaries are kept intact. 

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  2. I have never watched this show, so sorry for my ignorance about these ladies but I decided to record it when I saw the previews for Marissa.  I had a hysterectomy about a year and a half ago and the emotions and extreme sadness are desperately real.  My heart just ached for her and how the doctor had a "There, there woman." attitude!!  Is she on any hormone replacement therapy(HRT)?  If she is not, there is a real reason for her sadness and inability to bond with that sweet baby.   IT IS NOT MARISSA'S FAULT!  I have never been depressed in my life before my surgery and about 6 weeks after I fell apart. It is the scariest, toughest thing I have ever been through and only in the last 6 months have I gotten much better due to changing the type of HRT I am using and adjusting the dose.  I did all the research and my gynos(yes there were a few!)had no clue how to treat me, as they think HRT is a one stop shop for all women.  Uh, it's not. I have a gyno that is clueless about my HRT but at least she prescribes it and lets me do the adjusting. I know my body better than anyone.  The medical community is clueless when it comes to surgical menopause, clueless!  What were the circumstances of her emergency hysterectomy?  Did she also have her ovaries removed?  

    Sorry but this stuff hits so close to home for me and I hate to see any woman suffer and have to go through it alone.  Get her some freakin estrogen as it looks as though her body is not making enough of it!!! 

    • Love 8
  3. 20 minutes ago, OSM Mom said:

    I thought TLC paid for all of the surgery and hospital stay. 

    Does TLC have this kind of money?  These shows aren't that popular.  A stay at the hospital for folks with insurance is HUGE.  Insurance makes even post-op open-heart surgery patients get the hell out after a week or so.  Her bill, no matter who pays, has to be astronomical.  All of this boggles the mind.

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  4. There have been comments on the hernia surgery and how Dr. Now just stuffed everything back in there.  We raise horses and when they have a severe blockage/colic, they get the same kind of surgery.  Kirsten's guts looked almost identical. Mr Raider watched with me(usually doesn't) his first comment was, "That looks like colic surgery!"  The vets stuff those intestines back in just like Dr. Now did.  She weighed almost as much as a small horse.  All my life of owning horses I have only had one with colic surgery and she is now a happy 22 year old girl. =) We are at the large animal vets a lot and have gotten to witness colic surgery many times and it is fascinating. 

    I was confused about the therapy sessions. Didn't she see a therapist/psychiatrist while she was in the hospital for months??? How did the gang rape  not come up during any of those sessions??  So many unanswered questions.

    Who pays for MONTHS stays at a hospital!?! 

    Neiko and his sister are screwed if they don't get major therapy!

    • Love 6
  5. On 1/5/2017 at 0:59 PM, Cranky One said:

    I wonder if it's because Spanish is his native language? Maybe his parents spoke Spanish at home. My mother-in-law is French Canadian and has been in the U.S for at least 50 years and very rarely speaks French and she still speaks with an accent.

    Dorit on the other hand....

    My two teenage nieces were both born and raised in Madrid, Spain for the first 10 years and 12 years of their lives.  They now live in Texas and neither of them have an accent at all.  My sister had a fairly strong Texas accent when she moved to Madrid to marry her (loser) husband almost 30 years ago.  She is now back in Texas and she has a slight Texas accent but not strong.  Her husband still does NOT know English even though his wife and two teenage daughters are completely fluent in both languages!  When they lived in Spain my sister would only speak to the girls in English and her husband, obviously, only spoke Spanish to them.  They all have lived in the U.S. now for over 5 years and my sister now speaks Spanish to the girls a lot, not all the time.  BIL is surounded by English speaking people and will not even try to speak English!!!  My family can speak Spanish but only my dad will carry on a conversation with him in Spanish because he likes to practice his Spanish.  I can't believe it is possible to be around another language for nearly 30 years and not learn that language!!! Of course, my BIL is lazy so that might have everything to do with it. Ugh

    A side note:  My sister was an exchange student in Australia for a year when we were in HS and she came back sounding like an Aussie! My brother went to Denmark for a year and did not come back with a Danish accent. Go figure!

    • Love 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    Cotton? Shame, shame, shame. Could he still be so sexy wearing cotton? 

    They are in SoCal so isn't the climate already warm most of the time?  That poor thing pants constantly!  The other dog is not panting with a full (REAL) coat and poor Giggy just does not stop panting!  I don't like the VP-T's! 

    I hope the panting isn't pain because he has seemed to pant since his first appearance.

    Wow, how many times can I use the word, "pant"??? yikes

    • Love 1
  7. On 1/18/2017 at 2:39 PM, princelina said:

    (Remember George Costanza demanding the apology from James Spader on Seinfeld? :)


    I was reading your post and thought about George C. before you even mentioned it!!! LOL  

    "I can't help it that you stretched out the neck of the sweater. Your head is the size of a melon!"  I know it is not verbatim but I tried.   ; ) God I love Seinfeld!  Thanks for the reference.

    • Love 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Sile said:

    The math isn't working for me, or I missed something.  She said she was 28 when she got the kids and she's now 42.  That's 14 years, but the little girl is only 11?  Those were also some pretty severe salon acrylics that Ukiah was sporting towards the end of the episode.


    Count me in on one that was also confused with the math.  I thought maybe I just misread the age of the kids and I didn't bother to go back. Something isn't adding up, though.

    • Love 1
  9. I'm surpised I forgot to mention this. Did anyone get a look at all the laundry dtergent bottles, bags and containers Cynthia had??? I sometimes buy more detergent looong before it's tim, but that was in sane. I thought Cyn could star in "My 600 lb Life" "Hoarders" AND an extreme buying show----don't watch any of the couponing shows but I've seen previews.  I think Ms Cynthia has other addictions!

    • Love 3
  10. 4 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

    Endocrine disorders can affect weight (something I am personally familiar with). But it doesn't do it on its own.

    The hard truth that many obese people (myself included) have a hard time understanding is that all of the physical things that we blame for our obesity are just factors. It means that we're more likely to be overweight than our counterparts, but it's not that we're doomed if we are careful with our diets and get plenty of physical activity. Endocrine imbalances and things like polycystic ovarian syndrome are not the be all/end all of the problem.

    HANA CHAN, I totally agree with this and forgive me for my "hormone" rant as I had never really put the two together until my hysterectomy-sad.  I do not have a weight issue but a lot of issues really came up when I hit my 40's.  I got my degree in exercise physiology and love learning any kind of science but this truly alluded me until I had an ovarian cyst rupture and had to end up with a hysterectomy. We all go into perimenopause but I did not realize the changes(on the inside especially) that happen to women and so many times these things go on for years. They actually thought my problem was diverticulitis and not reproductive as the pain was always low left quadrant.  I was in my early forties when the GI issues all started, hmmmm, same time I could possibly start perimenopause!   Testing for sexual hormones is very unreliable because you are only getting a tiny picture of what your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are doing at that very moment the blood is drawn so they have got to do more research into why we, especially women, go through so many problems and diseases.  I was told for years that I had fibromyalgia and took Cymbalta for the pain.  I do not suffer any of those joint pains anymore that my estrogen has been supplemented.  Women have got to help other women and not stay so silent about what can happen to your body when you hit perimenopause. My mother had not spoken about her journey and it was pretty awful, too.  Anyway, I don't mean to get off topic but hormones are a funny thing!

    Back to regular programming.  Cynthia, teach those boys to be product citizens and don't just use Ukiah as your personal Cinderella!!! I have a younger brother and, hell yeah, he had to clean and do chores just like me and my sister!  My husband was also taught this by his single, raising two boys-mother. It's 2017!

    • Love 2
  11. 6 hours ago, Azubah said:

    I agree with others that Cynthia had a bad attitude. But she probably wasn't lying when she said she was hungry all the time. And it's entirely possible that her hunger is physical and not some psychological problem. It's far more likely that she has some hormonal imbalance that is screwing up her appetite control. I get kind of tired of Dr. Now insisting that the surgery works exactly the same for everyone and if it doesn't, then you need psychological help. Weight, appetite, etc., are very complex and poorly understood. 

    Just curious, Azubuh, if it is hormonal, what is the treatment?  I had a hysterectomy about a year and a half ago and I NOW can totally understand everything causing maladies when hormones are out of whack, especially estrogen.  It has been a loooong journey but slowly increasing my estrogen(no progesterone because I had my uterus removed-I know TMI!) and waiting through horrible symptoms of estrogen adjustment has been rough.  I honestly think that a lot of women who suffer weight or other medical problems can closely look at their hormones(imbalances) and see that might be the issue but healthcare is not even close to that kind of care or technology. Instead we have to suffer with gynecological issues and then they barbarically take out our female organs!  Sorry for the rant but I am of the belief that balanced hormones, especially estrogen, are of the utmost importance to optimal health.  Hell, a lot of doctors still believe if a woman has PCOS that having her ovaries removed will fix it!  So very frustrating!!

    Cynthia probably has an endocrine disease and there for a hormone imbalance but she also has a stank attitude.  

    • Love 6
  12. 7 hours ago, notyrmomma said:

    looks like I need to quit my job as a CPA in SoFla and become a teacher in OK. 

    As I was watching it, I was just imagining all the comments that would roll in about how it can be to cheap cook healthy meals.  But it's true, the internet is FULL of websites devoted to healthy eating on a budget.  Maybe she should teach Cinderella to use the internet.

    She kept saying that her family was full of "big people," but I didn't see any.  Did I miss something?  Her kids even looked normal sized, which is rare.

    And last but not least, when she said she had to do it "my way"...kiss of death.  Doesn't she even watch this show?

    If your job pays more than about $50k than don't quit!  I have a friend that is a special education teacher with a master's degree and she makes around $55K a year and she is in fabulous shape. She is exhausted after each day at school because she literally has to help some wheelchair bound students use the restroom. She loves those kids and if she saw Cynthia and how she made, not only her own kids do all the work, but her students she would be pissed.  

    Your Cinderella comment was so funny but it saddens me that Ukia(sp?) is treated so poorly.

    I thought her family looked big but not super obese like she is. I was so happy to see that her kids love getting out and playing and not just seated in front of the videos games.

    "My way" was absolutely the kiss of death.  I knew very early in when she blew up at her poor brother that she was done!

    • Love 2
  13. Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia. Denial be thy name.

    On 1/18/2017 at 7:58 PM, junemeatcleaver said:

    Wait a second, this woman has two teenage sons but the little 11 year old girl has to cook for six other people and herself?  This is the first time someone on this show has pissed me off.

    That pissed me off to no end!!! Poor little girl, she was soooo sweet and I just wanted to come up there and watch her dance and give her a big hug!  I'm only about 4 hours from OKC!  

    This evil woman rules with brace (oops brass) knuckles to EVERYONE in her life. Don't dare cross her! BITCH!!

    • Love 7
  14. I am so grossed out by both pictures. This woman is almost 40 and has 6 kids!  5 of of the six are still young enough to NEED their mother. The oldest is a lost cause but the other 5 are just so unlucky to have her as a mother.  Kim K is just as gross. What has SM done to people???

    • Love 1
  15. On 12/15/2016 at 10:22 AM, Lizzing said:

    My big take away from this episode is that there's no way I could have ever hacked it as a Scientologist if I had to be in meetings for twelve hours straight for weeks on end, and read all that crap.  I'm way too lazy for the meetings and LRH is a horrible writer, so the first book would be tossed in the donation pile probably by the time I got to page 3.

    BWAH!  LIZZING, I felt the exact same way!  I told my husband that I am too damn lazy for all that shit.  We actually had a business meeting in Clearwater a few years ago and I had no idea that was CO$'s hometown!  I remember seeing the building but had no clue it was CO$!  Clearwater's beaches are beautiful.

    LRH teeth are fucked up and I bet his breath stunk!

    • Love 3
  16. I watched this episode last night and I finally figured out some things about Kim. First, she is just an unlikable woman. Second, she is so uncomfortable in her own skin.  Third, she looks so much like her dad, even with all the hideous work she has had done.

    Kim, please stop trying to make KJ happen, he ain't cute.

    Kroy, grow some balls and speak up about the train wreck happening right in front of your face, you ignoramus!  You can tell he doesn't like Brielle, but hey, who can blame him?

    Tracy is just gross.

    • Love 8
  17. I liked the MIT guy and his doggie but I always want to jump off of the couch and scream when someone says they feed their dogs or cats COOKED meat and vegetables!   Dogs and cats are carnivores!  What about them is in any way herbivore or omnivore?  When was the last time we witnessed  wolves, coyotes, wild dogs, lions and tigers COOKING up their tasty kills with lots of veggies?  I know I am unconventional but my dogs eat only raw meaty bone meals(80% meat, 10% bone and 10% organ).  Any kind of all natural meats/bones/hide/feathers/fins, etc(2%-3% of their body weight).  People literally gasp when they hear that or certainly when they see my dogs eating raw.  If my dogs want to eat grass it's fine with me but I do not supplement with any veggies.  I would rather see pets eating the Pet Plate meal and not eating any kind of kibble but it is just not necessary to go through all the steps of chopping veggies and cooking their meat.  My three dogs(1 Doberman-4 yrs and 2 Dachshunds-10 and 12 yrs) would eat a bowl of veggies in a heartbeat because they are opportunists, but their bodies don't need them.  People always comment on how good my dogs look, especially vets.  Pet food companies and vets can not make money on raw meaty bones so they trying and fear people out of feeding it.  I have found a vet that thinks it's a great idea and sees the proof in them.  I have done this for years and years with almost all my dogs, past and present.  Also, no vaccinations after their one year birthday. YMMV   

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