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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. 3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Maybe Dallas women with money are inherently tacky, I don't know, but they are ridiculously status conscious.  I would think those with wealth let their neighborhood/car/clothing/status speak for itself.  These people are pathetic. 

    In all honesty, I think women like this are in every damn city in the nation...actually the world.  I think fame whores lurk everywhere. The famous line:  Money talks, wealth whispers seem apropos in all cities even the smaller ones. 

    I have met Margot Perot and H.R.(were aren't bowling buddies or anything) and they are the most salt of the earth folks out there.  Margot supports a Girls Scout ranch in East Texas and we have donated many horses to them and they are always so very grateful and everyone that works on that ranch loves them.  I know a few little girls that have attended the ranch in the summers and they absolutely fall in love with the husband and wife that have run the place for decades. I was at the hospital in Dallas one time and H.R. pulled into the parking lot in his late 90's model Crown Vic(love it!) and helped me back my dually truck into the tiny hospital parking spot. To be honest I didn't need help, as I can squeeze that sucker into any spot, but it made me giggle to think how this "normal" old guy wanted to help me out. That family has done so much for the area it is unbelievable and so wonderful.

    Texas is full of old oil money and there are plenty of wealthy folks around that you would have no clue were as wealthy as they are and they wouldn't be shown dead on a show like the HW's!

    • Love 10
  2. 6 hours ago, Valentine said:

    That Woof Gang Bakery is a few blocks from (gasp!) Plano. Far from Highland Park!

    LMAO!  I was born and raised in North Texas and the HP stuff cracks me up!  I couldn't give a rat's ass about fitting in with most of those folks in or around HP.  My family still owns a lot of old family land (Plano area) and they have always snickered about the uppities in N. Dallas.   I see a physician in the Uptown area and I often eat lunch and stop at the Whole Foods(produce is amazing) on Lemmon Ave and those people over there are soooo waxy, fake and seem mostly unhappy.  I live about an hour east of Dallas and although the people out here are a bit, uh "Klanish", at least they are very friendly at the local Brookshires grocery store and don't get all glammed up to go out the door.  Dallas HW's, a little makeup can go a  loooong way, just sayin. 

    5 hours ago, DFWGina said:

    Interesting first episode.   What was bothering me with Stephanie is that her face in the talking heads was a totally different color than her neck, shoulders,chest and arms.  It was very distracting.  And yes, maybe a little overboard on the fillers.   Brandi's skin did not look great to me either.    And yes Cary looked odd too.  Like I think it was a premature eye lift that went wrong but I am just guessing.    I haven't lived in Dallas very long (4.5 years) and do not run in any society circles  but have not seen the Simmons name anywhere in Dallas that I recall...  It could just be me.  I hear family names like Perot (museum, women's wing at hospital), Winspear (opera house), Margaret Hunt Hill (bridge),  Nasher (art)...  I am sure there are many, many more that someone who has lived here longer would know including maybe hers....  The blonde woman - who would create "organic" dog food and then use some sort of artificial color to make it pink.

    I'm here to watch though!  

    Harold Simmons is where the money comes from but I have no idea if this is the same family.  My best friend(RIP) was kin to the Simmons family but didn't share in that wealth! LOL

    • Love 4
  3. 3 hours ago, steelcitysister said:


    Raider, I cannot help you from personal experience but -- did you know there is a Women's Health thread on PTv? I discovered it a few weeks ago when I was posting in the Beauty thread. Women's Health is in the Health and Wellness subforum, which is in the Off Topic section (or just follow the link below!) The thread does not seem terribly active but you could share your experience and questions there -- it's possible some posters who don't frequent the HWs threads will see it and might have some suggestions.



    STEELCITYSISTER, thank you so very much for the info. I will definitely check it out!  Sorry to go off topic, y'all. 

    • Love 4
  4. 3 hours ago, Giselle said:

    I'm not there yet (menopause) but I'll keep a good thought for you. Hope you find an HRT regimen that works for you.

    Giselle, you are so very sweet.  I will be a word of warning to please do tons of research before having a hysterectomy with ovaries removed. There is a reason we were born with all these parts and make all those hormones.  I wish it was more talked about especially on show like the RHW's.  I would love to hear of any of these women having gone through a total hysterectomy and been ok and gotten balanced on hormones.  I'm fairly sure that one of the women on "Sweet Home Oklahoma" had a full hysterectomy but she never talks about it. If she is using HRT it must not work too well because she seems to be in a constant hot flash with her fans and sweating a lot.  It gets very lonely out here and I think women should speak up for other women.  I want some damn success stories!  Ok, stepping of off my soapbox now.  Again, Giselle, thank you so much.

    P.S. If anyone wants to PM with their success story or someone they know that had a full hysterectomy I would really appreciate it. Honestly, I do feel as though I am a complete weirdo who can not find any kind of balance on any estrogen(patches, gels, creams, pills, troches, etc.).  It's scary and very lonely. ;....) Thanks for any help y'all.

    • Love 12
  5. Ok, I am only on page 4 so bare with me if this has already been talked about.

    A)  Tinsely is not very into Scott and it shows.  How can he say he "loves" her after only knowing her for days/weeks.  Scott, please slow your roll and watch her love of the drink, that will come back to haunt you later. He seems cool, so far and she just thinks she wants a huzzband. 

    B) Was Beth dating the hockey player or what? I was so confused about that scene.

    C) The times I have visited NYC it was in the summer and it is damn hot there and I see a lot of window units. Carole is rich enough for at least a window unit or even put the damn screens in because those cats can not be comfortable! I'm a Texan and I know how muggy weather and she is just so strange.

    D) I still like Dorinda and would love to hang out with her, and to whoever said she is Princess Diana's doppelganger, you are so right. She is so cute.

    E) Beth, you will NEVER be happy or content.

    F) Seriously, what is wrong with Sonja? Is it just alcohol or is it something like Bi-polar because she is everything to everything in all ways. Very strange woman.

    G) Ramona, is just Romona, not much has changed.

    • Love 10
  6. 18 hours ago, Box305 said:

    I'm starting to experience hot flashes and man, they are no joke. Getting old is not fun. 

    I had to have a total hysterectomy(with ovaries removed) 2 years ago and never experienced them and MANY other disturbing symptoms of instant menopause, it is absolutely no joke. I am even on HRT and tried many different ones at different doses and have not found the right one yet and it is miserable.  Those of you that go into menopause gradually feel lucky because being thrown in it literally overnight is life changing and not in a good way.  After going through all of this, I do not find any humor in menopause jokes-NONE.

    Sorry to get off of topic. 

    • Love 20
  7. On 8/2/2017 at 9:10 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    I love Luann but man she's had the Palm versus West Palm Beach thing coming for a long while! Big difference and Luann knows it.

    Hiding in the corner raising hand......what is the difference?  Sorry, I'm from Texas and I don't understand this argument. 

    • Love 1
  8. 17 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

    Tequila still is 'that drink' for me. We had a messy breakup when I was 19. A decade and a half later and I still can't stomach the smell of it. *shudder*

    I am with y'all on the non love affair with Tequila.  It has been many decades since our split and even though I did not go to the hospital I probably should have! Ick! Margaritas are a staple here in Texas and my head and stomach run hiding at even the thought of it.  I even have a friend named Margarita, so I just call her "Daisy" instead! ;) The memories make me shudder.

    Even with all the tequila I still really liked the episode and this season has been so much better than the dreck of OC. 

    • Love 8
  9. On 7/25/2017 at 10:50 AM, poeticlicensed said:

    As far Shannon, she needs to go see a real doctor. Her hormones are out of control. A doctor (not Mr Gym Rat or Eastern Crystal guy) can assess her hormone levels and get her appropriate meds.

    I agree!  I have been in the menopausal minefield for two years after having a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed.  This is no joke and the body issues and changes are second to me over the fucking mind games that hormones play with our precious brains. I have tried some many HRT's and I either feel like I have too little estrogen or too much so I do feel so sorry for Shannon or any woman going through this insanity.  I hope she finds a doctor that listens and doesn't just think hormones are drugs and expects a certain outcome because it is all so individual.  Bood work is a decent starting point but how we feel tells the true story. Stress is our worst enemy in menopause!  

    • Love 4
  10. On 7/19/2017 at 3:53 PM, lilmarysunshine said:

    I am from Texas, too. And part of it is I sort of resent the underlying theme that they are sort of outliers and Oklahoma and the South, in general, are not all bad and backwards because .... LOOK! (Though I do like the segments with regular people from OK.)

    LMS, YES!  This is exactly how I feel about the underlying theme.  We aren't all super conservative in the south.  I am only conservative when it comes to fiscal situations but I am very liberal when it comes to social issues, I actually consider myself a libertarian.  BTW, I also love the random interviews with local Okies.

    • Love 3
  11. 14 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    Gave it another shot and still feel the same - they just try way too hard for me and they are too impressed by themselves and their wit. 

    I'll show myself out. 

    I am with you on this.  I have tried and I just don't think they are funny or clever. It all seems so contrived. I'm a Texan and don't live too far from OKC but I think my friends are much funnier and more original than this group. YMMV

    • Love 2
  12. On 7/11/2017 at 5:49 AM, Lizzing said:

    And now I kinda want to go to Amarillo and try the steak at Big Texan, just not the 72 oz one.

    Ick! Lizzing, don't waste a visit to Amarillo to go to the Big Texan, it's a tourist trap.  Beef is king in the panhandle and there are so many good steak places to visit.  I lived in Amarillo for years and my family is from the panhandle. You'd be better off getting a steak at Golden Corral or the like. LOL  If you do make it to Amarillo go check out Cadillac Ranch which is a few miles west of Amarillo on I-40-whacky stuff.  I'm quite surprised that they didn't tape a scene over there.

    • Love 2
  13. On 3/30/2017 at 0:31 AM, swankie said:

    I truly believe that if he wasn't a morbidly obese hosebeast he would be a serial killer. 

    I actually said this to my DH!  This guy was a sadist.  I could endure Manson as a house guest before I could handle this dude on just Facetime!  Holy shit!

    • Love 4
  14. They all need to LEARN to shoot before thinking of guns as toys.  They need to head to the nearest shooting range and learn properly.  I learned early on that guns are NOT toys and they are to be respected.   Either way, they are idiot parents.  Kim thinks about having more kids............................TAKE CARE OF THE ONES YOU CURRENTLY HAVE!!!!!!!

    • Love 3
  15. 22 hours ago, OSM Mom said:

    I currently live in Far west Texas.  Lol  And my experiences with Lubbock were 40 years ago.  So I'm sure it's changed.  

    I had a nice response typed out and my computer decided to eat it so...eh.  

    At least you don't have to deal with the humidity in far west Texas! ;)  My niece attends Tech and we go out there often and it shocks me how things have changed in 20+(sigh) years.  It certainly was fun back in the day.  40 years ago I could see it being a bit boring especially if you weren't in school out there. 

    10 hours ago, notyrmomma said:

    I think it depends on what kind of nurse she is and what is considered a "healthy income."  I checked glass door.com and the average salary when using the generic term "nurse" was an average of about $57,000 in Lubbock, TX.  Is that a good salary for that area?  Where I live, that salary would not be enough to have my family live in a nicer house.  Also, where I live (which has a high senior citizen population), nurses that work in the nursing homes seem to earn much less (and at the nursing home my father was at, they seem to be way less of a caliber than the nurses at the hospital, but YMMV).

    $57 k a year in Lubbock or Wichita Falls is pretty good money.  The cost of living is very low in those towns.  Land is cheap and taxes low but we all know there is a trade off to living in or around a large metro area.  They would be considered mid-sized towns not big cities like Dallas, San Antonio or Houston.

    • Love 1
  16. On 2/2/2017 at 10:51 PM, OSM Mom said:

    My husband was in tech school for the Air Force there.  Armpit was too high on the body. More like a festering boil on the buttocks of Texas.  Lubbock was not much better.  

    Hey now!  Obviously from my name, I am an alumna of Tech. Lubbock is a fantastic college town and often gets a bad wrap but I understand in a way.  I have lived over the entire state of Texas except for far west Texas and far south Texas and my personal opinion is that Corpus Christi is the anus of Texas! ;) 

    • Love 2
  17. I'm very familiar with Wichita Falls(many consider it the armpit of Texas-it's not a very attractive area but the people are nice) and I highly doubt it costs that much to rent a house or even buy one like the one they lived in.  I kind of thought they were still living beyond their means like most folks seem to do these days.  They seemed nice so I wish them well.  I am not even a "kid" person and I thought those kids were adorable.  When the little boy told Doug, "I love eating breakfast with just you." Heart melted.

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