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Posts posted by raiderred1

  1. 17 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    My doc offered to put me on hormones, basically birth control to regulate my symptoms. Bc makes you have regular periods. I said no thanks. I can imagine shannon going on hormones. 

    BC pills are synthetic and your body doesn't use them the same as they would bio identical(estrogen and progesterone exactly the same as your body makes)hormones.  I have found that gynecologists are the worst at understanding or prescribing hormones. There are doctors that specialize in it and you can stay on low doses to control horrible symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. There are many women that stay on them all their lives and feel great. I know ladies in their eigthties that are still on them and very active and healthy.

  2. 17 hours ago, Thumper said:

    Regulating with hormones?  Never heard of this.  The symptoms sound like the basic peri-menopause, "change of life" symptoms.

    It's nice not to have periods, but ther are downsides, as mentioned previously.  And little-discussed -- things dry up.  Just saying.

    YES!  This used to be commonplace until the WHI study in 2002.  This study was later found to be flawed and it only looked at women on SYNTHETIC Premarin/Prempro not bio identical hormones.  I truly believe it would have saved me losing my ovaries and not going through the anguish of immediate menopause when they were removed.  Hormones taken in conservative doses can be very beneficial for women, especially during perimenopause.  My gyno had many chances to put me on progesterone BEFORE I suffered with very painful cysts on my ovaries but she chose to ignore it until one ruptured and became septic and then I had to have a full hysterectomy with ovaries removed and I have not been the same, even on hormone replacement. I hope Shannon is on hormones and it helps with all that ails her during peri and meno. 

    • Love 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Higgins said:
    13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Most shocking thing to me is that Shannon doesn’t at the bare minimum use O.B., I would have thought she was a DIVA cup person.

    I abhor OB tampons. The DIVA cup just won't fit right. The struggle.

    I have a feeling those were one of the daughter's tampons and not Shannon's.  Isn't she in menopause? I kind of recall her talking about it or something.  And I hated OB's, too! 

    • Love 2
  4. 15 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

    The lawyer and her hubs... no disrespect but in the first episode when we first met him I thought he was her gay bestie. I wouldn't be surprised if he's in the closet and had to get married to get the inheritance or whatever... There was ZERO sexual or romantic chemistry btwn the two of them. They don't even seem to be besties who got married because they were both of a certain age... no chemistry. At all. And I don't think it's that first season "uncomfortable in front of the cameras" situation..

    Same wave length as you! 

    • Love 6
  5. 2 hours ago, NYCFree said:

    LOL, so true. As soon as I typed that I looked around the first floor of our current vacation home and saw there was evidence of my son in four different rooms, just on the first floor! We are doing a series of home trade with European families this summer, currently we are in an 18th Century home in Versailles. Maybe Heather would like to visit to compare her new home with the Palace!

    Wow the home trade sounds very cool!  We had a lot of exchange students when I was a teen but never thought of the idea of an entire house trade with a family-very cool. Enjoy that adventure.

    • Love 1
  6. On 7/19/2018 at 9:05 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

    LOL.  That was the last one we had, after my dumb bothers were born, dad went to hardtops. the 98's were called Regency's, the 88's were Delta.  We had a 77, 98 Regency.  Pops gave it to me when I started driving in 1980.  :)  Sorry mods, my dad is pretty much newly deceased and I know I went OT.  

    TV Diva, I am so very sorry about your dad.

    And yes they were Regencys! How the hell could I forget that?!? I started driving in the mid 80's but drove our ranch truck first and then moved up to the 88. My dad used them for company cars and we got them as hand-me-downs. Good times! 

    • Love 2
  7. 19 hours ago, hnygrl said:

    We need more country vets...they're a dying breed with the money to be made in posh pets...

    My university is answering that need.  Texas Tech University will open it's vet school, I believe next year, and it will only deal with large animal practices.  I raise quarter horses in Texas and there is a huge need for very good equine(horse) vets and even very good bovine(cow) vets.  We have a very good (race)track vet but he is near retirement and I don't have much confidence in the other local vets in the DFW area, especially east of Dallas.  

    • Love 3
  8. 5 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    Car seats, you must have been spoiled.  LOL. My car seat was the arm rest of my dad's 65 Delta 88 convertible. 

    OMG, y'all had a convertible Delta 88!?! You were privileged!  And yep, the arm rest was for my ADHD brother, the back window or floor was for me and my spoiled older sister got the entire backseat on trips!  Absolutely no seat belts.  How did we survive?  In the 80's my dad upgraded to the Delta 98.  We were stylin!

    • Love 5
  9. 8 hours ago, Kemper said:

    It seemed odd to me how the new Housewife (Emily, lawyer?) seemed to consider her daughter an afterthought?  She went on and on about the twins, even saying they were the Love of Her Life or some such.  And the chasing them around the house when one of them "hid"?  While the daughter sat in the kitchen.  Just me?  

    Ditto-sad-feral child?  I wanted to slap her! 

  10. On 6/28/2018 at 4:55 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

    OTOH I hate dresses, and wasn't even happy about trying on wedding dresses when I was getting married. Luckily the second one I tried on I fell in love with - otherwise the process would have been pure torture for me. 

    Usernamefatigue, we must be sisters!  I was able to find the perfect dress on the first try and I have been married for 25 years!  I am not a shopper but I do love to look at jewelry even at Costco or Sam's.  My DH always has to pull me away. The funny thing is, I don't even wear jewelry except my wedding ring which was an upgrade at 10 years and it is gorgeous but I have such ugly hands(cowgirl hands), I do it no justice.  I put it on my niece's hand and it is magnificent.  WTH do I spend so much time looking at all those shiny things? LOL My husband went on an overseas business trip a few months ago and bought me some very pretty ear rings...I've worn them twice. Sigh

    • Love 3
  11. On 5/9/2018 at 8:46 PM, Mindthinkr said:

    LuAnn hasn’t really learned any lessons or has changed much. She’s still putting her social life ahead of her children. 

    I grew up with a mother that was like Luanne. I recall coming home from college for a visit, 7 hours away, and my mom went to play bridge on the night of my arrival. Of course, my dad was there to greet me but damn mom, put a little effort into it! It's been 25 years since those days and it bothers me when my mom plans a family get together, ALWAYS at their house 3.5 hours away, and if there are trips where we decline she gets all butt hurt. Me and my DH have lived away from my parents for 15 years and she has been to my house maybe a half a dozen times. My dad loves to come and visit and I can't count the times he has been here. My mom does the same to my siblings, too. Even as grownass people It's a bit hurtful at times. Eh, what  ya gonna do?

    • Love 7
  12. On 4/30/2018 at 7:27 AM, Josette said:

     And Dani Jo actually mentioned Piedmont Hospital.  She just didn't know how to get there.  Apparently, Tex wasn't was interested in telling her or finding out how.

    I also wonder why 911 wasn't called.


    Yeah, that kid of hers was sure being pampered by Tex and his wife.  I wonder how she became friends with Tex.

    And Tex may have had $1.7 million, but he owed his wife about a million dollars.

    I think Tex was broke as a joke. He didn't HAVE $1.7 mil that is what he was worth, which isn't much with all the expensive lifestyle choices he made.  He would have to sell assets in order to have any cash in the bank and I think that is what he was doing by selling off his wife's possessions.  I think the wife's ashes sat at the funeral home because he couldn't afford the $1600 to pick her up.  I think it should have been manslaughter, too. If you have ever shot a revolver you would know how incredibly hard you have to pull the trigger, now if he had it cocked then it's quite easy. I think he fell asleep and had it cocked and woke quickly with his finger on the trigger. Verrrrrry stupid and dangerous but I just don't think he meant to shoot her.  I think she was worth more to him alive than dead.

    I do live in the south(Texas) and my husband is former law enforcement and we own a lot of guns but we also know how to handle them correctly!  Good luck to anyone if they ever try to break into our home on the range or car or our person.  

    • Love 2
  13. The glitter dresses remind me of the cheapo pillow I have because it is like a fidget spinner for my nerves. When LVP did that backwards push on her boobs, I shouted. "I love those damn glitters, they calm me!" Y'all ought to give them a go, they are just mesmerizing. My nearly 80 year old mother was with me when those pillows caught my eye and she actually sent me one in the mail.  Oh the designs one can make!

    • Love 9
  14. 3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    Not JCM "everything".  Not even close.  Mellancamp is an icon; George, not so much (granted, he's up there, but not in the Mellancamp stratosphere) (FTR, I'm not a fan, but attended college during the years of both their heydays.)  ugh.


    I was in HS for their heydays but was never a fan of either. I like a few songs but then again I am a solid high schooler from the 80's and HATE most 80's music. I liked grunge music much better.  I agree that JCM edges out Boy George.

    Erika is so bored with it all yet she signed up for this show so "dance monkey, dance"!  As others have said she does have beautiful skin. 

    I could definitely tell Kyle had contacts in her eyes.

    I am with those of you who don't give a rat's ass about what Kyle, Dorit and LVP are fighting about.  I completely tune out and start looking at my phone.  Nothing to see here....

    Also, does anyone know when Teddi was a competitor in jumping? I am also a horse competitor but a different discipline and speaking from experience, it is very hard to be overweight while riding competitively because if you are exercising horses you burn major calories.  I can connect with Teddi on so many levels, she's cool.  I thought her before and after tummy pics were both completely fine.  I actually liked the before better.

    • Love 9
  15. On 4/12/2018 at 8:42 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

    I always feel bad when sexual assault is involved, I knew a girl who was raped in university....it was like the light went out of her eyes. She ended up dropping out and we lost touch but I will never forget how altered she was, it was like speaking to a completely different person.

    God I hate hearing this.  My niece was kidnapped, beaten and raped and held for 12 hours at knife point, before she escaped,last summer(while at college) and although she is getting therapy, I am so scared for her future.  She seems to be doing ok but my sister says that she has been having anxiety attacks and very bad dreams.  This was a total stranger(gang member broke into her apt complex) and it took the police three days to catch the piece of shit. I wish they would have killed him or someone else would have killed him before the cops caught him...there were folks out there trying, too.  Sorry to go off topic here but this breaks my heart to hear of sexual assaults. 

    • Love 5
  16. 55 minutes ago, Hellohappylife said:

    Another episode where the out of control weight is someone else’s “fault” because of childhood abuse. It’s sad that these people let the same cycle continue on to their own children instead of protecting them from all of the bad. 

    Sexual abuse runs in my family sadly,my grandma,her mother,my mother. I’m 25 years old,I’ve never been sexually abused or suffered any other kind of abuse. I had a good childhood,which this show makes me thankful for. My mother,my father, made damn sure of that to break the cycle.  My mother & her 3 sisters spent years being sexually abused by their mothers many boyfriends after the parents divorced and their dad’s brother was one of the guys doing it. Long story short. The brother set a trap basically. Before the dad found out he a planned camping trip for them, To keep from getting in trouble the brother murdered their dad & made them watch him die. After he killed him he raped them all one more time before turning the gun on himself. The sisters had to run for help covered in their dad’s blood in the dark & luckily found an elderly sweet couple. It’s a fucked up story my mother was 14 her sisters,12,9 & 7 at the time,I tried to keep it short. 

    But my point is my parents did everything to protect me so the cycle finally broke. 

     Even threw the trauma my mother & her sisters didn’t let that ruin them,they are not drug addicts,they are not 700 pounds.  

    I want to see the people on this show do the same,that’s why I keep watching. Even if it’s easy to snark on them and sadly aomethings fun,I’m still human and have hope for people. 

    This is such a horrible story Hellohappylife.  My sympathies go out to you and your family. My 20 year old niece was abducted, beaten and raped by a gang member while leaving her college apartment complex last year and it has killed us to see the pain and anguish she has endured. She sees a therapist but she constantly has to relive the 12 hours or horror every single day. We have no idea when his criminal trial will be but we do know she will testify against him. She is a very tough individual. He also did the same to another complete stranger, across town, 24 hours before he raped my niece so this guy will go away for a loooooong time.

    Back on topic. I could be on the show, "The Worst Cooks in America" and even I know how to cook the basics. OMG that was the worst looking steak I have ever seen. It looked like human flesh! Vomit!

    • Love 5
  17. 4 hours ago, candle96 said:

    I'm in the minority, but I liked Erika's Marlene Dietrich look. Ridiculous? Of course, but I've just decided to embrace them. Same goes for her pink wig look in Japan. The only one she really risks embarrassing is herself, and the rest of us get to be entertained. Lisa's Herman Munster shoes, on the other hand. . . what was she thinking?!? She's about 40 years too old for those.

    Speaking of embarrassing, I found this group really channeling some obnoxious American tendencies this episode. Can these bitches not learn to say even "danke" and "bitte"?  It's not that hard. I was in Germany for only a week when I was 16, and managed to pick up a few phrases. The coffee shop scene was cringe-worthy. Axel at department store at least made a decent commission, hopefully. Kyle yelling at people about her allergies, first pleading that someone there must have an allergy pill and then questioning the one the guy gave to her. Jeez. To quote Ramona Singer, "Take a Xanaaaaax!" I'm highly allergic to most animals, and never quite know when I'm going to encounter something that sets me off, so I take a Zyrtec every day, ESPECIALLY when I travel. Take it before I go to bed, lasts 24 hours. No need to worry about drowsiness. I normally like Kyle but her spoiled rich girl tendencies really seemed to come out this episode. You didn't prepare at all for this?

    Honestly, that dinner scene fight just bored me and I tuned out. I'm over it, are we not all over it? I honestly can't keep track of what they're fighting about.

    Of all the ladies, I'd have to say I'd want to travel with Erika the most. Her openness is refreshing, and I wish we'd see it more when she's in LA. She seems to relax a bit when she travels.

    Me raising my hand over here. I have never cared about any of the fights on the RH's, ever.  I like it when they get along and they show just normal stuff happening in their lives. I HATE the created drama! HATE IT!

    • Love 6
  18. 2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    The horse review.... Ponies are notorious scoundrels.  When the pony pawed at Kyle even before they left it showed it's true colors, it wanted a treat,  or attention, or to move it was agitated before she got on. That pony needed a pack leader/confident individual. The pony had Kyles number as soon as she backed away from it pawing. Being the smallest does not always mean the quietest safest ride. Ponies are commonly cute hellions it's a bait and switch.

      When Kyle's pony kicked at the spotted one Rinna was riding and Kyle and Rinna did not make an immediate correction all bets were off. Equines are herd animals and when they can see their rider is below them in the pecking order  (letting them get away with murder) the equine takes liberties because they know they are over their rider in the pack.  Well naughty ones anyway. It's a little like teenagers, and pups keep the boundaries strong !

    I would bet a million dollars at the point in time when  Rinnas agitated pony (after being kicked at by Kyle's) "took off" they were almost back to the barn . Or on the way back . Horses go low speed away from the barn and pick up the pace on the way back.  Every time . After these bitches kicking at them and jabbing in the mouth all afternoon they had HAD IT. And knew they could get away with dragging their ladies back home. 

    Teddi did 10000% the right thing to get it under control and calmly.  If Teddi had rushed up upon them on her horse ALL of the horses could have ran. She did the right thing.  

    If that ever happens to you dear reader do what Teddi said. Feet out in front and lean back shorten up and see saw til they stop. If they are going backward though don't do that do the opposite give give give. And don't go riding on vacation! 

    LVP has a very classical seat she has a great base she's clearly had good horses and instruction, and mileage riding in her younger years. She holds her reins very softly and correctly, she has good soft hands, head up, legs underneath her. She rides like a middle aged woman who now rides recreationally walking and trotting and an occasional canter . LVP has neither the need or desire to be on a performance horse or the ability like Teddi who can ride anything including young green horses. But you can't take away LVP has good classical basics and goes slow. 

    Kyle is a cry baby. That was 10% allergy and 90% anxiety attack. 

    Yes, ponies can be hellions! And barn sour horses, oh yeah! Agree with all the horse knowledge and advice to non-horseys, but still don't think Lisa is that good. Yes, she has quiet hands but I don't think she is much of an athlete and therefor it shows in her riding.  I just turned 50 and I am not as gutsy as in my youth but I still work on my riding skills daily on 3 horses a day.  I currently have a mare that is quite a spooky girl but has so much potential to be a very nice barrel horse so I put up with her "hiccups" but I will correct when I detect a "fake" from her.  I leg everyone up on 1200 acres almost everyday(weather permitting) and I swear she knows when a tree has fallen and she reacts to it!  "OMG! Something is different on the trail!!!" LOL  

    Alonzo, you know how track horses can be and that all the need to know is RUN. I have bought some QH's and TB's OTT and most would be harder to handle than 2 year olds getting their first rides. LOL

    • Love 5
  19. 2 hours ago, gingerella said:

    Having grown up showing English style, I would have no idea what a one rein stop is. I find the difference between English and Western riding very different and it feel totally out of my element just looking at Western tack! The way Teddi instructed Rinna was, to me, how any English rider would stop a mount, sit deep into the saddle and keep a firm rein. And not to beat a dead horse about horses but, LVP is such a poseur. I'd wager she doesn't even know how to pick a hoof, she swans into the stable, calling ahead for a stablehand to ready her mount, and she goes from her chauffeured car to her horse, the latte of which Is likely of the push button variety - completely calm, never balks or bucks, a completely 'made' horse that has been trained to do nothing out of the ordinary. I don't think LVP could handle a very spirited or sta not willed horse to be honest. Now Teddi? absofuckinglutely.

    Hehe, I feel the same way, too about English tack.  I do still spend a lot of time riding bareback or with a riding pad like Teddi gave LVP.  I like to use my legs and have a very soft mouth(soft, quiet hands) on my horses. I am NOT a typical barrel racer and I despise seeing someone yank and crank on a horse's face! Despise it!  I was at a show a few years ago and called out one of the richest spoiled brats for abusing her horse in the back after SHE hit a barrel due to her poor jockeying.  I don't give a shit if daddy is a big Oklahoma oilman!  I want to be, and want to see, a very quiet rider.

    Spot on about Lisa V! 

    • Love 7
  20. 7 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

    I thought Ericka looked ridiculous at the dinner party channeling Marlena Deitrich. Girl bye. Sitting in a hotel room with all that makeup on, the lipstick was too harsh, and the pants made her look like she was carrying a load of poop. Not flattering at all. And I do find her to be a beautiful woman, when toned down.   I don't find it cute that she wastes her spouses money all on makeup, glam squad, shoes purses, high end clothes. Where is her forum for a charity. She could do so much, but prefers to be on a never ending ego trip. Its weird, she's getting old, and she needs to find a new shtick other than glam squads and writhing around stage with legs akimbo. 

    Sooo ditto to this! Also, I freakin love your handle! I have three myself! They are like potato chips, can't have just one! 

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