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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Geesh, the SNL rerun just made me cry. What a nice tribute. ("SWORDS")
  2. @paigow, you need to be writing for this show. LMAO.
  3. I guess I wasn't so excited about this returning since I was doing so much other stuff while it was on, I didn't catch the plot at all. Although reading here, this episode didn't stray from past episodes in that nothing made sense and one shouldn't think to hard about any of it. There isn't any plot, in other words. Did any of you hear me shouting, "EWWWWWWW, Gah! ICK! No way!" when Lizzie and Ressler kissed? That was so gross, it almost broke my teevee. Plus this inquiring mind wants to know how Ressler is going to explain the loss of his service weapon. Although I guess that doesn't matter since Lizzie killing people and being pretty much of an unreliable liar doesn't stop Cooper from lusting after her wanting to protect and save her because, after all, they are a TEAM. I seriously have no idea what anyone, including Lizzie, is trying to find out about what or who. And Ressler needs to hook up with another dating-service chick and get back to being Mr. Straight And Narrow. Agree that Dembe is the only character who isn't being screwed with by the writers.
  4. Thanks for agreeing with me. It's nice to have company. I would have said Chester's middle name was Arthur though ... Chester Authur Authur. So you are still smarter than I am.
  5. "Thank you for that kindness," said this person who got 1/5.
  6. You mean it's not pronounced sia-bate-ta?
  7. I only watched the original Star Trek and Next Gen IRL. I didn't know Roddenberry was involved with NG, but at that point in my life I didn't know anything existed other than what I saw on TV, if that makes sense. I only started watching episodes of Deep Space recently, when nothing else is on at 9 p.m. I like the eps with Odo as lead the best; the one where he marries Troi's mother is especially touching. Side note: The actress who plays Lwaxana Troi was Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, married to -- guess who! -- and she was the computer voice in all of the ST series. Like Kirk was suppose to be the heartthrob in the original series, Riker was suppose to be the hottie in NG. But I preferred Spock and Picard, having never been one to follow popular directions. I have never watched any of the NCIS franchise, never have, never will. I might be the only human in existence who won't.
  8. Can't get that channel on the antenna stuck in my kitchen ceiling. I can't even get CBS or PBS. And on windy days, I have to move the antenna around when I change channels, so the next one will come in. I don't recommend being poor. I watched both seasons of Better Late Than Never and loved every minute of it. Shatner and Winkler were my two favorite characters, as was Jeff Dye, the comedian who took the role of the straight man. Every episode was golden. One of my fav scenes was Shatner riding a rocking horse, hilarious if you know how well he can ride and drive spirited show horses.
  9. @j5cochran I wanted to give your post a heart and a sad face but this site only lets us do one.
  10. The Cheers episode is on YouTube I discovered, and I found the Mama's Family Jeopardy episode on Daily Motion. I will watch that tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder, @shapeshifter.
  11. But the holiday that is Groundhog Day is February 2 ... Game Show Network is playing a tribute to Alex tomorrow, Saturday, "We’re celebrating Alex Trebek’s legendary career and reliving some of our favorite Jeopardy! moments with a marathon this Saturday from 9a-3p." Oh nuts, I missed it by a half hour. But the Cheers episode where Cliff goes on Jeopardy is on now. That's where the term "Did a Clavin" came from in regards to Jeopardy betting. I've seen the Cheers ep but never saw the Mama's Family ep.
  12. Finally, a FJ category in my wheel house! As soon as I saw the clue, the image of that Washington D.C. obelisk appeared in my brain, in full color, sun shining on it, blue sky, clouds ... it was a great mental image. Then I thought wait, 100 years ... and went with Mt. Rushmore instead. Oh Fame and Glory, thou art so fleeting. Pretty much didn't see the rest of the show having just gotten home from my monthly trip to town. It was on while I was putting away groceries and letting dogs in and out, but it's hard to pay attention to background noise. I was sorry to see Kate not win, but being a Jeopardy Champ is something she and her mother can both now claim with pride.
  13. WEEK 9 • Nov. 9, 2020 — NO asterisk 41. Word Origins. The word for a type of building or institution comes from Greek for a place sacred to a mythical group of 9. 42. History In The Movies. Vehicles in “2001: A Space Odyssey” featured this airline’s logo, but the company went bankrupt in 1991. 43. History of Medicine. 2020 marks the 55th birthday of the first piece of equipment dedicated to this process, now used for regular screenings. *** (Note: What is ultrasound/sonography is also correct.) *** 44. World Flags. Both Wales & Bhutan have flags bearing one of these mythical creatures. 45. U.S. Monuments. More than 100 years after it was first proposed, this monument was dedicated by President Chester Arthur.
  14. Men of a Certain Age aired on a channel I can't get, but I very much wanted to watch it, yes, for Bakula. Hoping some day I can find episodes online. Star Trek runs five hours here every evening, starting with the original and going in order through Enterprise. The original is hilarious to watch now, Kirk is so OTT, and yes, his uniforms always tore apart, which was suppose to appease all his women fans. I always just laughed at him since I had the biggest crush on Spock, and never found Kirk attractive. But back in the 60s, Kirk's bod was "hot" for that era. Now, not so much. Ha ha! The thing that bugged me (and still does) is all the women, regardless of what planet they were from or what species they were, all wore pointy bullet bras, boobs pointing out as was the style in the 60s. I guess it was the style throughout the galaxy, too. Plus all the women, aliens or not, wore little tiny skirts. So, lots of legs and pointy boobs. Very irritating to this feminist. I knew whatever planet they landed on, they would be met by women with pointy boobs. I cut Kirk some slack in the reruns though, since William Shatner is a big American Saddlebred horse fan, he breeds and shows them out of his farm in Kentucky. At least he did. Small problem with his wives dying/drowning/divorcing though. My horses are all ASBs too.
  15. Thank you. I am humbled by your approval.
  16. You guys are all missing the ST boat here. Spock = hot. Kirk = not. Odo = hot. Sisko = not. Scott Bakula = Sam Beckett and no one else.
  17. There are a lot of things people don't understand about me. That's just one of them. Which is how I came up with the correct answer. "Thanks, Mr. Obvious." My first correct FJ this week. Yeay me.
  18. I did reply to your quandary, but I needed your score number to record. Your 4/5 is now officially noted.
  19. Theobromine might make chocolate "delicious," but it will poison your dog, if it doesn't kill it first. I'm a fan of white "chocolate." I prefer it over the brown stuff by miles. Don't know if it will kill dogs, none ever goes anywhere other than in my mouth. Brownie, civet cat, spoon feed, smokinggun.com and Grant Wood, all gotten-by-me TSs. I've been past the American Gothic house, have seen the painting IRL (Chicago), and some years ago friends who had a farm house matching the one in the painting dressed up as the AG couple for their holiday greeting cards. Mr. Wood lived a bit more than one hour away from me. My claim to fame. Some of his paintings are pretty decent. Shout out to me being one of George Takai's Twitter followers. I'm sure he will respond to being a Jeopardy clue. Takai/gay indeed. Nice to see a woman win a game. Finally.
  20. Maybe you were going to quote your score for Week 7? You are the only one on my Tardy List. *tsk tsk tsk*
  21. That's exactly how I would pronounce it: ka-kau-kus. I have no idea of how it's suppose to be said. Jalepeno is correctly pronounced hal-e-PEN-yo. How many gringos would say it that way seeing it in print for the first time. Or the zillionth time based on some the way some people speak. I wonder what Jeopardy judges would say about jally-pee-no as a spoken answer. The FJ spelling of mamogram and Alex's comment that they don't take off for spelling reminded me of Berry/Barry Gordy. If anyone wants to pull that dead herring out of the pot.
  22. Yes, you did get FJ. Answer: "What is a mammogram? (Note: What is ultrasound/sonography is also correct. This clue was not uniquely pinned." Head over to TJF to read the details. In short: "The first mammogram unit was invented by Charles Gross of France in 1965 and is used for regular breast cancer screening. However: The first patents for the first practical commercial ultrasound machine were also filed for an “Ultrasound diagnostic apparatus” on June 7, 1965 by Walter Erich Krause, Richard Ernst Soldner, and Otto Heinz Kresse of Siemens AG." More details about this poorly researched FJ are at the link. I caught that too. It was an "ahem" moment for my brain.
  23. I find myself agreeing with Andy over at TheJeopardyFan.com: "I personally felt that the judges’ ruling that Greg changed the pronunciation of “Caucasus” too much (on GEOGRAPHIC GATEWAYS $2000) sets a dangerous precedent that could unfairly penalize contestants in the future who learn by simply reading." I am often surprised when I hear a word I've read, spoken. They are often not the same. Sometimes not even close. The FJ wagers were strange to say the least. If Doug had answered correctly, he would be the new champion. I got the TS of pips, thanks to having read Sherlock's "The Five Orange Pips" many years ago. Flat tax wasn't a TS, but it poked me in the eye since Illinois voted against the graduated tax on the November ballot so we are still stuck with that crummy flat tax ... that the wealthy end up not paying anyway. I felt sorry for Alex that Winnipeg was a TS. WTH is wrong is people not knowing Canada geography. I mean, it's right up there you guys. Players know where North Macedonia is but no idea about the location of Quebec? Gah. And of COURSE I got the TS of Dog Star!
  24. I thought Spenser got a lot of softball questions for the final round against Kaya. This after he was Weakest Link multiple times. I guess they do that so the show will last longer than a one-question final round. Also shocked Kaya wasn't voted out. A final between the two weakest-link boys could have been fun. It might be just me, but the novelty of this show has worn off and I find Jane's constant digs and bad jokes tedious, boring and not funny nor clever. I flipped the channel while she was droning on. And on. And on some more. *snore*
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