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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. No thread for episode 4, so I'll say here ... where did those maggots in a can of Spam come from? Is that what the girls are being given to eat, five-month-old rotten Spam pulled out of some dumpster? It was impossible for me to believe the two women couldn't hear the three girls in the trailer who were shouting and yelling at the top of their lungs. The girl in the trailer heard the women walking or opening/closing a door, yet the women couldn't hear the girls screaming, even though that barn is just plain boards and the trailer isn't insulated. Too far fetched. The cop is going to hammer his wife to death while she's asleep in her bed? Alrighty then. Ronald hitting on the former Erica Hahn was way creepy. But I guess he looks good compared to her husband who's going to kill her before Ronald can. Totally did not get the investigator women stealing pillows from truckers to test for DNA. So extremely out there, I'm hoping the writers were just trying to kill time and weren't serious. Next week: The finale already. My vote: Mom is alive. Ryan is dead. Like, REALLY dead.
  2. LOL because this was on The Bachelorette thread last episode, everyone was making fun of the B-ette saying "vunnerable" and how stupid she sounded. I agree that the L should be pronounced. Which means I'll never be The Bachelorette, where bad grammar and poor pronunciation is a requirement to be on the show.
  3. Does anyone remember who the guys were that were brought on after Clare left? Seems like there were four or five, and Noah was one of them. I didn't know Clare's guys well enough to tell them apart from the Tayshia new guys.
  4. LOL. Yes, Bennett is very tall, so looking down ... Heck, I don't even have to look down to see those girls. Tayshia seems to be willing to let Bennett back on because TPTB told her to and she's following the script.
  5. LOL! We've said that every season for years now. I've actually seen nothing to prove to me Tayshia is "a nice person." What does that even mean? That she doesn't kick puppies or hit little kids? Everyone can be "a nice person" just like everyone can be a real snot, all in the same person. Tayshia IMO is pretty shallow, she doesn't talk about anything deeper than "Oh, you like me." All these men have to reveal their deepest darkest, and who knows how that's going to affect them IRL when they actually have to go to a real job, red flags flying. Anyone going to hire the suicide guy? Not sure about that. But Tayshia? No one knows one single thing about her other than she grew up in a primarily white area and she felt different. End of her story. Although perhaps she is the only one who realizes that "telling all" isn't a good thing to do on national tv. She's just following the script and being a good girl for Fleiss.
  6. Wow, so I guess we get to see them bitch out Tayshia on Monday, then Tuesday we get to see Tayshia send them home. I guess maybe it is in the correct order ...
  7. I know the male deer clue included the word "party" in it, but a male deer is a buck as well as a stag. And stag was a pretty funny answer given the recent talk in Supermarket Sweep's thread about Stagg chili. Anyone else get a kick out of AT bringing up Moby Dick during contestant interviews? I'll bet John wishes he were on last Wednesday's show. I also got a laugh that Cody got to ID that picture of Hawkman after telling us about Comic Con. Actually, I really liked Cody. And his DD bet was gutsy, which I also liked. Wish he would have won. I said "flywheel" as soon as that image was shown (I used to work on my own car), and love me a good Robert Ludlum book. What am I saying, they are all good. Then Peter Frampton ... oh, man, I played that album until it was worn out. So yeah, easy TS for me. FJ was not so easy. I was thrown off by the Ancient World category. An Ancient World to me includes T-Rex and spewing lava volcanoes. I didn't know the dinosaurs had states, sentences or free meals. Because there is no such thing as a free lunch. (As I guess the answer found out.)
  8. So this is on next Monday and Tuesday ... is episode 10 Monday and MTA Tuesday? Anyone know? The MTA preview looked harsh, and therefore lots of fun, but the previews always prank us so I'm not expecting much. Looking forward to Bennett's Bukowski impression.
  9. Oh no, Bennett said "I love you" and he SHOWED UP for her. All he needs now is a killer (heh) sob story and he's in like Flynn. Okay, I'll solve this. Bennett can come live with me and I'll train him for a few months. Next week = Some good fun, I hope. Unless TPTB are pranking us, like they always do.
  10. I wish Bennett had stayed gone so I would continue to like him. I even cut him some slack for being a dick. Now he's going to ruin that. Learn to STFU Bennett. (Except that's on TPTB, making him come back. So bite me, TPTB people.)
  11. Okay, so who doesn't have a sob story. Noah? Anyone else? They're the gone baby gones.
  12. LOL! I KNEW that was going to be Bennett coming back. He's our new Bukowski, he's a grown-ass man. All I could think with Tayshia's white dress was how filthy that hem was going to be, dragging all over the dirt and sand-filled patio blocks. It will never ever come clean.
  13. Oh, Riley gets to stay now because he cried and told a SECRET. I wonder how these guys are doing IRL now that everyone everywhere knows their deepest darkest and all of SM is roasting them.
  14. What's such a freaking big deal about meeting someone's family. I just don't get the DRAMA behind it. All the guys I dated met my family, and always came for holidays like Christmas and whatnot. It wasn't a big deal and I didn't have to marry any of them just because they met the fam. And I met theirs.
  15. Thank you! So much this! Yeah, he needs to learn to STFU but I wouldn't worry about him trying to kill me or set the house on fire in the middle of the night, or finding his dead body in the woods somewhere. Can't say that about some of these other guys she's keeping. But it's good he's gone since Tayshia has zero layers to her. And I mean zero. Bennett can do better.
  16. Re: Zac's "cheating" answer. He should say he cheated at cards when he was in Junior high and won $3 in a pot by pulling an ace out of his sleeve, then cheated his little sister out of the last piece of pizza when he was 10. There's cheating and then there's cheating. ETA: Oh, yeay, Zac came through with my idea. Thanks Zac!
  17. Is Ben the one who used to weight 400 pounds? I've forgotten who that was, but I though it was him.
  18. Real ones are inaccurate sometimes. BUT: THAT is NOT a real one. It's a laptop with a blood-pressure cuff and a board with colored light bulbs that Jojo is turning on to 1. cause drama and problems, and 2. make people laugh. That last one isn't working. Real lie detectors do NOT have colored light bulbs.
  19. That lie detector is so bogus. Jojo is hitting a button to turn the bulbs on. So STUPID. She's on a laptop, not a lie detector. Morons. And poor Zac is going to fall for it with his cheating answer. Jojo is screwing with these poor guys. I HATE this. That "heartbeat" thing is just a screensaver on the PC.
  20. If TPTB isn't letting these people take one step off the La Quinta grounds, even when they are on horses, how can they possibly safely do HTs? And all these guys are doing HTs? That's even worse pandemic wise.
  21. Don't hate me that this made me literally LOL.
  22. And now, before commercial, a PSA for the suicide help line. Hokey smokes. Is that why TPTB picked all these bachelors, for PR and $$ for running PSAs?
  23. Yeah, but they're all from the guys. Tayshia hasn't said anything about anything about herself. She's just one big huge void.
  24. The camera cut away when Ben was trying to put the scooter note's sticky tape somewhere, anywhere, onto Tayshia. And yeah, he got pretty aggressive with some stupid cardboard pinatas. Imagine if you made him mad ... yikes. Ben's over-dinner conversation = RED FLAGS!
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