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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That also could have been because of that day's first-round category of DONATING THEIR WINNINGS. James has donated to many charities. Brayden isn't done playing or winning yet. He has at least one more game to go.
  2. While I'm not a network executive and don't even play one on the Internet, I now have an HDTV and routinely watch the old BW westerns: Gunsmoke, Rifleman, Wagon Train. I am amazed at how every detail shows now, revealing all the frontier women wore full makeup and false eyelashes, and every fabric detail shows too. I watched those same shows (since they rerun season after season on a loop) on my old "regular" tv and didn't see any of those details. Maybe game shows were taped/filmed with a different technique. I was thinking the AT reruns were going to concentrate on his travels, but I didn't look at the list. I'm waiting to be surprised. My thought was that Brayden was kinda stressed in the last game, not a runaway, he missed a DD, and didn't come up with FJ. That on top of playing game after game can be somewhat exhausting. And yeah, there was that JINX of "will he win $100,000?" That would stress me for sure. No pressure there. I always figure a game-show winner takes home slightly more than one half of what he/she wins. And I've seen multiple articles and news stories about James donating to Vegas charities. He's been very generous.
  3. Heh. Week 14 started December 14. Who knew.
  4. WEEK 14 • Dec. 14, 2020 — ONE asterisk * 66. Famous Places. Opened in 1973, it includes the Joan Sutherland Theatre, named for the singer, & the Utzon Room, named for the architect. 67. Magazines. This magazine had the same person on its cover since its founding 20 years ago until it chose Breonna Taylor as its Sept. 2020 cover. 68. Royalty. In 1521 this monarch published the theological treatise “Defense of the Seven Sacraments.” * 69. Play Characters. This title character says, “Who find my visage’s center ornament a thing to jest at–it is my wont…to let him taste my steel.” * 70. Innovations. This co. takes credit for inventing modern gift wrap, dating to its sale of fancy decorated envelope linings at Christmas in 1917.
  5. HOLY COW @teebax, is it good to see you again. I'm SO GLAD you are back. It's like we all just got some good news for a change. Yeay Teebax! I missed the first 15 or so clues because I got distracted outside chopping ice while feeding the horse. I got back in time for the TS of Colorado, the Bill of Lading, Christopher Cross (love that song still) and Dowager (Empress). Hilarious that AT spent Brayden's interview time talking about James. Ha ha! Amanda needed to step up her DD betting strategy, she could have easily been the new champ. BUT! I'm very glad Brayden is still there. Well, I finally graduated to the Table For Two with today's FJ. Hallmark was one of the biggest employers of my college's illustration majors, of which I am one. But I missed showing my portfolio because I was so eager to graduate and get gone, I graduated in December and therefore missed that spring's Hallmark-hiring day. It's one of my major regrets, I always will wonder if I would have been hired. (I think yes.) But an interesting side note is a good friend of mine designed Hallmark's biggest selling gift wrap ever. So I have that, if not a job creating greeting cards.
  6. Same with my mom, so I was quite familiar with Lamont Cranston when The Shadow was one of the shows played on late-night radio a while back. I love old radio shows. @MrAtoz, your post made me cry. So insightful. Thank you.
  7. And I was pleased that I came up with the same FJ answer as the Brainiac Machine Brayden. He's a good thing happening at a bad time for Mr. Trebek, and I hope he continues to win. Plus I like runaway games because I hate stress, and close games are stressful for me. The FJ verbiage confused me but if I had more time to contemplate it I might have realized all that OTT verbiage was about a nose. No I wouldn't. I got Victoria Falls, Quebec (poor AT, another missed Canada clue. Why don't people look at a Canadian map in between scouring Europe and Asia maps) 409 and Roach Motel, which I found hilarious. I remember those commercials: "They'll check in but they won't check out." Even though they do indeed "check out," although in a different way. Yes. Just you and ams1001.
  8. Yeah, tomorrow is the last day for the regular season until January 4. Time is flying.
  9. That's why I think the Bennett/Noah thing was scripted. At least on Bennett's end. Too much of it had TPTB's fingerprints on it, like the box of presents, the socks, the book. All PA-provided stuff. They even had Bennett come back to provide DRAMAH at the RC. They even had to dig up Yosef to bring back to cause controversy at TMTA.
  10. Did you have lots of gingerbread, breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  11. Well, it's good you two checked in because if you hadn't, you both would have missed being Co-Winners of the Best Week Ever, lucky Week 13. Yes, I'm saying that the pair named @alliana and @Toothbrush are sharing Top Honors this week based on not only the pair of them being tardy posting, the pair of them have had the exact same scores for the past three weeks. Congratulations to you both! And that's okay with me if you want to keep copying off of each other's papers. (Don't get any ideas you other players.) Hooray for Alliana and Toothbrush! *clap clap applause*
  12. Add me to the group who got Snake River and Begorra, and I'll raise you one Cutty Sark. I saw the FJ category and thought "Oh, cr*p" and I was correct. My guess of Charlemagne was cr*p and only a few hundred centuries off. Brayden is a MACHINE. I hope he stays around a long time. It makes AT happy.
  13. I haven't laugh so hard in ages as I did rewatching The Original Mesnick. Thank you for posting!
  14. Well, it was a balcony, that other "B" word. It's been imitated, but never done as well as the originator did it. The Mesnick is a classic franchise move.
  15. Oh, there's all those Yellowstone tourists once spring comes and the gates are open again. There'll be a never-ending supply of bodies. I mean, victims. I mean new characters.
  16. LOL! I'm laughing. I wondered when I typed it if it was the correct "device" or "the other one." I guess I meant IED. (I just looked it up!) But IUD is indeed funnier, and provides a pretty good mental image. She might be working to have "a move" named after her, like The Mesnick.
  17. The Kennedy Center is a really good wrong answer.
  18. I couldn't figure why the three girls kept that tape on their mouths when their hands were in front of them. I mean, get a clue girls, just lean down and pull it off. Or lean over on the girl next to you and have her pull it off. And they only did a muffled shout ONCE during the stand off? Please, keep it going dumbasses. Someone is there to help you, raise a ruckus. At least Cassie FINALLY heard me yelling at her to SHOOT HIM. Although I was more thinking in the leg or shoulder (or crotch), not a dead shot to the head. But whatever. It worked. (Figured he might have been wearing a vest, so no body shot.) Has the theory that Ronald's mom is dead and just a vision been eliminated yet? If I were her, I'd throw his ass out of the house after that mugging, but then again, family dynamics are complicated. Sort of convoluted how Ronald got mixed up with the sheriff. I don't think it's illegal to get a BJ in a truck, although he should have picked a better spot to pull over. I'm not sure removing a bedroom tv and replacing it with a Rockwell print is a step up, but what do I know. Sounds like this will have a second run. Hope so. It's a nice change from all the game shows. Well, a change anyway.
  19. Melville is this season's Hamilton!
  20. We didn't hear anything about Ben's military experience or why he left the service. Military is not an easy life these days, and those in the service see things the rest of us can't even imagine. One has to build up a resistance to breaking down and crying or that's all he or she would be doing 24/7. We also don't know what caused him to overeat and gain weight. There's a lot there that maybe he shared with Tayshia, maybe he did not, but thank you show for keeping some of his personal life private. There's a big difference between seeing your best friend get blown up by an IUD, or maybe your entire squad that you commanded, and some chick you met a couple weeks ago sending you home on a reality dating show. Tayshia needs to get over her self-centered self.
  21. Well, in my opinion Ben is one of the lucky ones who gets to live another day, and perhaps make it to BIP where the real fun is. I don't think Tayshia is "all that." In fact, after watching every episode of this season, I don't know anything about Tayshia deeper than her hate for bras.
  22. I thought the same thing. I totally could see Ben, but Tayshia? No way. Not even close.
  23. Fixed. My brain knew what it was, my fingers did not. We're not always the best communicators.
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