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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yeah, we have to remember this show is heavily edited. Maybe Olivia filled Ben with sympathy and that was cut out to only air her cankles speech. Ben's TH about her lack of compassion was a VO, so who knows what really happened. We only get to see what TPTB want us to see. And talk about, to promote the show. That plan works here! I still like Ben kissing Jubilee's hand though. Nice.
  2. I can totally do without that other woman cop who, last week, beat up a bar waitress, then this week moves a freaking DEAD BODY because it will bring property value down? Honey, that empty lot with a gigantic dumpster in it will bring it down all by itself. That character/actress needs to be got gone soon. Love the black cop/white cop partners who were cracking up about learning Portuguese from the Brazilian hooker. One of the best scenes this week. More of them, NO MORE of the crazy woman cop. While I have nothing against gay affairs, I foresee Woz getting in trouble with his. Jlo forgetting to lock up that file cabinet and put the key back? Please! Big fail. The last scene with Jlo turning on her transmitter so the FBI guy could get his psycho freak on made me LOL. Best part of the show, right behind the black cop/white cop partners.
  3. I really liked this episode because Spader ROCKED it. I loved the twist with the real/fake Reddington and the setup meeting. I do find him killing two people, one after the other, a little ... well, odd, since both died SO QUIETLY and with no blood. The heck with that. I LOL'd at Mr. Kaplan putting on the headphones to clean to the beat. Problem: So Lizzie as an FBI agent can't afford an apartment and lives in a sleaze-bag motel. Then with no paycheck she can rent/buy a high-class apartment? Can't Red let her live in one of his many hide outs? And why doesn't Liz change her name AND her hair style so she can now live like a (sorta) normal person? I'm hoping the cleaning staff at the flea-bag motel opened the door to her old room and let her dog out, or at least gave it some food and water while it waits for its master to come back and love it again. While inquiring into someone's pregnancy is rude, did Lizzie sleep with Tom during her three months on the run? Because sleeping with a guy the night before an MRI does NOT make a baby show up on the images. I don't remember her sexing it up while running around with Red, but then again, I block a lot about this show. So Cooper hired Navabi back? Donald jumping on the back of that truck. Right. What's up with him not shooting the tires out? Or hijacking that car he fell onto so he could pursue the truck? Donald, big fail. Although it ended up okay, what with Red's plan and all. One of the shooters who came into the school to kidnap the woman looked exactly like Aram. I thought he had switched sides for a minute there. OH: More baby rudeness ... why were Lizzie and Tom ADOPTING a child in season 1? She couldn't have kids? Now she's pregnant? Gah. HATE knowing she is pregnant in real life.
  4. Make that three creepily staring at him naked, if one wants to count me. *shallow*
  5. I think she knew more than she admitted to, and pretty much knew her fiance was a murderer. But I don't think she was involved with any planning. She did know jail calls are recorded so said all the right things while being taped and video'd. But the killer boyfriend didn't say anything back when she told him (on the jail call) that they didn't need money. If she was in on the planning, he would have spilled it then. All I could think of was, the headless, armless, legless torso waiting up there in the loft of that theatre. Just ... no thanks. I lived at home and worked for six years to save money for college before I moved out-of-state for school. I was a 25-year-old freshman, older than Julie. I moved back after graduation, and it was a year or so before I could get on my feet to move out for good. And yeah, my mom didn't exactly "wait up for me" while living at home, but we each knew where the other was and when we would be coming home. Everyone lives their lives differently.
  6. I liked last week's pilot better, but I still enjoyed this episode. I like "James" and the story line in general. But it really, really bugs me that Tim DeKay was named "Duvall" by a father named Jimmy. WTHeck? I don't know anyone anywhere named Duvall except as a last name. Maybe we'll find out the meaning to that down the road. I can accept James floating around (naked!) in goo every six hours but no way can I buy him naming a son Duvall. Heh. I'm hoping that all of the cops being tazered all at the same time makes them forget it was James they saw at that murder scene. No hooker this episode, but now we have a bar to hang out in, complete with free booze. Win!
  7. But she let Ben and us know her favorite food is hot dogs! That was hilarious to me, thinking about all the fancy-schmancy food (like caviar) this show puts on and Jubilee wants a hot dog, please. Ben won me over when he kissed Jubilee's hand on that date. OMGosh, now THAT was romantic IMO. Ben is now Best.Bachelor.Evah in my book. Not that the standard was all that high. Since this show lately is about "breaking all the rules," I was wishing for Ben to take that rose back from Amber after her bitch confrontation over nothing in front of him while he was consoling Jubilee. Then he really WOULD have been best bach ever IMO. I, too, am interested to know about Jubilee's background, and especially her military history. I do know that most kids who are troubled or come from bad homes join the military to get away from an unhappy home life or when no future is not available to them in their neighborhood. No offense to any military here, but there are some sad reasons why some kids enlist. I'm on the Jubilee train, although I know she won't be the final rose. She was my favorite in the pre-show package. Ben agrees with me based on his whistle or "Oh, wow!" comment when she came out in a bikini. We all made fun of Andi's Grumpy Cat expression, but Becca, really? Her mouth is full-on Grumpy Cat. I can only imagine what she will look like in 20 years when that pulled-down mouth is set in old-person facial stone. No thanks.
  8. I thought viewers were shown what Lizzie wrote on that piece of paper. I didn't, thanks to my ancient very-lo-def TV (that also keeps me from seeing snot leaking from Aram's nose. It's a trade off.).
  9. It occurred to me that Harlee's "tell" of swiping her hair behind her left ear to show she is lying ... did she do that when she told Woz that the daughter's car got wrecked? Then when she told the daughter the car got wrecked? Then when she tried to change the subject when Woz and the daughter started talking about the car? Yeah, didn't think so. It was too weird for her to swipe her hair back while she was wearing poly "things" on the end of each finger, when her hair wasn't out-of-place to begin with.
  10. I know. Last week and this week. And ... truthfully now ... does anyone REALLY care how Red is related to or connected to Lizzie? I would have pushed The Director out of the plane too, for just saying that AGAIN. I did love Red telling him that he couldn't think of one circumstance where that was any of TD's business. You go, Red!
  11. Yeah, Harlee's bird not being blurred really surprised me, too, given that Seth Meyers, whose show starts at 11:30 p.m. eastern, got his birds blurred during his monologue jokes a while back. Does JLo have some special power over NBC network bigwigs? I'm seeing Harlee or Woz maybe killing that FBI guy. He's just way too OTT crazy to stick around very long.
  12. Of course they weren't, since this is my new most favoritest best show. *sigh*
  13. While I liked the pilot, this episode wore me out. Too much "are you my stoolie or am I arresting you" for my taste, it went on the entire hour. And the "poly" test ... Woz was only recording video on his laptop? Where the heck was the poly machine she was suppose to be hooked up to? And I knew the car thing would come back to bite her, as discussed last episode. And WTH was up with the other woman cop having sex with her husband's lover? Then the bar waitress didn't know who she was? How the heck does that work? Sexting? But it couldn't be sexting if the cop woman asked if she pulled the waitress' hair too hard. That just all didn't make sense. Plus, if your spouse is cheating, put it on the spouse, for pete's sake. HE was the one cheating on you, not the waitress. Priorities, girl, priorities. In any case, the cheating husband (whom we've never seen and could care less about) was just filler for in between the "I'm an FBI informant/I'm not an FBI informant" that filled the rest of this 45 minutes. Still, JLo is good to look at, as is Ray Liotta. I'll keep watching for now, just for those two people.
  14. I really enjoyed this episode, mainly because I miss Leverage and this took its place for the night. There were several LOL lines, and Spader rocked like he's never rocked before. I could care less about the absurdity of the plot and all the holes in it. I've been with this show since the beginning, so that tells you I am a forgiving person. I love Mr. Kaplan, Samar, Aram ... the guy who played the lawyer. I want all to come back in future episodes. But what was up with me tearing up at the end when Lizzie finally sees Red, then they hug? WTH is wrong with me? All I could think of was, Donald is going to be all wrinkled in court today. Unless that was some heavy-duty polyester in his suit coat.
  15. Okay, I loved this show. It's a combo of many of my favs: Arrow, Flash, Supernatural, White Collar (Ha ha to that one). The beginning was a little rough, but at the end I was clicking on my remote to get to the next episode, I totally wanted to watch another one, and keep watching. Then it sunk in I had to wait a whole week. *sigh* I'm in for the duration, this is the first time I've watched a pilot and didn't want it to end, or had to think whether I'll watch the next ep or turn on PBS instead. Yeah, there's some crazy happenings, but other shows that are suppose to be realistic are packed with stuff that's so far fetched it could never happen. I'm in for the brainless thrill ride here, no questions asked. I did get a huge kick out of Tim DeKay being an FBI agent. I guess after Neal Caffrey left New York, there was no reason for Burke to stay around, so he transferred to ... Seattle? I thought I saw the Space Needle.
  16. I watched this show last night for the first time ever, and only after flipping through all my channels 100 times to try and find something to watch. Sort of like one keeps opening the refrigerator door just in case food choices changed in the last two seconds. The best -- or worst -- part of the show for me was, after the cops were chasing that guy through the streets and into the house under construction, the guy shooting at cops with a shotgun and cop returning rapid fire ... when the guy was caught, they tossed him on the ground and cuffed him, then led him away. SO WRONG! If that REALLY had been Chicago PD, they would have beaten the cr*p out of the guy after they caught him, then shot him 17 times. Now THAT'S the Chicago PD that I know.
  17. Padma, we can compromise: "This AMAZING date is just CRAZY!" -- Chris Soules. Feel free to switch capped words.
  18. Chris Soules' magic word was "crazy." All of his dates were CRAZY! Kimmel mocked "amazing" because that's been TB and TB-ette speak for several years. Soules just switched it up to "crazy." Which I've heard used a couple time this season now, too. Maybe it came via Becca, one of Soules' "crazy" b-ettes?
  19. Oh, you really, really do NOT want an answer to that. That music guy who was Ben's favorite: I'd never heard of him. And Ben's favorite song I've never heard. Am I that out-of-touch (Hey, I know who The Weeknd is!) or was that music guy some random dude there to get a promo?
  20. I tuned into the middle of the rose ceremony, but was LB wearing trousers? It looked like it when she called Ben aside to leave, and if she was, I say "good on you, girl." And: "I wish you had stayed." Just because of the no-prom-dress thing. The b-ette on the car date looked just like Sean's Catherine wife. Other b-ettes are looking like past contestants to me, too. I want to attach electrodes to Ben and give him a jolt every time he says "like." Of course, he would be reduced to a blacked pile of ashes after about 10 minutes, so that would be the end of the show. I just can't watch/listen to this guy speak on his own, when he isn't prompted in THs and with a script. He's all: "Like ... like ... like ..." ad nauseam. It is so PAINFUL!
  21. Which leads to the next lie: "Honey, someone stole your car! You will have to walk to school!" No kidding. That was cable-show talk. And even on cable it would not be necessary. So yeah, maybe male/female cops talk like that to each other in real life, but it didn't do anything to help me like JLo's character. And what about the daughter getting a job to help pay her tuition? I guess me putting myself through college w/o any help from anyone makes me under appreciate kids who get a full ride, all expenses paid by someone else.
  22. I hope not. I want Samar to run off with Red, and they travel the world together via a variety of high-class ocean containers. But for some reason, my money is on the writers making Aram forget she screwed Ressler and putting them back together. The code word was the tell. Geesh Aram, couldn't you have used anyone's name but hers for the code? Even "PASSWORD" would have been better.
  23. And that's one of the few times I am thankful for my ancient non-hi-def tv. I totally missed the nose snot thank you very much. Originally, Red gave those money plates to the Backwoods Gang. How on earth would they even know what they were, much less how to print money? I know ... I am over thinking. I'm liking Red and Samar. Very much.
  24. I liked it okay, enough to tune in next week. JLo is quite pretty and yes, fabulous hair. I also agree the boobage was way too far out there (no pun intended), but then again, I guess male viewers have to tune in for something while the "little lady" is admiring Harlee's hair. That daughter looked an awful lot like Ray Liotta. And he's overly connected to her. Is he her real father or something? Is that a spoiler for later in the season? I mean, co-workers can be close, but his relationship with Harlee/daughter is a little much. Of course, it's entirely possible I missed something while checking out hair styles. I was waiting for the airbag to go off when JLo kept crashing the car. How does she explain it to the daughter, that her car is trashed? It would have been easier to make up a different excuse/lie to cover the first the-car-got-wrecked excuse/lie.
  25. Okay, so what I couldn't figure out was, after Ressler and Tom (and Karakurt) shot how many extras ... I mean, Black Ops-type guys, all of them suddenly got morals and wouldn't kill Solomon? So easy to toss his dead body into the cabin and say he was one of the casualties. Too bad, so sad, Solomon. I also got a charge out of how all the extras/Black Ops guys were wearing full body armor, yet Ressler and Tom (and Karakurt) killed each one cleanly, one shot each. I was wondering, after the first guy snuck in and was killed, why they didn't take his kevlar and put it on Karakurt. But I guess they didn't need to bother since none of those three were getting killed anyway. Will the Cleaner Lady come and take care of the neighbor's beautiful back-woods cabin, which is now in shambles? What was up with Red digging a 6-ft. grave so he could meet with Aram in the dead of night next to it? The heck, Red. That's what cell phones are for. I did love me some Aram riding his bike to the meet. He just gets better and better. I agree with adding him to the Red/Tom/Ressler/Dembe Show. I was wondering why Ressler didn't toss Solomon into that Box, since it was full of that "malfunctioning" gas. He could have knocked Solomon off on the Director's dime. System malfunction, guys! Sorry 'bout that! Did Red just hand over a case full of American 100-dollar-bill plates to a foreigner so the world can be flooded with counterfeit American currency? Whaaaaa?
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