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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Chocolatine, you're harshing my Benoit mellow. Not that he'd ever be TB anyway. But still ... I can imagine!
  2. I was thinking shortened, like if you cut off the Korean peninsula you'd be left with North Korea. So yeah, that clue confused me for sure. "Detached" would have been a better word than "cut off." Are all the clue writers unpaid interns this year? They've been horrible. "The Last Samurai" ... one of my favorite movies.
  3. But that's how we like our American The Bachelor, so in love so quickly! The accent, the glasses, the tears ... he's perfect! He even articulated his feelings, unlike our current Bach whose convo consists of: "I like that" then *kiss kiss smack smooch* I didn't have a problem with Jordan doing the coin flip. What's the difference between that and doing a Mesnick off the balcony because you're *cough in love cough* with two women? But yeah, he totally is a New Zealand Chad.
  4. Now I'm confused. What was the category? The way the clue was written, any profession could have been the answer, since FFA helps children of "all professions." But wait: What children do I know who even HAVE professions? Man, I need a drink.
  5. Not necessarily true! ("Tuba") Dr.Scottie, "frosts my cake ... cookies ... cupcakes ... chops" or anything of that sort refers to something that is annoying, that pisses you off. If I ever get on this show, I'll have to cut back on the urban slang or yousguys will be throwing shade all over me for sure!
  6. Christian is the German Juan Pablo. What was up with the "Ees okay" caption when Benoit was hugging Clare? Wrong bachelor, dudes. Stassi's lips were like huge flaps when she was kissing Luke. It was fascinating and gross at the same time. It was like big skin flapping all over Luke's face. I'm starting to not care about Clare. Benoit for the next Bachelor. PLEASE! I LOVE HIM!
  7. AuntiePam, you are correct that the Rabbit Run clue contained the word "runs," which I thought was not very good clue writing. And yes, confusing.
  8. According to the Ronald McDonald House site: "Families either stay at no cost or are asked to make a donation up to $25 per day, depending on the house." I guess none of these players fooled around with a neighborhood gang when they were kids. You know, playing Statue and doing SOMERSAULTS and stuff. Granola was a no brainer for me. But then, I was an Earth Shoe wearing, long-haired, vegetarian hippy child of the granola era. (What do I mean "was"?) My big complaint, and I mean BIG, is the judges accepting "farming" for what the second "F" stands for in FFA. It's Future FARMERS of America, not Future FARMING of America. Just like BSA is Boy Scouts of America, not Boy Scouting of America. It's a real and formal name. Judges wouldn't accept Rabbit Runs because of the stupid S on Runs, but they accept FARMING instead of the correct real and proper name? WTFing H. That not only burnt my toast, it frosted my cake.
  9. Pallida, those apples might indeed be from Michigan. I did a search and found out most apples in the grocery store are at least one year old, having been kept in cold storage and gassed. Michigan growers do this every year. This from one article: "In the sealed storage room, oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, as well as temperature and humidity, are regulated to keep the apples in a kind of suspended animation." The apples are suppose to taste as fresh as just picked. But I've eaten Washington apples picked directly from the orchard, that's not true IMO. *apple lesson over* LOL! My brain always wanders when categories are introduced on a new board. It's important to know those categories, so I'm positive my brain wants to jinx me with distractions so I don't feel "so smart."
  10. I picked apples in friends' orchard "back in the day" in Wenatchee. They were DELICIOUS, so different than the tasteless so-called apples shipped to the Midwest. Fresh is awesomely best. It was in the category "Ends in EE" with the clue being its area code is 414. Milwaukee is the only city that fits the category/clue, (Since Pewaukee's area code is 262. File that nugget away for future Jeopardy play.) Area code 414 basically covers only Milwaukee County, which includes Milwaukee, of course.
  11. I don't see the similarities between Austin and Frank. I just don't. Austin was insufferably the coolest cat in the room and took every advantage of his camera time to "perform" and show the world how clever he is. Yes, he was quick on the buzzer and seldom missed an answer. But he was such a massive tool. Frank was none of that. If Marty hadn't been unfortunate with some DDs, Frank would have been gone, baby, gone. If Austin hadn't been such a dickweed, he would have been one of my favorite players. But it is because of his Tom Toolery that he is being celebrated on the J! website, talk shows and on social media. It's not surprising Frank is a wannabee. Now Frank's standup gigs will come rolling in, right? I wonder about my brain, that I knew aiglet but had no idea about Janus.
  12. I think you've got your answer to that. LOL at Mondrianyone's "Frank doing the limbo."
  13. Hey Clare, I totally forgot the Wisconsin 414 area code was in the "Ends in EE" category. I wasn't paying attention to the category, I just knew the area code. Maybe Frank was thinking that city is spelled Milwaukey. I refuse to give him credit for even knowing Menomonee Falls.
  14. Because of all the frank Frank comments here after yesterday's game, I made a point to watch today instead of just listen. Yeah, LOL at Frank's yoga-ish backbends off his box stand -- I know he's elevated since he's gotta be short. He was doing all sorts of contortions up there. And a stand-up comedian ... yeah, right. Good luck with that "making people laugh and getting paid" thing. What was up with the handshaking before FJ? It was a runaway for Rob, but still, wait for the freaking END OF THE SHOW before you congratulate the winner (Cliff Clavin) Frank. Bromance indeed. I wouldn't have been able to answer that clue except they showed Salman Rushdie's photo, which made that TS a no brainer. I can't believe none of the three recognized him. I mean, he was all the news after The Satanic Verses got his death warrant signed. I would have answered "caldron" even if the Olympics weren't currently going on. There's an Olympic caldron lit every two years for pete's sake. LOL at the stupid Wisconsin area code guess. I knew 414 is Milwaukee, just like 312 is Chicago, but I live here. Then again, if one is going to grab some Wisconsin city name out of thin air, Milwaukee is the no brainer choice. (Unless you are talking football, but that's a different category.) FJ was easy peasy. I like Rob okay and glad he beat Frank. My hope is he becomes a "normal" player tomorrow, once the "paid comedian" is gone. Crossing fingers.
  15. I'm waiting for the "Baby" comments about the women who are 21, and the "Grandpa" comments about all the men who are in their 30s, which is most of them.
  16. I wonder if the judges would have accepted stevedore ...
  17. Chocolatine, ben wa balls have been around for years and years and years, WAY before Fifty Shades' author was even born. The pronunciation of Benoit's name only bothers those of us who know what ben wa balls are, as evidenced by posts in this thread. I wish I were not one of those creeped by the pronunciation. Yeah, I really REALLY wish I were not. But I am. Oh, to be young and ignorant ... again.
  18. Chocolatine, google "ben wa balls" and you'll see what we're talking about. I doubt they are strictly an American "item." I didn't realize Benoit (t) is a female name. It's a last name here, and the "oite" is pronounced. I would think spelling would be Ben-ois to be said Ben-wah. Oh well. What do I know. I watched all of JP's season and don't remember Claire's limo entrance. But I never remember any of the limo entrances so there's that. But thanks for clearing up the baby thing. Thank goodness it's just a joke!
  19. Penismobile. Ha ha ha. That's a new term for me. I'm keeping it. Again I used bad time management and started making food (stovetop cooking) when the show started, so I only heard but did not see the intros. Therefore, Frank didn't bother me, having missed any showboating he did. The crossed arms were okay with me too, since given a choice, I'll take that over the Statue-of-Liberty-arm-raised buzzer jerking. The Time Traveler's Wife was a clue/answer not that long ago. Or maybe I'm thinking of the reruns I watch an hour before the new episode. Those are from one year ago. This show repeats answers so contestants are smart to watch episodes one year and older. Sad to see Marty leave. He was a good player, plus looked like so many different famous people! Peeayebee, you are indeed a rebel. But a rebel with(out) a cause! (Flash picture of James Dean ...)
  20. Ashley is a caricature. Her HUGE lips overpower her face. So gross. She freaks me out. Add me to those embarrassed by the pronunciation of Ben-wah's name. Why not go American for this show, Ben-oite. I agree he is hot(er) with glasses, but I'm a sucker for men in glasses. I missed all the "competitions," and just caught the end. WTH is with voting someone off the island? Yeah, the ones who don't "fit in" are the ones to leave. Interpret that as you wish. I do like Claire so it's nice to see her, finally. But is Claire really pregnant? Yikes, if so. Even if she were all about having a ton of international boyfriends, Ashley being cast AGAIN in this franchise is insulting to this viewer. Her 15 minutes were up a long time ago IMO.
  21. I think the most I'll be able to handle of this show is a few minutes when commercials are on the station I'm really watching. Then again, those commercials might be better watched than this show. Seeing some of these people again make my head want to explode, and I know it will only get worse when "competition" starts. I cross country, downhill, snowboard and skate, so to see these rubes doing those things so horribly to get more of their 15 minutes ... I just don't think I can.
  22. Dean. Ashley. UGGGHHHHHHH! I'm not sure I can handle seeing those two on my tv AGAIN.
  23. Buckeye, did you drive by the SEE-ment pond? I agree that Marty's Donald Duck was the worst ever. The WORST. He gets PAID for doing voice overs? The heck ...
  24. I wish Marty hadn't found any of those daily doubles. FJ was a no brainer, but I guess one has to be a fan of BW tv shows to think that. Although I thought Beverly Hillbillies was pretty common knowledge, even for youngsters. I'd clear an entire BH category if the writers want to make one for me.
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