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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. A preppy white kid rapper who sucked, IMO. Okay, so I didn't watch glued to the tv so maybe missed some things, but what's up with Simon ranking on the guy singer and calling him "a karaoke singer." And the Golden Buzzer girl at the end wasn't karaoke quality? I actually liked the guy better. I'm really unhappy that this show is all about singers now and screw the other acts. You know, the ones that are interesting and fun to watch. I guess Simon will end up making more $$ off of the singers if he makes sure they win AGT and BGT and every other GT he's got his fingers in. It's so irritating that it's now scripted for one judge to "not get it" while two love the act, then the "waffling" judge decides to give a big "OKAY! I vote YES!" We've seen that so many times, they might as well just replay the tape for viewers while the judges go drink some ... well, whatever they are hawking this season. Dunkin' coffee I guess. While I didn't think the singing dog was all that special, his owner deserved a big YES through to the next round. I suspect she is a "real" person and was thrilled to even get on the show with all those recruited professional acts. So good on her and the dog.
  2. The Onion posted an article about this week's episode being disrupted by Trump. Here is the link.
  3. Mine too. Another pet peeve is accepting answers with too much in them, like "What is The Clan" for "Wu Tang _____."
  4. I felt bad for the guy on the right, he kept trying to buzz in for every clue and every time got locked out. That has to be so frustrating, to FINALLY make it onto this show and then not get a chance to play. I was all WTH Trebek when he said "WRONG" and then gave the correct answer of "Juan Carlos" without letting anyone else buzz in to answer. I swear I heard the woman player make a noise, like she had buzzed in and was going to give the correct answer. Trebek continues to be the definition of an asshat, if that's ever a clue on this show.
  5. I came here to say the same thing. By that, I mean eff the judges. St. Kingz was my favorite of the night, I actually stopped what I was doing and watched them, and they made me happy. I expected them to get scores close to 100, they were so different and fun and excellent. Then ... WTH? They get canned? This show only wants hip hop groups that aren't even dancing IMO, they are doing gymnastic tricks in between stomping and jumping around and waving their arms. Every time I watch one of those (very average) groups, I think hey, I could do that. And I'm no dancer. I've decided I don't give a care about this show or what the judges say. I'm just going to watch for the dances. I'll rewatch ElectricBoogaloo's links here (thank you again!) to see if I missed anything while being bored last night. And so much yes to HMV. I wish they would tell Eva Igo to not do any HMV and then let's see if she wins this thing. Oh, you mean she will anyway? Okay then.
  6. All female ballroom dancers wear heels. So why make a big deal about this stripper group wearing them? Oh, right. Because they had nothing else going for them. Thanks for the dance links, ElectricBoogaloo. I could watch all the performances in less than five minutes! I liked the Front Row video too. No cut to judges, something I hate.
  7. And Blake's mother probably wasn't expecting it to be broadcast on national television. So there's that! It will be F2, the bach who was BLINDSIDED and had his heart broken after breaking down his walls to fall in love with Becca, then he leaves "it all out there" when he proposes and is rejected, to be walked out in tears by the cold-hearted Becca. As for who is Bachelor material, pretty much none of the previous Bachs have been "Bachelor material," but that doesn't stop this show from casting them. This whole franchise has turned into one big circle.
  8. I easily got the TS of World of Dance since I post in that PTV thread too. But oh, no, poor Ne-Yo got no recognition in that clue. The TS of Briggs & Stratton told me that all three live in apartments or someone else mows their lawns as Briggs is THE engine for lawn mowers. I have to cut my own grass and repair the mowers/engines myself, so I easily got that one. I don't know any mnemonics nor was I ever taught them in school. IMO, it is a waste of time trying to remember some nonsense sentence when I can easily remember all the Great Lakes and the planets, in order. We have brains, people. A local radio station use to play a Would You Rather question every day, so the interview story didn't surprise or confuse me. They might have had Opus' desk calendar. I make my own catsup/ketchup and I thank progress that the present-day version is made with tomatoes and not fermented fish guts as was the original. I was glad to make that TS a QS (quadruple stumper) and hope I am never prompted to eat FFG on my fries.
  9. If it was an audition, Wills failed big time. He barely said two words when he needed to say, tearfully, how he broke down his walls for Becca and opened up to her for the first time ever. He could see her as his wife, and he told her he was in love with her, something he had never told any woman anywhere ever. They were soulmates, and he was BLINDSIDED by her letting him go. He is heartbroken and doesn't know if he can ever recover or ever get over her, he is broken and crushed. He doesn't know how he can go on. Now THAT'S an exit audition.
  10. LOL. I was so distracted by watching the shadows running through the scene, I totally missed the Wills send off.
  11. I thought he wanted out of the limo to puke on the side of the road. You know, from the close call he almost had getting hitched to Becca. I think the virgin audition was better than Wills' exit audition. But my money is on F2 as next Bach, whomever that is. Wills could make it to Paradise though, along with Leo. I'd love to have met Leo's family.
  12. JenE4, your post made me laugh more times than I have this entire month. It made watching this show worth my time.
  13. So my prediction of which two guys get kicked to the curb comes true. Drinks are on me, everyone!
  14. Based on Becca's kissing style, she's not into any of the three guys on this date. Or, rather, either of the two guys left. So much word to this. And I'm glad to know this. He's right when he said he isn't like the other guys there. That's a GOOD thing! Plus he has great clothes. Loved his green tennies.
  15. I love milk! And potatoes! We need a non-food comparison, like wet/dry paint. I don't know what a waddle butt is, but it's funny anyway. And Leo gets left alone on the deserted beach. He was toast as soon as he told Becca he needed more time if he was going to propose. That's the (Rachel's) Peter Principal kiss of death. Or bullet dodged in this case. Becca: Saying good bye to Leo was really difficult. Me: No it wasn't.
  16. I'm not spoiled and this isn't a spoiler. I just have my money on Leo and Wills going home on the threesome date. I missed most of Blake's date, but my thinking is that given he is "in love" with Becca and Becca "feels the same" plus sees him as her husband and got all gooey ooey talking about how great he is, that he is not F1. Just my take on it!
  17. Thank the gods Becca's hair is in a ponytail now, but what ever will she do with her hands? Oh .... give out a rose. Okay. And ... Garrett again blames his ex-wife, it was all totally her fault that their marriage lasted a big two months. What an ass. Blake has been assigned the vacant role of House Crazy Person.
  18. LOL at the super close up of Garrett's abs. Well, more like his stomach.
  19. Man, these guys are such a bunch of mope heads. None of them are appealing, sitting around all hang dog and having their individual baby tantrums. What happened to the bro brotherhood of previous seasons where the guys hung out at the pool and did push ups together? These guys all appear to hate each other. Or themselves. I can't decide. That flashes me back to Virgin Ashley I discussions! Oh, Garrett got the Bachelor Handshake. Ten points for Garrett.
  20. If I took a drink very time Becca touches her hair, I would have passed out dead drunk 20 minutes ago.
  21. Colton: This is something not even my dad knows. Only a handful of people know. I haven't shared it with anyone. I'm a virgin. Becca: REALLY? Bye. And she leaves to ponder what Tia told her vs. what Colton just told her. Me: WTH is the big deal? So what. This show.
  22. I agree with everything HunterHunted said. Cristina is an entitled brat, although I guess it's Harlee's fault she's like that, Harlee goes above and beyond to cater to her. Harlee also doesn't seen to notice when Cristina is being a bitch, so there's that, too. Still, I like this show better when Cristina is nowhere to be found. I also thought the FBI ladies were ... well, not the brightest. So anyone can tell them anything about anyone and they believe it? They didn't give Harlee two shakes when she said she saw Stahl. Now all of a sudden they get some rando phone call and they're all Harlee is the bad guy? Geesh. The FBI isn't painted too bright in any tv shows lately, not just this one. I thought for sure the liquor Stahl brought for the hooker was poisoned. The cop Stahl made think he was IA ... doesn't anyone ask for credentials these days? Anyone can tell anyone anything and they believe it? Stahl could have done Internet research to know what he told that guy. I'd have told Stahl to show an ID, and then I'd have checked it out back at the office. If he even had one. For being so smart, there sure are a bunch of dumbasses on this show, cops and FBI. He wasn't on this week, but does anyone know why Woz is obsessed with the kid who shot him? Why is he going to see him in jail, protecting him from the other gang kids. What's up with that? Plus why is a little kid (what, is he six or eight?) in gen pop with teenagers.
  23. Since you would be the contestant, the story should be about the amazing way you lost your virginity.
  24. That answer is correct in an existentialist way. "Me and Alex" doesn't sound casual, it sounds wrong and is wrong. It's "Alex and I went to the movies." If you want to be casual, say "Us guys went to the movies." Then you'd sound casual, wrong and stupid. "Someone bought popcorn for Alex and I" doesn't sound pretentious, it's also wrong. Correct: "Someone bought popcorn for Alex and me." In my online dating profile, I've posted that correct use of pronouns is a requirement, right up there with liking animals and outdoor sports. Bless your heart!
  25. It's made by the Maytag Dairy Farm in Newton, Iowa, a stone's throw (maybe two stones) from me. (Newton also was the home of Maytag Appliances before Whirlpool bought it, and the town lost its biggest employer.) Maytag was the first company to make a successful blue cheese in the United States, and, generations later, the dairy is still owned by the Maytag family. (The blue "veins" are made by adding penicillium. Yum.) Maytag cheese has never advertised nor does the company have a sales force. Which is maybe why some haven't heard of it. Beth lost me when she began her interview "Me and my husband went to ..." She should have boned up on some grammar in between her Bible studies.
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