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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Was Trebek's blue gingham-checked shirt (and pink tie) yesterday a first for this fashion maven? No one mentioned it here, which I find funny given the thoughts on player outfits.
  2. Ha ha! Whenever I see your name, I see: Help Mer Honda, like the car. I have to double-look to see Rhonda. Thanks Peeaye. Very helpful. I assume Aztec is seldom if never used in a clue? Let's hope!
  3. I say pray-lean. Taught by my mother born/raised in Arkansas who made them. Maybe she got northern-ized after moving to Illinois. Last time I was in NOLA, I bought plenty. I love me those pray-leans. Michael Myers was a no-brainer answer for me what with all the promo talk about Jamie Lee Curtis being in the new release. But I listen to a lot of radio talk shows that talk about movies. When talking about Michael Myers, I always have to stop to think whether it's Halloween or Shrek Myers. Steps for using a restroom hand dryer: 1. Wash hands 2. Turn on dryer 3. Rub hands under dryer nozzle 4. Wipe hands on pants.
  4. Oh, there were big discussions when Goldfinger came out, about how, if one were totally covered in paint, your skin couldn't breathe and you WOULD die. It was quite the fright. And yes, I did see the movie! And your Life cover link shows it was indeed during the 60s. So yeay for our wrong guess. Speaking of, Trebek did not say "that was before their time" before FJ was revealed. I guess all three contestants looked like old crocks who were alive in the 1960s. Well, that would have to be Animal House. Hands down. I've seen Psycho multi times too. Even in the theater when I was a "toddler."
  5. You could have voted for Randall.
  6. I got hung up on the melon being a crenshaw and the named Playboy model. All I could think of was Goldfinger, just like the one player did, except it was in color and the dead woman WAS gold, not chocolate. After the reveal, I was yeah, duh, I knew chocolate sauce was used for the black-and-white blood, but I didn't know the body double's name plus that very-specific melon species that was stabbed for sound effects ... eh. It wasn't happening for me. I thought Gene Simmons gave the best clues ever. He put those General Hospital actors to shame. I could listen to him read clues all day. He needs to record some audio books. He is very good. But I do have to side with @Browncoat in regard to Trebek's tongue. A big NO to that. At least the champ won enough money that Trebek isn't going to rank on her tomorrow. What on earth will he talk about instead? Tune in tomorrow and see!
  7. Kate would have redeemed herself, if even just a wee bit since I don't like anything about her, if, when Audio pooped, she handed Toby a plastic baggie and told him to check for the rock before he bagged the poop. THAT scene I would have enjoyed. I got a kick out of Randall, not being paid, asking his wife to "work" for him so she can't be paid either. Yeah, that will make her feel whole and self-fulfilled. She could go be a hospital volunteer if she wanted to do something good and not be paid. Or volunteer at a day care so she could be with her kids, who are now going to have no parent around. Although it could be a cool story line if Deja is made caretaker for the two other girls and they start a neighborhood gang or something.
  8. Happy B-day to Black Kitties! I hope you are making them special treats today so they don't trick you. Cats can be such spooky goblins!
  9. Oh, my, Opus. You know where to find everything. And with today being Halloween, maybe Trebek will be Kiss-ing us today. Meanwhile ... BOO!
  10. So says the person who does not have Saber's (totally free) antenna tv. Speaking of commercials, I've been seeing one for Kiss being on Jeopardy. Gene Simmons (I guess it's him, he's in full Kiss makeup) is next to another person in full Kiss makeup whom I assume is Trebek. I've been seeing it all week ... has anyone else? Kiss is on its "last final" tour so it's probably another paid promo. But Trebek in that makeup and doing the tongue thing ... just oh.
  11. As other posters have said, I was so irked by the Audio storyline. Kate wasn't watching him when he ate a rock (plus what rocks are in a random bag in the trash can? More likely he was eating sandwich wrappers or some druggie's hypo needle.) so they take him back to the park where they let him loose (to run wild and eat anything, run into the street, whatever) and AGAIN he isn't watched. Then Kate was all, "Oh, look! Audio pooped!" I know people don't want to see it, but they needed to look at the poop and then freaking pick it up in a baggie and dispose of it. But knowing entitled Kate/Toby, they let the poop just sit there for people to step in. Kate and Toby will be horrible parents. They are horrible people so I'm just supposing. Can't even be responsible dog owners. IMO, Jack didn't want to talk about Vietnam not because of some love child or whatever, it's because of the horrible killings and seeing women and children murdered in the most brutal way, and maybe some of those killings were at Jack's hand, because "he had to." Living in the midst of blood, amputated arms and legs, disemboweled corpses rotting in the jungle heat and seeing your buddies killed next to you ... yeah, that's not something to talk about to anyone who wasn't there. Or to people who were there. So Kevin is going to search the whole of southeast Asia for some woman who is 60-70 years old now IF she is still alive and IF she still lives in Vietnam? Alrighty then. As a Girl Scout who sold cookies, I just can't with how it's the parents' job these days and their fault if the kid doesn't sell enough. I hated that story line.
  12. I find both of these comments very troubling, says the person who has never seen one single Dyson commercial, even though the tv is on pretty much all day. I have seen Ron Popeil, though, in my defense. Dyson must advertise on those high-priced cable channels, which Saber does not have.
  13. For those of you annoyed with Tori's weaving, I hope you took your Dramamine before watching sea-sickness-inducing Allen. Be careful what you wish for. Sorry to see Tori go, but yeay that the new champ is another woman. For FJ I said Ron Popeil. And then I burst out laughing.
  14. I stand corrected! He is still reading minds everywhere, plus he has a Twitter account.
  15. Why, "the other one" was Kreskin, of course. (Refer to upthread if you don't "get" this.) This made me do a spit take. Just like in the old Vaudeville Days! Nicely played, BTAB. Prevailing Wind beat me to it. I posted the above while on the previous page, says me in my defense against redundancy. But nice to know PW and I think alike. Well, nice for me anyway. "Opus and Valerie, sittin' in a tree ..."
  16. Take a swing through northwestern Illinois next summer and I'll fix you up. You can see five drive-in movies in one weekend, three theaters. I sort of noticed her swaying and figured it would rankle some here. Me, I don't care any more what anyone wears, how they stand, where they wave their buzzer or in what order they pick their clues. It's just no longer important to me. At the moment, too many IRL things are drawing my irritation, I have none to spare for trivial (no pun intended) things. I do like Tori's quick way of asking for her clues, and I also like the fact that she's a freaking WOMAN who has actually has won two days in a row. Wonders ... never cease, please. FJ category drew another "Oh, merde" from me, but I managed to squeeze the right answer out before time was up. Yeah ... amazing, isn't it. I know, what was up with that? He did repeat one player's correct answer though, and in such a heavy accent I couldn't understand what in heck he just said. Maybe it was "Le Morte d'Arthur." He packed all his accent power into those few words. This made me laugh. Thanks, Kreskin!
  17. You were two weeks behind, I was worried about you, I was almost ready to put the hounds on your trail. But good on you for having a life outside of The Final Jeopardy Contest! But seriously, welcome back.
  18. Well, shallots are tiny onion bulbs so, technically, immature onions. I ASS-ume if left alone they will grow into full-sized onions and no longer be shallots. And aren't green onions even younger onions/shallots? I've never grown onions (or potatoes) since they are so inexpensive in stores. To continue OT about the drive in theaters: Thinking about it, all three drive ins are approximately equal distance from me, one to the east, one to the west and one to the south. The southern one is the freebee. I intend to check it out next year as it is closed for the season currently. I usually go to the eastern one, but this year their double features were of no interest. They are playing double-feature horror films right now, after its yearly all-night-long horror fest a week or so ago.
  19. Cheer up. Even a bad week is a good week in this contest!
  20. I would have thought that would have increased their value!
  21. Yes! All are in rural areas too. Which makes sense since four that used to be in city limits were replaced with shopping malls and other metropolitan things. There used to be another just a couple miles from me, but only its sign and the ticket booth are left. It's still rural/farm land though so not sure why it closed. I found the free movie one by accident while driving somewhere else. I looked it up online when I got home and, sure enough, it shows free classic films and everyone is invited at no charge.
  22. This cracked me up because I know exactly what you mean. I didn't see a lot of movies at drive ins either. Now, however, I tend to fall asleep before the second feature is over so drive ins are no longer as much fun (or worth the $ if I fall asleep). There are two drive ins near me, and I found another one a little further away that shows classic movies (Bullet, etc.) for free, they just ask you buy food at the concession.
  23. Only if it represents Carnegie Mellon. I said shallots for scallions so was pleased the judges said my answer was correct too. You mean, kind of like she did to her two competitors? Just like the Liberty Bell is just a bell, the Bible is just a book, the crown jewels are just colored rocks. I wouldn't expect it to glow or sing and dance since, after all, it IS a rock. Or rather, a stone. It's the history that makes it special. A person I know went to Culloden and said it was "just a boring big field" and she hated it. I was offended by her lack of compassion since it is a very special place to descendants of the clans who were massacred there.
  24. WEEK 7 Final Jeopardy Clues - One asterisk clue 30 26. Places in the News. In a hint of the future, in 1973 Marjorie Post gave it to the U.S. government as a warm-weather presidential retreat, but it was returned. 27. Old English Literature. This “creature of evil, grim and fierce, was quickly ready, savage and cruel, and seized from their rest thirty thanes.” 28. African Cities. Also a judicial capital, this aptly named city is known for an annual rose festival that began in 1976. 29. State Birds. The 2-word name of this black & orange or black & golden state bird derives in part from the Latin for “golden.” * 30. European History. Legend says this, weighing 336 lbs., came from the Holy Land & Kenneth MacAlpin brought it to Perthshire c. 840. *
  25. Well, you need to start doing a lot worse to win the Low prize. I was tied with you this week until my specialty category of birds plus me being half Scottish gave me two, two, two points to end the week. (TM Doublemint Twins)
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