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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Best part of the night was Jenna's face while waiting for the news of who would go home. She looked about 50 years old. Second best part of the night was Keo getting those scores. Oh yeah: Evanna too. Worse part of the night was Joe going home because I really wanted him to win the whole thing so the world would implode. Second worse part of the night was Cheryl leaving. I can't take my eyes off her, she looks fantastic. Third worse part of the night was Alexis staying. Can't stand ya Alexis. My vote: Anyone but the entitled Milo. (Or Alexis.)
  2. I thought of that in the middle of the night. RIP Stan Lee. I always figured he would live forever. Marvel is the best. I had the most huge crush on Daredevil back when. It was irritating that no one paid attention to him, and his movies tanked while Spiderman took off.
  3. Great idea Mindthinkr; thanks. I've done articles about having a "go" package always ready if you have pets. I almost had to use my own advice when an underground gas line exploded two miles from me. Homes within one mile were evacuated. You could see the fireball hundreds of miles away. You never know. Tacos ... yum. Ha ha.
  4. I got "upright" piano since back in my day, every home had a piano. An upright one. That all kids took lessons on. I've been to auctions now where no one will even bid on an upright piano. Makes me sad. (Except I won't bid either.) I grew up with horseshoes above the door to bring good luck, I was told. The toe of the shoe had to be pointing down though, or the luck will spill out. I got tenor, and have no idea why. Also narcolepsy since that's one of my favorite words. SHOUT OUT to our @opus for being the TS of the plural of opera. I got FJ quite by a guess. Given there were only eight countries involved, I figured it had to be a large one so that left out Iran, Iraq, et. al. So I picked by the "one of these things is not like the others" Sesame Street method and came up with Russia. I know. It shocked me too.
  5. I just saw Balloon Dog on the news. Remember him as a Jeopardy clue/answer? He was the highest selling piece of art done by a living artist, sold for $58.5 million (I know, I know). It is anticipated he will be knocked from that perch by a painting scheduled to sell by Christie's.
  6. Peeayebee, I hope you aren't close to the fires. It's so horrible on the news, it brings me to tears to just see that, I can't imagine living it. I hope you are safe. Jeopardy might have aired during some crazy overnight time or perhaps they just canned that episode. I doubt you will be behind, but TPTB never listen to me. Try watching it online. That's what I do when I miss an episode. Makes life stress free when Jeopardy is starting in 20 minutes and I'm an hour away from home.
  7. Oh gosh, I watched the entire series but it was on DVD given my lack of tv channels. I loved it too, except the episode about the dog.
  8. As a person who has focused on learning about animals for a lifetime, I knew anthrax was a sheep disease, just like I know trichinosis can be found in pork. That was a real bug-a-boo when I dated a hog farmer for an extended period of time and wouldn't touch anything pork. I told him it was because of trichinosis, not because pork makes me break out in hives. He would flip out every time I said that word. Hey, trichinosis could be a Jeopardy answer sometime. You're welcome.
  9. WEEK 9 Final Jeopardy questions — ONE asterisk * 31. Characters in Children’s Lit. Memories of refugees in British train stations before & after WWII helped inspire the creation of this character. * 32. Alphanumeric Anatomy. Alphanumerically, it’s at the top of the spine & lets you nod. * 33. Broadway Musicals. Winner of 6 Tonys in 2017, it’s the first Broadway musical to focus on the subject of teens & social media. 34. Historic Leaders. One of his many horses was named Roitelet & was ridden on the way home from Russia in 1812. 35. Holidays & Observances. Puebla is the only Mexican state that officially celebrates this spring holiday that is now more popular in the U.S.
  10. I got 2 this week, doubling my last week's score! Yeay!
  11. I got most of the TSs although I did not keep track. Anthrax was a bad miss given all the anthrax-filled letters that were a "thing" a while back. Maybe that was Before Their Time. I also got IHOP since I get a free Rootie Tootie on my birthday, except they have changed it to just a stack of pancakes, omitting the Fresh And Fruity part. Kids nowadays probably don't go out at night to catch lightning bugs in a jar. But that was a big thing back when I walked 10 miles to school in the snow, uphill both ways. The cruel kids would cut off the bug's rear ends and make glowing "rings" out of them. Yeah, the butt continues to glow when disconnected from its body. I have to say, I tanked on the whole tv category. That happens I guess, when your tv only gets two channels. I did get FJ since the answer was my favorite holiday of all. It beats every other "special" day hands down.
  12. Scroll back and you will see this has been answered. But to sum up, the contest continues every day there is a Jeopardy episode, regardless of who is playing, until the end of Season 35.
  13. I don't know why, but this made me laugh. So thanks for that. I also love that your avatar is so pleased with himself. You know there is another Pooh (or two) roaming around here ...
  14. I might agree if I had ever heard of any of them much less knew what they were about. That category was full of stumpers for me. I do know Walking Dead -- I had to stop watching it seasons ago, too rough for me. Me either, and I used to buy/refinish/sell antique chairs. Go figure. I think one of the players answered it, too. I'm especially impressed during the interviews. They are all so well spoken, polite and articulate. I hope they can keep those attributes into adulthood. I did get the DD/TS of tetanus since I'm a regular for getting tetanus shots. I had a dog contract tetanus some years ago after he got kicked by a horse. What a nightmare. He spent a long time in university vet hospital, they had never seen a tetanus dog before. His case history is now used to teach students.
  15. I thought Caleb looked like a young Ken Jennings, and Rotimi resembled Colby Burnett. Except I forgot Colby doesn't wear glasses, but if he did, Rotimi could be his young doppelganger. I finally got a FJ, my first one in eight games. And only because Napoleon is always pictured on a horse, plus there were enough hints in the clue that helped a dolt like me to get it. So, yeay me.
  16. I hope that Emma, or any teen smart enough to quality for Jeopardy. is not using that most disgusting and obnoxious swear word. Or at least I hope she waits until she's older and is posting on online tv-show forums. I also hope Emma's friends, family and acquaintances accept her for who she is, not for who they think she should be according to some imaginary standard they (imperfect as THEY are) hold.
  17. I finally watched yesterday's episode (Wednesday) online. I thought clues were pretty average, no easier or more difficult than a normal game. I knew some, didn't know others that the teens did know. So, it was a typical show for me. My only problem was the answer of "eagle" for the national symbol needed a BMS. There are different kinds of eagles, and our national symbol is the bald eagle, as Trebek filled in. Bald eagles are quite different from golden eagles. But letting that answer go without a BMS is how this show has been lately so no surprise. Side note: We have hundreds of bald eagles here in the winter that fish the open water by the lock and dams on the Mississippi. People come from all across the United States (and some foreign countries) to photograph them.
  18. I was gone for today's show so will have to view it online to see if I qualify for Are You Smarter Than A Teenager. I did look up FJ on TheJeopardyFan so I could add it to our contest. I saw the category and immediately said "HAMILTON!" Because all Broadway clues are about Hamilton, right? So instead the answer was some show I've never heard of. Go figure. So I readily admit I am NOT smarter than a teenager. Speaking of irritating voices, I caught the pilot episode of Will and Grace last week and didn't recognize Megan Mullally, she had a regular speaking voice. By episode 2 she was starting to "bring it" and become the irritating "Karen."
  19. Thanks for that since I totally blew the asterisk off, there haven't been any for a while. Got it added now though.
  20. Yes, it was a good story and one I appreciated. Because I am the first and only one in my family to attend college too. Plus I had to work to put myself through, paying every dime myself through multiple jobs and eating Kraft mac and cheese (15 cents a box!) cooked over sterno because I couldn't afford a stove. So I'm a little jaded when it comes to certain people telling me how tough they have it. I now have a big hate for mac and cheese though, won't touch it.
  21. Yes, you are right. Thanks for the correction. Gah. My brain cells are dying faster than I can keep up. Matt Bomer can stand on stage for an hour and a half and my report would be "It was very very good."
  22. I was only half watching, but from across the room I wondered where the University of Auburn is located. Thank you. You have made me feel better. Ha ha!
  23. I was all WTH during the intros, and Trebek having her explain it didn't help a bit. Then she really needed her mic shut off unless all the show PAs are looking forward to reading all the snark about it here. Respect to the thousands of players before her who have been able to SHUT THE FREAK UP in between clues. Well, she'll be off my teevee for a while now, and let's hope she washes her hair before she returns. Yeah, I'm cranky today. I was pumped beyond words when I saw FJ, and thanked the many gods that I aced my college anatomy class and worked with all those chiropractors as I confidently answered "atlas." It's even first in the alphabet! Then it was WTH Saber when the answer was revealed. Duh, yeah, I forgot all the cervicals are named C1-C7 and the clue was asking for alpha numeric. On top of that, the atlas is C2. *Saber retreats back to the corner with dunce hat firmly back in place*
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