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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Here are my favorite penguins, the Macaroni. It's like looking in a mirror. Just so you guys will recognize me when I get on Jeopardy. I even had a dog named Macaroni.
  2. Oh, thanks @bubbls. I remember now they said Joey tripped over a guy wire, because I wondered where a guy wire was that someone would trip over it at all. A business could get sued for sure putting one where people can fall over it. I wonder where the car was in relation to the front door, and how dead Joey got behind the bushes. It sounded like he was nowhere near Olga. I'd like to see a map of the "crime scene." I think they said both were shot multiple times, but then it was also said they were shot like it was pro hit men. Shooting a ton load of bullets isn't exactly "professional." But what do I know!
  3. He did? I missed that. Joey was found murdered under the bushes next to the building, his phone in hand. Maybe I heard wrong, the cops said Joey was still at the car when Olga was opening the door to their home. Not sure how they knew that. Maybe neighbors? Tracks in the dirt?
  4. Joey the Favorite Son was a new episode for me. There was SO MUCH WRONG with the mother, too much to even go into. But her stealing the ring back from the daughter, then loading it up with cubics and giving it back, like the daughter wouldn't notice. LOL, she drew a detailed picture of it for the detectives! But back to Mom: She said "Joey deserved it." WTH does that mean? He couldn't afford to buy a ring, any ring, for his Internet Russian bride? And about the bride, all I could think of were those "buy a wife online" sites where Russian women are marketed to rich Americans, and I guess men in other countries too. I still never got where all their money came from, Joey's and Olga's. And after Joey died, the other owner had to work 24/7? What's wrong with hiring another mechanic? And a minimum-wage office clerk? Geesh. So much wrong with that picture. I was flipping around at the end after the business partner got busted. Did they say he set up the burglary? And if he knew so much about Joey and his family fights, why didn't he tell the killers to take the ring off Olga? Then the sister really would have been in dutch for the murders. Finally: What happened to the ring? Did the sister get it so she could put the real diamonds back in her cubic ring? Did it get buried with Dear Joey? Did Mom take it back? Do we know? Yeah, that was a family that, if I were a part of it, I'd move far, far away. And change my name. And my will.
  5. Alex is on the cover of some magazine I saw while waiting in line at Walmart (ugh). It was a name I didn't recognize, and his head is over most of the masthead. It says he's 78 and quotes him as saying Jeopardy will continue after he's gone. I didn't get to look further as it was my turn to check out. When I turned around, YIKES! everyone in front of me was gone!
  6. You are SO LUCKY @Browncoat. That's my dream life. Take photos of the cuties on the ship too. You know, for Saber who lives in the shallow end of the pool. What's the temp? And yes to a Chinstrap avatar. You can switch to a different penguin every few months. I hope Jeopardy has an Antarctic category when you return!
  7. Or you are not a Harry Potter fan? That's a great excuse if so!
  8. Same here. I wonder what King's worth is. Although Rowling I am sure gets $ from all the theme park stuff which would really put her up on the list. Good on her for donating to charities.
  9. Great recovery from last week @GrannySmith. Well done. But that's where their brains are! Gah!
  10. This is the best post I've read for weeks, @peeayebee. Well done. And thanks for the laugh.
  11. WEEK 16 — NO asterisks 76. British Names. The last name of this 17th century baronet who held many offices is synonymous with the government & especially the Prime Minister’s residence. 77. The Supreme Court. Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes once referred to this 1857 decision as the court’s first self-inflicted wound. 78. Historical Geography. Most of the land fighting in the First Punic War between Rome & Carthage was on this island. 79. Coastlines. At 3,700 miles, the longest ocean trench is named for these 2 nations that share most of South America’s Pacific coast. 80. Authors. The first novelist on Forbes’ list of billionaires, this author fell off in 2012 after giving an estimated $160 million to charity.
  12. @Good Queen Jane, I put this score for your last week's total (Week 15) as I didn't have that, plus there was one asterisk last week, none this week. Now I need this week's total!
  13. It was no more strange than any other wild-ass guess at FJ by any player who is grabbing at straws and by the odd chance just might MIGHT be correct. He even knew it was wrong and made that clear if you were watching his reaction. But hey, "Gates" was not as strange as my guess of "Lesbos" for the Italian island yesterday. So I pose my question again: Is it better to leave your FJ slate blank if you don't know it or take a wild guess and be mocked forever online? You decide. Me, I vote wild-ass guess. I take each clue by itself with no reference to any clue above or below it, so the writers' cleverness was lost on me. And I can't believe I finally knew a FJ this week, bringing my FJ score up to ONE for the week.
  14. LOL! Yeah, Lucy can get mad at Wyatt and take the Eyeball back to pre-dead Flynn and bring him home. There is no end to this story, if the show gets renewed somehow. Plus, if Lucy's sister disappeared, so can the twins I guess. Less baggage for renegade Wyatt and Fly-ucy.
  15. You are correct. Me saying union workers call it a "job title" was my weak attempt at sarcasm/humor.
  16. All I could think of was rugby scrum. Unions coined a job title, "scab." That's sort of like a scrum too. Kudos to Jon for a game well played. I felt badly he didn't have enough time to finish writing Peru, but it's good that even if he had, he still would have been in third. Knowing the answer, running out of time and killing your chance of remaining champ would have been too much for me to live with. Cliff Clavin. I also like how he immediately went to shake hands and congratulate Kathryn at the end of the game. That's seldom seen. Players are probably told to stay put, but I liked his enthusiasm and good grace. You can tell him, @Matt76, that he was a good player, and congratulations on adding Jeopardy Champion to his resumé. Plus he didn't get ranked on here, so BIG bonus!
  17. Que interesante! And good on you for using your high school Spanish there. I thought was quite articulate in that language until I struck up a conversation with non-English-speaking grooms at a horse training barn. They would look all confused, then it would dawn on them what I was saying, and they'd repeat it correctly. That's when I realized learning from a gringo is muy malo if one wants to learn correct pronunciation. Qué triste! I would love to see all you are seeing. My eyeballs couldn't get enough. I never thought until now but you must have flown into Buenos Aires. For some reason I was thinking you hopped the ship in New Orleans or something. Que estúpido! Keep track of all the different penguins you see. And photos photos photos. Viajes seguros, Capa de Marrón. Say "Hi" to the cute research fellows you meet. Do it for Saber.
  18. Hola Capa de Marrón! Cómo estás? I would love to go to Argentina, but even my bucket list has a bucket list -- that will never happen. But know that based on where you are, odds are good you will get today's FJ! So early contrataciones to you! Meanwhile, safe travels and check in often. You know, from that Starbuck's in the Antarctic.
  19. Illinois has plenty of those in prison too. I hope you were wearing some sort of pants. Not that it matters since you got no gifts. Bah, humbug. Hey @proserpina65, I rather prefer your spelling of Spiro Agnes. Great story @Matt76. I caught part of Modern Family (I never watch that) last night and Jay was grousing about what some new start-up closet guys were wearing in the office. I do like to watch Father Knows Best; Jim is always dressed in suit and tie around the house while he reads the paper after work, waiting for Margaret to fix him dinner. OLD SCHOOL!
  20. At least Malta is near Italy. So that's a plus for you!
  21. Don't worry, you are still golden. Not a day goes by here that someone doesn't goof up a clue/answer. Not that I ever have ... *cough*
  22. That actually should be a $200 clue. It's too easy for $1,000. It's been my experience that the person running that contest is a hard nose and not an easy one to deal with. So, no thanks to that idea.
  23. @Matt76, congrats to your nephew. He not only got a bucket-list cross off, he is now a Jeopardy champ, something very few people can claim. Watching ending credits, I thought how nice Jon looked in his grey pullover sweater, I liked it very much. Then I noticed the champ, dressed all to the nines, and the woman competitor looked great too, in her sweater and neck scarf. I seldom care what anyone wears but this was one well-dressed group of players. Huzzah! I hope Jon goes far. He played great. (He's also nice to look at, this from the shallow end of the pool.) As for me, I had no clue for FJ AGAIN so grabbed the name of the only island I could come up with, Lesbos. Hey, at least it's an island, that's something. There needs to be a contest prize for worse FJ Wild Stab Guess. ETA: I thought all the interview stories today were interesting and fun. For a big change!
  24. LOL. That sort of describes the wedding day (and subsequent marriage) of most brides!
  25. Not ego IMO. It's because the one hates the other so much, they want that person dead. A divorce leaves both alive, which is too much for some people to be able to handle, they want the one they professed to love in sickness and in health, forever and ever, gone forever and ever. It's a I-hate-you-SO-MUCH thing, living is too good for you. Once the spouse is dead and gone for good, the murderer is free forever. Well, until he or she is arrested. But the person they hated so much is still dead, so there's that. Most people can't see that side, but anyone who has been in a hate-filled relationship should be able to.
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