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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. But I'll bet you can answer an entire Opera category. So there's that!
  2. Oh, thanks. I totally forgot that the Sharks are paid to be on the show. LOL! I could live for a year being paid for one appearance as a Shark!
  3. At the end, when Mark went up to hug/congratulate the dog-food guy, the guy started to say something and Mark interrupted him by saying "I know." I thought that was strange, almost like it was a set up and there really wasn't a deal. I just remember how odd that was when it happened. I wish I could have replayed that part. Do we know if all those deals made are real deals? Or just scripted reality-show tv? This was the first time I thought the deal was fake, and now I wonder how many others are as well. Maybe people pay to get on the show to get tv exposure for their product, and be able to advertise "As seen on Shark Tank." I need to check into that! Plus I wonder how bottomless those Shark pockets are if one Shark can hand out $100,000 to $500,000 to multiple people since I assume several shows are filmed in one day.
  4. I was surprised by Trebek telling ... was it Lindsey? that the answer of "what is a deer" was "a tough one," this when the clue contained "fallow" and another kind of deer in it. Can't remember the details, I just made a note of it since I found the clue/answer insanely simple. But then animal categories are my strength, opera and Shakespeare, not so much.
  5. Which reminds me of another thought I had, what IS the shelf life? What preservatives does he use since he was in such a tiz about it being all natural. I've already forgotten the name or I would look it up. Wasn't he only selling online?
  6. I knew that and almost added a "Hi to @MrAtoz" to my post, then decided not to, obviously. But you got a loud mental shout out from Saber.
  7. I said Ball State. It's named after the Ball Brothers. Ball jars are the best. Snow globe! I sadly lack your ability to see into or predict the future. My failure at the track betting window is proof of that.
  8. I thought the same thing, then remembered that articles added to titles don't count. Unless there is another show named The Family Guy, then it would be ruled incorrect.
  9. Hey, she beat the Three-Day-Champ Curse to make it to day four. And I say, "Good on you, Lindsay. Long may you reign." With her active buzzer hand, I can see her trying to buzz in, knowing answers to clues she doesn't win the buzz for. Yes, she IS a beast! For FJ I answered "Morocco" based on "close" and "across the water," but was so sure I was wrong. I just couldn't come up with anything else. So imagine my surprise that I was correct. I did some reading on the war; Spain still owns two cities in Morocco. That's another thing I did not know until today!
  10. The two dog products on this episode caught my attention. I have several decades under my belt of breeding, training, handling and showing purebred dogs as a professional. So I have a bit of street cred on the subject. The selfie thing was a good idea but not for every situation. You have to have a dog that is ball-focused, and of the dozen dogs I'm working with now, only one will look at a ball. But if it's not in my hand for me to throw, forget it. Other dogs will look quickly at a squeak, so a holder designed to auto squeak the ball would be a winner. Maybe the holder would work if you stuck a pork chop in it, that would get a dog's attention. But keep a grip on him/her so Bowser doesn't leap up and chomp the chop right off the phone. The vegan dog food was a joke. I couldn't believe the guy got a deal based on his useless presentation. His big line: "What do dogs WANT to eat?" I answered with "their own poop, dead animals, horse poop, anything I drop on the floor, any bird or varmint they catch and kill." Just today I yanked a dead mouse out of the throat of one of my champion dogs as she was frantically chewing and trying to swallow. Dogs don't turn up their nose at Purina Dog Chow because they want vegan meals. Dogs eat EVERYTHING. I wanted to see the break down of nutrition and test studies showing the food met a canine's basic daily need and the needs of different ages and growth stages. That those two beagles ate some treats means nothing. Those beagles would have snatched that dead mouse out of my hands and fought over which one got to eat it first. Major dog-food companies have kennels of dogs that are fed their foods, studied and results documented. What studies did this guy have? Vegan dog food is targeted at people who anthropomorphize their dogs, always a mistake. Was the person aware of the FDA's current alert that a grain-free diet is being linked to canine dilated cardiomyopathy? I doubt it. Not that it applies here, but these studies DO exist. And not all commercial dog food contains "feathers." Such a stupid argument. Show-dog people are obsessed with what their dogs are fed. And a vegan diet is not even on their radar.
  11. I will remove your Oxford commas when you send your stories in for the magazines I edit. I have the power! Again there was an Arizona vs. Arizona State clue/answer in Monday's game. Is one of the writers from Arizona? I'm hoping for a "Let's Go To Tucson" category when @TEEBAX makes her first appearance.
  12. Oh, that is hilarious in so many way, Your Majesty. You made me LOL and I haven't even had morning coffee yet. I write and edit to AP Style and would never use an Oxford comma. I guess I was in a comma coma when I wrote that sentence. Thanks for the laugh. I'm not even going back to edit it, that sentence is perfect as is now.
  13. Remember, on the plane it was revealed there WAS no plan? "Just wing it guys, after we get there." That really should be in spoiler tags. You just ruined the ending for everyone.
  14. I keep up with movies and always watch the Oscars, but I must have been in a comma that year since I'd never heard of Spotlight, I also had to google it. Interestingly, I knew all seven of the other 2016 Best Picture nominees and can tell you plots, actors, directors and so forth for all seven. But Spotlight? Never heard of it. Go figure.
  15. That's why I won't even have golf on the tv in the background, it puts me instantly to sleep. Really puts a crimp in my productivity. I got it! It all goes back to high school, when I had a monster crush on one of the swim-team guys so went to all the swim meets. Good times. Did anyone else hear the answer of "World" Fair instead of "World's" Fair? Not that what I hear or think I hear makes any difference to the judging on this show. For FJ I instantly came up with The Artist. Hey, it's nine letters. But then I couldn't come up with what won the next or previous year. So, total fail. Congrats to Lindsay — great job again, Champ. I just hope she can make it past the Three-Day-Champ Curse tomorrow.
  16. I was SO waiting for that. Maybe those will be his "last words."
  17. You just quoted the tagline for my life.
  18. Well, if Red dies, this show could continue with him as Ghost Red who appears to Lizzie to tell her about the next Blacklister so she can head the Task Force to capture the Baddie of the Week, all with Ghost Red hovering around her and directing her for what to do. Let's face it, Medium was a better-written show than this, although YMMV. Red's last words ... LOL that he would give up an opportunity to wax prophetic one last time. Plus there's that Scheherazade thing he could do. He could live another five to 10 years on that one story, with breaks only for more cabbage soup and herring. If Otto didn't ask every week about Agnes and the dogs, I would be highly disappointed. Rock on, Otto!
  19. I've never watched this show and had never heard of JS before the "attack," which I heard a lot about since I listen to Chicago talk radio. I'd think viewership would be up based on non-viewers wanting to see Jamal on the show, and Jussie's acting skills. I'd be a one-and-done though, after seeing Jussie on an episode. So I can see ratings spiking, then leveling. JMHO, of course!
  20. You mean like the "Is Red my father/not my father?" story line? That's what I'm hoping. And the doctor with the drugs is really Mr. Kaplan, who is in disguise after being only partly dead. They did go into way too much detail about the drugs being administered and what each injection does. I think the doctor is the red herring. Or, Red's Herring. He probably got paid off in "cabbage" by Dembe, who slipped the money into the prison via that rat on a string.
  21. I was confused when the two FBI guys bashing open the door appeared to be hit with a shotgun blast, but no one else seemed to notice or care. I guess their SWAT gear kept them from harm, so the blast just knocked them down. I guess. When Red started opining about his mother, I was waiting for Lizzie to say, "I know how she felt, I'm a mother too," like she always did before. But no, I guess she's forgotten having that kid, whatever its name is. "Isn't that conveeeeen-yent." --TM Church Lady. I did like Red telling Lizzie she was going to be extremely wealthy though. And yeah, this show is like all other tv shows, in a speed time warp. Red is convicted one day, executed the next. If only our legal system DID work that quickly. "The Red Mile." LOL! Good one. Aram continues to be a PITA. Why insist on talking about personal issues when Samar asks him not to? It appears they live together, he couldn't wait? Oh yeah, I forgot, they were all flying to Europe on the government dime. No home time scheduled. I was surprised Red lost his cool with the prison doctor, grabbing him to tell him the best way to murder people. Ouch, Red. Not cool at all. Good to know this POTUS doesn't have anything scheduled in his day so Cooper can drop in whenever. Other than that, I got nothing. This could be Spader's way of getting out of this series though. So there's that.
  22. I KNOW you are good, not just "pretty good." Or you wouldn't be flying to LA to tape the Jeopardy Teachers Tournament. Study up on state capitals though! What is Mr. Author's book? (I could google but too lazy.) McMurtry and Hillerman are two of my favorite authors, the second so much that I have visited "the rez" and the diné several times. I greatly admire the Navajo and other Native Americans. Perhaps Mr. A. will get a movie deal out of it. $$$$$$$$ ! I heard it was under the knife. All reviews had been stellar so I'm sorry it was canceled. As for the original, I was too young to notice the Schneider creepiness and thought he was funny, as did everyone in that era. Now though ... I just can't with the reruns. Watching old tv shows is a lesson in how our society thought back then, and explains why those ingrained behaviors are so difficult to change now.
  23. I used to work with a guy, last name Flugel.
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