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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes, Puppy Deserter Fenster is currently on late-night Jeopardy reruns in Illinois. He still might be family to your ex boss. They could have unfriended him/banned him on social media, which is why he's not showing up there. Sort of like how I'm trying to ban him from my Jeopardy life. It was weird to watch a rerun where players started at the top and didn't garner a lot of $ during the episode, and no one was smarter than anyone else. It was quite pedantic and boring after living life in The James Fast Lane. Me likee Fast Lane!
  2. Oh, man, I disliked that guy. Jeopardy has a rerun every Sunday night at midnight. Last week I tuned in and RYAN was on. Gah. I turned it off. Last night I tuned in and Ryan is still there. Double gah. I'll try again next Sunday with hopes he's gone. I instantly said D-Day invasion although I didn't know what "real" people the stamp would depict, maybe just generic soldiers. Iwo Jima was a "duh" moment. But most FJs are for me so today was no different. They are EIYKI, like everything in life. I missed all of this episode except got home in time to see FJ. I might try to find it online. Or not. Probably not.
  3. Wow, @teebax, that's some major suckage that the teacher grants went away. WTHeck, this show gives away millions of dollars yet can't spring for what's a fraction more than a second-place finish on a regular game. And to go cheapskate on teachers is pitiful, everyone knows educational/school budgets are in the tank and teachers buy classroom supplies out of their own pockets. That's just so wrong, this show getting all cheap wad on teachers. And a tournament on top of it. That's weird about no kids being filmed to wish their teacher good luck. The school doesn't have to be identified, they could have said "Here are Ms. Teebax's classroom kids wishing her good luck from Arizona." I mean, geesh, come on show. It's 30 seconds. What's the deal. Yeah, I can see why you are a bit down, even more than just the expected "down from a high" emotional let-down. It's like winning the lottery and the lottery commission telling you, oh, guess what, we don't have any money so you don't get any money. In fact, Illinois did that a while back, the state was broke and wouldn't pay out on winning tickets. Didn't sit well. But a lot of what happens in Illinois doesn't sit well. Well, we still love you here. Right, PTV gang?
  4. Because you know all the secrets and backstage goings on. (Okay, just a guess.) You also know how small the studio is now! How have your students been since you got back? I hope you are getting respect. More than before that is.
  5. Not just game shows. Humans in general are rude, selfish and greedy. To see someone be kind and thoughtful to others is refreshing and gives hope that not everyone is horrible. JMHO, of course, based on life experience. I kinda hope this guy sticks around for a long time.
  6. Only if you can cough up my rate of $2 per lawn. Car washes: $1.
  7. I felt like that as Friday's game neared its end. James was silent for an extended period, which made me think he was sitting on his buzzer (not literally!), and I wondered about it. Then he buzzed in and cleared the last few clues. I wondered how much money someone would have to win to be generous to the other players, even though the amounts were small. If true, that was very kind of him. If not true, it was still kind! I laugh because I can't imagine the amount James has won so far. I'm still the budget-conscious person who had to pay every dime of my college education out of my own pocket, and as a kid, if I wanted something, I had to earn money from babysitting and lawn mowing to buy it. Well, as an adult too.
  8. Double finger pistols! YES! Can't wait. I hope you also blew the smoke off them. You ROCK!
  9. Thanks Otto. I guess. That's why I figured they would kill the little Jack Russell this week. They didn't, did they? I assumed show writers had a hate against dogs. TV shows aren't suppose to kill little kids or dogs. They just make them disappear.
  10. I disagree. If you do a search for falls from a building, what happens to the body is labeled "graphic content" in search results. There is no body per se, there are parts of a body, most unidentifiable. And that's from a building, not a jet. Of course, no way would any network show be able to air what the result would really resemble. Instead we are shown something as fake as pretty much everything else on this show. Which, I guess, is a good thing. But beware if you ever come across a suicide jumper. It won't be like on The Blacklilst.
  11. My tv is so dark, I figured he killed the dog too, like a few episodes ago where the bad guys let the dog burn up (or was it blown up) in that house when they could have easily let it out the front door when they left.
  12. Reading here made me more confused than I was before. The standing guy in @preeya's photo looks like The Bachelor's Chris Harrison. Don't ask me how I know that. What a bunch of tools that the FBI goes undercover to trap a person all while wearing black business suits to surround a rural café. Then no one notices the one car driving away from an isolated parking lot, the only car moving in a deserted area. So Lizzie is all flip flopped on her obsession with finding her mom and she ranks on Ressler after she dragged him into it? Ressler should be able to do whatever he wants, and he needs to grow a pair and tell Lizzie to bug off. Pun intended. So now Katarina is (mostly) dead but Katarina's mother might be (mostly) alive? There's another grandma to help Scottie raise that kid Lizzie had. What was the kid's name again? *cough* The guy dead on the ground shown at the end ... was that the guy Red was flying around in his plane? The one who had to listen to Red's flying-vs.-falling soliloquy? I'd be inclined to jump out of the plane just to get away from that. But back to the show ... I doubt someone falling from an airplane would just have some blood streaks on his face. He wouldn't even have any identifiable body parts, much less a recognizable head. Is Red wise to Dembe? I wish Dembe would just tell Red it was Liz/the disappeared sister who busted him. Will Red go all Mr. Kaplan on Dembe? Inquiring minds want to know.
  13. First, don't ever rank on anyone's poetry, Weller, until you prove you can do it better. Now Patterson's dad is Bill Nye? The REAL Bill Nye? Didn't he have a different name last time he was on? If there was a drinking game every time "Bill Nye" was said, we'd all have passed out before the bees escaped. IRL Bill Nye does have one daughter, Charity Nye. If that's Patterson, why isn't she named Nye instead of Patterson. Just askin'. Jane says Tasha looks terrible while Jane looks like she stuck her head in a lawn mower. Later in the show Jane did comb her mop down some. But it's never nice to tell someone how crap they look, even if they do. And especially if you look even worse. LOL at the bad person holding a gun on Patterson and whoever else that was and giving them three minutes to do whatever they were suppose to do. Yeah, go ahead and shoot them, THEN who is going to do the science work? What a bunch of dumbasses. Weller fanboying was so OTT. In fact, this whole episode was OTT. Patterson being all badass and kicking ass. Yeah, right. Not. Even RichDotCom got on my nerves. This show is really smelling up the tank it's in lately.
  14. "I am humbled by your applause." --TM Johnny Carson Thanks @opus. I'll sneakily take them all when no one is looking ...
  15. I don't think I ever read the book and did not know it was a recent movie, because it was on HBO, not the three network channels my rural antenna brings in. But, like @PaulaO, I got the answer easily from the "books were harmed" since, for some reason, I knew that book was about "firemen" burning books. Side note: 451 degrees F is the temp book paper starts to burn. Some interesting stats from TheJeopardyFan.com about James: • At $415,035, James moves to #4 on the all-time regular-play winnings list and #14 all-time overall. • James’ $22,012 is a record for a player after the Jeopardy! round. The previous best score that I’ve been able to find is $16,800, from Matt Jackson on October 8, 2015. • James is the first player since Austin Rogers to win all 5 games in a taping week. • It had been a week’s worth of episodes (and the previous tape date a week earlier) since James had bet $9,812, so Alex could be excused for not remembering James’ Sept. 8, 2012 anniversary. Although @Toothbrush remembered! • James’ performance of 32 correct without being incorrect (as well as getting Final Jeopardy! correct) is not a record. David Madden had a game of 35 correct, 0 incorrect, plus Final. • Through 7 games, the only 2 players who have earned more on Daily Doubles than James Holzhauer are Matt Jackson and Ken Jennings.
  16. You guys are making me all depressed about my 2019 vacation trip ... to nowhere.
  17. I'm trusting you will not notice me, that big lump under the blanket in your back seat. (I don't mind being a "big lump" in this case.)
  18. You guy are all Mega Smarties this week. Treats for everyone!
  19. I think it was in the Season 35 thread where someone posted season ends in July, like July 25 or thereabouts. I saw the post either today or yesterday. But don't quote me because I don't know for a fact. While contest rankings change week to week, you are not dead last, which is too bad since dead last wins a guaranteed prize. So does second to dead last! Almost everyone wins a prize in this contest. (Except me, gah.)
  20. WEEK 31 — NO asterisk 149. Hollywood History. On June 6, 2018 the Chinese Theatre dimmed its lights to honor Jerry Maren, who lived to the greatest age of any of this 1939 group. 150. Physics Terms. Ironically, it’s a metaphor meaning a huge step forward, but this 2-word process only occurs on a subatomic scale. 151. European History. In 2000 the Russian Orthodox Church canonized 7 members of this family, 82 years after their deaths. 152. Celebrities. This inductee into the Video Hall of Fame sold 17 million copies of a videocassette she released in 1982. 153. Literary Adaptations. The director of the 2018 TV version of this 1953 classic said yes, books were harmed in the making of this motion picture.
  21. Thanks @Browncoat. That completes last week. I've missed posts in the past but it was easier for me to ask you again for your score than for me to back track and search. Yeah, I'm lazy like that. I figured you might be on another world excursion so didn't want to nag. Until today!
  22. @Browncoat, your score for last week is the only one I'm missing. If I truly did miss it, please repost. And thank you!
  23. I do not like cheese sandwiches, toasted or not toasted. And I'm not a fan of cheese by itself. Based on its name, I would never go there unless I knew it had something else. Like a full-sized moose made of chocolate.
  24. So did I, except my lunch was a far cry from scallops or lobster bisque. (Insert sad face here.) What sort of candy is Maine known for? Like pralines in NOLA. Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank is a partner in some Maine-based lobster-roll food truck.
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