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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. LOL. Right after I posted he was from Montana, I looked again and saw he was from Wyoming. Since Montana is my favorite state and Wyoming is not, I decided to let my error go and see if anyone caught it. You win! Your second sentence is curious. Maybe being an art teacher from Wyoming with creepy facial hair is not a good thing.
  2. You might have seen him, that's MIGHT HAVE, if you had played yesterday's J6. I actually did think that category would be about the mascot.
  3. If the answer had been a woman, the category would have been 20th Century Women Authors, even if the pronoun "she" was used in the clue.
  4. Mother of pearl was a clue/answer not long ago, and I said nacre then. So I said mother of pearl this time. However, it's the same thing so points for @Browncoat. (And for me.) If the show had a Clue Police, these dupe clues/answers wouldn't be happening. Because I create books, I easily got frontispiece and International Standard Book Number. I also got Isak Dinesen, that movie is one of my favorites. When I saw the FJ category, 20th Century Bestselling Authors, I said well, the answer has to be a man. And I was right! I liked Sara's interview story and her envelope of Post-Its from her students. That was a great story and tribute to her class. Classy!
  5. Dave is standing next to Teebax in the contestant photo so I'm saying it's not him.
  6. If the category is Westminster Best In Show Winners or Famous Fox Terriers, I go "all in" (TM James) and kick massive butt. And everyone on this thread will talk about me for, well, five or 10 minutes or so. Then I disappear into obscurity.
  7. In that case, I demand you get more wrong answers. Looking forward to it! ETA: I cut Dave slack on the facial hair because 1. he's an art teacher; and 2. he's from Montana. Two pluses outweighed the negative.
  8. Just think ... in 15 or 20 years we can tell our grandkids that we watched James Holzhauer win all those games. (And the grandkids will look upon us as the fossils we are.)
  9. This does not surprise me Driad The Brainiac! (GFY!) And you are always welcome at the Wrong Answer table (even though THAT surprises me). We're non-judgemental there. Plus ... TREATS! Okay, that's two for perihelion so far.
  10. Yeay YOU! I am not surprised since I know you are a brainiac. So, GFY (in the Trebekian sense, not that "other" definition).
  11. Okay, everyone here who got the TS of perihelion, raise your hand. Yeah, that's what I thought. Neither did I. Who was it said the clues were dumbed down for the teachers? Raise your hand(s) ... I found that irritating, that player had obviously been watching James and was copying his "all in." To me, "all in" means you are betting whatever amount you have, not the extra 1,000 that the house is loaning you. The players were also skipping around the board pretty randomly, again like they were copying James' play. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Same here. Chaikoffski. Yeah, that's the ticket. I liked Matthew's interview, "history is what's happening now." Well done, sir. I got the TS of North Sea since not that long ago there was another clue about that area that made me look at a map. Again: Hire me as Clue Police, show. I got a laugh out of The Seventh Seal DD clue/answer. Maybe because I've seen the Bergman film and Woody Allen's "Love and Death." Or maybe because The Seventh Seal was a clue/answer not that long ago. Call the Clue Police NOW!
  12. I found a YouTube clip of Alden/Elmer fighting off the (Cleveland) Indians. The whole cartoon is a 1940s Merrie Melody, a forerunner of Looney Tunes, titled "The Hardship of Miles Standish." Here is a play-by-play of what happens, a lot is hilariously funny if you were alive in 1940. I also found a clip of the ending where Priscilla falls for Elmer. This cartoon must have been played for decades on Saturday mornings after Looney Tunes took over Merrie Melodies.
  13. OMG, you are right! I pulled out the pic of Matt Dione and yes, he DID Photoshop his face (from the ABC cast file photo) into that group photo. He just did a crummy job, unless he wanted his head to be twice as big as everyone else's. Well, because he thinks that well of himself. Great catch! Sore loser though.
  14. @Rough Draft and @hula-la, report back on those Fat Shack sandwiches. Inquiring minds want to know!
  15. I noticed that too, and it's completely understandable. I love me some Stefon and Vincent Price. And oh yeah, some Barry. Agree "bed surfing" is no way correct. If you are crashing at different apartments/homes, you get to sleep on the couch, not the bed. Unless ... well, unless that other definition is going on. This show sometimes ... They make the cutest couple!
  16. Not if you're using my brain cells! I also love me some Seth Meyers. Double late-night treat tonight! I've watched SNL since the beginning of time. I've even ordered Cheezborger Cheeps and Pepsi in Chicago.
  17. LOL! I remember exactly where I was when I heard on my car radio she had been shot. I just don't remember what year that was. I barely remember what year THIS is.
  18. I always have extra chairs available at my Wrong Answer table, plus I serve treats. Thanks. I knew it was something like that but my brain cells failed to capture it.
  19. No you didn't. It's Bill Hader, not one of the Hager Brothers (LOL). I have a gigantic crush on him and love Barry. Barry/Bill Hader was a clue/answer not that long ago. I would have caught that if the show would hire me as Clue Police. I would rock an entire board of SNL characters and cast. If only. I'd be the James of that game. I've never heard it as a Thanksgiving story (romance and eating maize and turkey? No way!) but I do remember it as a Saturday morning cartoon. Post that YouTube link when you find it. Looney Tunes were great teachers of opera and the classics, it's where I got much of my education. I vote that it was a Bugs/Elmer Fudd cartoon. (Good to see you, @The Wild Sow. It's been a while.) Thank you @teebax. Until I qualify to get on this show as you and others here have -- which will be never -- I'm not ranking on anyone for being dumb or clues being dumber, and I'll never be "shocked" by players not knowing what I know. They all know plenty that I do not. Thinking about the complaint that "Ellen" as an answer needs a last name, besides her talk show "Ellen" there's "Ellen's Game of Games." No last name. Me, I have no problem with her being "just Ellen." Using the same reasoning, would a last name be required if the answer were "Oprah"? Asking for a friend. FJ was the easiest FJ ever, and I answered it so quickly and was so proud of myself for getting it immediately: Gabby Giffords. Meanwhile, The Thornbirds was a clue/answer not that long ago. Again, this show needs to hire me. Does anyone remember why lightning bug wasn't accepted but firefly was? Thanks. How irritating that "cold" was given a big, fat NO instead of a BMS so "blooded" could have/might have been added by the contestant for the answer of "cold blooded."
  20. It's just a TV show that's also the stepping stone to DWTS and/or BIP and Jimmy Kimmel's show and getting the paps to film/talk to you for coverage on TMZ, or maybe her own reality show and more SM followers or a D-list table at the best LA restaurant or the cover of People or a topic on The View or ... well, any of those things that I'll bet she hopes will make up the rest of her life.
  21. Not alone. I'll wager my life savings that it was all a producer set up, and Hannah's speech to him was scripted too. As was her "breaking up" and crying afterward. Geesh. Give me a break on those theatrics. And the two women in the fake "spy van" was such a (laughable and fakety fake) Hollywood cliché. "It's the Most Drahmatic Season EVAH!" My vote is that it wasn't her decision. TPTB tell her who to keep for future drahmah. Always gotta have a villain and resident dickweed. If Chasen had worn his pilot uniform, Hannah would not have been able to tell him from that other pilot, the one who did wear his uniform.
  22. For the poster who said the men's sculpted eyebrows were distracting, this is on Box King Joe's ABC bio: "Joe's most complimented features are his eyebrows." This show has so many repeating drahmatic scenes, they should make everyone wear the same outfits, like the Cartwrights on Bonanza, so they can use the same footage season after season and save on cost.
  23. You'd have to be somewhere that the droppings have piled up and are deep and thick, like inside a cave, and then stir them up so the spores are inhaled. That might be a problem if you are crawling around on the floor of a cave where thousands of bats hang out, but it wouldn't happen outside. The danger of histoplasmosis is more common in large chicken houses or a bird sanctuary, workers wear respirators when cleaning those places. A bat house in your yard is no more "danger" than a bird house in your yard. What is a "lower-flying" bat? Bats fly at all levels, there is no "flight zone" reserved for bats. I've seen them fly past me at eye level, it's not a big deal. I guess people afraid of bats are the same ones who scream when a mouse gets in the house or jump on a chair when a spider crawls across the floor. *sigh* Hilarious. I agree, the visual was nasty. Yet Lori was all about chowing down on that loaded FAT sandwich yet was squeamish and jumping out of her skin because there was a contained bat clear across the room. Go figure. ETA: I am now getting Saucemoto ads on all the web pages I go to. Also, it was interesting that Fat Shack had a "As Seen On Shark Tank" banner on its website before the show with its segment even started.
  24. It only occurred to me after this discussion that Jackie Kennedy named her daughter after her sister. I never gave it a thought before.
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