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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Luke kept saying he was not lying and he is telling her the truth when he says "blah blah blah." Anyone who has to tell someone they aren't lying typically is telling a lie. Or lies all the other times his mouth is open so has to qualify this one statement that is NOT a lie. So exhausting. I think the writers and editors on this show are the ones dragging this franchise down. I'll bet all the former ones are gone, replaced by writers/editors who think guys beating each other up and gossiping are a good time. So exhausting.
  2. Thanks @biakbiak. I forgot to add @helpmerhonda to missing player scores. Don't drop!
  3. Waiting for @biakbiak, @Good Queen Jane and @Sharpie66 for Week 39.
  4. Luke needs to borrow some lines from the Tyler Play Book.
  5. Was that Luke? He grew a beard? I thought he talked best with Jesus and God in the shower. Totally agree. *sigh*
  6. LOL! Most Dramatic Season Ever, and a crossover episode with CSI Scotland. Oh man, Luke and Hannah are totally bonding over their shared insecurities. Hannah is totally guiding him and he's playing all his right cards. *sigh* My money is on he gets the rose.
  7. Yeah, this was The Second Bachelorette Highland Games. And then they did real competitions from real Highland Games, like caber toss and other strength contests. Good times. Although men in skirts is always a good time IMO. Makes every guy look hot. I think she'd be dating him IRL. And w/o all the other guys around telling her he's a dickwad, I could see them getting engaged. And married even. Then we'd see their story on Dateline a few years later.
  8. Meanwhile, back at the hotel ... Are those two forced to just sit and stare at each other? WTHeck. Not even any haggis to snack on.
  9. The show wants us to think they all did show her their penises (peni?) except I know those guys were wearing undies. All the bare-ass comments were VOs. While the true Scot goes commando, all the Highland Games kilt-wearing guys wear bike shorts underneath. Although knowing how crude this show can be, maybe they all really were bare assed. Garret w/o his hair: 5 ft. 6. Garret with his hair: 6 ft. 2
  10. I was thinking the same thing, and wondering how he could be comfortable. Then decided it's a choice to show off his "manly man" body. Eww.
  11. Devin about Luke P: "To be honest, I feel like he's just a big old douche canoe." 100 points for Devin! (Now that I know there is a Devin there. Who knew?)
  12. The camera panned over the room full of guys and I swear I saw One Eff Jef in the crowd! She sent JPJ home, one that I could distinguish from the others. I blame it on my new HDTV, a step up from the 12-in. square box tv I've been watching since forever (until this week).
  13. Everyone gets so grossed out by haggis. And both Hannah and (whateverhisnameis) are dumbasses if they've never heard of haggis, it's the standard Scottish joke. I've had it many times and it's delicious. What a waste Scotland is on these dorks that don't appreciate where they are.
  14. Hannah: "I love that fresh book smell" as she smells a book that's at least 100 years old.
  15. My channel came back! Dudes, that hotel you are in is NOT a castle. What a bunch of dumbasses.
  16. I fought all afternoon to get ABC to come in on my antenna and now it's breaking up. Did Nice Luke leave of his own accord? Or did Hannah kick him to the curb?
  17. Luke vs. Luke: Why does it matter what one Luke thinks about why the other Luke is there? Shouldn't it be up to Hannah to make up her own mind about who she wants around? Last I knew, none of the guys handed out the roses. That Mean Luke thinks Nice Luke is there for The Wrong Reason doesn't mean jack to me, and it shouldn't to Hannah. Do any of these guys ever go to Hannah and tell her about all the great OTHER guys she should be picking instead of him? No, they just go and tattle stories about how all the other guys are Wrong Reasons and only HE is Mr. Right. Hannah isn't smart enough to figure this out? I guess not.
  18. LOL! I saw the same and kept thinking he had put dark shadows under his boobs so they looked bigger. Yes, distracting! But maybe so judges wouldn't see any dance missteps?
  19. Or how about hiring police and training police to actually PROTECT the people they are hired to protect, and teach them/train them to do their frigging jobs. It was common when riding my 10-speed in town that I would be smacked on the rear end by some smartass guy hanging out of his car window. One time I got the license number and rode directly to the police station to report it. The police MAN behind the counter just laughed at me and said that's just a "guy thing" and to forget it, guys do that "all the time," he said. When I was alone on a country road and that happened, I stopped and picked up a bunch of rocks that I put in my bike jersey pocket, I was going to rock the car if it came back. It didn't, so end of that story. This totally went through my mind as well, and I couldn't help but think Lauren's parents were LDS. This was one Dateline that left me so mad at the end.
  20. Well, if I think about this, there are a lot of implanted women wearing very little on The Bachelor. So there's that reason for guys to watch. Even a dad/son, I guess. Plus, some men don't want a woman who can think for herself or express any opinion different than his. So a female with no personality can be the perfect match for that man. Hannah + Tyler!
  21. This show has been my must watch since S1, but I haven't seen it for a few years until last night. Of course I know Nigel and Mary, but I don't have a clue about the other two judges. Every time I saw Dominic, my brain screamed "MIKE MYERS!" And as another poster wrote, I was too fascinated by the woman's fingernails to really hear what she said. Let's just say, not a fan. The second dancer, Caroline, was so average, or below average. I couldn't believe she was better than the montaged dancers who did not get through. I also was not all that taken with Samuel. Average at best. And that deal with his kid ... lightning might strike me but I did not find that endearing at all. But obviously this show is edited for people who are not me. I was surprised the sound editors left in the loud WHAM! when Gianna fell to the floor during her routine. Ouch. That was not graceful. I liked the Japanese dancer, and she was easy on the eyes. But is it allowed for judges to get all personally handsy with contestants? I can see a hug when the contestant initiates it, but a butt feel up? Out of bounds. (Yeah, one can "feel" a butt when spanking it.) The ballet dancers at the end were stunning. I could look at them just standing on the stage all day long. Men who spend their lives in gyms pumping iron should check Brandon out. At least to discover what I find attractive. Judges and audience must have thought that a seven-month-pregnant woman would drop her baby on the stage ala Monty Python if she does so much as turn sideways. I hope she comes back after baby is born (in a hospital, not on a stage). Speaking of the stage, I agree with everyone, what's up with the WOD set? I liked the feel of a real audition with the plain stage of years past. Not that any of these auditions are really real. Totally agree with this. I HATE it. Makes me think they 3D printed every dancer in plastic. I guess they could be good Xmas-tree ornaments.
  22. "She Did Everything Right" should have been titled "They Did Everything Wrong" about both police departments. If I were Lauren's parent, I would sue the ass off of both departments for their do-nothing approach to multiple very real problems Lauren reported. Meanwhile, it's nice to know anyone can bring a gun to class at any Utah school, and that the police officer who was DOING HIS JOB by taking Lauren to her car is getting an award for doing that. I guess getting off his butt was a major achievement for any officer in that department. So, well done sir. Here's your award.
  23. This strikes home for me since I just got my first HDTV and now all I can see is the heavy makeup and super-sprayed hair and spider eyelashes. Even some of the men are wearing eye shadow. It's fascinating. Anyway, about the Green Bay episode ... During the court section, all I could think was, compare the boyfriend to the guy they convicted and there would be no doubt in a jury's mind as to which was the bad guy just based on looks. No evidence needed. I guess that's why Ted Bundy got away with so much for so long, he didn't LOOK like a serial killer. I thought the made-up story was a pretty good one though. The facts just didn't support it. And yeah, the boyfriend was a real jackass. Does he keep his child? Or does the murdered woman's family raise him now? I liked the killer's girlfriend going from "he's the sweetest guy" to "I'm so lucky I got away from that psycho." Maybe I was concentrating too much on eyeshadow, but weren't bloody tissues found inside the boyfriend's house? And some of the boyfriend's clothes with blood on them? And shoes with "red spots" on the soles? If so, what happened to that evidence? This show always makes viewers believe one person is guilty w/o a doubt, then they switch it up at the end so it's someone else. If we are so easily tricked, I guess lawyers can do the same to juries. I do wonder why a new mom who is breastfeeding would stay out SO LONG and get so drunk. Even if she wasn't murdered, 3 a.m. is pretty late to be coming in when you have a newborn. Her baby could get a hangover from nursing. *lightning strikes me*
  24. Yes, Maggi Thorne. Thank you! I looked her up and she hasn't made it to the Wall. But she is a mom and competed last year. I hope she does again this year.
  25. Only if they had to sell their house and live in their car to pay for the dog surgeries. Then he'd be golden. And he could still fall on the first obstacle but his back story would be long and glorious. Oh, no kidding. I'm so glad you brought this up. If they would edit out all that junk, we could actually maybe see some full successful runs. It's like all the newbies have to be showboaters. I wonder if the show tells them to ham it up. (You know ... to irritate viewers.)
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