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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. No, not the only one. It's not just creepy, it's sick beyond words. Not that I'm an old prude, but this show is on at 7 p.m., kids are watching. So you want your daughter/son getting naked and wrapping themselves around each other, bungee jumping or not? No thanks. If I were on this date, I'd tell the PA "No way. Never. Not gonna do it." They can send me home. Black boxes, underwear, whatever. I'm OUT. We saw the bra go though. So what's the big deal about the crotchal area when your boobs are pressed up against some guy you've known five minutes? HA ha. I thought about that too, And no undies to contain it. Plus you're upside down, making it worse.
  2. Be careful if you go because it's the Perfect Place to Fall in Love. One of the guys is sitting on the couch, wearing a scarf around his neck. (Burberry?) He looks cute. I wonder what his name is.
  3. I feel sorry for me that I totally did not see Tyler or his white pants. I have to pay more attention.
  4. Sez you! I'm at the Table For Three myself.
  5. That's exactly what I thought too, that Pony Tail Guy was her father, so the husband bit surprised me. But like I posted earlier, Poppy went from looking young to looking old(er) then young again. Then old(er) again. She is a woman of many ages! I didn't find her hooking up with the cop out of line, never gave age a thought there, and I thought it was cool that her husband was older. Or maybe he's younger. In any case, I'm glad he was not some Here's My Abs guy with high hair and five-o'clock shadow, you know, like every actor on tv these days.
  6. We used a backyard hose for that. LOL! I wondered if the shower had a floor like a wooden pallet or sheet of melamine floor that was pulled over the dug grave. But yeah, it's strange no loose earth seen around that area. I couldn't tell from the photo shown what was the shower and what wasn't. I would imagine an outdoor shower to be cement with a drain. Maybe she was buried, then cement poured over the top, which is why the backhoe excavator was needed to tear it out. Just speculating.
  7. Back when I was in college, there wasn't cyber stalking or any stalking really. Computers and SM didn't exist and security was lax. Actually, we had no security, it wasn't needed, and we never had any problems with anything. (Well, except when art thieves pretended to be students and stole a Picasso from the art museum when we were having one of our regular lecture classes in its auditorium.) If university officials and security police are from that era, they are out of touch with today's reality. They all need to step it up and get with the program. So do parents.
  8. Last night's episode about Aaron's dad killing his mother illustrated how difficult solving crimes was then compared to now. Now there are CC cameras everywhere and GPS trackers and cell-phone towers to ping. I wondered how the dad got back from the airport after leaving the car there (with dirty footprints in it from the dirt he dug up to bury mom), and why he would put $1,000 in her purse before chucking it in a dumpster. (Unless she already had that cash because she was ready to bail, and he didn't look.) And why chuck the purse at all, why not bury that too, so it looked like she really did fly away. And she could have flown under a fake name back then, if memory serves. If he walked home from the airport, where was Aaron? This show always leaves questions unanswered. Didn't the detective say they searched Aaron's house for blood/evidence of a murder? And used that stuff that makes invisible blood show up? Luminol? And they did not find anything? I wonder who sent that typed note telling police to search the back yard with a dog. Maybe cadaver dogs/SAR dogs weren't in use then? I guess they didn't look again because they had already looked before. Who has a shower in their back yard? Maybe that's a Florida thing. The shower must have been built after the mom was buried. Was there a shower floor? The photos weren't clear to me. Odd neighbors didn't see, I doubt the privacy fence was 20 years old, but maybe. It's possible. Today, too, Aaron's interviews would have been recorded. But since mom was buried in the back yard and he supposedly helped, or thought he did ... well, that's another unanswered question. I can remember only one thing about my dad, who died when I was six, and a couple things after that. But basically, my childhood has no memories. Plus I can see Aaron "forgetting" as he got older. And good on him for being honest about that. I wondered if Aaron's dad ever wanted to see him or tried to see him or fought the adoption/foster care. His aunt and the foster/adoptive family restored my faith that there are indeed good-hearted people in this world. Some days I seriously doubt it based on everything I read and hear. And see. In all, it was a good episode that kept my attention. I hope Aaron continues to prosper. He is a special person and I wish him well.
  9. WEEK 41 — NO asterisk 199. New England. Neighborhoods in this city include Federal Street, Gallows Hill, & Witchcraft Heights. 200. Kings Queens & Presidents. 17 U.S. Presidents served all or part of their terms during the reign of this British monarch. 201. Ancient Literature. If you were using an alternate name, the title of this work could be translated as “Troy Story.” 202. 18th Century Americans. “Essays to Do Good” by Cotton Mather inspired Silence Dogood, the newspaper pseudonym of this man. 203. Compound Words. This 8-letter word can follow nuclear to refer to a dangerous accident, or mean a total loss of emotional control. Trivia: Our last asterisk was question 174.
  10. You would have if you had seen National Treasure. Although I saw that movie and missed the question too. I mean, that was 15 years ago ... I did get that one correct, thank you very much PBS. You are perfect in my eyes. All of you are smarter than I am. I'm waiting for the Pre-Teen/Toddler Tourney. Although I have doubts about my ability in that, too.
  11. Plus Ian did it all standing on one leg. (Saw the Tull in concert back when.)
  12. I have to say I liked it. It kept my attention until the end, which is more than I could say for Grand Hotel and every other new show. I wanted a summer "drama" and this is the only one I kept watching 'til the end. Sure, there are problems. Poppy went from looking young to looking like someone's gramma. Pretty, then not-so attractive. Like Seinfeld's Two-Face Woman. She wasn't built athletic like a world-class surfer, but I know nothing about that sport so maybe softer women with big boobs can surf the big waves. Who knows. I will be watching for a stunt switch out though. And I'm okay with that. I liked that the cast wasn't all identical eye candy, with everyone looking the same. I can't tell contestants apart on The Bachelor/Bachelorette, and Grand Hotel was the same, actors needed name tags. I liked that Poppy hooked up with an Asian police guy, who was a "normal" looking Asian guy, and her husband is a slightly overweight grey-haired guy with a pony tail. That was totally different for today's tv. I even liked the overweight sandwich guy. He's like the dude who lives down the street. In fact, all of these people resemble dudes who live down the street. Sure, the beginning was hokey since Poppy didn't even hit that guy with the suitcase. And the blond surfer dude being murdered and put in a freezer was extraneous, not sure why he had to be killed just because he was in on the plot. As Poppy was climbing into the house, I wondered if that was really Jessie Graf, that would be cool if she got a gig in Australia. I also wondered why the kidnapped woman didn't drown after she was snatched off of her kayak, but whatever. I guess they had air lines down there like those cocktail-lounge tank "mermaids" have. I did believe the kidnapped woman doing it for her SM followers though. THAT was the most believable part of the show, and the first to use that as far as I know. At least as a plot device. We all know the Bachelor cast uses that as a Wrong Reason. Meanwhile, the scenery is pretty. I'm in for the duration, however long that is.
  13. You're not. I'm keeping a chair for you at the Fatety-Fake-Fake table for two. I brought snacks. And drinks.
  14. I saw it as Hannah thinking, "Oh, what can I do to make everyone think I'm completely adorable and quirky and so fun and spontaneous. I know ... I'll pretend to chase these pigeons. Aren't I just OH SO cute? The PA said I would be if I did this. Everyone loves me! --TM Luke" I hated it.
  15. As the saying goes, everything old is new again.
  16. I liked the rat act. Maybe my fav of the night. The running-across-the-crotch part was for shock value I guess. It didn't bother me, I was fine with it. I thought the prop where the rat ran out of the cat's mouth and piece of cheese was well done and clever, as was the "Applause" roll down at the end. 12-year-old-girl singer. I suppose she was okay. But Simon hating the music track ... please. I hated that part. Just let the little kid sing so you can send her through. Magic card guy. I liked him. It went on too long though. Not sure if his act was really longer than everyone else's or did it just seem that way. In any case, I vote him through with the rat act. Karaoke guy. I guess I'm the only one anywhere who found him not the least bit funny. He gets my X. "NEXT!" The Poodles. I laughed at Gabrielle saying she had never seen anything like them. I guess she didn't watch all the previous years with all the previous dog acts all doing the same thing. But as a dog lover, I vote them through. And with my admiration for keeping all those Poodles in trim, bathed and groomed. THAT takes talent. Guitar guy. I was doing other things so his magical and amazing playing didn't make an impression on me. I guess he went through so I'll see him again. The four dance guys. I liked them. But I always enjoy that style. Fun to watch. The flute guy. He would have gotten a big red X from me. And so would Terry and his dancing pecs, which gross me out. I hated everything about this guy. Just play the flute and keep your clothes on. Voices of Service were good, I enjoyed their act. Detroit Choir was okay I guess, I was zoning out and didn't realize it was the last act so would get the GB or I would have paid more attention. I'll see them down the road though, so there's that. I did appreciate Terry's sincere reason for putting them through. So Terry gets my Golden Buzzer for the night. (As long as he quits that pec thing.)
  17. The best part of this episode was at the beginning when it showed the guys sitting down at a picnic table and hoisting some beers. My thought was, wow, that's a bunch of good-looking guys. Me likee. The remaining 1 hour and 45 minutes was a solid down-hill slide into Drecksville. As someone else posted, it would be The Best Season Evah if Hannah did indeed quit and was replaced with some other woman, any other woman. Just so this show could get back on track for what it's suppose to be ... Right Reasons (even if fake) Dating/Engagement. All this other cr*p that's going on is just helping this show Jump The Shark multiple times. I so don't care about Hannah. I hope she doesn't find "happiness" and lives miserably ever after. Meanwhile, let's pick someone hot for next Bach and get on with the Eye Candy.
  18. Of course, we don't know when this happens. Maybe after she sleeps with Luke (and a few other guys) in the FS? And is it really Luke she sends away via the bird? This show is good at fooling us with previews.
  19. Because no one else is, besides Luke? And because this season is dying on its feet so he was told to do SOMETHING to save this season from sinking totally? Or to use Hannah Speak: sinkink Amen sista!
  20. Jewelry is cheap in Latvia. Luke wants to marry Hannah now so he can have sex. Second choice; We never see that on any upcoming episode. Bait and switch. Not that this show would every do that.
  21. I remembered that ANW is on the other station.
  22. I award one zillion LIKES to this post. Oh god. CH and Hannah interview. This is gonna be a bunch of BS. This episode has already given me a headache. Time for some ice cream. Back later.
  23. Bye Devin. Grant. Kevin. We learned who you were as you left and got your name on the tv for the first -- and last -- time. Screen cap please!
  24. Oh, a rose ceremony. So some of the nice guys can go home while Luke stays. Taking bets now.
  25. Oh, yeah. That's right. Thank you for putting me back on track that this show is scripted, whether Hannah knows it or not.
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