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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Except for Simon to tell the world Paul Simon never allows his songs to be covered, but he agreed to Kodi doing so in a one-half-hour speed-record reply. I wish Simon would have stopped Kodi just once, made him start over, made him change his song, told him that wasn't his best performance ... you know, stuff he said to every other singer. The bright side: Chris can now have a career without being tethered to some Simon/AGT contract for life. I'm for V.Unbeatable for the win too. Which means they are jinxed now.
  2. I'm glad you do it that way because your posts are the best.
  3. The short-arm comedian won the Dunkin Save. I just know that V.Unbeatable was the only act I was rooting for, every other act that went through wasn't on my LIKE list. I was going to vote for the Banksy guy in Dunkin Save but my Internet went down at that moment, not that it would have made any difference. So of course the judges picked Opera Girl over Banksy. Big surprise. Not. @ams1001 actually remembers the names of these acts!
  4. That made me laugh, plus I totally understood all the directions. "You done gone too far." And yes, I use catty cornered all the time. I'd do great with that as my GPS.
  5. Not Blue Steel, she did a "smize," which means she watched American's Next Top Model. Watched it, wasn't on it. Smize is a Tyra-ism. I thought it hilarious that she called it that. Told me a lot about her.
  6. When the show had Jessie demonstrate Grim Sweeper, I figured she'd been training on it all that day so she could make it look easy. Then it turns out it WAS easy. They could have grabbed someone from the audience to show how it worked.
  7. If you check out Howie's IMDB, he's never stopped working. While I never saw Muppet Babies and have never heard of Bobby (even though that show ran for seven-some years!), I remember him as Dr. Wayne Fiscus on St. Elsewhere. And his comedy crutch of putting a latex glove over his head and inflating it until it blew off was famous, he did it on every guest talk-show appearance. The guy has more credits to his credit than Simon. His net worth is less than Simon's estimated $550 million though, just $40 million. He gets $70,000 per AGT episode so I guess that pays for part of his mortgage so he can stay solvent.
  8. I got home late and missed the first two acts, V Beatable and Dom, my two favs. So I gave 10 votes to each of them based on me liking them whether I see them or not. I heard the Broadway Boy singer. He was okay. I hope he does get a job on B-way out of this. Oops, I just noticed I misspelled V.Unbeatable. But I'm leaving it. The Light Guy I didn't pay much attention to until the end, when I stopped what I was doing and watched. The end brought tears to my eyes. And however he's doing it, I'd rather watch him fake spray paint than see those Light Balance Kids dancing around with lights on their clothes, doing the same steps over and over and over and ... I felt sorry for Lukas and Falco but hopefully their getting the Wild Card meant they get more money or something. I liked the intro video and could see Falco starring in some Disney movie. Commercials too maybe. I did not like the comedian, too much reliance on poop jokes and other things my mother taught me are not suppose to be talked about in public. No votes from me. I liked Guitar Guy this time. I guess adding more instruments to his "solo act" improved him, or maybe just changed him to a regular guitar player. At least I stopped and listened/watched him. Thank you choir, military singers and opera girl for giving me extra time to flip over to Bachelor in Paradise. Judges too, I even watch commercials on other stations so I don't have to hear whatever they are spewing. Why are there judge comments now anyway since aren't WE suppose to be the ones voting, not them? Oh yeah ... they're the real stars. I forgot for a minute.
  9. An hour of Stooges runs here on Sunday, and it's must-see tv for me. They are more hilarious now that I'm older. When I was a kid, Stooges were on in the afternoon after school, and it got so we kids were banned from watching them since they were a "bad influence" on us. So what that we all practiced Curly's moves and Moe's eye poking and fist hitting on each other, why was that so bad? We also talked Pig Latin in grade school. I had totally forgotten about it. Does anyone still talk PL? I think parents invented it so they could say things in front of the kids that we wouldn't understand. "Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk ... soitenly!" There is a nice commentary from Sean Melody, who played Tuesday's game, and replies from others who have appeared on the show in yesterday's TheJeopardyFan.
  10. If you say this sentence out loud, "FJ" is Pig Latin too.
  11. Oh, come on @SoMuchTV, get in the contest. I'm running the thing and am the biggest dolt in this thread. Plus there are PRIZES! Real ones! And not just for the brainiacs. You could surprise yourself and win something.
  12. It's funny how we like some of these people until we get to "know" them better.
  13. I'd answer this, but I have the most terrible hangover.
  14. But he did get a special "Memories" video montage, so there's that plus.
  15. I forgot about it so missed the first hour and a half. Although I use the term "missed" loosely.
  16. LOL, that car behind JPJ's exit ride almost rear ended him. Tayshia supposedly left at the same time but her ride started in daylight, still going after dark. Day-um!
  17. I feel like such a dumbass because I read the FJ clue as The Fugitive finale had more viewers than THIS SHOW'S FINALE in 1964. Sunday night, so Bonanza. But that went longer than 1964. What about Gunsmoke ... I don't think it or Bonanza had a final episode, shows didn't do them back then, plus Gunsmoke ran longer than '64 ... so I came up with zilch. THEN I read the clue correctly, but it was too late, the answer was given. I'm a dumbass because I watched the finale of The Fugitive and I also saw The Beatles on Sullivan. Although I wasn't impressed with them, didn't see what all those girls were screaming and fainting over. Showed what I (don't) know. And '60s television is one of my strong categories. I don't have a good feeling about this season, so far I'm 0/2. Even the J Six is kicking my ass.
  18. Fun fact: I just tried this and it's true. So I googled Najee and found this on his twitter: Grant would be perfect on The Bachelor since he obviously can't spell nor use punctuation properly. Now if he also says "Her and I's relationship," he's a lock.
  19. I don't even remember seeing that name in any Bachelor episode, ever. In fact, I thought posters were misspelling her name. I agree about not knowing any of these people (except a handful) and, frankly, not caring about any of them. Worst BIP season ever. Although after next summer, I'm guessing this will be the second-worst season ever.
  20. That reminded me, Joe has always been a favorite of mine, he looks just like Average Joe (eh) instead of some flamboyant guy like Grant or Gil, you wouldn't notice him on the street. But his backstory last night was so odd and weird, like now that he has two kids he's all fat and flabby and has no time to train or do anything other than babysit. No mention of his occupation now, which is ninja trainer and not weatherman, and if he no longer goes to the gym, where did that bicep come from. I don't want this show to make me dislike Joe now that it made me not like Drew any more. I'd like to know how many proposals Grant is getting from his free national-network dating video. And if the tall woman ninja who got her modeling audition broadcast last week has been signed to an agency yet. Inquiring minds want to know.
  21. I'm hoping for the total mental breakdown. While I liked him in the past, I'm anything but a Drew fan this year. And I hate that this show keeps promoting that someone really does win the million, and TPTB are pointing at Drew for the win. Maybe I would still like Drew if I hadn't seen all his backstories. My favorite was Flip. I couldn't be more bummed that he went out last night. I was hoping he would pocket that check.
  22. Well, until they sign the contract for their new reality show. There has to be several great names for it, I just can't think of one at the moment.
  23. Kimmel did a funny segment on JPJ last night. Bachelor in Hairadise
  24. The Thunderbird answer was in the classic cars category, the clue something like: "It was the hot Ford model (or muscle car) before the Mustang." Or something similar to that. At least you could come up with an answer. I couldn't even think of Babylon. It's fun to see everyone back this season. While I watched over the summer, it was nice to not have the stress of MUST BE WATCHING AT X O'CLOCK. I enjoyed the freedom. I'm so sorry about your sister in law, @zoey1996.
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