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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Has Rebecca ever been IN the workforce? I don't remember her ever going to a job, but I don't retain a lot of this show once the current episode is over. Wouldn't the position have a job description that Randall, if not Rebecca, would have read before going to an interview? One that said knowledge of Windows computers is a plus, and being able to use Microsoft Office is required. Something like that. I've never just walked into an interview with no qualifications resume, just a "Here I am, hire me." So did Randall teach Rebecca all of the office software before Monday? Inquiring minds want to know. Rebecca was all obsessive about writing down every word the doctors said about how to care for premie Baby Jack. That's the same way she acted with taking so many pics of Randall's office. But then she had ton loads of phone pics to show Randall of Baby Jack too. How is any of that different than what everyone in the world does these days, take thousands of phone photos/selfies. I misplace my phone all the time, especially in the summer when I'm not wearing a pocket to put it in when I go somewhere. I don't see Randall's "big deal," except that he's Perfect Randall and HE would never act that way. Maybe he needs to give Miguel a call if he wants the scoopage on Mom. THIS! Yes. The laugh will be on us when all is revealed. Or not revealed. Or, heaven forbid, get some exercise meeting via bicycles in that park!
  2. Well, some kind of amazing thing happened here and I was able to watch the two final ToC games online tonight w/o either one locking up, a first since I lost the Jeopardy network. It was interesting to see what ya'll had been discussing here. Thank you President Eisenhower. For the clue that asked for the term that is the same for a taxi driver and a rented horse, I said livery while the answer was hack. Any thoughts on that? I laughed with everyone else, the audience and James, when Trebek read the clue asking for Barbara Cartland's genre. Golden. I did another LOL seeing the map with Utah and Wyoming printed on it. Wouldn't the name of the Colorado site have been easy for these brainiacs to answer without a map, especially a map with the states printed on it? I was highly irritated that Trebek continued his dickweed ways by telling Francois, at the end of the first final game, "You, OF COURSE, are way off the lead." What an a-hole. He might as well have added "Loser" to the end of that sentence. Then the next game Trebek disses Francois AGAIN during the interview. He asks Emma about well-known people contacting her after her games, asked James about people asking him for a loan after he won so much money, then he moves to Francois and says, "Francois, what about you?" Well, what about you WHAT, Trebek? To Francois' credit, he managed some sentences to thank everyone. Trebek can be such a jerk, ranking on Francois while pandering to James. Ugh.
  3. Except that it was said to The Famous Jeopardy James.
  4. WEEK 10 — ONE asterisk - ToC week 2 * 46. Famous Phrases. In the title of a groundbreaking 1890 exposé of poverty in New York City slums, these 3 words follow “How the.” * 47. U.S. Demographics. In 2018 Forbes said this “Belt’s Demographic Delight” is this other “Belt’s Demograpic Dilemma.” * 48. Italian Inventors. In a 1644 letter he wrote, “We live submerged at the bottom of an ocean of air”, which is what his invention measures. 49. Old Testament Books. By Hebrew word count, the longest book bears this name that led to a word for a long complaint or rant. 50. International Disputes. A dispute over Etorofu, Habomai, Kunashiri & Shikotan has kept these 2 countries from ever signing a WWII peace treaty. Posting the questions reminds me I said "Rich get richer" for Monday's answer. Hoo-woo me. Save me a chair at the 0 table.
  5. That could be said about everyone in the tournament who did not win, as well as everyone who does not win a "regular" game. Even Triple-Crown-winner Secretariat was beaten in the Whitney by an unknown horse named Onion.
  6. If Rebecca didn't rag Kate about taking a banana, when I'm guessing Rebecca bought the bananas for everyone to eat (except Kate), maybe Kate wouldn't have gained weight. For all we AND Rebecca know, the banana was just to hold her over until the date took her for a double cheeseburger, fries and malt before they stopped at the chocolate shop for dessert, then headed to the movie for buttered popcorn and cokes. I did not assumed the banana was Kate's total carry-out lunch, it was a snack for heaven's sake. Plus she didn't take one for her dude ... how rude. I've only seen babies get a Cream Of Wheat-type cereal for their first solid food, and never knew any to refuse it. But it's been a few years. I see this all the time, Jacqueline called Jackie, and without permission. Randall should have corrected the boyfriend since Jacqueline always corrects those Jackie people.
  7. Obviously your family does not watch Jimmy Kimmel Live. When I saw Bible and Ruth together upthread, my favorite candy bar came to mind. I have no idea what UO is. Maybe it's just as well. Yesterday's FJ, the only word I could come up with was gerrymandering. Maybe somewhere it's spelled jerrymandering, like on Seinfeld. Still a fail though. That I've never read the Bible and never will made that category not in my favor. Add me to that small, select, elite group who has never heard of that FJ word. Kit Carson Wyeth ... one of my favorite illustrators. Francois ROCKED coming in third in the Jeopardy ToC. Few have that bragging right.
  8. This episode had a thing against bananas. Baby Jack refused to eat one, and Rebecca told Kate a banana was not a good/proper lunch. While I'm thinking, it's common for me to have a banana for breakfast or lunch or dinner. It's better for her than eating a bucket of KFC and a whole pizza. I wouldn't think of feeding a baby an avocado, even if I grew them in my back yard. But I guess they're fine since Baby Jack obviously is going to live a few more episodes. Uncle Nicky was looking pretty fine at the end of the episode. I was sort of expecting him to clean up/pick up Kevin's trailer for him. Kevin doesn't own a vehicle? What's up with that. Laugh that Kate's boyfriend called Randall "Randy." That's a common thing for people to do when they do not actually KNOW the person whom they are addressing, abbreviate their names. I actually didn't see him being a control freak. So he doesn't like chick flicks. He's probably more of a Fast And Furious or Avengers kind of guy. Lots of guys are like that. Deja needed her *ss kicked back downstairs to either sit with or tell her boyfriend to go home. He seemed to be having an okay time by himself though, watching the movie and eating popcorn. Good on him!
  9. Finally got to watch this episode. Was "jam" a word 15 year ago? Randall says resumes are his "jam." I guess time flies. Got a kick out of Kevin having guilt feeling about sleeping with Cassidy AFTER the fact, none before. Like ... DUH. I gave Nicky a "Yeay" for shaming Kevin. "Shame on you." Well done, Nicky. And I did a LOL when Nicky called Cassidy and Kevin "morons." "Sorry, sorry, sorry." To quote George Costanza, "Put your sorrys in a sack." Entry-level position ... what's the big deal, it's just words. Plus they all pay differently, don't they? Even if they don't, do a good job and get promoted. Geesh. Last week Beth said the girls had their own rooms, but when guests stay, the kids double up. So mom has to make her own bed? What happened to Deja or someone, anyone, doing it for the "guest." Rebecca's obsession with taking photos of everything and texting/reading texts on her phone is exactly what everyone everywhere is doing, Randall. And the fact she put her phone on a desk in a room full of desks (or someone moved it there) isn't a big deal. TPTB did a poor job of indicating Rebecca is losing her mental faculties by showing her doing what every young person in the country is doing all day long. Looking forward to the episode when Kate kills and eats her boyfriend. Maybe next week for Thanksgiving? AWESOME!
  10. I didn't see the show, but I can name every state around Utah and Wyoming, even when they are not labeled. So ... I agree on your KT assessment. Stay strong. It will be over soon.
  11. Is it walled up in a secret room? And when it rings, will you answer, "Hello Paul, how did you get this number?" That's where all the hospital staff was, in the ER treating Popeye's Chicken Sandwich customers. Everyone was needed! What is it with rotary phones in everyone's basement?
  12. Those milkshakes were way too huge, and with all the crap stuck on the outside and piled on top, I can really envision a sloppy mess after a few minutes and the ice cream and everything else starts to melt and slide down the glass onto your lap, your hands and the table. I'd vote for a half-sized version. Maybe. And for half the price. For what those cost, I could buy enough ice cream, brownies, chocolate, whip cream and sprinkles for 10 Not Yard milkshakes and have stuff left over. Plus they were doing so well already, I did not see the need for a shark. IMO it was a big advertising promo, yet they got a deal. Amazing. I could see the dog-clothes thing, even though the shirts were not something I would want to wear. My dogs wear sweaters in the winter, but no need for matching shirts. I think they were aimed more toward pets people carry around as accessories. There are ton loads of boutique dog clothiers though, many high-end. I wouldn't have given them a deal. I thought the peanut-butter pump was a good idea and not worthy of the ridicule it got from one shark who had no use for it. I can see it sitting on the counter, pump a glob into your spoon and save time getting your PB snack. It could also lie on its side in the fridge, unless the PB would get too stiff to come out the tube. But it did a nice job of cleaning the jar and putting the PB on a sandwich with no tools needed. I might have given that guy a deal. The paper lanterns were pretty, but I was gobsmacked thinking about all that crap falling back to earth, fire notwithstanding. Just the waste and mess people somewhere would have to clean up was overwhelmingly NOT environmentally sound. Mark needs to STFU and get off the show.
  13. Dhruv's video is also on Ellen's Facebook page.
  14. Well, it's 6 p.m. and I just remembered that Ellen was on two hours ago. Eh.
  15. Totally agree with this. Why would any player want out when he/she could go on and win 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 million. I wouldn't. I'd find a way to tough it out for a few years and pocket a cool zillion bucks if I could. And James, while intelligent, is no Watson. Every human can be beaten.
  16. Here they both air during the afternoon. My antenna picks up ABC (Ellen) but not NBC (Jeopardy). Jeopardy airs at different times all around the country. Some places, it's on in the morning. You can watch while eating breakfast.
  17. Ellen is on here opposite Jeopardy, and since I can no longer watch Jeopardy, I will try to remember to watch Ellen. Dhruv's clip, audio and video, has been all over tv and radio. I'm guessing he gets prizes!
  18. Because you have been a good player and faithful contest contestant, your score is now 3. You're welcome. Awwww, Bosco. Big kitty hugs and kisses from Saber to Bosco.
  19. Dhruv was my teevee boyfriend during his tournament. He looks too old for me now. Does anyone besides me remember the Bernoulli disks? They were quite the invention for storing and transferring big computer files. I still have several of them. Collecting dust.
  20. Well, my van tires have steel belts. So that's something.
  21. Yes, we know what the Rust Belt is. But how does it apply to how the FJ clue was written? The clue: In 2018 Forbes said this "Belt's Demographic Delight is" this other "Belt's Demographic Dilemma." Why is one belt's delight the other belt's dilemma? See if your son can explain that. I live in the Midwest and we have plenty of sun here.
  22. That is another fine example of a cr*ppily written FJ clue. If we recorded every poorly written clue, we'd have a library's worth by now. Think too much about it and you'll hurt your brain. The only thing I can suppose is rust happens when there's not enough sun, meaning the opposite of sun is rain. You know, the Rain Belt. Eh. Rooting for Francois here, too.
  23. Yes, congratulations, you stand alone. While I stand alone with (Rust Belt and) Cotton Belt. And I even know what the Sun Belt is, but it ... went over my head, while I've seen a lot of Arkansas cotton bolls.
  24. LOL! Maybe then everyone (Malcolm) will have the courtesy to knock first instead of just walking in on mom if they don't want to get shot. Seems like even Eve barged in, uninvited. I'd want a loaded gun too, if people kept doing that to me. Now that Malcolm took the gun, watch Mr. Junkyard Killer come visiting.
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