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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This is when it would be awesome to have the Timeless Flying Eyeball to trip back to France and buy all the Renoir, Monet and Cézanne paintings for some 10 bucks total and bring them back to modern times and sell for trillions.
  2. I think I like this show, although I am not positive. Still, I made it through to the end. Tyce and Travis! I would be on this show just to have either (or both) teach me a dance. I was surprised the real dances took place in locations where the people had to have been practicing, how else would they know to jump over benches or stroll out into a fountain. And LOL that the sound of clunking shoes on the Hollywood Bowl floor were (almost all) edited out, or else everyone would have been distracted from those two trying to be romantic dancers. It was interesting that Octavius (?) said the blond woman was “so beautiful” and the second woman “seemed confident.” Yeah, typical guy, goes for the pretty, that was a no brainer. I would be dating that music guy from the second dance. A sensitive artist ... hot. I thought for sure she would pick the tall guy, so that one surprised me. I spent a lot of time checking out what Jenna was wearing so her pregnancy wouldn’t be so obvious. The people in the park with the fountain weren’t paying a lick of attention to the dancers, so I figured they were extras planted there for “realism.” Did anyone else yell out “NOOooo!” when the tall guy dragged the woman on her back down the length of the bleachers? Talk about how to ruin a nice dress and pick up some splinters along with every piece of dirt and sludge deposited there over the decades. The end was cute, with the couples saying they were still dating. Reminded me of Ellen’s show about meeting a blind date in a Chicago restaurant that was on a couple years ago. ETA: I, too, wondered where the music was coming from. Maybe the dancers had ear pieces or something.
  3. Oh.My.Gosh. You made my day year. Appreciated and downloaded. I haven't seen anything that perfect since ... well, maybe never. XOXOXO, even if that's not appropriate.
  4. Blame every social media poster everywhere for making this happen, it's all fans of the show could talk about. It is gimmicky, but it translates into $$$ for the network, and will crush ratings plus blow up social media. Everyone wins, except people who don't want to watch. Thanks for the thread, @zoey1996.
  5. Will be a tough watch for me due to Michael Strahan. Of all the hosts on that network and they pick him. *sigh*
  6. Simple. It's reading your thoughts, of course. Like "they" say, be careful what you wish for. Or think about! I wish I could think me up some Kevin Costner on a horse.
  7. WEEK 16 • Dec. 23 — ONE asterisk * 71. British Authors. In 2016 the OED celebrated his 100th birthday by adding words connected to his writings, including scrumdiddlyumptious. * 72. Historic American Cities. Damage from Hurricane Matthew in this city in 2016 revealed a plot of colonist graves from perhaps as long as 430 years ago. * 73. Organizations. Founded by students at W&M in 1776, its members include 17 U.S. Presidents, 41 Supreme Court Justices & more than 140 Nobel laureates. 74. 19th Century History. Wanting more French influence in the area he called Latin America, Napoleon III installed an emperor in this country. 75. Art Firsts. The first French museum to buy this type of painting was the Musee des Beaux-Arts in Lyon, in 1901.
  8. I don't think some players would like what some viewers are yelling at them, so there's that to consider. Plus every plural word must be a possessive. Its mistake's like that what drive me nut's! I got free lunch (don't I wish), dribble glass (those are so hilarious), tennis and TEN. And Jamison got two GFYs, making him a very special player. I waffled on FJ. Impressionist was too early for the date, cubism too late. So I waffled back to impressionism. Depressing I had five years of art history and stumbled into the answer while I'm suspecting others here have had not a single AH class and got it easily. Book larnin' isn't all that sometimes.
  9. It's because of posters here that I am now aware of every Jeopardy contestant beginning his/her interview with "So ..." So ... thanks a lot you guys.
  10. I disagree. There are rules for grammar, which do not seem to be taught in schools or at home any more. Besides being irked by people saying "Where are you at," I also don't like people who say "Her and I's relationship" (TM The Bachelor) or "Me and him went to the mall." (TM Everyone) All contribute to the further dumbing down of America. YMMV.
  11. My mom taught me this when I was young: "Never use a preposition to end a sentence with." I said that to my editor one day, making a joke, and he replied, "Yes you can." No sense of humor. But this is my current pet peeve, I hear it everywhere, on the radio, tv, even on newscasts from people who are supposes to be professionals: "Where are you at," "Where did you get that from," and so on. Makes me want to stab my ears out. Ha ha.
  12. Goldfish are the most popular food fish for people who raise cichlids. I kept a tank of feeder fish (goldfish) that survived after my last Jack Dempsey died. One lived to nearly 20 years, it would spit gravel at the glass tank wall when it wanted to be fed. It ate goldfish flakes, not other food fish! I agree that this clue was poorly worded. Continue to be amazed. I make this a QS, a quadruple stumper. Didn't have any idea. And I've even seen/heard her speak when she was keynote at a convention.
  13. I got the TSs of parboil, varnish/vanish and rollbar (which is a ROPS in the equipment world). Karen got a GFY. Those are rare these days. I thought the clue for “lisp” was a poor one. I don’t know anyone who lisps when he/she is tired, regardless of age. Bummer that a Horse clue was left, but I got a kick from the shout out to Lil Nas X. He was part of a clue in one of the old eps I watched online, the answer was a TS for players, Lil Wayne, which I easily answered. I do know my lil rappers. Etruscans made me laugh.
  14. It's going to take me a while to recover, I just finished watching today's episode in real time, something I haven't been able to do for more than three months. It made me a bit dizzy, keeping track of TSs and other odds and ends. I will have to readjust my schedule as I quit paying attention to time or when I HAD to be home during those "lost months." It actually was sort of freeing, not being able to watch. Happy Boxing Day everyone!
  15. The most amazing Christmas miracle just happened. Being bored and considering going to bed early to listen to the radio, I thought WTH, I'll scan the tv channels for the heck of it, it's been a while. So I did ... and the seven missing channels were back, including the one that carries Jeopardy. I'm so gobsmacked, I cannot believe it. I hope everyone else got a gift just as good as mine.
  16. Three missed DDs and FJ was a TS. The bright side; No clues left on the board.
  17. For once, we're on the same page. 😉 Though my distaste was only mild, and he probably just reminded me of someone in past who've I've forgotten everything about except the dislike. Could it be, I don't know ... something about BARTENDERS? Since the category was British Authors, I knew the answer had to be a man. Still, I'm glad to have company on my trek through Mary Poppins, then Milne. Dahl is popular on this show, he just doesn't exist in my world.
  18. Pretty much all zoos have penguins. However, a zoo enclosure is not a "real" environment so penguins wouldn't be responding the same as they would IRL, just like a tiger in a zoo would not respond the same as one in the wild. Just sayin'. Of course, YMMV. I would have thought she might have mentioned she travels to far-off regions to do her penguinology thing. Or perhaps "penguinologist" is like the "chicken enthusiast" and "free spirit" occupations seen on The Bachelor/-ette: Another word for "unemployed."
  19. Thank you! I couldn't imagine Trebek letting that opportunity get away from him. It's not easy to find penguins to study in Chicago, so Good For Her.
  20. Did Peggah's occupation get explained on Thursday? Penguinologist! @Browncoat? @opus?
  21. Oh, thanks. I looked it up and he didn't do it correctly, it's suppose to resemble a W and C. Eric's looks more like a ... *ahem* ... "measurement."
  22. Does anyone know what this means? Trebek mimicked it when he came on stage. I have a guess, but it's not very nice. Has anyone noticed a marked absence of GFYs? Maybe Alex Jacobs' GFY YouTube video had an impact.
  23. What you have typed into the reply box should still be there next time you are on that thread, or it should. Sometimes my reply disappears when I go to the next page, and sometime the reply is still there when I close my browser and reopen it the next day if I forgot to submit/send it. It's a potluck. I do hate that the pages jump around now, I scroll down to read the new posts and the window jumps back up to nearer the top. Irritating. I never click on any ads ever, on any web page. Doesn't stop the ads from trolling me though.
  24. I remember when, if you were driving out of California, you would be stopped and searched for fruit that was not allowed to go any further with you on your trip. Liquid propane was a no brainer since that's what I use to heat my house. I was surprised a few weeks ago when the dogs were raising all kind of heck in the back yard. I went out to see where the squirrel was or what the horses were doing to make the dogs go crazy, and was surprised by the LP man, who said "Hi" from maybe 15 feet away from me ... and me only partly dressed. Disclaimer: I live where I can go outside sans clothes and never be seen. Unless the gas delivery guy is there. It was not one of my finer moments. My brain was stuck on African Queen for FJ, which irritated me no end since I did an in-depth report on Heart of Darkness in college, I loved that book. But the brain does what it wants to do. Mine does anyway.
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