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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. There is at least one bad clue every game lately, sometimes more. What's with these writers. I posted in the GOAT thread, but if anyone hasn't seen the tournament yet and is avoiding that thread, ABC is rerunning all three hours tonight, Saturday, 7-10 p.m. central time.
  2. ABC is rerunning all three hours of the GOAT tomorrow night, Saturday, from 7-10 p.m. I'm not sure I have the energy to watch, I might have to switch over to Svengoolie (Revenge of the Creature!).
  3. It was our Christmas present, Dec. 24, "Historic American Cities. St. Augustine." It seems like it was longer ago than that.
  4. I said Nepal for FJ. I have a good friend in Alpena, and I got a laugh today thinking how I would demonstrate where in Michigan it is located using my hand/finger.
  5. WEEK 18 • Jan. 6 — NO asterisk 82. 1960s Novels. This book defines its own title as “concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers… was the process of a rational mind.” 83. International Sports Stars. Now with over 185 million followers, he surpassed Selena Gomez in 2018 to become the most followed person on Instagram. 84. European History. It took the French Army until 1995 to declare him innocent, 101 years after he was convicted of treason. 85. Law Enforcement. In 1892 Francisca Rojas became the world’s first person convicted on the basis of this kind of evidence. 86. Constitutions of the World. This country’s 1979 constitution forbids amendments altering its official ideology or religion.
  6. Past contestants have reported they have been told last names only are okay. If more is required, they get a BMS. Simple as that.
  7. This was another poor clue/answer because it can be spelled both ways. As I've posted before, how do these cr*p clues get into play when there are so many sets of eyes (and brains I assume) checking them. While I got the TS of flux, Katie got a GFY, which is increasing rare and valuable these days. I also got Agent 99 and The Martian. I love me some Matt Damon. I had a kendama when I was a kid, but we called it a ball-and-cup, which is how I answered that clue. Never heard it called anything else. I was quite good with it. What was up with three crew members clustered around Alek in that shot before break? Speaking of Alek Van Houghton, when he was introduced all I could wonder was if he were related to Milhouse Van Houten. Yours was obviously female.
  8. And I said chimes, out of respect to @teebax.
  9. It's my experience that Europeans are better informed about American "goings on" than are Americans. (Present company excepted.) I would love to sit in on a few of those discussions.
  10. Oh, that would be part of the fun for me, as long as the "other tourists" were not Americans.
  11. Chevre is pretty easy if you know goat meat is chevon. When I was cooking up chevon burger for dogs' meals, I had the nerve to taste it, and it was delicious. I just didn't feel right about eating a living being I'd known by name. Chevre is also delicious and tastes like ... cheese. I caught Ken's imitation of James' smile, and yes, it was spot on and hee-larious. There must be a clip/video/gif of it somewhere out there.
  12. You are correct. Even though the category was NAME THE DECADE, the clue asked for the century: "Christopher Columbus makes his last transatlantic trip: the first decade of this century." That's sort of like, category DOGS: "The Budweiser Dalmation rides on a type of wagon named for this man."
  13. If Alex looks ill or a weird color, I put the blame directly on his makeup department. He and other show hosts wear more makeup than a drag queen, and the makeup person can use any color he or she wishes to make the subject look good. I noticed on the TMZ clip shown last night that Alex was yellow, including his hair, which is suppose to be white with a touch of grey. People are looking for signs of sickness IMO. On regular shows, lots of characters look overly red or have green tingles on my HDTV. Blame wardrobe/makeup/lighting, not the actor/host. I personally think he looks fine. Don't put the guy in his grave before he's ready.
  14. This episode was a shout out to me by showing a pic of my tv/movie boyfriend Denis Leary. I usually tire of my crushes after a while, but Denis will remain in my heart always. I got keylogging, one of the rare TSs. Shout out to @Mindthinkr with the clue about three-day eventing, which Brad answered correctly. This was another episode where I jumped up, clapped and cheered. Yes, I watch alone!
  15. Because that was the first clue in that category and down the board a bit, I took it as the contestants weren't all that sure how the category was to be played since they all did sort of an "Oh, yeah, NOW we get it" when the answer was revealed. The clue confused me too as it was strangely written, as is the tendency sometimes on this show. Thanks for this. I was wondering how ABC was going to let its cash cow, The Bachelor, be bumped on Monday for a show featuring smart people.
  16. Yeay, thanks @zoey1996. I'm 1/1 in the Calendar Quiz. I did not know there was a Minneapolis in Kansas though, so if that were a question, I'd fail. But now I know! Another nugget of knowledge has been filed away ...
  17. Agree with every post above this one. Especially the cars not pulling over for cops with lights and sirens going. All I could think was, every one of you jerks are getting a citation and a ticket. Then they all stop in the middle of the freaking Interstate to pick up random bills tossed from a cycle. WTH. I know that's happened before with Brinks accidents, but the people at least pull over to the side of the road. Such cr*p writing. But what bothered me the most, so much so that I couldn't even pay attention to the story line, was the camera work. EVERY scene was back lit so whomever was in the scene was all halo-like. Then the hand-held camera work was so whack, it was like the guy filming had a monster case of tremors or advanced Parkinson's. A character would be talking and the camera, shaking all the way, would zoom in on the face, then drop down to the speaker's chin, then back up to the forehead, then zoom back, then shake to the left, then right. All while everyone was back lit. I don't have any kind of motion sickness, but I literally felt physical relief when the commercials came on so lighting was from the front and the camera was steady. It was like I had just come off a bad carnival ride. The only scenes that weren't back lit were the helicopter ones. But then that whole sequence was so stupid, "Put the helicopter down so I can machine gun the oncoming motorcycle." Geezy pete, show runners. Get it together would ya. I can't take much more of this. I do find it funny though that the sheriff, such a total bad ass, takes time in the morning to Bed Head spike his hair so he looks cool and hip.
  18. I had many adventures being stranded in wintertime around the Midwest in my DIESEL Volkswagen, so I easily got that TS. I also got ESPN (magazine). I know ... woo hoo. And yes @M. Darcy: Shout out to KIT CARSON! That totally rocked. I was so irritated at Katie for betting only $3,000 on that DD. She was lucky it worked out for her in the end.
  19. Oh, man, kill me now. I got James. I'll trade him for Ken ...
  20. This is no kidding! I looked online and they aren't even sold in Buffalo or Albany. Way to keep a great food to yourselves, Rochester-ites.
  21. I forgot about Julia Louis-Dreyfus, one of my favorite actors, so thanks for that. However, I don't give a care to whom they are related, unless Richard is Julia's brother in law or some such. Alfred is nowhere on my radar.
  22. I forgot to brag mention that I got 12/12 in Wednesday's J6. Hey, that doesn't happen often, gotta take what I can get.
  23. Give us a sample page, please! Now I'm on the look out for pop-open white hots. Sounds so delicious.
  24. Truer words have never been posted here. I was gobsmacked at how ... not good ... she was.
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