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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh, I forgot about the woman deputy finding some scoop online about Bill. I wondered what was so secret that only that woman could dig it up and the "other guy" running for sheriff couldn't find it himself or have one of his minions dig it up. I sort of remember his blackmailing the woman deputy to work for him in secret but I don't remember what he has on her. I also don't remember learning Bill had an affair. I guess I have selective viewing (and remembering) when it comes to this show.
  2. Oh yeah, good point, I'd forgotten that small detail. I guess adopted son saying he wasn't going to kill Cade after all made me forget that. Funny the adopted daughter doesn't get to speak or get any screen time or happy time with her new parents. That'd be cool if she ended up shooting Cade. Don't worry, no actor is ever really killed by gunfire on this show. They just get partly or mostly dead.
  3. In this case, maybe this show. I know, I am so hilarious. You're welcome.
  4. I totally don't get the problem with Bishop's girlfriend. Didn't Bishop move to LA to be with her? So I would think the girlfriend also loves Bishop. So girlfriend proclaims she's a lesbian and only wants sex with a woman. Isn't Bishop physically a woman? I just don't see the problem there. If Bishop wants a sex change to physically become a man, that I can see could cause a riff. But Bishop dresses and looks like a man now, so what's the big deal if she is starting to identify as a they? That doesn't change anything physically they do as a couple. A straight man might imagine his wife to be some movie star when having sex, but that doesn't mean they get a divorce because wife isn't a movie star. And vice versa. Bishop wanting out of the ride on the freeway was all kinds of stupid. If I were the driver, I would have said a big no to that idea. Then Bill coming to pick her up and not turning the lights on his sheriff's vehicle while they had a convo on the side of the multi-lane freeway was all sorts of stupid too. Lucky (I guess) they both weren't killed. Then Bill took Bishop home. Doesn't Bishop live with the girlfriend? None of that story line made sense to me. Did the kid robber kill the woman he shot? This show is so ephemeral about whether injured/shot people live or die or are just forgotten. And LOL that Justin the Robber was ID'd by that grainy dark CC video. But whatever. I don't care if Bill runs in the election or not. Wouldn't change this show any, except all the scenes of Bill blowing off meetings would have to be cut. I didn't get what the big deal was with Cade's wife that the grandma of the two foster/adopted (which is it now?) kids wants to see them. That happens all the time, and keeping kids from their bio families isn't a good idea. Except on tv shows I guess.
  5. Yes. He did. He said he has a cold, and apologized for it more than once during the week.
  6. What was up with Alex's hesitation when Allison answered "Curie" to the clue "Born in Warsaw, she is still the only woman to win Nobel prizes in 2 different fields" in the category WOMEN? Are there two females Curies? He made her say "Marie" before he ruled her correct. Is there a Kit Curie? More shout outs to old BW movies with Basil Rathbone. There is a whole series of those BR Sherlock movies. My insta-thought for FJ was Savannah, then I happened to think about where Rhett Butler was born, and changed it to Charleston. Hooray for me and for old movies, even though GWTW is in color. Congratulations to MacKenzie on a long and great run. It was the luck of the board today with her not getting any DDs or I'll bet she'd be with us another day. Looking forward to her competing in the ToC. I enjoyed her run and will be rooting for her then.
  7. And turns out Latin words concerning the discoveries of Galileo aren't in my wheelhouse either.
  8. I love the old BW movies and will watch any and all of them. I'm a fan of Svengoolie, but when his movie is in color I typically do not watch. I also like the old BW tv shows, all of them, but if the series ran long enough it turned to color, I quit watching. I also am a huge fan of foreign films with subtitles. I don't understand why people got all whack about Parasite and won't see it because, subtitles. I'm old school all the way. Why yes, yes she did win again. She's won more than $200,000 so far. So grab a good book to read since you don't have to watch Jeopardy today.
  9. Thanks for that tidbit. I didn't know she was in an "It" movie, I always thought she was "The It Girl" because she was "all that," to use more modern vernacular. That was me, when we were talking about Frost, and I said I think of Frost when I cross over the Spoon River, which I do often, even though Spoon River Anthology was Masters'. I didn't comment on that since I figured no one here would remember that discussion. So thanks, all is not lost! LOL.
  10. And, because you know, the only cattle in Texas are longhorns. (That wear bolo ties!)
  11. I wasn't disappointed nor surprised, just pleased that I grew up loving BW silent movies, listened to my mom's Big Band 78s and learned all about that era from her. So Clara Bow was an easy peasy for me, thank you Mom. For @lb60: "Art class rules, science drools."
  12. MacKenzie posted on TheJeopardyFan site for today that she was in remedial reading and spelling, and spelling has always been difficult for her, so it's real, not trolling Alex. She said she's been betting small in FJ because she's afraid her poor spelling will bite her. And yes, science words ARE harder than other words. In my world, science words are harder than dog words or horse words or fast-food words or pop-culture words and a zillion billion other words. Science is NOT my friend and neither are its words.
  13. The big deal when BK opened was the Whopper was "flame-broiled." There was an open-flame oven with a track that ran through it. Burgers were put on the track, which traveled through the oven, and the cooked burgers came out the other side, flame-broiled by the open flames inside the oven. Those early Whoppers were DELICIOUS and big. (Or maybe I was just smaller then.) I've never had a Filet-o-Fish, but after viewing @Browncoat's vid multi times and researching other F-o-F commercials, I have to try one. I did learn that when the ad film crew was searching for a garage in which to film that commercial, when they located one that had the Billy Bass on the wall, they knew that was the place.
  14. OMG, BEST COMMERCIAL EVER! So hilarious, I almost fell off my chair. I remember Billy Bass but do not remember this commercial. Thanks for posting because I've been replaying it over and over, and am heading back up to replay it some more. I can't get enough! Of course, it's not me in that sandwich so I can laugh all I want. (Love the fish's singing voice.) That has to be one of the best commercials of all time. It's got my vote.
  15. Okay, so now I remember. I just didn't remember that was BK!
  16. I bought a Hennessy t-shirt at Goodwill only because it was the right size and color, and everywhere I go when I'm wearing it, people start talking to me, from grocery-store baggers to chefs. It's like magic. And I don't drink, Hennessy or anything else. I divert the conversations so I don't have to admit that fact, nor that I did not buy the shirt in UK.
  17. I don't remember Burger King having a jingle. Its tagline was "It takes two hands to handle a Whopper." Which was dropped in later years for obvious reasons. We had a lot of fun with that tag, I'm (not) ashamed to say. I can still sing the Big Mac "lettuce cheese" song. It's classic advertising. My thought exactly. Exactly!
  18. You might be right. I'm watching tomorrow to make sure since I haven't paid attention since Lebbanon. And who know, maybe that was an inside joke too.
  19. True. They hired a show bull to portray a mean-ass rodeo bull that no one could ride. That set it up for him to wreck the car lot and gore a few people. "It's acting!" said Master Thespian. Sort of like Liv Tyler is an actor portraying Michelle. Well, maybe that's not such a great comparison since the bull's scenes were more believable than Liv's, and so was his stunt double's, the one with his head "stuck" in the car.
  20. I said "McFish" because I knew it was McDonald's but I also knew McFish was not the real name. The reveal was an "Oh yeah, I knew that" moment. I was disappointed since Fast Food was (otherwise) a great category for me. I had one of those and about an hour later I wished I hadn't. For the rest of the night, too. Never again.
  21. Actually, the black longhorn taken out of the trailer was a bull. It also was probably a show animal, trained to lead, pose and be handled. All cattle shows have classes for bulls. Check out this rather large fellow, a Brahman bull, at the East Texas Fair. I have much experience with show cattle, beef and dairy, and cow-calf operations. I've never had a problem handling a show-trained bull, but I do prefer the polled varieties! The steer with his head in the car had a white under belly and no ability to produce "bull stuff" if you know what I mean. (Reference two eps ago!)
  22. I watched this episode's rerun last night and enjoyed seeing it. I missed the premiere and it wasn't available online, so was glad it was shown again. I questioned Malcolm having a parakeet a couple episodes ago, the bird showed up "out of the blue," but learned last night he has always had "Sunshine." I also liked learning more about how he knew Gil, and that Gil gave him that piece of candy which it seems Malcolm now associates with his job. Mom also explained her obsession with Malcolm and why not Ainsley. And Dad most certainly has issues ... including plenty with Malcolm. In all, it was a great start to this series.
  23. I can see not remembering between which character wanted someone to spin straw into gold and which wanted a gal to let down her hair. In fact, I thought it was Rumplestilskin asking for the hair drop. So I was wrong along with all the players. Those fairy-tale R names can get confusing.
  24. Announcing the dual winners of Week 24: @Minaboo and @Trey! Congratulations to both of you for being the only players to score exactly one point higher than the contest host. Enjoy your special week!
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