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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Whereas on the tv westerns, Lucas McCain can fire his rifle from the hip and shoot the gun out of the bad guy's hand while bad guy is galloping by on a horse. And bad guys always shoot the good guys in the shoulder. Always. Meanwhile ... Thank you @Netfoot. My point exactly about those car doors!
  2. WEEK 27 • March 9 — NO asterisk * 131. Religion. These 2 countries that border each other are second & third in worldwide population of Muslims. 132. 19th Century Plays. From the title of a British-set comedy, it completes the final line “I’ve now realized for the first time in my life the vital…” 133. Book Words. A 1964 essay coined this 2-word term for “artistically serious” comic books & endorsed it over “illustories” & “picto-fiction.” 134. Actors. Speaking of his role in a 1964 film, he apologized for “the most atrocious Cockney accent in the history of cinema.” 135. Birds. Black-footed & black-browed are 2 species of this seabird whose name was influenced by the Latin word for “white.”
  3. Or the now-quarantined Cristiano Ronaldo, although he's one or two years younger than Pele.
  4. Same here. Comics and Birds, two great FJ Saber categories this week. As soon as I read "Black-footed" I said booby, then no, that's blue-footed, so I read the rest of the clue. I'm a fan of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and it's common for me to tell someone he is an albatross around my neck, so that answer was a given. I was thinking albatross was a video clue not long ago, but I might have this show mixed up with another. Would jet engine be accepted for jet propulsion? Asking for a friend. I've always wanted a Black Hills gold ring, so that TS was a given. South Dakota is one of the very few states I've never visited. Someday I will get my BH gold piece. Meanwhile, I have to be content with getting the Jeopardy Black Hills TS. Got more TSs but quit writing after aerobatics, Pearl Buck, and George and Gracie. "Good night Gracie."
  5. My pet peeve: The cars all get zillions of bullet holes in their doors while the passengers/driver inside are never hit. If the shooters would just raise their rifles up, like another foot or two, maybe they could actually hit a person. It's sort of a no brainer. On the rare occasion glass is broken, all the excessive gun fire always misses the people. And I guess those bullets that hit the doors just bounce off or get lodged inside the car door since they never seem to actually go through the doors. And you know, actually hit a person. On a Waltons rerun the other day, there was a standoff between police and some Walton relatives up on the mountain. The armed cops started driving toward the armed relatives, and the old uncle took one shot and blew the tire on the cop vehicle. I guess ammunition was more valuable back then so people were better shots. LOL that the city is safer with Bill as sheriff what with all the wild car chases and excessive gunfire in ... well, everywhere.
  6. But now he's been sent to Riker's for 20-some years. So movies are safe again!
  7. I can't say this show is all that popular given the wild activity this thread is (not) getting. Even I was only half watching. Got a huge laugh out of Cade and/or wife, doesn't matter which one, bitching to the adoption woman re: grandmother wanting the foster kids: "That woman didn't even go to their father's funeral." Cade just forgot to add: "You know, the man that I shot and killed." Yeah, small detail and maybe a pretty good reason why grandmother wants her grand kids out of that house. Was it Bill and his father having lunch in the dinner? I can't even remember that. But I did think Bill (?) saying "What the hell is that?" about Dad's (?) sandwich was all kinds of WTH. It was a Monte Cristo sandwich and looked just like any club sandwich. It wasn't like he was eating a dead possum or something. Plus, wasn't Bill there when Dad ordered so he heard what the hell it was? Who is writing this cr*p. Again, police car with lights and sirens going during a high-speed chase down the LA street and not one single car pulls over. Can California drivers just keep going when a cop car is coming up behind them, lights/sirens blaring? I'd be in all kinds of hot water in my state if I ruled the road over the police. Then Bill can't hit the vehicle in front of him with that big-ass assault rifle? I could hang out of the window of a moving truck and be pretty sure I could draw a bead on the vehicle in front of me. I guess Bill should have been driving so Cade The Sniper could have done the shooting. Plus, all that wild rifle fire in a residential/business area? I guess it's lucky no bystander was shot/killed, although with Bill's crappy shooting skills, no one had to worry about that. The rest of the show, the drama with wife's PTSD, will Bill or won't Bill run, let's blackmail people ... it all went over my head because I got distracted by something shiny that took my attention from this episode and it never came back.
  8. The only name I could come up with given the year was Rex Harrison, which was ridiculous given that he's British so wouldn't have to fake an accent. Of course, FJ answers are SO easy once they are revealed.
  9. Some of the 1904 World's Fair buildings remain in St. Louis' Forest Park, one in the zoo. Which reminded me that I very briefly dated one of the zoo's elephant trainers. Wow, good times tripping down Memory Lane.
  10. We've been schooled. No more grousing over Woman Author/Writer categories. I've spent a whole lot of time in St. Louis, and never once have I heard that swimming and diving are so popular there. (as per Alex Trebek) Milwaukee, West Bend and Fond du Lac, Wisconsin are in my back yard. Been to all of them more times than I can count. I always figured Fond du Lac meant "I like (fond of) lakes," not "bottom of the lake." Live and learn. I felt badly for Waseem. I wish he could have stayed for FJ.
  11. Perhaps Greg Louganis wouldn't have been a TS if they didn't show an old-age photo of him. He looks a little different now. Side note: Louganis is very involved in dogs, and is best known for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi he showed at Westminster and also put a Best in Show on. He owns multiple purebred dogs and has written at least one book on dogs. Before and after ...
  12. Ugh. Best of luck on that. I've been hearing about trip insurance since everything is getting cancelled. Too bad that wasn't common knowledge (at least to me) before booking and paying.
  13. I thought it was Tina Fey in her Sarah Palin glasses when she started to turn around. It took me a sec to realize it was the actual SP. What was up with SP having so much time to do her encore? After the heads are off, I always want to hear the revealed person sing now that I know who it is. Like Drew Carey and Tom Bergeron, they barely got a few seconds before the show ended. But SP last night, that went on and on and on for so long, I almost shut off the tv to stop the torture.
  14. Well, that would be cool to go to Stockholm, if that's even a possibility. So there's that ... ?
  15. I'm so sorry Your Majesty. I was wondering if you would still be able to go since it was in Canada. Are they rescheduling or is it just cancelled? I'm judging a dog show next weekend and am starting to get a little freaky about that.
  16. LOL. When typing that, I thought it wasn't very clear. I did a search and the shoulder chameleon was a big deal in the '20s, then through the '60s. I even found an ad where you could buy meal worms for a buck and get a free chameleon AND free shoulder leash and gold safety pin to keep the chameleon attached to you so you can watch it change colors to match your clothes. Circus Pet guarantees your chameleon will live three years. If it does not, return the "old one" and they will send you a new one. What a deal! Plus you guys are now set for Category Chameleon. You're welcome.
  17. When I was a kid, chameleons were a fad for a short while. My friend had one, it had a leash connected to a pin. You would pin it to your sweater so the chameleon would stand on your shoulder or cling to the sweater. The deal was, the chameleon would change color to match your sweater. There were lots of jokes about people killing their chameleons by putting them on a plaid sweater. The fad did not last long. Neither did the chameleons.
  18. But he'll be back, you will see, in the next T of C. (Best I could do on short notice.)
  19. The problem with that, one has to have the MSNBC channel before one can recognize that guy. I've never heard of him. Ever. It's you wealthy folk who have all those non-antenna tv channels. Shout out to @JudyObscure with the Jude The Obscure clue. (Judy, it's more fun over here than where I know you are right now!) I said Walking Stick too, so put me in with you guys expecting the judges to say yes. I got chameleon, Methodist and Robert Duvall, one of my fav actors. When he teamed with Kevin Costner and a couple of horses in Open Range, Saber was muy happy. Finally, a FJ category I could get behind. Forget those Bible and English Royalty categories, give me some Comics clues. I love a good graphic novel. So thank you, show.
  20. Day-um, @Sterling. Everyone needs to read your post. It sums up everything. So thank you.
  21. Thank you @butterbean1 for a thoughtful and insightful post. My sympathies on your mother, but good on you for understanding her disease and being able to cope. My only thought as to why this family hates on Madison is that she has made it clear she won't have sex with Peter. His parents are the ones who gave cheers and fist pumps when it was revealed he effed Hannah Brown four times on her season, whereas if I were his mum, I'd be mortified. Seems bro is all in with the let's-have-sex thing too. My thinking is, the dysfunction in the Weber family goes much deeper than BPD. As for the waiting-three-hours BS, I was a movie extra and sat 18 hours in a ballpark stadium for the five-to-10 minutes of filming that included me. Who will Barb find to blame when she gets her own reality show and has to sit and wait and sit and wait and sit and wait ... And "sitting on the couch for three hours" ... I hope she was released from her prison the couch to at least use the restroom. Doesn't sound like it though, which, of course, would add to her Madison-induced misery. Being full of ... "it" ... will do that to a person.
  22. This is beyond my comprehension, how anyone could like Barb after her craptastic self-centered display. I guess I was raised differently. You know, to be polite and compassionate. I think the whole bringing-Maddie-back thing was producer driven to try and save The Worst Bachelor Season Ever, and I guess it worked since it's all the talk today, and check out how many pages are here. It's my opinion Peter already has chosen his One True Love and nothing is going to ever change that: his mother. I can see a Norman Bates ending in his future.
  23. OMG, Peter gave his mother a rose! My guess it's his Final Rose and he has found his True Luv 4 Evah. Now he just needs that Neil Lane ring to seal the deal. While it was good fun watching this final rose dog pile, I am resentful, VERY resentful, that it turned into The Barbara Show, and she is all gloaty about it today. Like she's some big star now or something. I'm waiting to hear she's got her own reality show now. That's what she was going for the whole time with the OTT everything and fake crying/no tears.
  24. Which creates drah-mah, what this franchise and TPTB are all about. No one ever said this franchise is honest about setting people up to be hurt, start crying, create ... DRAH-MAH! Madison was right to say, basically, "Get over it and move on." Something Demon Mother can't do, obviously. Peter's parents got a free trip to Australia. IMO, they are the whiny asses. And Demon Mother getting a "no" to her asking if Madison is "madly in love with" her son ... WTH does she expect? I'd be worried if anyone replied "yes" to that stupid question. Where is the "puke" icon?
  25. Actually, he didn't say "Yes," he said "Yeah," which is not exactly the definitive answer that "yes" is. I'm glad to know my instincts were right. I disliked Peter during Hannah's season and disliked him so much this season that I quit watching. But I have to say, last night kept me glued to the tv (and to this thread live posting, so much fun!) and as another poster said, I could have watched one more hour of the Demon Mother Dreck Peter show. I cannot imagine what the people who live next to Demon Mother and who work with Moma's Boy Peter think today. How can anyone take him seriously or want to be on any plane he pilots. Although I can't imagine him having friends, so there's that.
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