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  1. The best thing about this episode was the performance of Patricia Belcher as Subway Lady. There were a few other bright spots, but that was the best. I've slogged through this entire reboot. I hope I have it in me to last through the final season.
  2. Good lord on whole wheat toast. Jennifer is even worse in longer doses than she is in short bits in various episodes. I am profoundly grateful I don't know her in my real life. Clearly, Dolores doesn't like Melissa very much. I don't know why she doesn't just own it. Theresa is such a fumble-brain. I swear, I don't understand why she would pretend to have written books when she has no command of the English language at all. Theresa's facial expressions are not as cute as she probably thinks they are either. For me, the jury's still out on Jackie. If she comes back next season, I think we'll understand her better. Margaret can be shady. She has a good heart, though. Or I think she does.
  3. Did I actually see Shamari stick her finger into her husband's nose and clean something out of it? *rewinds DVR and checks* Yes, yes I did. I am struck speechless.
  4. I only just now found this forum. I kinda liked this show. I particularly liked the guest stars who played themselves. Lena Headey and Sean Bean both made me laugh out loud. I suspect Julia Davis is an acquired taste.
  5. Eva - I watched Eva-the-Diva's season on ANTM, so I've known about her a dang long time. For the most part, I like her. I think she can be shady, but she can also stand up under other people's shade. She mopped the floor with that lowlife Marlo. I dislike Marlo intensely and have since Day One. Marlo - No matter how much I loathe her, and I do, I'll give her credit for comforting Eva. She also took her wig-bumping-on-everything with a surprising good humour. So except for her ridiculous behaviour on the bus, she wasn't too horrible this episode. Shamari - I still think she's shallow. But when she sang to her boys and they responded so quickly, well, that showed me a lot about the genuine relationship she has with her children. That was sweet. Nene - She's exactly the same Nene she's always been, only she's under stress because of Gregg and his cancer treatment. Because she's the same bad-tempered woman she's always been, she's taking her stress out on everyone around her. She's never had any respect or concern for people she consider "beneath" her (say, tour guides) or her coworkers (say, other HoWives), and she's being obnoxious. I really objected to her mocking of Porsha's staying home because her back hurt. Every pregnancy is different. I had a couple of miscarriages on my way to having my kids, so if a friend says, "I can't go because i feel bad," when she's preggers, I'm gonna say, "Stay in bed. Feel better." Nene also shouldn't diss another person's singing voice. I don't like Kandi's voice myself, but she's a canary to Nene's starling in my opinion. Nene thinks she's a communicator, but she's not. Communication goes two ways. She's a yeller and a bully. She's never willing to listen to the other person's point of view. She's also proud of Nay-Nay -- and she's got nothing to be proud of there. It's like being proud of all the worst aspects of your personality. Tanya - Still a cypher to me. She was probably right that Nene was being shady to her. But if you've been engaged to one guy for years and years with no wedding in sight, you need to develop a bit of a thicker skin because someone -- whether or not they have any right to -- will make comments. Kandi - I like you, but eat the doggoned vegetables. As I have said before, I'm allergic to seafood and don't eat any kind of meat, including poultry, so their earlier meal would have been tricky for me. But vegetables? Bring 'em on. And when I'm with people, I do not ever make those "gross-out" faces Kandi makes when she doesn't want to eat something. I don't know why she does that, unless production tells her to show her distaste. I'm guessing that the bacon-tasting item she didn't want to eat was some form of tofu.
  6. I wouldn't mind hearing about it, but I don't so much want to see it. My empathy-gene might get itself into overdrive, and I might end up paying court to the porcelain goddess my own self. *laughing*
  7. Jennifer - I know I'll sound like a broken record (thus showing my age with that *laughing*), but can Jennifer be more horrifying? Every time I think she's hit the bottom rung of the "classless and tasteless" ladder, she finds yet another, lower rung to swing on. And in this episode, she topped herself twice. First she dropped in on her husband, obnoxious brat in tow, to bring him some sushi and check to be sure he wasn't being draped on by some bitchy patient. After some displays of brilliant parenting by both parents, she and the brat depart -- much to the relief of the "other workers" who'd been saddled with the spoiled kid while Mummy and Daddy sparred for the cameras. Then, in Mexico, Jennifer gets her knickers in a twist over the necklace the women had given Teresa. I swear, even if I'd thought it was the single most hideous thing I'd ever seen, I wouldn't have said so if I'd been Jennifer. But then, I'm not that petty. My husband has a business, and lots of my friends do NOT do business with him. Guess what? Neither he nor I care. We keep things friendly because sometime in the future, they *might*. And if they don't, that's fine, too, because we're not worried about it. Danielle - She's sly, you've gotta give her that. Not smart. Not even clever. But sly. She'll take three or four true words you've said and twist them into something you didn't mean. You can't say you didn't say them because you did. You just didn't mean them the way she's presenting them. Or she'll take your three/four true words and then add others to them. You'll tie yourself in knots saying, "But that's not quite what I said," while she stands there, smirking at you. Sly. Melissa - Like almost all of you, I don't think she was surprised by the news of a secret half-sister. I don't think her mother was terribly surprised either. I also don't believe anyone found out about said sister from a medium. On the other hand, I've recently had more than one friend discover previously known half-siblings by DNA research, so I'm not immediately skeptical of the whole story line. Teresa - I have to admire her dedication to fitness. If she falls off the diet and no-drinking wagon too quickly, however, she'll regret it. Her digestion and metabolism will have changed over the last year or so and won't handle alcohol and fat as well as she might wish. Margaret - Mostly I like her. Not always. I think her monkey's a-hole comment was out of line, honestly, but she'd been provoked, not only at the table but for months, by Jennifer. And Jennifer, of course, overreacted to the comment by a factor of 1,000. If I had to be cast away on a deserted island with one of these women, I'd be least likely to murder Margaret in her sleep. :)
  8. Bless all of their hearts, all the women in all the franchises behave like spoiled children on a sugar high when they go on trips. My dislike for Marlo grows and grows. I've had luggage go to the east coast when I was flying to the west coast. I eventually got it and managed to survive a couple of days with a quickly-purchased few items. But then, I'm not an alleged fashionista with questionable taste and no impulse control. I would not have been able to eat much at the dinner either. I'm allergic to all kinds of seafood and don't eat meat. I'm open to absolutely any kind of egg, dairy, vegetable, or grain dish, but I didn't see too many of those on offer.
  9. I haven't posted here in ages. *insert sarcastic, self-deprecating laughter* I know y'all missed me. *additional snorts of self-derision* I have loathed Jennifer since her first appearance. I swear, every word from her mouth annoys me more and more. She thinks it's okay to take potshots at other people's parents, taste, lifestyle, houses, food, whatever -- and no one has the right to breathe the least hint of disapproval of her, her culture, her style, taste, children, whatever - and if she misinterprets what you said as criticism, she'll put you on blast anyway. In the utterly unlikely event she's reading this forum: Jennifer, my dear, you have no taste, no style, no discernible talent, nothing to make me wish I knew you. Milania is a child. When I was a child, I loved to sing. I had an aunt who, upon hearing me singing to myself, asked me if I was going to sing to my children when I grew up. "Yes," I said. "Poor things," she answered. I didn't sing again where anyone could hear me for nearly 20 years. Then I took some lessons. Turns out I have a very nice contralto voice. I'm willing to cut Milania some slack here. I'm so willing to cut Bravo and/or Theresa that same slack because they've allowed Milania's not-so-melodious "song stylings" to be seen and heard on television. Danielle and Marty deserve each other. Apparently, though, they didn't think so in the end. So I guess they're just going to make each other miserable forever. Theresa is still both stupid, bless her, and delusional. She clearly has her head in the proverbial sand about the chances of Joe's being deported vs being allowed to just "come home."
  10. I have only a couple of things to add. Marlo can give me fashion advice when Henry VIII is qualified to give me marriage advice. NeNe is still not as cute as she thinks she is. Shamari annoys me. And when it comes to age differences amongst friends, I can say that most of my friends are younger than I am. We get along quite well because we have interests in common. That's the problem with these women -- all of them -- they don't have interests in common. Each one of them thinks the universe revolves around her and wants the others to acknowledge this. When they don't, each of them gets angry and petty, to one degree or another.
  11. I have come to the conclusion that I dislike each and every one of these women with varying degrees of intensity, ranging from "I wouldn't contribute to her GoFundMe" to "I wouldn't spit on her to put the fire if she were actually blazing away like a Yule log."
  12. I have only one thing to say about this episode: If I'd been Polly, with all that open acreage available for surreptitious grave-digging, and someone came into my home and disrespected every danged single thing about my house, my party, my state, my food, everything, well, she'd have disappeared into that wide open range and never been seen again. Polly is clearly a better human than I am. Jennifer is lower than pond scum, ungrateful, loud-mouthed, supercilious, arrogant, and grotesque.
  13. I never believed Porsha was a vegan. Clearly, she's quit even pretending. Bless her heart. The only person I know who pronounces Tanya this way (TAN-ya rather than TON-ya) is Tanya Tucker. I am not sure I can stick with any of the RH series at this point. They're either too boring or too vulgar. *sigh* I just don't know.
  14. Gorga Sr. needs grief counseling. I'd be willing to wager (from my own experience in marrying into an Italian family) he'd rather suffer out loud and make everyone miserable than get that counseling. Gorga Jr. can't find ten minutes every couple of days to call his Papa? I call horsefeathers on that. My extremely busy husband used to call his father on his commute to or from work when he couldn't make any other time. We both miss my father-in-law who passed away earlier this year. A lovely, stubborn, Italian man. Teresa should have chosen a different time to bring up the no-calling-of-Nonno, however. Wait till after dinner. Of course, I'd also wager the Bravo producers would prefer mid-dinner drama to post-dinner sanity.
  15. I slogged through the first episode. I didn't even remember to record this one. From y'all's posts, I don't think I missed much.
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