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  1. Yea, you're right. There was one corrections officer I remember there that used to supervise the visits. This was back around 2000. A female visitor said to him "I like you, you are one of the nice guys" and he replied "I get paid $50K a year to watch you kiss your boyfriend, why wouldn't I be nice?" And no, we are no longer attached. We are still in contact occasionally but we divorced a few years after he was released from prison in 2008.
  2. They did a great job. 17 years ago I got married in this prison. The man I married was an inmate who also was on the "honor block". It was always strange to me, seeing that big white wall, smack in the middle of a little town. Right across the street was a little bar called Ruth's Tavern. It seemed like the town was so small that the majority of jobs were in the prison. It really does dominate the area. *Edited to say, please, don't judge me, we all make stupid mistakes when we are young, lol.
  3. Did he always have the feather? Or is that his new look?
  4. I was thinking friend or foe. When Jadis and Father Peepants were getting all buddy buddy, she thought he would come with her. When he said no, she said "I thought you were a B." So, by declining to go with her, he is now an A. When she told the helicopter people about Rick, she said he was a B and talked about saving a friend.
  5. Janelle is now lashing out at producers saying they were wrong for captioning Kaiser because he has a speech impediment and gets speech therapy. She says that he can says "it's hot" but it means "it's not". It doesn't matter if he said feed me, help me, or whatever. Your baby was hysterical. Whether it was hunger, needing a nap, etc. he needed your attention. This is one of the reasons why kids need a routine. If she was a real mother she would know that you don't do a bullshit save the date photo shoot during your child's meal time or nap time, especially when you do absolutely nothing all day long so it could have been done any other time. She is also saying the edit made it look like UBT is hiding some weird ass shit from the public. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jenelle-evans-slams-teen-mom-2-threatens-to-quit-w507987
  6. David Eason Wins Full Custody of Daughter Maryssa Editing to add that at least it is temporary primary custody. Hopefully that changes really soon.
  7. Yeah, count me in with those who don't understand why Luis going back to his apartment warranted an all-night man bashing session. IMO, it actually made sense for Luis to come back during the day when Brittney and Roxanne are presumably at work and the house is less crowded. Briana already said she didn't feel comfortable with him being there 24/7, so what's the problem? I don't know how Brittney and Roxanne have time to work when they are busy raising Brianna's kids and man bashing all the time. Sheesh, they are truly exhausting!! Imagine being around all of them in person? I thought Luis coming over during the day made perfect sense. Since the coven holds overnight meetings, Brianna could get some rest while Luis is there during the day. That way she can be well rested to watch her sister feed and rock Stella to sleep while they hold their nightly meeting. But, I bet she wouldn't rest while Luis is there anyway because if she did the man might actually be able to form a bond with Stella and that would completely ruin the coven's entire campaign, so she would stay awake and suck every single, possible bit of joy out of the room.
  8. My son is 19 now and when he was born I was 21 but still lived at home with my mom and brother. I remember waking up with my son in the middle of the night to feed and change him and it was quiet and peaceful. I held him and fed him and talked to him softly. If it was around 6am and we were up, my mom would knock on my door and give my son a kiss as she was leaving for work. We never used it as a bash the baby's father session. I guess because everyone in the house had a job to wake up and get to, we didn't have as much time for that. These ladies need to get a damn life and show Nova and now Stella, something different or they will be full fledged, brainwashed members of the coven sitting there at 4am, still all together and still single, bashing Nova and Stella's one night stands/baby daddy's in about 15 years. The whole situation with the coven is just strange. Nova sees and hears everything including her mother crying 17 times each day. Brianna is still talking about adoption in front of Nova even now that Stella is here. Ole boy Luis ain't never get to show us the full potential of his deadbeatness because the coven wouldn't even give him a chance.
  9. I don't care about Janelle either tbh, but as long as she is with David those kids are in even more danger. At least with Jace and The Roll, there is Barb and Nathan's mom to keep an eye on that bitch Janelle. Poor Endtable is fully in the clutches of Janelle and David. There is nobody to save her. :( If MTV fires them both, there is hope that David will disappear when those MTV checks do. Which could save Jace and The Roll but still leaves little Endtable as either a victim of kidnapping by her father or consistent neglect by her mother and the dick she jumps on next. https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/remove-david-and-janelle-from-teen-mom-2-cast
  10. I enjoy the drama, it entertains me. But I have to draw the line and child abuse and endangerment. So, here you go guys! Let's see how fast we can get past 1000. Maybe MTV will pay attention to the viewers. Remove David and Janelle From Teen Mom 2 Cast
  11. So, I came here to fangirl! I had to tell someone (and I thought who better than all of you lol) that I commented on one of Miriam Morales' instagram posts and she liked my comment and replied back to me. For those who don't know, she plays Pidge who is Ouija's sidekick for lack of a better description lol.
  12. As soon as I read that the entire season was going to take place over the course of 3 days I knew it was going to be like this. I wish they would have done it differently. It feels like we have gotten nowhere and now we will have to wait a whole year for the next season, ugh.
  13. Nope, not at all lol. I couldn't resist.
  14. BBM, when I read that line I swear I thought I was in the wrong thread for a minute. I thought I was in a Teen Mom 2 thread and you were talking about Kail, lol.
  15. Hmmm...couch syrup would be the perfect explanation for Janelle, Amber and Caitlynn!
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