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Everything posted by TheHappinessHotel

  1. OK, can someone explain to me the scene with Bonnie and Laurel? I thought that Frank was supposedly this ladies man who slept with the interns? Now she is falling head over heels for her?
  2. It looks like the bigwigs are realizing how many fans love NB as Kol!
  3. Just wondering about your comment about Matt Davis not being a professional. Is there something I missed? I'd be disappointed if he wasn't cool in real life.
  4. I see you quoted me, but I do so hope you know I was not implying anything else with my post. I just feel like the show would take on a whole other feel if they leads paired up. You then add a whole romantic element to this show which it does not need. I am so sick of having epic love stories shoved down my throat. For once, I love their friendship and want it to remain that way. It has absolutely nothing to do with race for me. I want to add that I would love for Abbie to have a love interest. I had really high hopes for Hawley and still kind of do (although the Jenny thing irks me a bit). I just saw so much more chemistry between Abbie and Hawley vs Abbie and Ichabod.
  5. This show gets better with each passing week! Now I am curios to know how Frank wronged Laurel! He seemed really desperate to speak to her and get back on her good graces. While I think Khan is incredibly handsome, I loved Frank and Laurel's make-out scene.
  6. Thanks for all the info! It is very much appreciated. While I am happy Claire got another gig, I am a tad saddened as well. The Originals seems like a sure thing (multiple seasons) so I am kind of surprised she jumped ship like that.
  7. Why did Esther swap bodies? Is there a reason for that? Does that mean Finn and Kol switched as well? I second what others have said above about a "real" family reunion! I absolutely love The Original family and would like to see the original characters who potrayed them all come back. It was great to see the original Esther in flashbacks last night. What is current Esther offering them though? Stripping them of vampirism and turning them into witches? Does anyone know why Claire Holt left? Is she working on another project? Also, why did Mikael pick Klaus to abuse? I know he later founds out that Klaus isn't his, but why did he single him out all those years prior? All these questions are popping into my head. If Mikael didn't kill Esther like Klaus thought, then how did she die?
  8. What an absolutely terrific episode! TM's performance was spot on and he really delivered. I really felt for him when Caroline was killed (I wish they hadn't as she could have been a great character to pop up from time to time). You really felt his grief and despair when he thought Abbie was gone. I love Ichabod more and more with each episode! As for the Ichabod/Abbie pairing. I still do not see it and I am know to be a huge shipper! I love the fact that they are so close to one another as friends/witnesses. A romantic pairing would completely ruin the show for me. For once, a TV show isn't going the obvious and overdone route of pairing the 2 main leads. I'd much rather seem a relationship build between Hayley and her, but him kissing Jenny ruined that for me. I hope they decide to keep him on as I am enjoying his character. Like I said in another thread, I am completely content with no real romances being part of the storyline. It just doesn't need it! Speaking of Jenny...I miss her! We need more of her and Irving. ETA: Perhaps someone could explain something to me. The Weeping Lady was a story that was passed through the years. Didn't Henry "re-awaken" her though? Or just re-awaken her enough to kill people? That part confused me. I wasn't sure if she appeared in this day and age or she had been appearing for centuries.
  9. I am hopelessly addicted to this show! I keep wondering how this show can exceed one season though? Would the cast change? I know the viewers don't know the whole story of the murder yet, but they are involved. I mean, they are covering up someone's death. I'm curious to hear other's persectives on this. Also, I am officially on the Frank/Laurel train even though Khan is hot. I think Frank is a ladies man and is used to getting his way. So far, Laurel hasn't given in to him which makes him want her more. At least, that is how I perceive the scenes they have shown. I'm itching to know how he winds up calling her that night. Laurel and Wes seem the most harmless out of the group so i can't wait to hear more about her story.
  10. Any idea when we will hear if it has been renewed? If so, will next summer be the premiere of season 3?
  11. Hawley was a nice addition. I haven't read any spoiler so I am hoping he comes back. I see Abbie with someone like him. I much prefer Crane and Abbie to remain friends. Better yet, skip the romances! The show is so amazing without it.
  12. Not sure where my question belongs on this message board. Do you think Viola will want to do another season if she always doesn't want to do a full 22 episodes?
  13. I'm hooked! Really enjoying this show when I thought I wouldn't. I have to admit, I do have a crush on Frank! I like Lauren's character and I hope they delve into her background more. She doesn't seem as cut-throat as the others.
  14. DEVASTATED that another actor is playing my dear Kol! I know Nathaniel was supposed to get his own show (a Supernatural spin-off?), but it wasn't picked up. Perhaps they found out too late. Please...PLEASE...Julie Plec, BRING BACK NATHANIEL in the PRESENT! Have them switch bodies at the end of the season. No one does Kol like him! I will take a different Finn. I will take a different Esther. Please don't take my Kol! If I knew how to use Twitter, I would bombard Julie's feed with - BRING BACK NB! Get rid of Cami! Ugh, she is not a good love interest for Klaus. She does nothing for the show.
  15. LOVE having Alaric back! I truly missed him. Annoyed me to no end that when someone finally asks how he is coping, it all goes back to Elena. I cannot stand her. Always about boring, silly, stupid Elena! Enough of her and her stupid love with Damon. I used to ship them too, but I am so over it. Most of the background characters have better storylines that aren't given the proper time due to the love triangle. Where was my Enzo!?!? He is so lovely to look at. Great to see Sheriff Carter! He would make a great love interest for Sheriff Forbes. I really hope they don't kill him off and give him a lot of airtime. He is a great actor. Le sigh...I miss Eureka.
  16. I am tempted to join Twitter just to help them out in getting renewed. This is my favorite guilty pleasure!
  17. Squealing for so much joy that I had to make an account! I love Colin as I was an avid watcher of Eureka. He deserves so much more than to be stuck doing commercials for Maytag. Please do not kill him off!
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