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Steph J

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Everything posted by Steph J

  1. "I'm not judgmental." Oh Dorinda. How were you not struck by lightning when you said that?
  2. I never thought I'd miss the cabaret act, but the "comedy" show (which we've now visited twice - which is enough Andy) makes me long for the days of Lu's warbling. Maaaaaan I bet the show is glad that this wasn't the year Lu decided to Halloween as Diana Ross.
  3. You know shit's getting real when corporations start choosing to cut ties with their cash cows rather than closing ranks to shield them.
  4. At this time last week TPTB were probably under the impression that the old rules - issue a scripted apology, keep your head down, wait for the heat to die down, go back to business as usual - still applied and that they could "address" it and then move forward without making any fundamental changes. Another week of protests has perhaps convinced them that there's an actual cultural sea change happening, but now it's too late for them to go back and protect their stars.
  5. Only after she's finished yelling at him about how his delay in proposing cost her a Bravo funded wedding.
  6. I think she thought she was cleansing the room of negative energy. I think that's called "smudging." I don't think you can do it with a corn husk, but of course these people are idiots, so...
  7. Damn, what kind of voodoo is Leah working with these women that all she has to say is "Sorry" and everyone immediately forgives and defends her? (Not that it isn't refreshing not to have to spend 3 episodes of a housewives show watching the group hold a referendum on someone's behavior at one specific event.)
  8. Oh Lu, if you're playing marry, fuck, kill and the options are Sonja, Bethenny, and Ramona the obvious answer is marry myself, fucking kill them all.
  9. Well... I look forward the shot of that guy with the sweater wrapped around his shoulders drinking his martini becoming an overused reaction gif.
  10. I'm not mad at it either. I admire her confidence.
  11. "Racially inappropriate"? Really Andy? Those tweets were racist. Full stop.
  12. It always blew my mind that AMC had Robin Mattson, a great actress who excelled doing both comedy and drama and had great chemistry with her cast mates, but seemed determined to get rid of her for no good reason. There were at least two occasions (maybe more?) when they'd decided to fire her only to have change course because of the backlash - the first was during the Janet/Pierce/Brooke triangle, when they were going to have Janet get plastic surgery so that she could double for Brooke and the role would have been taken over by Julia Barr; I can't recall the story that was going to happen the second time, but I remember hearing the rumor about it from the soap recapper on Northwest Afternoon and thinking, "JFC, why don't they know how good they have it having Robin Mattson?"
  13. I genuinely cannot imagine Maria and Trevor together as a romantic couple - and I say that as someone who willingly suspended all disbelief in order to accept that Trevor would fall for Robin Mattson's Janet.
  14. Oh my God, the cognitive dissonance of Dorinda criticizing how Ramona treats Leah after weeks of Dorinda going after Tinsley...
  15. The only time Elyse has ever shown a personality on this show is when she's imitating the actual cast members.
  16. They could show the clip of Luann falling into the bushes every single episode and I would not complain.
  17. Elyse. She's a friend of Ramona's (or possibly an ex-friend, given some of the comments Ramona has made about her recently).
  18. Um, Dorinda, Ramona cares about how much Leah drinks because the last time Leah got blasted Ramona's pool and its accessories got trashed. Plus, you know that when Leah goes nuclear Sonja's gonna get FOMO and follow her.
  19. How was this a civil case and not a criminal one? JFC that Defendant was a psycho. And then she complains that she has to get the windows fixed so that she can sell the car - lady, you did that!
  20. Over the past couple of seasons I've found that Ramona has become this strange blend of batshit crazy 90% of the time and the most reasonable person in the room the other 10%. It's bizarre. Maybe she secretly has a twin who subs in for her every once in a while, like when she can't film because she has eight dates that day.
  21. Man, if I'm "Dr. Daryl," the last thing I want is Dorinda going on TV and advertising that I've been acting as her therapist.
  22. It hurts, doesn't it? I can't believe some of them are trying to play this off like Dorinda's behavior flows from Tinsley's reaction to it and not the other way around. Tinsley started "screeching" because Dorinda has relentlessly come at her for weeks and she (Tinsley)'s frustrated.
  23. There were moments in the special that annoyed me (namely anytime Andy Cohen's smug mug was on screen), but this is the only one that made me mad because it's so blatantly and verifiably untrue. When Maurice Bernard started on All My Children in 1987, there were 12 soaps and the lowest rated (Ryan's Hope) stood at 2.8. Now there's 4 and the highest rated (Y&R) in 2019 stood at... 2.8. People will leave if the show isn't good. People have left because the shows aren't good. And programs like this can lay the blame on the OJ trial but the fact remains that at the end of the 90's, the genre was still viable enough that networks were willing to take a chance on launching a new one. That's not happening now and it's not because people suddenly prefer reality television to scripted television. It's because of the sharp decline in quality of the soaps. Speaking personally, I stopped watching around 2006 or 2007. My reason for doing so was that I realized that the focus of every show had seemed to shift so that they centered on some dude who just went around yelling at women for being dumb and being treated like studs for being walking embodiments of misogyny. I don't know who the audience for that was, but it wasn't me. I've been working from home since March and tried to get back into soaps, but what's on now is just so poorly done that I couldn't get into it and have instead been watching soaps from the 80s and 90s.
  24. SORAS: Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome, or when a kid who was born 3 years ago somehow turns up today as a 16 year old (played by a 23 year old).
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