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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I didn't record the show but when Eddie was knocking on Rocky's door, did she actually reply?  I could be wrong but I remember her not saying anything.

    Rocky didn't say anything when he was on the outside of the door and from watching again, Eddie never opened that lock with a scissor. The scene cut to him just opening and walking in. Then he goes in and asks why she's saying those things about him.

    • Love 4
  2. Let's face it and be honest that if the cast of Below Deck were nothing but carbon copies of Connie working her butt off and Amy smiling ear to ear with her hair closer to God and a few men that are replications of Dave and first officer Dan (who dat?) then we really wouldn't be spoon-fed fodder for the forum, would we? Captain Lee is nothing more than a potted plant in the wheelhouse.


    Most normal people just aren't that interesting. It takes a village to raise our interests in any reality show. Rocky, Emile, Eddie, Ben and Kate have been the village.

    • Love 5
  3. I have to say, that I'm perplexed by Eddie's complete cowardly denial to fucking Rocky and then (after finally admitting to it) to have the absolute nerve to say to Rocky, 'You knew I had a girlfriend." The complete asswipe was putting the entire onus of his relationship on Rocky. (Im sorry you fucking turd; but if I cheat....it's completely MY fault and not the person that I banged, whose not in a relationship). He led her on and she was guilty of falling for him. Who hasn't been guilty of falling for some dick?? I sure have! He accused her of seducing him as if his penis had no say. What a poor Victim Eddie and his dick were!! To make matters worse he had the disgusting audacity to bad mouth her to everyone (while she'd done nothing to him to deserve the nasty gossip, except show loyalty to the original chef). I became even more incensed when he had the crew convinced that "crazy" Rocky was making the entire scenario up. That would be enough to drive me crazy!! OMG AND THEN HE FUCKING BROKE INTO HER ROOM....HER PRIVATE SPACE! WTF was that? and the crew, except sweet Emil just watched!!! I admire Emil for sticking by her side and seeing Eddie for the lying scum that he is. My final thought is that that unattractive, sorta bitter deck hand girl (forget her name) had no story whatsoever...oh, except of course speaking viciously of Rocky (maybe to be cool, maybe to bond with the other haters)..... Other than that, ugly girl, why were you there? (Oh, right to spread whipped cream on your naked breasts).

    Connie had to bring some type of craziness to the mix like licking up milk from a bowl dressed in a cat suit with a tail made from hair extensions left by a guest. She liked to go naked and didn't mind baring it all. But Connie had sensibility and logic where a lot of the others were lacking. She was a hard worker, she communicated well with those she worked with, she was self-motivated and didn't need to be constantly directed to do her jobs, and most important she was a team player. Oh wait, I just described the perfect employee, but not the perfect reality show pot-stirrer. We'd rather watch a pretty blonde bitchy spoiled brat who stares at the ceiling when giving POV, who craves attention and sounds like a dolphin when she laughs. That's what makes for a good reality show, not someone like Connie who is actually more reality than the other freaks.
    • Love 13
  4. I just never understood why Rocky was chasing Emile and flirting with him sexually for the first couple of episodes then when they went out to dinner it all changed. He actually told her 'I want to fuck you' and she did an about-face and targeted Eddie who has a girlfriend. Emile is unattached, attractive and willing so why not him instead of Eddie?  Maybe it just made for a more dramatic situation than it would have with Emile.


    As for the baby, I think it's a red herring.  I think the baby is Noah's, however Scotty did know that Alison was with Cole that night and that is something Noah doesn't know, so maybe that's motive for killing Scotty.  In fact I think that a lot of people had motive for killing Scotty.  

    Scotty is such a scumbag that if I knew him I'm sure that even I'd have a motive to kill him too. (kidding)

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  6. As Pallas pointed out, a statement is not considered hearsay unless it is being offered for the truth of its contents. So, if the statement was being tendered to prove that the baby is the Lockharts', then it's hearsay, since it is an out of court statement being offered as a true statement. If, however, as is the case here, the statement is being tendered only to prove that the person said it (regardless of whether it is true) - perhaps to show antagonism of the parties - then it is not hearsay and it's not necessary to consider if one of the 27 exceptions to the hearsay rule apply.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm a bit of a hearsay geek :)

    As the fade-out shot showed, any person that is a lip reading expert or even not an expert could read the lips of Scottie and understand the words "that's our baby".  I doubt that any expert lip reading testimony could be disputed in a court of law. Paying Oscar any more extortion money would be unnecessary.

    • Love 1
  7. Re this episode, just a few observations:

    -Ruth Wilson sounded so English, especially in the scenes in her home with her mom prior to Thanksgiving dinner. Hello? Isn't there a director there who is hearing this? Isn't it his responsibility to make her sound American? This can be so easily corrected. It's distracting.

    -that publicist Eden was so extremely awful. She doesn't tell Alison whom she can and cannot speak to at her fiance's party! Divorce is a public record, so that gossip columnist could have just run Noah's name through the system to see what is up; Alison didn't "reveal" anything.

    -Noah twice blamed his God-awful behavior on other people this episode. It was some other guy that kept him out for cocktails and made him two hours late to Thanksgiving dinner, after he'd promised Alison he was 20 minutes behind her. How can she trust him for anything?? Then, at dinner, it was Noah's publisher who "made" him kill her off in the book. Nothing is ever Noah's fault.


    I have to disagree with one thing, about Alison's British accent. I never heard it. I think that Ruth Wilson has done a better job at disguising her accent than Dominic West.


    I think it's very easy to fall into the beliefs as told by the person giving the point of view. In this episode, Alison was clearly feeling out of place and insecure at that publisher's reception. Eden is being paid a very handsome salary for doing what she does. Any well-known publicist has built professional, working relationships with literary bloggers, magazine editors, and newspaper supervisors and Eden has this experience and will pitch his book on his behalf and advise him as to where to go and whom to speak with. So right now, Noah has to dance to the drummer which is Eden because she's promoting him. Alison doesn't understand this high-powered world she's been thrust into and she's feeling the strain of it.

    • Love 2
  8. Everyone seems to think Noah and Allison's new place is in the city but I thought the place Noah rented was in Crown Heights? Am I misremembering or is there a reason we think this is a different apartment?

    Noah did mention that he found an apartment in Crown Heights which would make a little more sense with the logistics of the night and also with affordability of such a lavish apartment. Cole would have been a little closer getting to Luisa in Queens and Noah would have been closer to the airport to fly out Thanksgiving night to start his book tour. Cole clearly was clearly stereotyping when Luisa asked him to come to Queens for Thanksgiving dinner and he said that he doesn't like the city. Luisa said 'well you don't know my part of the city' to which he replied 'what part is that, the barrio?'. Luisa laughed but muttered something in Spanish and I wish I knew what it was. Cole was being disrespectful and demeaning by joking that Luisa....simply because she's Colombian, might be relegated to living in the 'hood' in Queens. I'm not Hispanic but I took that as an insult to Luisa. Obviously Cole looks down on her and doesn't respect her. Yes, he made up for it later at her apartment in Queens but it was his immediate knee-jerk reaction to joke in a racially discriminating way that made me dislike Cole a lot. I'm glad he went to Luisa in Queens to apologize and explain to her that he wanted to hurt her and get her out of his house. He told her it's been a while since he cared about anyone and was intentionally cruel and tried to get her out of his house.


    To me, Cole's soulful apology to Luisa was taken with a bit of distrust. Yes, he has a conscience and knew he hurt her intentionally but the reaction and the 'joke' about the barrio was just a little bit too instantaneous for my taste. The accusation he made that she took his money clip was something else but that didn't come from a place of deep-seated racism.

    • Love 2
  9. I found it a telling moment when Alison went into the kitchen when the cocktail party was going on and found herself relating very well with the woman who was there as staff busy wiping martini glasses dry. Alison found her comfort zone with this woman and was probably the first time that day that she did feel comfortable talking with anyone. I also found it interesting that Noah explained to someone when they asked what Alison did, and he says 'well she's a nurse' but ....


    Noah wouldn't feel comfortable with the NY wealthy and important people telling any of them that Alison was working as a waitress when he met her. Too far below his station?

    • Love 5
  10. Jonathan Franzen wouldn't be spending two hours on Thanksgiving night with the author of a summer beach read.  That and comments made at the party made it clear to me that this book is supposed to be a literary success.


    A woman at the publishers cocktail party drew some similarities between Noah's book and the best selling novel Endless Love.

  11. I didn't like Athena last season and this season I really like her a lot. That delicate yet hippie quality of hers with her energy channeling reiki has made her appear to be living on another planet but this season she's wise and totally open and honest without being nasty. "how much did this cost?" was the first question out of her mouth upon entering the lavish apartment. And the idea of buying a turkey already stuffed and baked was just astonishing to her. (that bird goes for between $75 and $100 btw)


    I can see Alison and Athena mending a lot of past misconceptions about each other and eventually getting into a very comfortable place with each other. I think that Athena could actually settle down somewhere, maybe Montauk and be a real grandmother to Alison and Cole's baby. Okay so I made up my own happy ending, sue me.  lol

    • Love 2
  12. I found it a little funny that Cole and Whitney got to the apartment door of Noah and Alison's multi-million dollar, ultra secure high rise easier than he got into the Queens apartment belonging to Lucia. There was a security camera at the door and she needed to buzz him in to unlock the door. I guess the doorman at Noah's apartment was home with his family eating turkey.

    I wasn't familiar with this actor when the series started and I didn't like his "look" then...even when he was semi-charming.  For some reason I don't like either the actor or the character...same with Ruth Wilson/Alison.   I do think they're excellent actors and look forward to seeing them in something else--to change my mind.    I checked IMDB and learned that I HAVE seen them in other productions...just didn't remember.

    And they're both British actors and hide their accents well.

  13. I took some creative writing in college and still fool sround with it from time to time, but I have often thought I could never publish (not only because I may not be good enough) because I actually care about what my friend and family may feel about the things I would have to say. I think alot of writers do pull from their real lives and then just kind of riff off that, but I remember worrying, will my mom know that I'm writing about her but not realize that it's not REALLY 100% about her?

    So it's interesting to see Noah, using the people in his life as fodder and then trying to weasel out of that. If he really cared more about them, he wouldn't publish it to begin with. I think he's pretending to care about his family. I think he's pretty much a narcissist. Do we think all published writers egomaniacs to a degree?

    I think that for the most part any artist is narcissistic to some degree. Writers, dancers, actors and musicians, they all have a need to be appreciated for the one thing that most people aren't capable of doing.

    • Love 2
  14. In his toast, Max welcomed Noah back to Manhattan from Brooklyn, didn't he? I believe that building must be in Manhattan, it's a high rise, new construcion. Not sure there would be anything like that in Brooklym.


    However, Alison's Montauk house, depending on how much land there was, would be worth millions, which she owns outright, no mortgage.  And if Noah got a multi-million advance, I can see them buying that apartment. But he better follow up with another best seller or else those monthly payments are gonna get heavy.

    They were all in Manhattan at the reception for Noah's book in the beginning because they were watching the large balloons from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade out the window. Their apartment definitely looked like Manhattan also and if so, it would probably cost $12 million to purchase. I think we all believe that Noah lied about hearing the baby's heartbeat the same way he lied about wanting this baby. He definitely used Alison for the inspiration of his best selling novel. Now that he has it, will he still need her and a new baby?

    • Love 2
  15. I found it a little unbelievable that Cole could drive from having dinner with his family in Montauk, all the way to Manhattan to drop off Whitney then make it in time for dinner with the Colombian girlfriend in Queens. He would need a helicopter to make it.

    • Love 20
  16. Their Thanksgiving dinners made even our worst ones look like this......



    So was that Scotty in the video arguing with Alison?  And if it was, I don't believe he was referring to it as his own baby - I think he meant that it is a Lockhart baby.

    I think he meant that it's his baby and the cute sister in law with the black hair. 

    • Love 2
  17. I stopped watching this show last year. It was just too fake and contrived. They're all actors like most 'un-reality' shows but this bunch tries so hard to be bat-shit crazy that it just comes off looking super scripted and fake. I can't help wondering how Kristen can stand being the totally hateful, eternally bitchy resting face personality of the group. James is stupid and immature and a very bad actor but Kristen can't get Bravo convinced to break the mold of the hated-girl image and put some little shreds of compassion or humility in her character. She's got a constant scowl on her face and looks like she's constipated all the time. She's just an angry, unlikable young woman and I think this persona is going to plague her throughout her career if she ever actually gets one. There's nothing warm about her and it seems that her character was developed solely for the audience to choose her as the villain to hate. How can we not want terrible shit to happen to Kristen? It's just impossible.



  18. A person that is a 'ceiling gazer' like Rocky when talking to someone usually has something to hide. They are simply not being honest about what they're saying. Rocky is all about concealing her real self. Maybe she fears being seen as ordinary and that's the worse thing imaginable for Rocky. She wants to stand out and she'll do whatever it takes to do exactly that. She wants to present herself to others as a quirky, pretty, self-assured woman but in reality she only projects a person that's insecure, dishonest and desperate to be noticed. This girl has some deep seated emotional issues.

    • Love 8
  19. Rocky please get some waterproof mascara or just leave it off the next time you decide to go all hormonal and throw yourself a pity party.. It's not attractive. Her overreaction borders on pure scary craziness.



    Whether or not Eddie ever really hooked up with Rocky for sex is still a question in my mind, I'm not convinced it ever happened no matter how they chose to edit to look that way. But if it did, Rocky was aware that Eddie had a girlfriend and shouldn't be surprised that she was only being used for sex, there were no emotions there. It's time for both Eddie and Rocky to grow up and be responsible for their actions and suck up the consequences of being so horny that they throw caution to the wind just to get laid.

    • Love 5
  20. In the first episode of the season, Helen told the mediator that the brownstone was purchased through the trust. In the fourth episode of this season, when asked by the judge if Helen owned the brownstone, Gottlief replied, "Not outright, Your Honor. It was purchased though a trust in 2003."

    I don't recall that it's ever been stated that Helen is the trustee. In any case, how could Helen be both the trustee and the beneficiary?

    The mediator said the brownstone would be Helen and Noah's joint property if Helen owned the brownstone outright since it was purchased during the marriage. I don't understand why that would change if the trust were revocable.

    It's too confusing for me. If Bruce Butler's money was used to set up the trust by which Helen purchased her Brownstone then it might be his decision as to what happens to it.

    • Love 1
  21. That would be Helen's mother!   But what's interesting about this show is that although Helen's father has a ton of money he is pretty low brow.  So is the mother with her foul big mouth.  They didn't make the family one with a long history of important people or intellectuals or the usual stereotypes.  Helen's father probably comes from a working class family.  So I don't think class is a real issue, or shouldn't be anyway.

    I could be wrong but I seem to remember Bruce Butler relating a story about how his ancestors were settled in Montauk during the prohibition days and were 'rum-runners'.  Back in those days of the 1930's smugglers of whiskey coming in from Canada was a very lucrative business, albeit illegal. Bruce also had a talk with Noah about Alison and how she's Noah's muse just like his own 'muse' and compares her to Alison. Bruce is divorcing Margaret to marry his 'muse' after a 40 year relationship with this other woman. "We're not that very much different you and I."


    When Noah and Helen went to stay with the Butler's for the summer months, Noah had total writer's block and couldn't type a single word on a page of his new novel. After meeting Alison he was suddenly inspired passionately and begun what would be his successful novel. After completing the novel it was as though he no longer needed Alison as his muse and his intense need to be with her waned. It was only the ending of the book that his publisher insisted he find some way to change the ending into something more tragic did he return back to Alison and to the retreat. After channeling his inner self with Athena's help, he found his demons and was able to finish the novel.

    • Love 1
  22. Did they talk about Helen being trustee on the show? I thought an earlier episode talked about a mortgage on the property. Also, if it's just a real estate trust, does Helen have any real assets besides the home? I think if she had a trust fund with assets besides the house then she wouldn't be talking about selling the family home. Helens parents have been so controlling I bet Helen doesn't have a dime in her own name.

    But.... she does have a wealthy hedge fund manager boyfriend

  23. How can Helen sell the house if it's owned by the trust?


    I disagree with Helen about Margaret's motivations.  I don't think Margaret wanted Helen's marriage to fail because Margaret and Bruce's marriage was a sham.  I think Margaret wanted Helen's marriage to fail because Margaret hated Noah and always looked down on him.

    The trust fund was in Helen's name so she bought that town house using the money from her own trust fund. The loan-application process for borrowing from a trust is much simpler and faster than applying for a mortgage. The trust isn't the owner, Helen is the owner since she's the trustee. Borrowers need to ensure that the rules of the trust allow for lending or outright distributions. If we are speaking of a revocable, or living, trust on which you are your own trustee, then you should be able to do whatever you wish with the money left in trust.


    Even if loans are allowed under Helen's trust, she may have just used the money in trust to buy and own the house outright.

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