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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I so agree with this. She looks adorable when she's in a white shirt and jeans and her hair is kind of just up and she doesn't have the lashes (IIRC). She needs to go that direction in as many ways as possible. 

    I'm beginning to see Lisa Vanderpump eventually morphing into the Carol Burnett character Nora Desmond.



    • Love 9
  2. Being the huge animal lover that she is, I'm pretty sure Lisa has all the bases covered when it comes to her pets.

    I just watched a Nat Geo program about animals in combat and they showed how swans have bones at the tips of their wings that are so powerful that they could break a man's leg. Having swans as pets is just pretentious and obnoxious. Swans aren't the type of pet that can be easily domesticated. They're aggressive and squirt giant pools of liquid feces. The way Lisa V was talking to 'Hanky' (or was that Panky?) was just embarrassing watching her telling her big swan to be loving.  I think that Erika and Lisa V. will eventually reach a stand-off. Seriously Lisa, do you think Erika cares if pink is your color and she can't have it?  Think again sweetie.

    • Love 10
  3. It could also be no sleep leading to exhaustion and the angle of the camera? Now we'll be watching this season to see if her face fell?

    Something has happened and it doesn't look like an improvement.


    She went out food shopping today. See video:


    Is that what going without Botox or fillers for 15 months did to Teresa Giudice? She looks monstrous. I'll bet she's been busy making appointments with her plastic surgeon, hair dresser, dermatologist and massage therapist since she got home.

    • Love 4
  4. I'm a little tired of the open-mouth-silent laugh of Lisa Rinna. I'm also not interested in watching her get her weekly crotch and arse get waxed. What's the purpose of showing that?




    I agree Lisa, that's creepy, just a little bit creepy....



    • Love 12
  5. It looks like I'm in the minority here regarding my impressions of this limited series. STARZ certainly isn't the giant that HBO or Showtime are but I think this attempt at creating a limited mini-series was at the very least an admirable effort. I had seen promos for this series and blew it off choosing to pass because I didn't think the subject was anything that could hold my interest. After watching a couple of episodes later on, I decided to get them all on demand and watch from start to end. By the time the last episode aired, I was anxious for more.


    I like any series that doesn't have all the old, familiar celebrities that these mini-series seem to have. I like the fresh unknown faces and new talent. Especially intriguing to me was the fact that the ballerinas were ballerinas first and actors second. In between watching this series from week to week, I happened to see the HBO documentary 'Bolshoi Babylon' which is the accounting of an incident that happened to the ballet manager at the Bolshoi in Moscow. This was a pretty brutal expose' of the famous Bolshoi Ballet company in Moscow. It was so good that I watched it twice. The story focused on the politics of this famous ballet company and particularly of an incident in 2012 in which their ballet director Sergei Filin was attacked by two men and had a bottle of acid thrown in his face. During this documentary, several of the cast members of the ballet told about incidents involving someone putting needles in the toe of their 'on-toe- shoes, or pins being stuck in someones costume to stick them during a performance. So, the crushed glass in the toe-shoe of Claire was something that really does happen with rivals in a ballet company.


    I liked the series and hope they produce another season.

    • Love 3
  6. Sheana sometimes looks like a 11 year old girl that got into her mother's makeup drawer when the mother was out shopping. She's almost cartoon-ish looking and way over the top with the eyelashes. I thought Katie looked like she gained a few pounds and I almost thought that she and Tom were heading into an engagement because she was pregnant. That doesn't seem to be the case. I'm amazed at how differently Tom Schwartz comes off in professional modeling photos but in the show he always looks kind of dirty. But the biggest impression I get of both Toms is how really dumb they both are. They have the mentality and maturity of 16 year old guys, to me they're borderline short-bus riders.

  7. Jax is always so greasy omg. Was he always this greasy? I feel like first season Jax was not this bad. But like the older he gets the greasier he becomes.

    Sweating and herpes are very much associated to one other, generally due to the fact sweating is usually a conditional aspect of getting herpes. Sweating, often even excessive sweating, can also be one of the most telling signals which you might have this social sexually transmitted disease.

  8. Ken can't hire a professional poop scooper to clean up behind the Horses?

    Ken probably already does have someone to clean up behind his own poop.


    This episode was confusing for several reasons. The first question that comes to mind is why they ever contracted Erika for this show? I get it that she's wealthy because she married a big famous lawyer and her sugar daddy. I get it that she has a stage act under the pseudo-name 'Erika Jayne' in which she does some gyrating half naked on stage as she (cough-cough) 'sings'. I just don't see any kind of synergy possible with the others. Are we to expect to see more of Erika changing into a see-through catsuit with full vaginal and breasts exposed in front of her dressers (or whatever those guys are)?  Great idea Yolanda and David, you get four stars for suggesting she go with David to Rome to do a little dance routine for Pope Francis. Has anyone actually witnessed a Pope getting a lap dance? That would be a possibility if Erika was given an audience with the Pope and would surely boost ratings.


    Yolanda and David in Vancouver. What the hell? I mean really what the hell!? She was half dead getting an I/V of vitamin C last week and now she's riding a wave runner with her 'love' in BC?  Maybe she was granted an audience with Pope Francis herself and received a miracle cure. David has even tossed her out of his city apartment sending her to the Four Seasons hotel to live. She said that she got sick 'the day I got married'. How can these two people profess deep love for each other in public and be going through a divorce at that same moment in time? It doesn't make any sense at all. David finally gave a public statement about the divorce that only confused me more than before. He said this in his statement 2 days ago, “I have always had and continue to have the utmost respect and love for Yolanda. Which is why it is so frustrating to see headlines questioning her chronic debilitating illness." Us Weekly had previously reported that David himself had questioned his soon-to-be ex-wife’s illness, believing that she was “exaggerating her condition.” “David and his family think Yolanda just loves the attention of being sick,” an insider told the mag. “And they point out that she’s never gotten a legit diagnosis.”  Never gotten a legit diagnosis? What's up with that?


    The last thing that disturbed me about this episode was when Lisa Rinna pulled out her phone and started reading from the Munchausen Syndrome Wikipedia page. Basically, she thinks Yolanda might be making herself sick and it might not be Lyme disease. Then she makes a very feeble attempt at trying to persuade the others that she's feeling very guilty for following Yolanda's Instagram and buying into the rumors and gossip. She's planting the seeds of doubt in the minds of the others.


    Last comment is regarding the behavior of Kyle's daughters getting ear piercing. There's something just not right about the screaming, cringing and crying reaction her daughter Sophia had. Does she want to be an actress too, like Portia? Kyle tolerating that type of immature behavior by a fifteen year old is nauseating and embarrassing for both of them. How will Sophia possibly cope with having to push out a 7 pound human from her vagina one day? Spoiled rotten rich privileged kids make me want to puke and one day their parents will try to blame someone or something else for creating and enabling such obnoxious creatures. I can imagine little Portia saying "mommy, for Christmas, I want a live purple unicorn that farts rainbow bubbles" and Kyle would search the universe for one or have one genetically engineered and modified to suit the needs of Portia. Maybe Ken and Lisa can let her have one of those genetically modified poor horses and have them retrofitted with purple hide and a horn on their heads.

    • Love 11

    Kris was treated badly, but then she allows it, so I can't have much sympathy. The girls have all called her whore, slut, drunk, stupid  for years and she's done nothing to put a stop to it.  My mom and I worked together in a large hospital, but on opposite sides of the building. She called me one day to ask a question, but I was  swamped with work so I cut her off and hung up on her.  The door to the hallway leading to my office opened 10 minutes laterand I totally thought it was mom coming over to slap me silly. If I ever thought of calling her any of the names  Kris is called, I wouldn't have a tooth left in my mouth.    

    That's because none of them has any respect in their body for each other. Your mom taught you what respect means.

    • Love 5
  10. He said his nickname was Tiger cause he looked like Tiger Woods. He changed the spelling (no self respecting rapper spells their name correctly) to Tyga.


    Khloe was the one with reason  to be annoyed at Kris. Kim just stuck her nasally, pregnant nose and anus lips into it because she's got nothing else going on in her life but toting her kid to ballet class and listening to Kanye drone on and on about fashion and his imaginary talent. What business is it of hers if Khloe wants to pine away for Lamar or if Kourtney is caught up in following Scott's shenanigans via the internet?  When she was "trifling" as Khloe put it, no one got in her business, if they did, I'm sure she would have had a hissy fit and sic'd Mommy on them. Her phone never leaves her hand just the same as theirs are stuck fast, I'm sure she's keeping tabs on her man or more likely googling herself.


    Kris was treated badly, but then she allows it, so I can't have much sympathy. The girls have all called her whore, slut, drunk, stupid  for years and she's done nothing to put a stop to it.  My mom and I worked together in a large hospital, but on opposite sides of the building. She called me one day to ask a question, but I was  swamped with work so I cut her off and hung up on her.  The door to the hallway leading to my office opened 10 minutes laterand I totally thought it was mom coming over to slap me silly. If I ever thought of calling her any of the names  Kris is called, I wouldn't have a tooth left in my mouth.    

    I think there's been so little respect within the Kardashian household for so long, that nothing is sacred and nothing is taboo. This thing between Kris and Kim about Lamar Odom has a lot more history behind the story than we know. Apparently, Lamar Odom was having sex with prostitutes and other women when he was married to Khloe and she knew he was doing drugs too. She didn't want to be dragged down with him and she separated from him. I give her credit for that. If Kris is a bad enough mother to want her daughter to keep close ties with a louse like Lamar Odom, then she deserves to be called every nasty name in the Kardashian trash vocabulary.

    • Love 2
  11. A very big let down. There is no way this case could have unfolded IRL as depicted by these writers.


    Also, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I never want to see you again"

    What the hell does that even mean?

    Worst line I've heard in a very long time.

    My husband said the same thing, how else could that be taken?  He also noticed that Noah was driving the car when he dropped Helen off at her mother's estate. We didn't see them switch seats again so I have to just make it up in my mind that they pulled over (again) and did the musical chairs driver's seat switcheroo.


    Now I can shake my fist and swear to the sky "damn you writers!! You made me wish Noah would spontaneously combust into an orange ball of flames this entire season and then you wait until the final episode to make me feel sorry for him?  I think I hate all you writers.

  12. I imagine Kim and Kourtney brought along a couple of doozies as teens. This practice of having family vacations with non family members coming along kind of defeats the idea of the family vacation. And why did none of them share the family aspect of the vacation with Kylie. Kris admitted she told her it was ok.

    Loved Kim lecturing Kris about the Lamar stuff but then

    making sure to bring up gossip about both him and Scott.

    It crossed my mind a few times watching that episode  Kris thought it was okay to bring a boyfriend on a family vacation just because the others brought theirs at 18. I wondered how many of those girls had unwanted pregnancies during those years.

    The producers should conceal jamming devices in the video cameras. I'm so sick of watching this family look at their phones. Kim was looking at 3 at one point in this episode.

    I wonder what the phone bills from their trip totaled.

    Besides Khloe constantly fooling around and touching her hair, the noses in the cellphones just drives me crazy. They're so addicted. If I was the mother I would have taken them all away and put in a rule on a family vacation that they get their cellphones for exactly one hour every day at the same time. It's ridiculous to watch them all together but not even aware that anyone else is in the room with them because they're so focused on their phones.

    Kendall's disdain for Kylie seems logicial with Kylie's behavior. 


    Everyone seemed really miserable during this vacation, dealing with Scott/Lamar/fighting with Kris/Kylie's issues. The only ones who probably had fun were the kids. The original vacations showed a lot more happy times.

    To my eyes it looked like a family about to come apart at the seams. Kris was the control freak with their careers and she was successful in making all of them fame whores like herself. Now that they're all adult women, they're going to resent that control and push back. They simply don't need Kris anymore and she's beginning to realize that. Her face looks like this is wearing on her and she's really starting to show her age.

    • Love 4

    • Incredible use of music throughout this episode--that never really struck me regarding any of the other episodes, but they really knocked it out of the park with this one.


    I'm glad someone took note of the musical score, usually people don't notice the background music. My friend Marcelo Zarvos writes it for this and other series on HBO.

    • Love 15
  14. Kris wasn't being the 'old Kris', the center of attention and focus so she looked downright miserable. I saw something in this episode that reminds me of something an old, bitter person said once. "It doesn't matter how much you do for your kids, eventually one or all of them will end up hating you."  I thought at the time that this was a horrible thing to believe and not possible, but after this episode I can see some resentments and hatreds being formulated against Kris. She's looking old and keeping up her youthful appearance is getting more difficult for her. Eventually, people all have to accept the fact that they aren't young, sexy and desirable must past the age of 60. Of course, she can well afford to keep it going for a while longer with the help of plastic surgery, personal trainers and chefs.


    The Kardashians have been in front of the cameras and in the public limelight for so long that they've almost reached the point where they can't hide their real selves and their genuine relationships from the cameras anymore. Most of the episodes going back to 2008 have been contrived and scripted by them as a whole. It took a discerning eye to pick up on the little nuances of negativity and dissatisfaction within the clan. But this episode brought to light some honest feelings about their relationships. They're like any other family, it's not always about love and fun and family. It's about relationships that really aren't always as ideal as they'd like us to think they are.

    • Love 3
  15. Kylie is an obnoxious, spoiled little brat. She's got some troubles ahead of her. She has no common sense and she's reckless. She's jealous of Kendall, that's so obvious. And that boyfriend Tygar....EW, just EWWW. I guess I can't blame her, just look at the family she's coming from. She has the personality of a damn mushroom.

    • Love 2
  16. OH NO! It looks like this season is going to be my worst nightmare. Yolanda will be the focus by others questioning whether she has Munchhausen Syndrome (similar to Brooks Ayers cancer-no cancer debate) and we'll all be regularly treated to watching a buxom blonde strutting her boobs and crotch all season. NO THANKS BRAVO! Is Erika Beverly Hills alternative to Tamra Barney from Orange County?


    And as far as the intravenous Vitamin C injections, this is purely a celebrity based sideshow to science-based health care. Vitamin C is water soluble, which means that if you take more than your body can use, the excess is excreted in urine. There is no credible evidence to suggest that routine vitamin infusions are necessary or offer any meaningful health benefit. Vitamin infusions are a marketing creation, giving the illusion you’re doing something for your health, but lacking any demonstrable efficacy. Yolanda can well afford to pay from $50 to $250 for a few pennies worth of vitamins delivered intravenously. Any person can get the same amount and efficacy of Vitamin C by simply swallowing a pill every day. Strangely missing is an explanation of why pushing mega-doses of vitamins directly into a vein (and bypassing the liver’s first pass metabolism) is somehow still considered a “natural” treatment.

    • Love 14
  17. I had to take my dogs to Beverly Hills to get their teeth cleaned and I'm sitting at a table waiting for my lunch and I hear someone say "for me Vanderpump Rules is just a stepping stone." So of course I looked over and it is Peter. I can't tell if he grew his ponytail back or not as his hair is pulled back tight. I never recognize people when I'm out and about and have been sitting here for about 15 minutes and wouldn't have noticed had he not said vpr. I'm totally eaves dropping now.

    I'd bet that every single one of the VPR cast believes or believed that this show will help advance their budding acting or singing careers. But truthfully, none of them have any real talents. To me they all seem like a bunch of high school kids acting in a school play.

    • Love 1
  18. I finally figured out why James Kennedy is so messed up. I don't know where the surname 'Kennedy' came from because his mother Jackie Georgiou was married to James' father Andros Georgiou. Jackie is first cousin to 80's singer George Michael. Andros was manager of Wham when George Michael was part of the duo along with Andrew RIdgeley.


    Okay, so now those people partied and they partied hard in the 80's. George Michael was godfather to James as he's said a few times. Then things went bad, something happened and George Michael and his manager Andros Georgiou had a falling out and severed ties with each other. George Michael never stopped partying and his drug use became heavier going from marijuana, to drink to coke and eventually becoming a serious crack cocaine addict. He's been in a very expensive rehab for more than a year under the insistence of his cousin Jackie.  So, it's not a mystery as to why James is so messed up in his head and I wouldn't be shocked if he was high on crack or alcohol most of the time too.


    George Michael, then.....and now



    George Michael on the right, photo taken 2015



  19. I know. The Toms were really comedy gold. I am enjoying the crap outta them this year.

    Now I need Stassi to check in. I am curious to see what she will bring to the table. Don't quote me but it seems I read somewhere that she moves in with Kristin. Couch surfing. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

    Go on Stassi, I double-dare you to lick the back of Kristen's door.


    I had visions of Sandoval and Schwartz in 30 years when they're breaking in their new comedy routine in a run-down casino (way) off the Vegas strip.  Keep trying guys.



    • Love 4
  20. And I also LOVE the fact that these dummies do not even know what pro Bono means...unless they think shilling LVP Sangria is for the public good

    Tom and Tom were entering a business meeting with millionaire money-making executives. Pandora, Jason and Lisa. They weren't dressed professionally, they weren't groomed professionally and they most certainly were as prepared as a couple of five year old kindergarten kids. Their business plan was to be 'brand ambassadors'.air-quotes.gif


    Tom Sandoval didn't want to 'show all his cards' at this meeting (LOL!), but Toms deck was folded long before the meeting. Neither of them had anything at all. Schwartz "I just want to let you know that...I'm in". LOL!  In on what Tom? They had a full week to prepare for this meeting but they came totally unprepared with any vision, any plan, any goals and basically nothing at all.


    Quotes to remember from the 'business meeting' between Sandoval and Schwartz, Lisa, Pandora and Jason.


    Tom Schwartz: "I'm willing to commit to being non-committal, I'm good at being non-committal, it's like a march to death."

    Tom Schwartz: "I just want you to know that... I'm in"

    Lisa: "how can this plan be too vague, there is no plan to be vague".

    Lisa: "If you start on Monday, what do you do?"

    Sandoval: "that's the issue, this is not something where I can show up on Monday morning and commit, I'll have to see as my week goes on".

    Tom Schwartz: "So in light of what we've presented, what do you think?"

    Pandora: "well, you want to come on board. I don't have to pay you and your going to help promote LVP? well, yeah.. I guess".


    Overall, this 'business meeting' was just about the funniest and most embarrassing episode EVER for these two dumb-ass Toms. They are mental midgets. But at least I got a ton of laughs AT them and with Lisa who couldn't control herself from laughing in their faces.

    • Love 11
  21. LaLa and James are on WWHL right now and man Andy is getting really pissed about all of the cussing going on with the both of them!

    James is just the most foul-mouthed disgusting guy besides Jax. He was on 'Watch What Happens Live' just now and they had to bleep out half of what he said, his mouth is so dirty. Andy Cohen got angry with him and threatened to wash his mouth out with soap. He even let it out the Jax has herpes! (as if we couldn't guess that).


    Sandoval and Schwartz made complete fools of themselves on National television by not being even the least prepared to make a cohesive presentation to Lisa's daughter and her husband who are both consummate professional business people. The two looked like clowns and Lisa couldn't contain her amusement at the antics of these two bozos. I wouldn't hire them even 'pro bono' to walk my dog.

  22. James is just the most foul-mouthed disgusting guy besides Jax. He was on 'Watch What Happens Live' just now and they had to bleep out half of what he said, his mouth is so dirty. Andy Cohen got angry with him and threatened to wash his mouth out with soap. He even let it out the Jax has herpes.

    • Love 1
  23. So many comments about Noah's office being in the bathroom, I guess that next novel will be nothing more than a piece of 'crap'. (Publisher: "I can't print this, it's shitty!")

    I guess what I don't understand is why this is being treated as a murder mystery/prosecution drama in the first place.  Scotty was walking down a dark, twisty road, probably while high/drunk, and got run over and left for dead.  It's not like he was shot or stabbed, it was an accident.  The worst crime was probably leaving the scene and maybe driving recklessly or while impaired.  It was night of a big wedding of a scion of a well known townie family, and given how may people we've seen driving while impaired (Helen, Noah, Cole and probably Max too) it could have been anyone drunkenly making their way home.


    It's not like Noah just happened to be driving along, came across Scotty, and said, "hey! there's that guy that knocked up my daughter 3 years ago!  I think I'll floor it and kill him!"  Someone was probably driving recklessly, killed him, and drove off in a panic.  I can't believe the prosecution even has a case at all.

    I'm tending to agree with this since there's really nobody that had a motive to intentionally kill Scotty.

    • Love 4
  24. I'm glad everyone else commented on the over-whelming stupidity of Noah supposedly writing in the bathroom at 4:30 AM.  Hmm.  Large luxurious apartment with a living room and dining room in which he could comfortably set himself to write while every else is asleep or hunched over a bathroom vanity?  I'm pretty sure Noah is stretched on the couch free-balling with tasty snacks at the ready.  While he might like to tell us he is long-suffering, I just don't see it.


    I rather enjoyed Oscar's take on Alison. While he is wholly reprehensible, there may be a grain of truth in his assessment.  We know Alison sees herself as a perpetual victim.  Certainly that can lead some people to want to save her.  She's very good at being passive aggressive.  While I don't feel sorry for Oscar, he may have a point about her.   


    While I know we are supposed to see a great separation between the haves and have nots in Montauk, it still doesn't make sense that Cole's last name did not come up in any discussions about the wedding until this point.  That was one awkwardly written scene.  The Gorgon's line was like something out of a soap opera - you're brother impregnated my granddaughter and you held a gun to my (former) son-in-law's head!  It didn't ring true to how she would have approached it.  Especially off, I would expect her to thank him for pointing a gun at Noah.  Too soon?  

    And the most ridiculous thing for me was that the old bitchy, crotchety, grouchy 'stick up her ass' Margaret Butler suddenly became a gracious hostess to her NON-ENGLISH speaking Colombian maid that's been working as a servant at her estate for 25-30 years!!  SAY WHAT??!

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