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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. It's interesting that Yolanda doesn't consider or probably even know that azithromycin is the same thing as Zithromax, that albendazole is the same thing as Albenza. Also, the type of drugs on the list makes me think she's a little fixated with parasites.

    I think that any co-infections that are tick borne such as babesia parasites are overlooked and rarely tested for. It sounds to me as if her doctors were treating her for just about every auto-immune disease imaginable. It just appears that they just don't know exactly what they're dealing with.  The 'throw spaghetti against a wall and see what sticks' theory seems to be what's been going on with Yolanda's medical regimen. I did hear her talking to Kylie at the luncheon for Lisa, and she was interrupted when Ken and Lisa came in but she was saying that she's feeling discomfort "here" (motioning to her upper diaphragm) and "not here" (breasts).


    Yolanda looks very ill. I think the comments made by both Kyle and Lisa about the fact that Yolanda wasn't wearing any makeup, 'even a little concealer for the dark circles under her eyes' were just thoughtless and shallow. Yolanda is going through a shit-storm right now between her illness and the disintegration of her marriage to David Foster. Obviously eye shadow and concealer aren't her primary focus at this time. After watching this first episode, I questioned whether or not I can bear watching these Beverly Hills snobs anymore. I used to like both Lisa and Kyle but the more I've seen of them and their pretentious rich extravagances and snobbishness, the more I doubt that I want to continue supporting this show by watching it.

    • Love 3
  2. That was quite a list of medications she had up on her walls, Bella is/was not the only one in the family doing Ritalin and speed.

    I was shocked when the camera showed the white board titled 'Lyme Disease & Co-Infections'. The list of conventional drugs on the left and the alternative on the right. I was in absolute shock, my jaw literally dropped. I froze the screen and jotted down all that I could see on the list of just the conventional pharmaceuticals that she's been treated with. There's a few I couldn't get. This is since 2012! I also found out that two of Yolanda's children Bella and Anwar, have also been diagnosed and treated for Lyme Disease in 2012.  Here's that list;


    daptomycin, abendazole, rocephin, bicillin injections, flagyl, azithromycin, acinia, quetiapine, mepron, vancomycin, nystatin, diflucan, rifampin, belsomra, macrobid, tindamax, dmps, zithromax, wellbutrin, plaquenil, edta, tetralysal, adderall, hydrocortisone, hydrocodone, Xanax, minocycline, ativan, ritalyn, hydroxyeholor, lunesta, codeine.


    Essentially, Yolanda has been given treatments for Lyme Disease since her diagnosis in2012 and that was only one year after her marriage to David. David has paid over $500,000 so that she could receive unconventional treatments like stem cell transplants and others in countries like Mexico, Bahamas, China, Korea and others.


    I have to stop and copy a couple of quotes that David made to People magazine nearly a year ago regarding Yolanda's health.


    "The musician, 65, went on to tell PEOPLE that he tries his hardest to be there for his wife in her time of need. “I fail some days,” he said. “You know, I get cranky and then I realize that she’s got it 100 times worse than me. But I just do my best.”

    He added: “I try when I’m home to be as supportive as I can. But she’s just she’s worn out.”

    he writes her love letters to remind her how much he cares. “My wife loves a love note more than she loves a piece of jewelry,” he said. “It is actually harder to do a love note than a piece of jewelry because I got to, like, sit down and really think about what I’m writing.”

    • Love 9
  3. I'm late finding out the news about their divorce and I must say that I was shocked at first but after thinking back to the way David is, I'm not shocked. I recall so many times listening and reading about Yolanda and her Lyme disease and thought to myself that something's just not right with that. I had Lyme disease and it was pretty far advanced. I was treated with six weeks of doxycycline very effectively. I just couldn't understand what was going on with Yolanda. I know she went to China and who knows wherever to get treatments that aren't FDA approved here. It remains to be seen, but with implants that are 20 years old and slowly leaking, I would question whether symptoms are from the silicone in the her bloodstream and brain or the Lyme Disease. I'm leaning towards believing free-floating silicone has to have a very negative effect on a woman's body.


    As far as David Foster is concerned, he's an ego-maniacal, selfish, narcissist. He's been married four times and has five biological daughters. How many times will he get married before he figures out that he's not the marrying kind. I had always thought that Yolanda really adored David, calling him 'my love' etc. David never seemed to be warm to her, he was busy doing his thing and to him Yolanda's little 'distraction' of RHOBH was rubbish to him but if it kept her busy and occupied, he was all for it. I like Yolanda, always have. She's sensible and intelligent. She's even-tempered and rational. She could do better than David. Maybe not richer, but definitely more of a real husband. He's getting old and looking shabby but his millions will always get him some new hot woman. Trouble between David and Yolanda came to my mind immediately when they suddenly put that beautiful home up for sale.

    • Love 10
  4. Any guy that would marry a selfish, high-maintenance woman like Sheana needs to be either stupid, submissive or just plain REALLY stupid. Scheana was the Bridezilla from Hell at their wedding. Everything is all about her. Any man she's with will have to get accustomed to being invisible in her world. And I absolutely hate the way she speaks with that 'vocal fry' tone. It's just annoying as heck.

    • Love 4
  5. I'm trying to figure out how Lala could be less ordinary looking. Perhaps bleach her hair? Or dye it dark to make her blue eyes stand out? Just anything but that wavy dishwater-blonde hair.

    Lala is a very pretty young woman but you're right, she's not playing up some of her best assets, her hair and skin. If her hair was a lighter shade of blonde and all one color and not a mixture of several colors, and if was CLEAN and full, she would look much better. She would also look great with a different shade of eye shadow, maybe something like a smokey green or blue, and it would serve her looks well if she used a finishing powder just to make her skin look less greasy. The biggest difference would come from lightening her hair and washing it so it doesn't look so matted down and heavy.

  6. I'm not a big fan of Vanderpump rules and always thought that Lisa Vanderpump would make an excellent Halloween costume. Of course, the show is scripted and fake but it sure provides enough people to despise, like Kristen Doute and James. She's always been a basket case and needs a shrink but James... ew, don't get me started on that boy. This guy actually thinks he's hot? He's the sleaziest, creepiest most ridiculous looking, ill-mannered cast to come on this show since Jax signed on. I thought Jax was hateful enough but now I can add James to my nauseating list along with Sheana. That girl is a mess too.

    • Love 3
  7. Can anyone speculate as to why Eden asked Noah to wait 15 minutes to find her at the party?

    I almost answered this, but before I hit the 'quick reply' button, I got some sense in my early morning head and deleted what I was about to post. It probably would have been reported anyway. Some things are best left to the imagination.                

    • Love 1
  8. More lazy writing: the Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 - November 30. It's highly improbable that there would be a big hurricane in NY in February / March. But I guess they needed a big dramatic reason for Noah to miss the birth, in addition to the fact that he's a first rate asshole. I'm just waiting for Scotty to come back from the dead and this show will have achieved soap opera levels of cliche.

    The name of the hurricane was Alice in this episode. The last actual hurricane that occurred along the Atlantic coast was hurricane Alice, in 1955. Hurricane Alice is the only known Atlantic hurricane to span two calendar years, Dec.1954 and Jan. 1955. Maybe she will name her baby, 'Alice'.

    • Love 1
  9. I know he's not popular, but I loved the evil doctor. Yes, he was definitely a dick, but he was a dick who shows you he's a dick right away, and doesn't surprise you about the fact he's a dick 20 years and four kids in. His day-drinking and muttering "needy bitch" took me back to Dr. House, M.D., whom I love, although he behaves horribly. I hate how doctors are usually depicted as such saints. They're not. He had me lol'ing when he said he'd rather drown than watch Babe with Helen's kids. Wow, an adult on TV--a successful pediatric practitioner in fact--who is not in love with other people's kids! I thought there were a few of us left wandering this earth...the only thing he did that was in truly poor taste, to me, was pulling out his phone and telling Helen he'd just gotten an alert on Tinder. Dude. By all means, go out and get your freak on, but this goes into the category of something the woman you just banged who is crying really, really doesn't need to know.

    I absolutely hated the doctor from the time he was sitting at the bar drinking whiskey waiting for a Tinder match in the hopes that he'd get laid, to the moment he said he'd rather drown than sit through the storm at Helen's house with the kids there. This man is cold. But the worst thing was seeing Helen so desperate for some closeness to a man, any man, that she'd agree to having sex with this grunt of a doctor after talking with him for less than 20 minutes. She's looking for a real love connection, but she's looking in all the wrong places. I bet he kissed her on the inside of her wrist before he left just to check her pulse to see if it was racing over him. Helen looked pathetic by banging this sleazeball.

    • Love 5
  10. Here are two minor things that I found interesting in this episode. I wonder if they will play into the events surrounding the murder and beyond.


    • The director at the party - Callahan (?) - wants Noah to change his book's ending for the movie: eliminate the murder and instead use Noah's preferred ending of a "couple with a great secret between them." What was the purpose of that discussion other than to affirm that Noah was correct in his hesitation to end the novel with the murder?
    • At the party, Max reminds Noah that he owes him $50,000. I didn't get the impression that Max was "loaning" Noah the money. It sounded like Max was doing whatever he could to move the divorce - and his relationship with Helen - forward. Was Max just being an asshole or is he not quite as wealthy as he pretends?


    Max is a continual presence in the perimeter of the story. I see no purpose in having him appear at the party other than to remind the viewer that he is rich, well-connected and likes to have a good time. It is causing me to think that he is going to play a role in the events surrounding Scotty's murder.

    Max came to mind immediately when Scotty told Cole that he hooked up with some big hedge fund guy to start up his nightclub. Max is a hedge fund guy, and they're all scumbags. Didn't Max get his cocaine from Scotty when he went to Montaug to party with Noah? Maybe the two of them had a continued drug connection.

    • Love 1
  11. What kind of an asshole with an eight months pregnant fiancé and four children abandons his cell phone to go into a meeting during a hurricane?

    A: Noah

    Noah, his spawn, and about 75 other a-holes.

    That stuff makes more sense if you think of each of those scenes as being from Allison and Cole's POV.  Allison paid attention only to that doctor, and her own thoughts and pain, so that's how she sees it - she was all alone except for the doctor.  I'm sure there were nurses checking on her, but they didn't register with her.  As for Cole in the inferno, he very well might have gotten out of the house sooner while the fires were small, but to him it felt like an inferno or he remembers it that way.

    That's surely giving a whole lot of dramatic license.

  12. I'm wondering how Cole will get out from under an arson investigation.

    That scene of Cole in a burning house and the scenes of Alison in labor in the hospital were just too impossible for me to believe. The shot of Cole standing there like Teflon-man in the midst of a raging inferno just doesn't make sense to my brain. He would have been on the floor unconscious from smoke inhalation long before the entire house was in flames. Alison being alone in intense labor didn't make much sense either. Is that young doctor who said she's 33 but looks 21 the only one working in that particular hospital? Don't they have any nurses hanging around or at least nurse's aides? This whole episode was a real stretch for anyone's imagination.

    • Love 5
  13. As a married woman, I've never looked at Tinder but don't you see pictures of the person you are matched with?

    Wouldn't Helen know what her Tinder date looked like? If so, then no way was the doctor her intended Tinder date.

    A LOT of doctors talk badly about their patients and their patients family members. Like, way worse then calling them a "needy bitch". Doctors love a good "my patient is a dumbass/asshole/freak" story. It took me a long time to get used to the way a lot of docs talk about their patients.

    I've been a nurse for decades and have never witnessed a doctor talking any smack about a patient or family of a patient. Maybe the ones I've worked with have been a rare breed of old-school professionals. Only a real dickhead like this doctor would be unsympathetic to a woman who's worried out of her mind for her daughter that is in the hospital receiving dialysis for failed kidneys. She's a 'bitch' in his opinion because she's a concerned mother?  What a giant douchebag he is. And guess what? If I was the nurse present when a doctor spoke that way, you better believe I'd call him out on it. Wrong is just plain wrong.

    • Love 13
  14. Daaamn! Noah doesn't even know how to spell her name? Now that's cold! ;)


    That's why I listed IMDB and Showtime's website.  I thought Alison with one 'L' was correct too.  Just very surprised to see it spelled with two 'ells' on Noah's phone messages and in his dedication of the book.  Maybe the showrunners aren't up on every detail.  ;) 

    Whether Alison spells her name with one 'L' or two is just another symptom at how little he really cares about Alison. Sometimes knowing the smallest details about someone you love means more to them than just telling them you love them. Not that being aware of the correct spelling of her name is a small thing, it's not. It's just an indication of how selfish and shallow Noah really is. 


    I think it was stupid of Noah to use her name in the dedication of his book at all since he was still married to Helen when it was published. If he stands by his word that it's 'fiction', using Alison's name in his dedication just makes that claim invalid. Does he have any right to object when people draw the obvious comparisons of his so-called 'work of fiction' to his real life and live-in pregnant girlfriend Alison? Noah is so eager to be successful that he's willing to forego any principles he might have had and agree to bastardize his own successful novel just to please a Hollywood producer.

    • Love 2
  15. I agree about the waitress and Helen, I actually liked that scene between them.  


    Why are you so certain about the one 'l' ?  Just wondering.  Thanks!

    Here's the link to the IMDb website where it lists the characters. They spell her name 'Alison' and it's spelled that way on just about every website. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2699110/


    I have to add that Doctor Ullah is an insensitive SOB. He showed his true colors when he took a phone call from the mother of a young girl that's dependent on kidney dialysis in the hospital. He was sweet on the phone with the mother, reassuring her that the hospital has backup generators for her dialysis machine but once he hung up he said "needy bitch". What kind of doctor would do that? One that's an asshole, that's what.

    • Love 3
  16. It was very sensitive of the waitress to tell Helen that Tinder is a dating site more suited for the 'millennials' instead of saying 'younger' generation. Match.com is more suited for divorcees and singles over 40. This is one reason that I saw Dr. Ullah as a sort-of perverted sex addict. He's looking to hook up with women 20-35, OR divorced and desperate for sex lonely women.

    Small point, but it is driving me nuts.  Alison or Allison?  On Noah's phone and the inscription of his book, Descent, says Allison.  The cast list (on Showtime and IMBD) says Alison. AAAAAAugh!!!!

    One 'L' , Alison

    • Love 5
  17.  I liked the doctor, and thought his behavior was absolutely realistic for a surgeon.  I would love it if he'd be a regular on the show, in a weird way I think he'd be good for Helen, and the kids. 


    That party went on way too long.  I was so bored (watching in real time, couldn't FF), I actually started reading a book.  Thank goodness I looked up in time for the Whitney appearance.  I knew there was something that would happen to make Noah run out into the storm. 


    Much as I like Louisa (and her straight-talking), her story WAS NOT FUNNY.  But - wasn't there mention in an earlier episode that Cole was  also remarried with a child? 

    Surgeons aren't the type of doctor that staff an emergency room. Usually they're 'in the house' and the surgeon on-call will take the emergency surgery. Realistically, a doctor doing E.R. duty wouldn't actually follow a patient to do the surgery. It's assigned to a surgeon. Dr. Ullah looks like a real whiskey-loving loser. He's more interested in having sex with the mother of a patient than he is about professional ethics. His attitude towards the woman on the phone 'a real bitch' was a clue that this guy is a jerk and not interested in a relationship. All he wants is sex.

    • Love 1
  18. Can anyone tell me if Martin was being a baby about the injections or if they really do hurt that much?  I don't have enough experience in that area to judge.


    Compared to the symptoms of Crohn's disease, the Humira injection is a piece of cake and yes, both Martin and Helen were being stupid about it. What's worse? 10 seconds of anxiety and slight discomfort or days of doubled over pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea?  Humira is a very expensive drug. My brother in law injects Humira for plaque psoriasis. Without insurance, the drug sells for around $3,400 a month. My brother in law pays over $1300 co-pay with his insurance.


    I've been giving myself abdominal injections of Lovenox which is an anti-coagulant for 14 days following knee surgery. I've also been self-injecting vitamin B-12 monthly for years. Lovenox has to be injected into the stomach but Humira could be given in either the stomach or upper thigh which is a lot less painful. Self-injecting is not painful when done correctly. Helen and Martin would definitely have been given instructions on how to do the injection prior to leaving the hospital. They could have watched a video online  on how to do it step-by-step. The needle is very small and thin and it's only being injected sub-cutaneous not in a muscle. I can't believe that Helen, who thinks of herself as a perfect mother, would not do everything possible to make sure both she and Martin were totally comfortable giving the injections.

    • Love 5
  19. The whole time all I could keep thinking was, "Pffftt, there's no way that doctor would spend that much time with Allison. A nurse, sure, but that doctor isn't showing up until the kid is crowning."

    I thought the same thing, I called 'bullshit' on that one. Usually the doctor shows up with just enough time to put gloves on and hand off the newborn to the waiting arms of a nurse. There's no 33 year old OB/GYN who spends her time sitting with a woman in labor and since when can a doctor feel a woman's belly and is able to tell she's 5 cm dilated? 


    edited because I watched that part again when she's being examined by the doctor and it looks like she had at least one gloved hand doing a vaginal exam for a split second. but I still call bullshit on this.

    • Love 4
  20. Damn that was a great episode!  There's going to be plenty of comments forthcoming on this one, but I'll just say for now that I think Cole is the father of Alison's baby and they're going to remarry. Hal might have killed Scotty because they had the deal together with the nightclub in Montaug. Helen will marry Doctor No-Heart.  With any luck, Noah will spontaneously combust. 

    • Love 9
  21. Jamie has way too many needs both emotionally and physically. I think she feels that she's too good for Doug. Jamie wants Doug to be romantic, to surprise her with gifts, to treat her like a princess. But she's quick to criticize him for dishes he left in the sink when he was still eating his sandwich. She's quick to criticize him for sending the car payment money to his parents then having them mail in the car payment. I agree with her there, but she could have approached it differently. She could have said "Doug, get the car payment book from them and we can start mailing the payments from here, I'll help you organize your bills."


    Jamie wants married life to be like a fairy tale, and we all know that rarely if ever happens that way. She has a very idealized concept of what marriage is. She wants romance and doesn't realize yet that nagging, badgering and bossing Doug around will not give him any inspiration to be romantic with her. Those small instances start putting up barriers in a marriage unless they're worked out pretty quickly. With Jamie, everything is all about her and her needs. Anyone else comes second. I don't think she'll ever change.

    • Love 2
  22. About Jamie's incessantly referring to her old boyfriend as "my ex:"  How weird.  I have always thought of an "ex" as an ex-husband or ex-wife, not an ex-boyfriend, especially one who was not exclusively committed to you (as in the case of Jamie's "ex." ). 

    I find it horribly insulting to Doug for Jaimie to pronounce this other man as her 'best friend'. I think that's just ignorant of Jaimie and wrong and hurtful to Doug.

    • Love 9
  23. If you go into the last episode thread you will see that he has two sons that appeared to be older teenagers when he posted their photo 5 years ago, and while I am not sure of Lonnie's age he has owned his business for 23 years. He has a girlfriend who is older as she has 3 teenage daughters herself, she is quite pretty and they have been dating for a while as they attended the Grammy's together in February this year.

    Now I'm getting the distinct feeling that all this mumbo-jumbo about Jamie's ex being her 'best friend' is all another hunk of bologna being fed to us when in fact it's just another way that this farce of a show has intentions of creating drama in addition to furthering the career of Lonnie. I'm sure it's all being done with his blessings since it gives him free public exposure and recognition. 

    • Love 2
  24. It's already been established that Jamie's ex is Lonnie Park and the song they wrote together was used for their first dance at the original wedding. Doug played it on his phone in some episode this season too, which is weird now considering everything. I guess he was under the illusion that the ex was was ancient history for Jamie.

    I missed that! But I imagined her ex-boyfriend and best friend as a much older man in his 50's at least. I must have heard her wrong when she described him. But she did say he has children, right?  Thanks for the info.

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