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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Thanks for whomever mentioned the unseen footage on the Bravo site. Rocky cannot seem to handle when someone (or two people, Eddie and Amy) disagree with her. She gets all weird with hiding her face in her hair and then her shirt, and says "I don't want to talk about this anymore". Rocky does not seem to be able to have a rational conversation. Eddie and Amy were calmly explaining their points of view, but she does not want to hear it.  Rocky also, seems to think that the reason Leon was fired was because of the fire, when in my opinion, I do not think that was the main reason he was fired at all. 

    I seriously think that Rocky is bi-polar and was in a manic phase. She fits nearly all the components of someone in the manic phase.


    Euphoria or irritability

    Increased energy and activity

    Excessive talk; racing thoughts

    Inflated self-esteem

    Unusual energy; less need for sleep

    Impulsiveness, a reckless pursuit of gratification (shopping sprees, impetuous travel, more and sometimes promiscuous sex


    Plus, she has those crazy googly eyes that are creepy (like this)


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  2. Also, how is it that Captain Lee could just ring up Chef Ben and summon him to Eros?  According to the Captain, he has no say in hiring the crew; it's all done by production.

    Ben did say that he's been called to a few charters last minute to help. But Capt. Lee paid for the lunch for the guests supposedly out of his own pocket. Who paid for the big fireworks show on the island?  That must have cost thousands.

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  3. Where does Helen's moral high ground stand since Noah discovered that she had sex with someone in the bedroom of her Brownstone? Not only that, but why hasn't he brought this fact out in court in the divorce and child custody hearings?

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  4. Though it would have been the professional thing to do, I'm glad Leon didn't stay to make dinner. Considering how vengeful and immature it was to douse Kate's bed with honey, I'll bet something worse than grenadine would have ended up in the oysters.

    That's exactly what I said. Captain Lee made a huge managerial blunder when he expected that Leon would remain to do dinner service. The basics of management tell you that when a person needs to be let go for whatever reason, they are to leave immediately. If this show wasn't being filmed, and the identical scenario happened aboard a charter yacht, the chef could do some real damage if he was allowed to remain in charge of the kitchen for dinner service.

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  5. Ok so now the whole world knows Rocky's cell # and private e-mail.

    Who wants to bet she gets a lot of sleezy voicemails and messages?

    Who wants to bet that Rocky is very aware that she left both her private email and telephone number there and is hoping to get a lot of sleazy voice mails and messages? Leon and Rocky are both plain asses and Rocky should have had her mermaid costume, money and other belongings tossed overboard. She did something that's so unacceptable and childish that she deserved to be treated like a 3 year old out of control child. She should have never received the same amount of tip as the others because she did not do her job as was expected of her. The only thing that Rocky had in common with Leon is that they both disliked Kate, nothing else. They were both inappropriate choices for crew members. The only thing that Rocky was good for was showing off her ass and acting like an immature child.


    Under normal circumstances when a person is fired, they're escorted out of the building immediately and it surprised me that Captain Lee expected that Leon would stay that day to prepare dinner service. Leon could have sabotaged that entire charter with one meal prepared with revenge in mind. They're all fortunate that Leon got pissed off and quit before he could create a bigger problem being there. When you get fired, you are GONE instantly, not expected to work out the day or even that hour.


    Rocky seems to act as though her appearances in Below Deck are all just one big audition for her for a Broadway play. Little does she realize that any directors or producers that see her behavior here would probably never hire her because she's just too difficult to work with and she's basically unstable and may quit at a moment's notice.

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  6. A link to the Jezebel article, which IMO is a fantastic analysis of why this is all so wrong, as well as a link to Shannon talking again about the affair last night.


    That's an excellent article and I'm in total agreement with the observations of the writer, Kara Brown. I can't help but wonder if Shannon is beating this horse to a pulp because she has nothing else to offer that's of any interest to observers of the show, or because she's just an obsessive and controlling woman who wants to punish her philandering husband a thousand times over. Nichole had stated that David 'stalked' her and honestly, I can easily believe that. She's an attractive woman, their social circles intertwine and it's obvious that David was tired of Shannon's control. If David was a real man, he'd tell Shannon to cut the shit out already because he made a commitment to her and their girls to try and make it work, demand that she makes the same commitment by shutting up and working on their marriage privately. A person can only be killed once but it seems like Shannon is absolutely obsessed with killing both him and Nichole emotionally time and time again.

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  7. That's logical, unless you're doing a death bed vigil, there's nothing really to do but sit . I suspect at sometime even Khloe will emerge, it isn't healthy for her to be there nonstop.

    Odd that he had twelve strokes, is bedridden and possibly unable to walk, can't really communicate yet was lucid enough to sign papers to ask the divorce be stopped.

    Atually, any legal decisions he makes right now can be contested in a court of law because he's not mentally or physically competent to make legal decisions.


    Is Khloe really prepared to take care of a man that was in the physical condition of a healthy, strong 35 year old man just weeks ago and is now essentially a very sick, very mentally impaired, physically 80 year old and very sick man? It may have been a seemingly altruistic act on her part believing that she could 'save' Lamar by taking over his medical care. Sure, she can afford a team of medical professionals to attend to his physical needs, but is she prepared to be there day by day as he passes back and forth from small advances to devastating setbacks along the road to better health? I can't even say 'recovery' because there's some serious doubt as to whether Lamar will every fully recover. Does she think he's going to be well enough to accompany her to Paris, or go clubbing together, or even have a rich sexual life with Lamar Odom? If she does, she's going to find out very quickly that her life will change drastically and whether or not a young, vivacious woman of 31 years of age is prepared to essentially give up her old life for a new one as caregiver and nurse is yet to be proven. Everyone says that Lamar Odom is 'lucky to be alive' but is he really? Time will tell.

  8. Remember when Shannon said she called Reed to suggest a book for him regarding his children and loss of a parent. Instead she talked to Nicole and told her she wanted to save her marriage and Nicole told Shannon that David was stalking her. I believe that Nicole rejecting David by saying he was stalking her ticked off Shannon. I believe David left Shannon (for two weeks) thinking Nicole would leave her husband and run to him. It appears David was a dalliance to Nicole and nothing more. David took the affair seriously and was more than willing to jump the shark for Nicole. Nicole did not plan to leave Reed for David. Does this upset Shannon deeply that David was really into Nicole, possibly in love with her?

    On the other hand, the statement issued by Nicole and Reed culled from the ET article:

    "This has been an extremely trying time. We have done our best to work through our issues in private. Nicole understands that she made a terrible mistake and there has been an incredible price paid by both families.

    We want everyone to understand that we love each other very much, and that I have completely forgiven her. We have reached a place where we are moving forward as a family. We believe that our future can be one of happiness, and hope the same for the Beador family. However, it is extremely difficult to move forward with the constant attention drawn to this difficult situation by the Beadors.

    As private citizens, it is difficult to see our pictures all over the internet, and have articles written about us. This kind of attention has been extremely trying not only to us, but more importantly, our two children. We have done our very best to keep our lives, and those of our children out of the public domain. We never have, nor will we ever seek out public attention about this very painful, private matter, and we are hoping that the Beadors, Bravo, and the other cast members will allow us and our children to live our lives in peace."

    I have extreme empathy for both Nichole and Reed because they aren't like Shannon who likes attention, they're only trying to move on with their lives. I understand how having this affair brought up in public must be exceedingly painful for their entire family. I just have the impression that Shannon is trying her best to publicly shame and embarrass Nichole and doesn't care if her husband and children suffer the fallout too. He forgave his wife for her affair. He said he loves her and they're intent is to work it out together. It IS a private matter and Shannon is still trying to make herself out to be the only injured party here. She needs to stop, her behavior is becoming hateful.

    • Love 12
  9. I think that to this point we've been made to feel sympathy for Cole as being the husband whose wife cheated on him. He was such a nice guy, how could she do such a thing, right?  Yes, Alison began an affair with an attractive man that gave her attention and desired her as a woman. It was clearly wrong plain and simple. But understanding what motivates a young, attractive woman to cheat on her husband is the more important issue. So far, Cole has been shown in a pretty positive light, good husband, works hard, a family man. But wait, didn't Cole have an affair with a pretty brunette before Allison began her affair with Noah? Isn't Cole a drug trafficker and didn't he hold a gun to Noah's head?  I think that many of Cole's demons will be exposed this season and we'll begin to better understand Alison as a person. From Alison's perspective, she sees Cole as explosive, potentially violent and not really compassionate enough to help her deal with the death of their son. In doing so, he might help himself accept this. Doesn't Cole have a large tattoo of the Angel Gabriel on his back? It's not on his forearm, or shoulder or anywhere visible to him. It's almost as though he has pushed the death of Gabriel in the back of his consciousness and hasn't dealt with it yet and hasn't supported Alison to deal with it either.


    These two couples are all a mess emotionally and they each reached out to whatever made them feel better. Whether it was another man, drugs or alcohol like Helen, an affair like Noah and Alison or reverting to anger as Cole has done. They all sought something out that would help them cope.

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  10. In the beginning I almost liked Shannon. As the season went on and we saw more of Shannon my thoughts about her changed and I began to dislike her. By the end of the season I could barely stand looking at her popping eyes and listen to her shrill voice. I don't know how David has been able to live with her this long. I can understand her desire to eat healthy and surround her family in a home that's healthy but it's looking more like an obsession. When a woman eats an orange and feels that instantly her stomach popped out and she just HAD to do a colonic irrigation of her colon, that's not normal. Sorry, but it's just NOT normal. I'm starting to think that Shannon has a totally unnatural aversion to gas and bloating. Shannon should understand that it's normal for certain food to produce gases in the intestines and that frequent colon cleansing is going to destroy the good bacteria normally found in the intestines and can actually be very damaging. Shannon is neurotic when it comes to her health nearly to the point where it becomes unhealthy.

    • Love 6
  11. I just couldn't help wondering if Tamra found Jesus before.... or after her sex party? Could it be possible that when she saw the video of the sex party that she thought just perhaps she might have overexposed herself by wearing a see-through lace body suit with a dog collar and chain around her neck? Did Tamra have any thoughts that dancing with a black strap-on dildo (that Shannon made her buy) swinging in the breeze was just a teeny bit trashy and slutty? Are we expected to believe that Tamra has had a ' light-bulb moment' and rebirth into Christ making vows to change her UN-Christian ways and become a decent person are genuine?


    I don't believe Vicki about anything at this point and feel that the only reason she kept Brooks is because she's exceedingly needy and only wanted company in her house and to have her 'love tank' filled.  At this point, if Brooks has been lying all along about having cancer and been physically abusive then he should probably get cancer and die. Then haters could could say 'see? told ya so". And yes, Vicki was absolutely under the influence of an anti-anxiety drug.


    I don't believe that Shannon really believes David would choose her over his mistress who is gorgeous and doesn't nag him and boss him around. Maybe one of the many reasons that David found another woman attractive and fell in love with her is because that woman doesn't nag him, doesn't force her beliefs about homeopathic and holistic healing on to him and doesn't expect him to say 'yes dear and no dear' like a robot. In other words, maybe the other woman was just  fun and a breath of fresh air for David. The other woman probably wouldn't have asked David to check her anus for a missing plastic piece from her colonic enema. Seriously, if you have a plastic piece stuck in your anus, you will know it.



    I don't believe that Jim Edmonds will put up with 'resting bitchy face' Meghan Edmonds for more than a couple of years. I do think that Jim Edmonds should get over believing that men that dress up in an expensive suit wearing shoes without socks is cool.  (It's not Jim)


    I do believe that Ryan and Briana will stay married for the sake of the kids, but he's going to be henpecked and resent her and might even become physically abusive in the future. I don't think he has yet because she probably scares him and he knows she'll kick his ass if he ever lifted a hand to her.


    I do believe that Heather and Terri will continue to amass piles of money because they're both financially driven people. Their marriage is strong because they work at it. I believe that people will start rolling their eyes (I already have) while listening to Heather enunciate words like a speech teacher giving lessons to students.

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  12. LOL, I was on the phone with my mother about a month ago trying to recite it, meanwhile she's coaching me on, and filling in words for me, saying that's right, you almost got it LOL.  I had memorized it and with the help of the congregation, I finally was able to get through it without looking down, but that was years ago when I was in my twenties. I too like this prayer more than the Lord's Prayer, but it was such a long prayer to me. 


    Now that I'm truly a bad Catholic, forget about it, please. If someone starts it off I can fill in some of the lines throughout the prayer. 


    Battle Hymn of the Republic: Same here, can only recite the first stanza and even then I need someone to start it off  with "Mine eyes..."

    "I believe in God, the Father almighty"......you can take it from there

  13. Oh dear - I was about to ask you about Apostles' Creed. Then I looked it up. That's my "Mystery of the Faith". See fake Catholic.

    I have the first two/three verses down OK. We had to go to Mass regularly (with more semi-CCD classes!) before I got married (8 yrs ago) and I tried to memorize it during Mass/Speed Mass. No luck. Funny thing is it's probably my favorite -and even though I went to Catholic high school never really heard it (see impatient New Yorker's). It's very similar to my Battle Hymn of the Republic issue (despite my efforts I can only respectably do the first three).

    If anyone held a gun to my head demanding that I recite the Apostle's Creed or die, even after attending a Catholic elementary school for 8 years, I'd probably just say my last "Our Father' and wave goodbye to my life.

    • Love 3
  14. When they called Teresa on the phone in the church, it seemed as though she's been spending time with prison evanglicals. She said something like, "I'm learning that you can just speak to God and he'll listen to you."

    My ears sort of perked up when she said this.Teresa and Joe come from religious Italian Catholic families and the fact that none of them knew how to say the Lord's prayer or how to bless themselves with the sign of the cross surprised me. It took prison confinement for Teresa to learn that a person can speak to God and he'll listen to you? Joe's father had a complete small chapel built on his Catskill property but it appears that Joe's religious teaching either didn't happen or he ignored the lessons his parents taught him as a child.


    I have high expectations for Milania despite the fact that at a very early age she was precocious, outspoken and bratty at times. But she's a middle child and she's very perceptive for her age. I saw that when she stared at Joe Gorga after their trip to Danbury. She said 'you look like my mother'. She said she wants to be a nurse 'but maybe I'm too stupid'... something to that effect. So she's already given some thought to continuing her education. It wouldn't surprise me if she matured into someone nobody thought she could ever be.


    Edited to add an afterthought about this episode. Gino Gorga found a bullet as soon as they got to the dead grandpa's Catskill home, I think it was found in the kitchen. Why didn't anyone else there find that to be sort of unusual?

    • Love 8
  15. MIlania deserves to have an entire series of her own. She's the kind of kid that's uncensored, unabashed, undisciplined, and impetuous. She makes me laugh and I'm glad she's not my daughter but she's fun to watch. What other kids call their dad an 'old troll' or escapes out their bedroom window when sent to their room. When is the last time you saw a kid jump on their pink quad saying 'bye bye suckers!? I've seen father/daughter bonding moments but never while the daughter is shaving her father's back with an electric razor. I hope I live long enough to see Milania as an adult. She's either going to be a mature, intelligent caregiver like a nurse as she said she wants to be, or she's going to be locked up in a maximum security prison. There's going to be no middle ground for Milania.



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  16. Joe was ordered by the judge not to drive any motorized vehicles.  He just doesn't get it.  It was entertaining though.

    I couldn't help but wonder if Joe jumps in the car for short trips where he knows he won't get caught. There was just too much emphasis on him riding the tyke-bike wearing either the German helmet or the Raskullz Mohawk helmet and it was too funny. I just thought there was too much emphasis on Joe not driving that I almost suspected he might be when he knows he won't get busted.



    This is a video interview with Heather Bliss who is servicing 30 months for mortgage fraud in Danbury Federal Prison, where Teresa is. She also has four children. But she has a good point about this minimum security prison that the punishment for such crimes should be harsher but for a shorter period of time. Joe will also be in a low-security prison for 41 months, but he'll be missing his four daughters pass through some significant growing up years.


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  17. I just got through Part 1 and halfway through Part 2 of the 'Teresa Checks In' trilogy and had to laugh a few times. Not because it was funny but because it was ludicrous that Bravo actually believes that watching Joe cut up pineapple for the kids or putting Gia's hair in a ponytail is somehow going to endear us to this hoodlum? Joe Giudice deserves to be in prison just as Teresa does. Are we expected to be sympathetic to a couple of people that have no respect for the law and will do anything (yes, anything) to sustain a lavish and flashy existence?


    Maybe I seem heartless when I say that I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for either Joe or Teresa. Not only that but I feel that it was just shy of being disgusting when Joe Gorga asked Joe Giudice if he's having phone sex with her and if he "jerks off a lot now". On top of that, Joe Gorga had to mimic jerking off, sounds and all. Their 16 year old daughter Gia and possibly the other girls plus their friends at school and Teresa's mother and father and everyone else that knows them will see that. I think that for a 16 year old girl who has already been through so much with her parents, listening to them talk about the phone sex and jerking off is just about as disgusting and revolting as it could get.


    The Giudices and Gorgas have never been famous for their refinement or social skills but Bravo crossed a line with that one in my opinion. I hope the ratings are so low and people are just so tired of Bravo trying to manipulate us into feeling sympathy for the Giudices that any plans for continuing with Teresa in a series will get squashed. Joe goes to prison for 42 months. that's a long damned time. But considering that this couple defrauded banks, didn't pay any income taxes, lied, cheated and stole to live the big life and despite all those crimes they're still living in a palatial mansion, there's no reason to feel any sympathy for whatever fate they forced to deal with now.

    • Love 7
  18. I'm a new viewer to Don't Be Tardy. Of course, I had known who Kim Zolciak was because I'd catch her on previews of RHOA. But I never watched that whole Atlanta bunch, that particular franchise just wasn't appealing to me. I don't know much of the background story between Kim and Kroy so I started watching this show every now and then if I happened to run across it while surfing channels. I know she had the 2 older girls and she had 4 children with Kroy.


    My impressions after a few episodes is that Brielle is very confident and secure with herself even though she's a dimwit and she likes spray tans. Brielle is walking in her mother's footsteps all the way. Ariana is a very outgoing and smart 13 year old and hopefully she'll be the first college graduation besides Kroy. The older boys seem spoiled to death and somewhat bratty. They'll grow up expecting everyone in their lives to pander to them. The boys are very attached to Kroy. The twins are still nothing much yet, but I saw Kroy giving one of the twins a bath in the kitchen, it was sweet.


    Kim and Kroy each have a net worth of between $4 - $5 million from what I've read, so they can well afford their extravagant lifestyle. I have to say that watching Kroy and see how he is with his children and also with the 2 older girls he just seems to be the nurturer. He's patient, kind and never abrasive or critical of any of them. He just seems like a real nice guy. I find Kim to be too outspoken and common. She doesn't have any filter on her words, just lets whatever enters her mind just come rolling out and I find that totally wrong when she talks like that to her little boys. I find it very common and ignorant. Kim is just completely graceless and low-class. The wig I see her the most in reminds me of one of those dogs that has what looks like dreadlocks. Her wig is almost gray looking and nasty. Kim would be just way too high maintenance for most men, Kroy doesn't seem to object. Maybe it's the bj's she said she gives him all the time. Now that Kim has had a serious health scare I wonder if it has made her realize that she's only human like any other woman. Yes, richer for sure but being wealthy doesn't mean she's immune to illness. There's much more to life than two dozen wigs and Louis Vuitton.



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  19. There are four more charters.  Captain Lee said in a recent blog or twitter that three more people are going.  One was Dane, which leaves two people to be kicked off, not just Leon.  That would be either Rocky, Emile, or Eddie, methinks.

    I kind of hope it's both Rocky and Emile. Rocky is too immature and a crybaby and Emile talking about watching pornography and masturbating six times (at least) is just too much information for me. I instantly wondered what he did with all that mess he made. It's a 3 day cruise kids, keep it in your pants.

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