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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Definition of a 'Good Friend' in Orange County. A new 'good friend' must have at least 6 of the 10 credentials.


    1.  Tell her you 'love her' and can trust her. (But in reality you only love yourself and don't trust her as far as you can throw a piano into Caitlyn Jenner's pool)

    2.  Tell her that whatever secrets she confides to you will stay secret forever. (You really can't wait to use your cellphone in private to spread the gossip)

    3.  Invite her to all your lavish parties and make her welcome. (get her drunk, accuse her of horrible things, and get angry at her when she storms out)

    4.  Always tell her that what she's wearing looks absolutely gorgeous on her. (you secretly think she robbed that rag from the Goodwill store and looks fat in it)

    6.  Let her know how lucky she is to have such an adoring husband. (get that guy alone and hit on him as soon as she turns her back)

    7.  Tell her that she hasn't aged a minute in all the time you've known her.  (set up an appt. for yourself for Botox because you think your 'bestie' looked old)

    8.  Gush over her amazing mansion/castle and tell her how happy you are for her. (put on some concealer to hide the green color of your face)

    9.  Let her know you'll be by her side through thick and thin. (get the hell out of her life asap if she's not popular with the press anymore)

    10.Buy a new puppy, it will be your only real friend to love.


    • Love 2
  2. I'm surprised it was renewed. I just racked my brain trying to come up with something, anything that would justify a second season. I like Cait but enough already. Maybe a spinoff, with a different title, different transgender people and a more forward thinking message. Cait could do the "Kanye pop in" for two minutes every third episode to keep the Cait people interested or something. Many people feel that the first season was a joke at best and a second season will validate that in my opinion.

    Edit to add.....And on a different freaking network!!!

    Perhaps Bravo would like some email suggestions for future episodes? Maybe one in which Caitlyn struggles over dying her hair blonde like Candis, or what to wear horseback riding in the hills of Malibu. (skirt, jeans, culottes, or shorts). Maybe we can request to have one of her upcoming plastic surgeries filmed. I can actually come up with more ideas about how I can utilize plain white bread than I can come up with interesting things that Caitlyn could do to get viewers back. Sadly, I think Caitlyn is one 'Bravoebrity' that people will find has no substance.

    • Love 1
  3. I think the whole thing with the Don Julio 1942 was contrived to give us a 'yay for them!' moment at the back end of the charter. Yes, Kate prevailed and did her chief stewardess position proud by locating one bottle of Don Julio 1942 at the 11th hour. I don't think that Don Julio 1942 is any more difficult to purchase at any higher end liquor store than Patron Platinum is. It costs around $100-$150 a bottle and comes in it's own little wooden coffin. (a hint at what throwing down too many can do to you). For that price, It's a sipping tequila, not a shot tequila and I saw the guest throwing down shots of it which sort of surprised me because I thought they'd sip it slowly since they were so adamant that it had to be Don Julio 1942 specifically. Having it brought to the ship personally must have doubled the price.

    I'm still on the fence about Rocky. I think she's got aspirations to be a big Broadway star and thought her exposure in Below Deck would be a step up on the ladder to that dream. And it may be the case. She's exactly the 'type' of person Broadway loves. She's loud, animated, has a strong voice, is physically fit and is attractive. I find her annoying that's all. When she says she wants 'a man...a man.. a MAN' I had to chuckle because she behaves more like 'a child....a child....a CHILD!' Most  mature, sophisticated adult men are attracted to a woman who is secure with herself, and Rocky really isn't. Outrageous behavior, and demanding attention by doing crazy, off-the-wall antics aren't things that a secure person does. It's the an insecure person gets the attention they need.


    I'm not sure whether I like Dale yet. I would never be attracted to his 'type'. He's just looks like he should be a guest, not a deckhand. He said his parents had 'some money' and he had a lot of privileges growing up. Long hair on men isn't usually attractive to me personally. Dale seems to feel more comfortable being treated to comfort rather than providing it. I just expect the word 'dude' will come out of his mouth at any moment.


    The big tip they each got ($2500) was great. The largest salaries go to Captain Lee Rosbach and the second largest salary goes to the culinary chef, Leon. Kate takes third place in the salary division. Bravo has cut their charter cost to less than half for a 2 night 3 day excursion. I'm not sure why Bravo cut the rate so significantly this season but I'm thinking that they must be having a harder time than they thought they would getting rich people to shell out $87k for a 3 day cruise, now it's $35,000. The one week charter still costs $175,000 per week plus the expected 15% gratuity added on top of that.


    *editing to apologize for the redundancy of the Don Julio info. I stepped away in the middle of my post and came back an hour later and hit enter then saw the other post about Don Julio.  Screw tequila anyway, that stuff leaves you with a monster head rocking headache.

    • Love 4
  4. My dad was diagnosed with Lymphoma while my parents were on vacation in Europe and they were delayed in Rome for a month. They continued to travel throughout his illness - except right after he'd had a round of chemo because that's when his immune system was most vulnerable. 


    Until the cancer he was an extremely vibrant and young looking man. Even though he did well on chemo - didn't get horribly sick like some people, the illness still ravaged him pretty quickly. He would temporarily lose vision in one eye, would collapse easily and be unable to get back up and his handsome looks were gone. He went from looking 20 years younger than his actual age to an ancient-looking old man - which was hard for someone so proud.


    Sadly the cancer took him in less than a year and a half. And I still find it hard to fathom that he's really gone. 

    Your experience with your dads cancer is so sad and I'm sorry that you had to see him go through all of that. Cancer is a horrible illness and after watching someone fight it with every breath and eventually lose that fight makes it very difficult for survivors to process it all. Their looks change dramatically of course and as you said, for someone that is proud the loss of dignity is the worst pain. My brother died on Sept 1st, his funeral was last Wed. and he also changed physically very quickly. He had been going through chemotherapy and the last two rounds nearly killed him. He finally said 'no more' and was sent home with hospice care to die. People don't realize that chemotherapy has its successes and failures. It works for certain types of cancers better than it does for others. People also don't realize that there are more than 100 different types of cancer cells. The types of cancer cells are named for the particular place within the body where it originates or the type of cell that formed them.


    Living through a long illness with someone makes you more sensitive to those who are diagnosed with cancer, for they may not know yet the journey they'll be taking. This is why there are some that will doubt Brooks Ayers sincerity or motives, and it's also the very reason that some will choose to believe him when he says he has stage 3 non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

    • Love 8
  5. I always got the impression that Brooks having cancer was kind of thrown out there because he has cancer and during his course of treatment it is an excuse of why he is not working or not working a lot or available for filming a lot.  Then I read is Twitter timeline-Brooks has a pretty good life.  After declaring he had cancer return he was busy, busy man with all his trips squeezed in between his three chemo sessions.  Interesting back in October he has a picture of City of Hope and "simply amazing".  I thought the doctor Shannon referred Brooks to was at City of Hope?


    Apparently, he and the Beadors are on the outs because he thought Shannon should not have been offended over him not consulting her "world renown" physicians.  I think Brooks takes pictures of famous cancer centers.  Maybe Shannon would not have been so offended had Brooks not said he didn't make the appointment because he had two flat tires or his medical records could not find their way to the doctor or after three chemo treatments he switched to reservatrol.  If Shannon's doc was at City of Hope and Brooks was being treated at City of Hope would the transfer of records not be pretty simple?  I hate this now I am doubting Brooks, and I don't even think he should release records but at least don't insult people's intelligence.

    Just to set the record straight. Brooks actually received cancer treatment for more than 2 1/2 years at City of Hope National Medical Center which is a renowned research and treatment center for cancer. The doctor that both Shannon and Meghan were talking about was a holistic medicine doctor who practices out of Oasis of Hope, which is not affiliated in any way with City of Hope. Oasis of Hope is an alternative medicine hospital whose patient base is generally those patients with cancer that have failed traditional cancer treatment.


    Editing to add some additional information about Dr. Francisco Contreras at Oasis of Hope. Dr. Francisco Contreras has been the director of Oasis of Hope for 30 years. He had been trained by his father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras who had founded Oasis of Hope which was then located in Tijuana, Mexico. His alternative cancer treatments have been controversial and at that time claimed to "treat" cancer patients with amygdalin (also called "laetrile" or, erroneously, "vitamin B17") which has been found completely ineffective. His practices have been widely condemned. I think that when a person has cancer they will do just about anything to be cured, including alternative medicine, high-load vitamins, coffee enemas or just about any experimental drug available. I'm not saying holistic medicine isn't the way to go, but initially I'd never seek any medical expertise from a holistic medicine hospital. I would possibly turn to that method of cancer treatment only if there was nothing more that conventional medicine could offer.

    • Love 7
  6. It's bothering me so I feel a little compelled to comment on the increasingly darkened 'smoky eye' look that is seems the housewives are in love with. Wasn't the 'smoky eye' look supposed to be the look for a nighttime engagement like a dinner party, a night at the opera or a gala black tie event? I thought that daytime eye-shadow was more of a lighter touch of the black mascara and eye shadow. When did the rules of eye shadow change, nobody sent me that memo. High School teens go to their prom with their first dramatic smoky eye with all the sparkles on the black shadow. It's cool and fun. But this newer look of the deeply smoky eye in the daytime having brunch or getting their coochie waxed really baffles me. I notice it more intensely on Heather, Shannon and Tamra. It used to be that the 'ladies' really only went all out for the reunion shows, totally glammed up to the teeth. Are they all moving towards the total black eye, Gaga style?



    • Love 3
  7. I'm in the camp that medical issues are private and no one should be pumping you with questions. I have a major medical issue, somewhat similar to Brianna' s but my real issue is my pituitary gland. I have to take different medications, and my status has changed over recent years. It is very complicated to explain to people because it's not very common. I have to fight to keep my weight normal, where it is...dealing with a changed body after 3 kids, approaching menopause and a barely functioning endocrine system. While my medical issues have strained my body, I do appear perfectly healthy. While I lost a lot of hair, for instance, it was very thick before...When I need to explain I'm sick, it's a pain to explain. If anyone asked for my medical records they would only get them shoved up an oriface. I am doing well for what I'm dealing with, very thankful and I empathize with all of the other medical situations with my fellow posters.

    I'm not buying this at all, it sounds wishy-washy. Can you provide us with a doctor's note clarifying the fact that you have thyroid or pituitary problems?


    okay, that was said for a cheap chuckle and a mockery of the nasty housewives of Orange county. I hope things smooth out for you soon. I've also had a problem with an endocrine disorder about 10 years ago. The hair comes back and so does the energy, keep the faith.

    I think David was disappointed in Vicki and Brooks behavior at the party.  They are hosts they have extended themselves and they pretty much get ignored.  It has to smart that repeatedly, when push comes to shove Vicki always goes with Tamra.  Eddie can't stand either Brooks or Vicki but Vicki, for some unknown reason turns to Tamra.


    I gave it some thought and I do believe what the three women are trying to say to Vicki is Brooks' situation is essentially isolating her from the group.  She can't stand to be around Meghan, Terry and Heather like Meghan and Jim, Tamra and Eddie apparently like David and Shannon and so there is no upside to being friends with Brooks and Vicki.  Shannon is certainly not feeling the love with Vicki.  So Vicki is left (and it is very late in the season) filming with Brooks and Briana.  Note to Vicki-there will be no offer next year if you can't include the others. Dinner one night with your son is not going to cut it.  Maybe there is some rationale in getting rid of the old guard.  

    David and Shannon have enough money to use for toilet paper so shelling out thousands of dollars for a stupid 'Ares' party was their way to get some camera time and put some type of event into the cancer/no-cancer foray. Bravo needs 'events' like a stupid Ares party in order to gather the bevy of witches together in one place. Otherwise, Bravo would have to shell out the big bucks to haul them all to some exotic destination for three days in order to film something, anything.

    • Love 8
  8. I've just watched an episode of KUWTK from the year 2008. Wow, just wow. I never realized just how shallow, egotistical and narcissistic they all are, not just Caitlyn. It's like a plague of 'narcissiticites' (word?) from the planet LoveMyself had come down and put the plague in Calabasas or wherever the heck they were living in 2008.

    Kourtney and Khloe accompany pre-transition Caitlyn to a motivational speech for BMW sales execs. I watched curious as to exactly how the speech would go and how motivational it would actually be. I've been to quite a few sales conferences myself and sat through many motivational speeches. Caitlyn (pre-transition) arrived in a white BMW convertible right through the side door and into the convention room and this is how it began.....

    'I got my four keys to success. Gamble, cheat, lie and steal."

    That single line was motivation enough for me to change the channel.

  9. I can't even express the sadness I felt for VIcki during her lunch with Shannon after the Ares party. Her voice trembling, tears welling up in her eyes as she begged and pleaded with Shannon just to stop and let it go. Shannon was relentless and kept pushing her. Vicki told her that it's hurtful to her, did Shannon even hear that? If Shannon was a friend she would begin acting like a friend. She should respect Vicki and drop the subject and say 'I support you Vicki and I'll be there if you need me'.  That's all she has to say, IF she was a real friend.


    It's clear that Vicki came to lunch during her work day. It's also clear that she was stressed because it was tax time. It was clear that Vicki wanted Shannon to talk about what's going on with her (Vicki) or about what's going on with Shannon. But it was like Shannon was deaf and didn't hear a single word. I'm sorry, but in this case, I am with Vicki 100%  These bitchy women think of nothing else but themselves and the amount of time they get on camera. They will go do any expense and hurt anyone that stands in their way to achieve this. This season has been about the most inhumanely horrible and disgusting season of the series.

    • Love 6
  10. I swear like a drunken,... Marine. I just try  not to do it aroud people I do't really know.

    This thing is just in such poor taste for Bravo. I guess they really do have no lines they won't cross. This has consumed the show from about the halfway point. It's just tasteless. I also feel like a lot of it is done for drama. I think a lot of inconsistant statements are because of them screwing with timelines.

    I also see nothing strange in him not being on chemo , than being on it. I dropped meds say I was  "done". I changed my mind later on and went back on them.  I changed meds often.

        I also have a husbands who is sick. He had an Aortic dissection with a ton of complication. He can't even remember the things that are wrong with him or the meds he is on. He can't remember when things happened, or who treated him for what. When he needs those details he asks me, or calls me in to explain to the doctor. it happened last month. I was out in the car doing school work and Hubby called me in to the doctors office because the doctor wanted to ask me questions.

    I would also bet that my hubby could not tell you the name  of a single med I have ever taken. He also started 2 new ones last month, and no way does he know what they are called.    I know every med I ever took, but I could not tell you when I took them.

      Last summer my meds failed. I' m sure I told a few people when it happened and even told them some lab numbers. I couldn't tell you now exactly what month it was or what my lab numbers were, so I would probably guess and say July, with  a tcell of 135... Might have been June or August though, and that tcell count might have been 125. If one of my friends were keeping close tabs, I guess that I might appear "inconsistant" . 

    I think that when a potentially life-threatening long-term illness threatens you or a loved one personally, the subject being taken nonchalantly by Bravo and these women really hits a nerve and it becomes entirely offensive and despicable. "If only they knew" is all I can think of when I watch them pick at each other and at Vicki with impudence. I haven't witnessed a single one of them go to Vicki or Brooks with a sympathetic voice or a kind heart and just let them both know that they're there for them.

    One more thing that bugged me to no end this episode. I would never, ever have dreamed of putting my children of the age of Ryan's girlfriend's in a car for 9 hours without feeding them breakfast. For one thing children need to eat when they are hungry, and for another, they get cranky being stuck in a car that long and to be hungry on top of it? For him to say that bullshit about how they don't care because they don't have to drive? Welcome to parenthood you dumbass.

    Ryan Vieth is emotionally retarded and socially deficient. There's seriously something wrong inside his head. He said "I'm withering away, it's stress" and he does look pretty bad physically. Those three daughters belonging to Sarah hadn't eaten breakfast yet when they met Tamra and Eddie to do a walk through in the new house that Tamra paid to get them into. All Ryan did was moan and complain about everything and could only focus on the 9 hour drive he had to do. Does Ryan seriously think that those girls should go hungry for the 9 hour drive because "everyone was f**king around and playing with toys all morning"'? He doesn't have a clue how to be a boyfriend, husband, or father. Ryan and Tamra found out last year that he has hemochromatosis which is a genetic blood disorder, making his blood retain too much iron. Untreated, this can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, kidney disease and diabetes. My brother had the gene and went through life unaware that his liver was being damaged and how to prevent it. He found out that he had hemochromatosis after he was diagnosed with cancer of the liver. He passed away a few weeks ago, 9/1.

    Ryan was going for weekly blood 'purging' or, (a reverse intravenous in which blood is removed from the body). This is one way that severe hemochromatosis is treated. It's a disorder not to be taken lightly. Before Ryan was diagnosed he was using steroids to build up his muscle mass. Steroid use is probably one of the worst things a person can do, but for someone with hemochromatosis, it can rapidly advance the destruction of the liver. It has crossed my mind more than once that Tamra may have to face cancer personally if Ryan's condition eventually leads to this awful disease. I think if that happens, that Tamra will be a lot more sensitive to cancer and the lives that it affects. I don't think Tamra would appreciate Vicki or anyone else doubting a diagnosis of cancer if it hit closer to home for her. I think it was selfish and inconsiderate of Ryan to get involved with a divorced woman with three children and have a baby with her. He's backing out of a marriage with Sarah, so his future is going to be an honest to goodness shit-storm. Will Tamra run to her psychic again about Ryan in that case? What if he tells her that he 'just doesn't see it, it's all wishy-washy', will she put her faith and trust in her psychic or medicine?

    • Love 15
  11. You know what I'd do if I was going to fake cancer, aside from calling the doctors of other people allegedly faking cancer? Naturally, that would be my first move.

    However, after initiating Operation JusticeKwest and deploying an elite squad of well-muscled, truth seeking 3rd wives, I would use whatever resources at my disposal to look like a gaunt, aged, husk. I would act feeble, yet brave; humble, yet quietly proud. I'd become an expert on the shittiest chemo treatments available for the cancer I was pretending to have and fake every single side effect. Then, I would disappear for a couple of months to attend an experimental treatment facility in Europe and miraculously find myself in remission. No one can hate me now -- I fucking beat cancer. Long con complete.

    I would NOT go on TV like hey I've got cancer but don't worry I'm shooting coffee beans up my ass. Brooks is a better grifter than than that.

    The first thing I'd do if I was planning to fake cancer is to buy a ticket to Tristan da Cunha. Oh, you don't know where that is?  Exactly the point. I wouldn't have a friend in the world and most of my old ones would want to choke me to death. So, Tristan da Cunha it is!

    • Love 8
  12. Can we go back to the boring Shannon marriage drama now?

    I almost rather prefer one entire episode about Terry and Heathers leach-bleeding stomachs and the sanitary napkin brand that Terry taped on his. I'd prefer one hour of watching David's 'night of the living dead' face staring at the camera or a close up of Jim Edmunds 'Easter island' big head. ANYTHING besides Brooks and his cancer/not cancer! If Bob Hope and Stan Laurel had a child, it would look just like Terry.

    • Love 22
  13. I actually know people who say Essiac tea cured them. I have thought about drinking it just as a preventative medicine! It's interesting because, whether you believe in its effectiveness or not, the American government did try to shut Rene Caisse down from making it or serving it. Things that make you go hmmm.


    Heather has definitely been sly this time around. She has this way of dropping little bombs but dressing them up as her being loyal. Like, in the preview video, when Meghan brings up the blog, Heather makes a point to say, "I read those blogs a year ago but didn't think they were true." It's the way she says it, it feels like such bullshit. I think what she really means to say is, "Yeah, I read those blogs, and I thought that there's some fire with that smoke, but I'm not supposed to say anything because I 'support' Vicki, so I will just casually mention that I read those blogs while pretending I never gave them any credence." Kind of like how she keeps insisting Meghan is acting out of concern for Brooks when she knows good and well that Meghan has just been shit stirring. Heather is totally full of shit.

    Heather and Terry Dubrow have been busy creating and branding their own line of merchandise. Heather has her new champagne 'Collette', Terry has his new line of skin products being sold on QVC plus his own television series Botched. Heather will take any role offered to her. People that ambitious for wealth and stature will always sit on a fence on any argument in order to save face. The last thing a couple like Heather and Terry want is to be disliked by anyone, it would hurt sales revenue. Heather is trying to balance being a part of the disturbance without being openly involved in any. When Shannon held her dumb Ares party, Heather was busy gossiping with the other shrews about Vicki and Brooks, but when they arrived Heather made a quick exit so she wouldn't be seen as an accomplice by Vicki. With Heather and Terry, the main objective is to be seen by the public as two people who just happened to be caught up in something they'd rather not publicly take sides in, so they recede into the background and try to hold onto their 'honest' and 'fair' persona for the sake of their business enterprises. For two people intent on building an untouchable empire, negative press is the last thing they want.

    • Love 5
  14. Why is it that every behavior that seems "off" (whatever that means) has to be some diagnosis from DSM5 or 6 or whatever they're up to?  What is considered normal today and what is considered off?  Can't people just be without having some type of "disorder?"

    The first criterion for what is normal is a routine violation of social norms. Behavior that goes against what is considered normal by society is abnormal. Culture, plays a role in social norms, as does age. A woman who takes off all her clothes and jumps off a boat dock is likely to be seen as weird, whereas a three-year-old who does it might just be seen as cute. Raquel 'Rocky' Dakota is a 25 year old woman, not a 15 year old impulsive teenager. Her shenanigans like climbing atop the mast of the Eros can be viewed by some as frisky or daring but in reality it's dangerous and absolutely not allowed by any crew member. For some reason, Rocky seems to feel that she's the exception to any rule.

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  15. Bravo's display of sexism is so blatant in the using of Rocky to sell the sexual side of Below Deck that it's shameful. "Pretty butt cheeks" is used time and time again by Bravo to encourage the male audience to tune in to this sexist trash that I'm surprised the network hasn't been sued for it.


    Bravo, we know that Rocky has a great body, nearly all the women on this show do. But to so blatantly promote sex by the gratuitous filming of Rocky's ass in a bathing suit is over-killing selling the sexual visual gratification. Rocky in the Jacuzzi all by herself being spurned by Emile decides to take a 'dive' head first to the very bottom of the Jacuzzi exposing her butt to the camera. This was an unjustifiable and unmistakable sexual marketing technique that took it to a whole new level of using sex for ratings. Emile had gone inside and Rocky decides to deep dive into a 2 ft deep Jacuzzi? What women in her right mind would get her hair wet that late at night when nobody is around? It was completely done to show her ass to the camera, no other reason at all.

  16. It was fun watching all the clips from past seasons since I wasn't following this show during those early years. I think I turned it on once when Jill Zarin was a cast member and couldn't stand her for more than five minutes and never watched again for a couple of years. I watched a season when Alex and Simon McCord were cast members. I include Simon as one of the housewives since it seemed he was there a lot. I couldn't stand either one of them. Her laugh alone made me want to slap her. And Simon, what else can I say about him other than he creeped me out totally. I always felt Simon and Alex had some kind of sado-masochistic dungeon in the basement of their Brooklyn home. A room that was well insulated and sound-proofed so their kids couldn't hear the nasty things going on there. I was so happy when Alex and was replaced by Heather. Then Heather started getting on my nerves with her 'holla' and 'hi baby' and I'm glad she's leaving after 3 seasons.


    I found Ramona more likable and she appeared more sane this season. Getting rid of creepy Mario seems like it was a step forward for Ramona because she seems less toxic and angry. Either that or she switched her meds around and found something besides Xanax that works for her.  I still like Dorinda, Bethenny and Kristen. I'm lukewarm on Sonja, Carole and LuAnn.


    Nearly each of the women has been able to increase her fortune by way of RHoNY. Heather with her underwear line, Bethenny with her Skinny Girl booze, Carole with her books, Sonja with her multi-brands. The franchise has made them all richer than rich including Andy Cohen. Who the hell ever heard of him before Real Housewives? What did he do for a living anyway?

    • Love 1
  17. I cosign the ADHD in regards to Rocky. Could she maybe be bipolar as well?? The hyper sexuality could be a sign.

    I thought the same about Rocky and several different diagnosis ran through my head. ADD/ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, Bipolar disorder, hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder and several others. She not only needs but demands more attention than any other crew I've seen on this show. She's even more attention starved than Kat was last season. Truthfully her facial expressions are starting to get very annoying.

    • Love 4
  18. I saw Tamra on WWHL.  Wow.  Her breasts are too close together and she has excessive pulling on the left one.  The implants are too large for her body/the opening.  They look painful.  I usually don't care but I couldn't stop staring at them.  I think I had nightmares.  


    Not only does it sound like Ragey Ryan is going to walk away from his family, Tamra is encouraging him to do so.  What a sleazy pair they are.  she probably thinks her precious angel is too good for anyone who would have him when the real issue is why in the heck would anyone want him.  

    But didn't Tamra thank God or Jesus for her new jugs on the show?  'Jesus Jugs Tamra!!'

    • Love 1
  19. Shannon is clear in her blog that Vicki absolutely asked her for help. She said that she is the type that would have been investigating treament options regardless, but that Vicki specifically asked her to help.

    I believe that Vicki clarified that in last night's episode (or last week) when she said that 'yes' she did come to Shannon to tell her about Brooks and Shannon offered help in the way of referring Brooks to a holistic specialist. She also said that Brooks didn't want to go in the direction that Shannon was recommending and wanted to follow the recommendations of his own oncology team. This is Brooks' cancer, not Vicki's and no matter who Vickie goes to for help or suggestions, the bottom line is that this is Brooks battle, not Vicki's even though she's only trying to help.


    Just to be clear about the 'no cancer' statement by the psychic, it was Scott Cruz who said "I have a wishy-washy thing on that ... the cancer issue … I just don't see it."  To me that says, that Cruz didn't commit either way about cancer, he was completely ambiguous. It was Tamra that jumped to the conclusion by saying "He doesn't have cancer?" to which Cruz replied ""It's very possible,"


    Yes, it was very possible because Cruz wouldn't know Brooks Ayers from a pumpkin and knows nothing about his medical history. So the entire story about 'Brooks doesn't have cancer!!' was completely and entirely fabricated and contrived in order to start trouble and as usual, Tamra Judge is right there to push it along and make it all larger than life.

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