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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Native New Yorker here.......and the answer is NO!


    I caught Odd Mom Out only a few times and it looks like a good show.  I don't know why I didn't get into it.    I'm pretty sure it will be renewed (if it hasn't been already) so maybe I'll catch up on S1 before they start S2.


    I'm going to miss RHONY.   The OC just isn't doing anything for me.  I'll miss snarking with all of you most of all.   The networks will be starting their fall season soon.  Are there any other shows and forums here on PTV that the NY gang are looking forward to this fall?

    I have to agree with you, the RHOC just hasn't had anything for me this season other than frustration with the bunch of them for trying to stir things up with each other and create drama for the sake of the cameras. That's certainly not unusual, but this year there's been too much bitter arguing about Brooks Ayers cancer. "does he or doesn't he?"  The whole thing with Meghan,Tamra,  Shannon and the damned psychic and the constant questioning as to whether Brooks has cancer he doesn't and what course of treatment he's chosen to proceed with has become appalling to me. Maybe it's because I have a brother that's in end stage cancer and fighting for life every day. I don't like listening to spoiled, rich, ignorant Orange County reality show housewives tossing around the subject of cancer so casually suggest to Brooks what he should and shouldn't be doing as far as treatment goes. Like Heather said "maybe it's not our business".  And AMEN to that sister, it isn't anyone's business.


    I really liked Odd Mom Out and hope to see a new season. I will watch The Affair since I followed it last year even though it was frustrating at times with the 'he said-she said' versions back and forth from present time to past. It felt at times they flashed forward then flashed backwards so much that I even thought they might possibly have flashed sideways. The Leftovers will be starting a new season and I'll probably follow that since I know one of the actors (a nice NY woman) :) The other shows like Shameless and Game of Thrones won't be around until 2016.

  2. Candis: "Watch Cait, I'll show you my act"......






    Caitlyn: "whoa whoa, do it again for the camera"

    Candis: "okay here goes"



    Candis: "and here's the rest of my act"......



    So here's what I saw from the NY episode. Candis's act is basically doing a high kick to the left then a few steps and a high kick to the right, then a boob shimmy in a crowded gay bar in NY.   Um.... no more comments from me about it.

    • Love 4
  3. I loved, loved, loved Sonja's gold dress, it looked fabulous on her. She won hands-down in the fashion competition as far as I'm concerned.


    I sensed a genuine change in Ramona. Perhaps it's because her doctor upped her dosage of Xanax but whether that's the case or not she appeared more rational than she ever was in previous reunions. Of course, she has already had time to digest Mario's cheating and the divorce, maybe all that anxiety isn't there as it used to be. Mario blames the show for his philandering, what a tool he is. I always had that sense about Mario, that he's a flirt and will cheat any chance he gets. Last year Ramona had a lot on her plate. Ramona's reality reached epic proportions when she found herself face-to-face with the 'other woman' in their South Hampton summer home. It seems that was a turning point for Ramona. Maybe it was the last straw piled on top of years of his cheating that finally sent her to the divorce court. That's a lot for a woman to process and she has admitted to taking drugs to be able to cope with that. The good thing is that when Bethenny called her out on her behavior and explained how she could better deal with it rather than trying to justify it, she not only agreed that Bethenny was right but she agreed in a very soft and non-confrontative manner. Ramona elevated herself a small notch up on my overall opinion of her. Before the reunion I just thought of her as a crazy, neurotic, narcissistic, insane rich woman. Now I see her as a sort-of crazy, somewhat neurotic, definitely narcissistic, almost insane rich woman.

  4. Kristen is such a beautiful woman, not only that, she's got those great new boobs. What was Josh thinking? I always kind of thought he was an asshole only because of the stupid hat he wears everywhere, even formal affairs, just to hide his disappearing hairline. He's definitely having a mid-life crisis.

    Josh always reminders of the character Jacob from Lost.  I wanted to put in a picture but can't figure It out.  How to you add pictures from  your own computer?

    just copy the image and paste it here in the exact same way you copy and paste text


    *editing because I'm not sure everyone has heard that Josh Teakman joined Josh Duggar in the rank and file members of the cheating site with an Ashley Madison account.

    • Love 4
  5. Anna's brother is calling Josh a 'pig' on social media.


    “I have told her I would pay for her to move out here w me and pay for her kidz,” Keller writes. “I don’t think josh will see that this is a big deal and be truly broken till that happens. I beat (sic) my life on the fact that josh has not co.e (sic) to true brokenness yet.”


    “My parents are preaching stay w him. There more interested in how there daughter getting a divorce will make then look then they are in trying to truly get josh some help and getting Anna and the kids out of there till he has gotten that help. …  I told her I would go get her and let her and her children stay w me. She said she’s staying where she’s at. But I won’t stop trying to get that pig out of our family,” says Keller, adding later that Anna and the kids are the only ones he cares about.

    “I tell you who I don’t give a s*** about is that pig she calls her husband.”


    • Love 1
  6. Meghan was correct stating the fact that City of Hope Hospital, located in Los Angeles, is a leading cancer research hospital. She mentioned 'City of Hope' at least twice in last night's episode. But Meghan was referring  to alternative holistic medicine and specifically Dr Leigh Erin Connealy.  Dr. Connealy does NOT practice in of City of Hope Hospital. Her practice is in an alternative medicine facility, Cancer Center for Healing 'Clinic' (formerly Oasis of Hope) whose primary location is in Tijuana, Mexico with satelitte facilities located in Irvine, California.



    It's more than likely that insurance will not be accepted at Cancer Center for Healing and the cost of their treatments and nutritional therapies are extremely expensive.


    A woman with breast cancer who went to Cancer Center for Healing wrote a review of the treatment and facility there on the Yelp website. This is a portion of her reivew.


    "No definitive treatment plan was ever presented to me at the Center, and everything seemed to be a confused mess. I was only told potential treatments available on 3 different conference calls, which I paid for each time.  I would call to discuss my case, and instead got some incoherent statements, nothing about my actual pathology, and then paid for a monologue extolling the virtues of the treatment center's options.  The discussions with the physician were basically a lot of babbling and no concrete progress. In addition, I did not find compassion to be present.  When I told Dr. Kim of my diagnosis, the comments were "oh that is the worst type, the prognosis is terrible."  I was in shock.

    So unfortunately I will not be continuing with this facility. I applaud Dr. Connealy's attempts at an integrative facility and I wanted it to be the place for me. But as far as I am concerned, their practice is definitely sloppy and I cannot afford that while dealing with cancer."


    For some cancer patients, having nutritional guidance and supplements following a round of chemotherapy that was given to them in an approved and accredited hospital may be beneficial since it does deplete the body of nutrition. But as far as cancer being cured at an alternative medicine hospital, I'm very doubtful about that. It brings to mind a memory of actor Steve McQueen who 25 years ago sought a cure for his cancer at an alternative clinic in Mexico. They gave him ground up apricot pits to treat his cancer holistically.Steve McQueen is easily the most famous person whose life was cut short by asbestos-induced mesothelioma  The medical profession largely derided McQueen as a victim of fraud, but to some people with cancer, his pursuit of an alternative treatment seemed heroic.

    • Love 5
  7. I need to say something that will reflect not only on Meghan but on the majority of our 'under 30' population. Meghan is representative of the age involved in nothing other than pop culture, fashion and smartphones. They don't find anything beneficial about learning history whether it's world history or pop culture history. She's not that young that she shouldn't know who Richie Sambora, Tommy Lee or Heather Locklear is. That's not an issue since many people don't know who they are. The issue is that she just doesn't care that she doesn't know and appears ignorant. But people like Meghan don't even know when they look ignorant. It's like an entire generation of human apathy has sprung up since the 90's.


    When I was growing up, I knew who Charles Chaplin and Gloria Swanson were even though they were 'old people' or even dead people, I felt that being aware of people in history that made contributions to music, art and literature was important because these people changed the arts for the generations that were to follow. Meghan doesn't care about anyone or anything that happened before the year 2000. Has she ever read a book by Hemingway, Faulkner or even Stephen King? The lack of interest in history and the people that either changed or made history just astounds me.

    • Love 14
  8. Did I really hear Shannon say that her house has 13 bathrooms?

    Shannon and David built their home just 3 years ago. Shannon took great pains to make it a 'toxic-free' home. They have 'hospital grade' air with the help of enormous air and carbon filtering systems. The home also features an electromagnetic radiation meter, as well as a strict adherence to all things organic -- food and fabric included. The home was originally listed for $16 million but the price had been dropped to a more affordable $13.5 million.

    The estate is a whopping 13,306 square feet and features seven bedrooms, eight full and five half bathrooms, multiple kitchens, a craft room, and a “secret tea room” — and also comes with a personal basketball court!


    • Love 1
  9. Good grief!! I used to like Shannon, what the hell happened to her?  I can (almost) understand why David would look for another woman to fool around with because I'm starting to see just how much of a debbie-downer Shannon can be. I couldn't believe the pity party she threw for herself at the pub-style restaurant David took her and the kids to. She complained about the restaurant, the fat on the meat, and she made a face as if the meat she took a sliver of was goat meat. She made absolutely no attempt to make it a fun family time with the kids.


    Meghan and Shannon have been twits about Brooks' cancer and I wish they would stop already. Bravo should put an end to the scripting of cancer into each episode. Cancer isn't something to take lightly and the way they keep obsessing about Brooks Ayers and whether he has cancer or doesn't have cancer or tell him he should see their personal psychic or healer or drink a blender full of goji berries, spirulina and wheat grass to cure his cancer IS NOT THEIR BUSINESS!


    And stupid Tamra and her "I have 51% of Cut Fitness Eddie, and you have 49%". She's doing just about everything she can to emasculate the poor guy and he's Mexican and they do NOT like being controlled by any woman.

    • Love 5
  10. The selection of her name, 'Candis Cayne' conjures up mental images of what Candis Cayne was. She was(is) a drag queen who used to perform in a gay boys bar in Chelsea, NY. She is most definitely homosexual and I think Caitlyn's friendship with Candis will associate Cait with that sphere of sexuality to most onlookers. Candis was born a male but identified as female and transitioned to a female physically. But she has always been sexually attracted to men. That doesn't make her a lesbian it makes her gay. Caitlyn was born a male and also identified as a female mentally but I don't think she's sexually attracted to men as Candis is.


    I think the real answers as to Caitlyn's true sexuality would have to come from her 3 former wives. They're the ones that know the real story. Lights on or off, going North or South, front or back. Yeah I know that's getting personal but the manner in which they enjoyed sex is the true tale of sexual gender preferences. I think Caitlyn Jenner is heterosexual but the problem for Cait is that most people will associate her transition with being gay and I don't believe she is.

    • Love 2
  11. So here goes: Cait has said when she was known as Bruce she was always attracted to women. But did she mean that she was a woman presenting as a man while being a lesbian when she was attracted to women? In that case, if she's attracted to women now, that would mean she's gay now, and always has been. 


    Are we supposed to accept that Candis is attracted to Cait as a woman? Since she's only known her for a few weeks, is she suddenly falling in love with Cait's womanliness now? Jen Boylan said Cait was in a "pink cloud" or was it "adolescence" (I can't remember the term, only that it implied Cait was very early into her transition.) It seems a little soon for anybody to be falling in love with anybody right now. 

    I thought Jennifer Boylan said she was attracted to women before, and still is. So doesn't that mean she's a lesbian, and not a heterosexual? I'm confused.

    Gender identity and sexual orientation are two completely separate characteristics. One is what gender a person is physically and the other what sex they are romantically attracted to. Jen Boylan has transitioned to the female gender, but she has always been sexually and romantically attracted to women. You could say that Jen Boylan is lesbian but that's not correct. They may have been born with the wrong body, but their mind is still the same.


    This is how one transexual (a situation very similar to Caitlyn) defined herself  "I am a trans pansexual currently in lesbian relationship"



    adjective: pansexual; adjective: pan-sexual

        1. not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.


    My mind is about to explode trying to figure that one out



  12. I don't know if they think an announcement about who Cait is attracted to will bring viewers, but I don't care, and I think it might even be too soon for Cait to know for sure. Not sure why JBo is pressing Cait on this next week.

    Caitlyn has said a few times "I just don't know" and she's probably being truthful. Gender identity and sexual orientation are two completely separate characteristics. One is what gender we see ourselves as being.The other is what gender(s) and sex(es) we are physically and romantically attracted to, but knowing one doesn’t tell you about the other. Jennifer Boylan will press this issue next week with Cait, but Jennifer Boylan knows she's heterosexual while many transgenders are homosexual. But trying to press Caitlyn into coming forward with her sexual preference may be pointless if she herself just doesn't know. It sounds like it would be simple for us to understand what sexual orientation she has, but it's just not that easily defined with transgenders.

    • Love 4
  13. Lol. I'm so lost. Why gay pride? So far I haven't heard gay being mentioned...

    And I'm tired of Candace already...yawn.

    Caitlyn is being very careful not to totally cross over the line and use the gay word when describing herself. I think it's inevitable.The Dream Hotel in NY is really nice and a 3 bedroom suite is a bargain $2,000 a night. It was a little surprising that Cait brought up the comment made by Kris Humphries, "thank God, I got out of that family in time". Caitlyn doesn't want to hear any hate, but she needs to realize that it's bound to happen sooner or later, there's just no way to get around it. There will be people that hate, no matter how she presents herself to the public.


    If anyone is curious about Candis Cayne before and after, here she is



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  14. Now that my initial surprise, revulsion and shock of Josh's admission has settled down, I think I'm more able to react in a less emotional manner. Now I can stick out my neck about my thoughts and anticipate that it will be chopped off a bit, and that's okay too.


    I'm just going to put it out there. I really can't blame Josh entirely for what he turned into. It's not his fault that he happened to have life's misfortune of being the firstborn child of nineteen. People who have three, four or more children know that the firstborn is treated differently. They are expected to be perfect in every way. Parents are usually harder on firstborns than subsequent children. New parents are venturing into a unknown territory and want to do everything the right way according to what they 'think' is the right way to raise a child. Many firstborn kids are lectured too much, disciplined too hard, overprotected and expected to be role models and responsible for their younger siblings. So many issues like anxiety, obsessive-compulsive traits and anger are more likely to remain with a firstborn child and linger into adulthood.


    When Josh was only two years old, Michelle gave birth to the twins Jana and John-David. (A two year old is still a baby in my book) Suddenly Josh's 'babyhood' was removed and replaced by two infants. By the time Josh was five years old, he had FIVE siblings. At the very tender and impressionable age of five, Josh was already competing for the attention of his parents with five other siblings. I'm pretty sure Michelle and Jim Bob gave Josh a lot of responsibilities even at that young age. Josh was their first and their 'model child' and the experiment started with him. All the fundamentalist stringency applied to Josh being the firstborn and it was applied to the max. Guilt and shame was used to prevent Josh from doing anything they thought was 'wrong' or 'improper'.  Should we really be surprised and shocked that Josh developed unnatural and unacceptable sexual behaviors? I think it was inevitable and unavoidable considering the fact that no matter what, Josh was only a normal human little boy that never had the chance to reach adulthood totally unscathed emotionally.

    • Love 22
  15. How was Anna counseling young women in juvenile Hall with only a home school education? Was she actually doing social work, or just preaching? Supposedly she's so simple and naive but here she is speaking with girls her age, with not any more wisdom then they had, and look where they ended up.

    I don't buy that she is unable to leave because she has no support. Others have done it, from other cults and religions. Maybe she just doesn't want to struggle, but remain faithful to her in-laws, where the source of power and money in her world.

    In order to leave Josh, Anna will not only have to leave with 4 little children in tow, but will she really have a place to go? Yes, she has parents and siblings, but remember, they're also part of the religious cult that blames women for all the faults of men. Will they accept her into their home again and still be able to remain faithful to the teachings of their faith? There will be a contradiction of their religious beliefs. I'm sure they will encourage Anna to stay the course, remain with Josh and accept the fate she's been dealt with.

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  16. The story just broke and some family insider claiming to have the lowdown on Anna's condition right now, is busy gossiping to People magazine, without identifying themselves of course. Anna hasn't spoken for herself and quite frankly she has more pressing concerns than issuing statements to the nosy press. I personally feel she should take the opportunity to kick Josh to the curb who grossly violated his vows and her trust for no good reason. But that's her decision. Unlike others, I'm not going to parrot the rants of the abusers within the Gothard camp and beat Anna over the head with the stay at all costs mantra. As someone else posted, if Hillary chose to stay with Bill, give Anna the space to choose. 

    The Hillary Clinton vs Anna Duggar comparisons are vastly different. Hillary had personal political and financial motivations for remaining with Bill. It was something she needed to do in order to realize her own future ambitions. Remember, Bill Clinton was impeached as President of the United States but that impeachment was overthrown by the Senate. The infidelity that occurred between Bill and Monica was only made public because he had been confronted previously with allegations of sexual misconduct during his time as Governor of Arkansas, by Paula Jones, alleging that he had sexually harassed her. Lewinsky's name surfaced during the discovery phase of Jones' case.


    Josh and Anna Duggar have an entirely different situation. There's four very young children involved and a huge factor in Anna's choices is the teachings and pressures of her fundamentalist Christian upbringing and brain washing. This will compel Anna to stand by Josh and to deflect the blame for his infidelities on herself. I don't think she'll ever 'kick Josh to the curb'. On the contrary I think Anna Duggar will be a good little Fundy wife and stand firm with her husband no matter what he admits to doing. Her motives aren't political or even financial. Her reasons for turning the other cheek and accepting Josh's infidelities are deep-seated and bred into her. She just isn't capable emotionally of doing what a normal woman does instinctively.

    • Love 17
  17. When the news hit the media about Josh in May of this year, an article written by former fundamentalist Christian church member Brooke Arnold hit the internet. I highly recommend reading this article. After reading the article, which was very concise and clear, I can honestly say that I understand not only where this all stems from, but why. It's only because the Duggars have been a high-profile family for seven years that the story about Josh and his sexual molestation and porn addiction are even making news. There are many 'Josh Duggars' out there that we'll never know about. Do we not care about them because they don't have their own TV show and preach about the bible, or do we just not care about anyone else that has emotional issues because of a renegade religious cult?



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  18. I recently had a conversation with a very wise person about children that have behavioral problems and what his opinion about how to deal with this problem. He simply said 'there are no bad children, there is only bad parenting'. That stunned me for a moment then of course it made sense. I was expecting an answer that was deeper and more complex. The fact is, he's absolutely right. Jim Bob and Michelle crippled their children emotionally in many ways. They put guilt in the forefront of their parenting and that practice got in the way of them leading well. We all have our own image of what a dysfunctional family looks like. Either one parent is missing, one is a drug addict or alcoholic, some are abusive and neglectful. But we never saw any of those things with Jim Bob and Michelle. What we didn't realize is that the inability to lead their children well rather than leading them according to fundamentalist beliefs is exactly what made Josh and who knows how many other Duggar children dysfunctional.


    In any family, there's a possibility that one of their children will have some type of social or emotional difficulty. But when a family has 19 children, it's pretty much a sure thing that at least one and possibly many more than one of those children will grow up with some deep-seated emotional struggle.

    • Love 7
  19. I thought this too- but I cannot find ANYTHING that names the school. If she had any sort of degree, even if most of us don't think it is worth a grain of salt, it seems like it would be in the family bio.

    NO way.  There won't be divorce proceedings.

    This comes directly from the Josh & Anna website. As you can see, Anna had no formal education.  A home school-er can get a high school diploma either from a homeschooling program or from their parents. Parents are legally allowed to issue a high school diploma to their home school-er upon completion of their graduation requirements  http://ja20.com/ourstory/


    "Anna was born in South Florida and her parents relocated to the Gainesville area when she was just 3 years old. Her father took a good job working with a manufacturing company in the area. Anna’s parents began homeschooling her and her siblings and became actively involved in their local church.


    In 1994, Mr. Keller got called for jury duty. While in the juvenile court, he immediately saw the great need for Christ in the lives of those in trouble with the law. He started volunteering at a local JDC (Juvenile Detention Center) and his heart was instantly burdened for the juveniles. In 1996, Mr. Keller made the decision to leave his good job to work as a full time missionary to the incarcerated. They spent months on deputation and God blessed them with many faithful supporters. Working in JDC’s, county jails, and state correctional facilities he began to see God working in the hearts of those who are locked up.


    Anna continued her studies at home and she frequently helped teach Sunday school & AWANA in her church. Anna graduated from High School at the age of sixteen, and often went with her father to minister to the young girls in the JDC. Anna met Josh after a short courtship & engagement and they were married on September 26, 2008. On October 8, 2009 Anna gave birth to Mackynzie Renee the couple’s first child. On June 15, 2011, they welcomed Michael James into the world! In early 2013 they found out the are expecting again, with baby Duggar due in June! Anna now works full time as a Mommy, and the couple resides at their Fayetteville, Arkansas home."

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