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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know the educational backgrounds of these women? I could find out for myself but I'm challenged when it comes to computers/researching these kinds of things. I know LuAnne has a nursing degree (an LPN rather than an RN as far as I know which is a huge difference). Thanks, y'all.

    cast ranked by net worth. Luann is at the bottom of the pile when it comes to net worth.



    I have to add -- Ramona's boobs have got to be fake/enhanced/whatever!!  OMG - they look like balloons in her bathing suit - so shiny and stretched!  She is in such a "mario, see what youre missing" mode!

    That whole sob story Ramona went into about her marriage with Mario made my ears perk up. Basically she said that Mario allowed her to 'be who she is' which is essentially a bat-shit crazy narcissistic exhibitionist. After 21 years of being married to this neurotic train-wreck, Mario decided he couldn't take it anymore. A marriage just can't be all about one and Ramona has been enlightened that she made their marriage all about her. What she wanted, where she wanted to go, what she wanted to wear, where she wanted to go to dinner. It was all her. And he, like a donkass, enabled that. I give him credit for putting up with it all for so many years. I don't think that many men can stay with a needy, high-maintenance woman for so many years without straying. When someone is totally all about 'me me me' and not 'you and me' it gets old and begins to feel like a job. It's not fun trying to love someone so in control and demanding. There was a lot of double-standard going on in that marriage. I've noticed there's a lot of articles online where Ramona speaks out about her divorce from Mario and all the reasons, emotions and actions she took. But I have also noticed there's practically nothing at all from Mario where he criticizes or points any blame onto Ramona.

    • Love 8
  3. What the HELL is Kristen wearing around her neck....the Jolly Green Giant's bike chain and lock???  That necklace is more ridiculous than any of the ones that Luann wears....

    Me too, I couldn't believe that Kristen would wear something so horribly ugly. Only Flavor Flav wears one dumber. But, it could have been worse.



    • Love 5
  4. Oh my God, what is wrong with these women? They're all out of their minds. It has to be menopause, yes that's got to be it. But if they were normal (or close to it) would we all watch this show?  Nah, not me. It's too much fun watching them have their turns for their major meltdowns. Next vacation they take, I would advise them to check into this motel and just carry real weapons instead of sharp tongues.




                                                                    Well, since my baby left me,
                                                              I found a new place to dwell.
                                                                    It's down at the end of lonely street
                                                                   at Hormone Hotel.



    • Love 13
  5. Look how stupid looking Carole's get up is in that pic.

    Carole is still living in a delusional state by believing she's still 22 years old. Where does she shop?  Forever Young, and the Pleasure Chest. So, she shops where she can still buy mini-skirts and leather boots that go up to the crotch and I'm sure she has a wide array of different sex toys from Pleasure Chest. At some point, a woman like Carole becomes pitiful looking and it's embarrassing to watch. She's a 51 year old woman that's probably in denial about menopause. There comes a point in time when a woman that tries to look like a 22 year old just looks ridiculous and pathetic. Sonja Morgan is 51 and she's starting to make a fool of herself too. Luann is 50 but she dresses more appropriately for a woman her age. Except for Kristen, they're ALL middle-aged women and all of them are either divorced or widowed. Social Security is not very far away from any of them. And oh wow, will that ever be a crisis to watch.

    • Love 3
  6. I really like Dorinda. When one of the housewives can tell Ramona that she's mean without creating a firestorm of hysterics, then that's the one woman that is smart and not greedy for camera time. Dorinda is like the voice of reason in the group. If I had to rank each one by degree of sanity, Dorinda would be first on the list.


    When Dorinda was first introduced into the NY Housewives, I thought Bravo had made a mistake by casting her. She was too different from the others. She's not as glamorous or narcissistic as the others. She knows how to approach someone like Ramona who has their defenses up and defuse them to a state where they actually pay attention to what she's telling them. This is beginning to sound like a girl-crush but Dorinda has class. I hope she can maintain that integrity throughout this season with the other biotches, it will be a challenge for her.

    • Love 10
  7. Shannon is super high strung and seems to be hitting rhe vodka hard, but I am completely on her side regarding the phone call controversy. "Thus is Meghan King"-from Missouri??! It is completely understandable that she thought it was a nuisance call. Once she said to Meghan" I didn't know it was you " Meghan should have apologized for the misunderstanding and let it go. Even her husband quickly grasped that Shannon didn't understand who was calling her. Try knowing your own name bubblehead

    I watched the episode a short while ago and had to google who the heck Meghan is. She's from the Midwest and the third wife of a baseball 'legend'(?).  She's 30 years old and looks like she could be the daughter of a few of the older housewives. She's a horrible, awkward actress and I think any one of the regular housewives can chew her up and spit her as far North as Napa from Orange County. I thinks he was a  horrible choice by the producers and Fay Resnick would have made a better sparring partner to the housewives than the little snippet of the tall model from the Midwest.

    • Love 1
  8. This show is absolutely hysterical, just hilarious, I laughed for a full hour with this episode. I loved the race for the best room by Ramona and Sonja. And according to Bethenny, 'God punished them for being so grabby' and they didn't get a bathtub. So Sonja and Ramona had to figure out all that shower stuff with the handles and spray jets and oh no....possibly getting their hair wet.


    They all look amazing in their bikini's, especially Kristen and Bethenny. Ramona looked to be in great shape but she's clumsy and un-ladylike with her 'hooker shoes'.  She has the grace of an awkward teenage giraffe.

    • Love 9
  9. Yeah, yeah, Jaclyn we all saw it. I'm starting to wonder what her damage is for even being attracted to such a wet noodle. Why expend so much effort trying to make it work with him, really? He never reciprocated or put himself out, from the honeymoon on. He didn't push for sex and only grudgingly went along when she made the move -- huge red flag, Jaclyn!


    Who knows how open he really was with her about his lack of interest -- in being with her and in having sex with her -- when they were together, but at least seeing all his confessionals and the extent of his whining must have made it easier for her to pack up whatever residual fondness she had for him.


    She must be a hell of a sales rep, what with the upbeat persistence and all.

    I think that Jacyln was desperate to 'love' someone. She hadn't had a relationship in a few years and wanted one so much that she even tried to push herself into loving someone like Ryan. If they had met under totally different circumstances, at a party or at work or anywhere else, those two would have never given each other a second glance. Whatever reasons Ryan had for entering into this venture is way beyond me. He's comfortable living where he lives and his life with his niece and mother. Taking someone like Ryan outside of their comfort zone is like pulling a fish out of water. They'll always struggle to return to their safety zone as he did.

  10. The four experts are all in denial that this show just doesn't work. When all three of the marriages collapse miserably despite having one-to-one counseling, then it's time to admit that it's a failure. Of course they won't do that because if there's no more Married at First Sight, then there's no more publicity and praise for them professionally. The 'notch on their belt' as what they anticipated would be a success has now become only an embarrassment for them.


    Dr. Logan Levkoff is "a recognized expert on sexuality and relationships" according to her own biography. Yes, she belongs to many organizations, yes she has a P.H. degree in human sexuality. I've seen her make appearances as an expert on the Today Show and Good Morning America. Out of the four 'experts' I find Logan Levkoff to be the most annoying. When she speaks, her words sound as if they've been pulled directly out of a textbook, and not through experience. I have been married and have been having sex for three times longer than she's been wearing a bra. Most of what I hear from her is arrogant, misleading and spoken from a psych course notebook. She doesn't like that she failed miserably, none of them do. Either all the experts need to be replaced, and the vetting process adjusted to eliminate potential killers, abusers and wanna-be celebrities, or this show is only going to fail over and over again.

    • Love 8

    I thought Ryan R's front teeth looked better last night. I need to watch again.


    The problem is his front teeth are too bright. The color contrasts too much compared to his side teeth.  And I also noticed it more when he was with Jaclyn because she has a beautiful smile.


    • Love 14
  12. I thought Ryan R's front teeth looked better last night. I need to watch again.


    The problem is his front teeth are too bright. The color contrasts too much compared to his side teeth.  And I also noticed it more when he was with Jaclyn because she has a beautiful smile.

    I think he has false teeth, it just doesn't look natural at the gum line

    • Love 2
  13. I've never seen Davina as having unrealistic expectations.  I think she has a right to want to live where she wants to live (which she was up front about) and to have a man that enters into the process and pays a certain kind of attention to her.  Sean was just not the right guy for her.  Now, I never saw Season 1 but I'd be willing to bet she'd have been more happy with one of those guys.  If she were happier with the guy no one would have called her expectations unrealistic.  But when you're seeing her reactions to putz Sean of course she's going to look like her expectations are high - Because his ability to satisfy a woman in a real relationship is very low.  I couldn't see myself with a guy like that and I'm pretty low maintenance.

    I think Davina would be more suited to a man with a strong personality, one that is smart and knows that he's getting a very high-maintenance woman. He needs to control that in order not to be controlled by her. She needs someone of her career caliber, someone professional that lives or works in the city. Any man that's soft, or wishy-washy like Sean was will never satisfy her.

    • Love 1
  14. I think that most people watch this show because most people are smart enough to know that, unless the couple has a marriage arranged through family for traditional reasons, blind-matching couples pulled out of lineup of applicants just doesn't work. Married at First Sight isn't even as 'workable' as arranged marriages. They are in a situation where it is a forced marriage. But for all intents and purposes, these couples did freely and anxiously give their consent. Even though the couples they are not 'forced' per se, the couples are under intense pressure by mitigating factors such as money, exposure, notoriety and career aspirations.


    I didn't like any of the matches, they were doomed from the altar. But as far as Jessica goes yes, she's a bit immature. But I had some fears for her safety. It's obvious that Ryan De Nino has some serious issues and it's not only with drugs or other women, it goes deeper and darker. It's a place that I'd never want to have to be close to. I hope the producers take all precautions when coupling two strangers. There have been many good looking, well spoken men that have psychological issues and flip out then kill people. I know that they are supposed to undergo psychological screening but I doubt very much that it's to any great extent. When the producers and clown-psychologists see someone they think is attractive and well-spoken, I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to make sure that person is one of the selected few.

    • Love 2
  15. I hope the so-called 'experts' (I'm questioning their expertise), devise a more reliable method for vetting any future cast members. This season, the relationship between Jessica Castro and Ryan De Nino started to make me feel very uneasy. It was the first time that I realized that a woman like Jessica can be very vulnerable and actually in real physical danger. People like Ryan De Nino are almost psychopathic and potentially abusive if not worse.


    I hope that people that sign up for their fifteen minutes of fame consider this before committing to this 'experiment'.

    • Love 1
  16. I think if the 'experts' (giggle) chose people that had no aspirations to be a STAR and become famous, but rather chose real people that haven't had acting classes and done commercials or any other professional-type acting, then the show just might be believable.


    Season One was not bad. But this season has been the purest crap that crap could ever be in the Kingdom of Craphood.  Pure trash.

    • Love 2
  17. Davina was a huge disappointment. The woman only knows the word "I"!! Her narcissism was beyond annoying. She will never love anyone as much as she loves herself. Admittedly, we were not huge Shawn fans but the fact that Davina would not take ANY responsibility for the failure of their "journey" was disturbing enough for me to write this comment. Enjoy your sad, miserable, lonely life Davina.


    • Love 1
  18. I don't even have to type much about this couple, I only have to copy and paste my comment from last week......

    A guy like Ryan is pretty transparent. He can't even hide his true colors on television. The 'nasty' always shows through.


    "Jessica and Ryan might make the news again some day, when Ryan loses his cool and the police are called for a domestic dispute. (run Jessica, run!)"



    • Love 2
  19. That is exactly how I saw it.  Was he tired? sure he was injured and had flown a long way in that injured state but he was actually licking his wounds.  He was badly injured and I really thought he was going to die last night.  Other than fire I don't think he could fight off those warriors surrounding Dany if he had too.

    He flew to a bone graveyard. I don't think he'll make it.

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