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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Perhaps this has already been posted but I'll post again. First I have to comment about Jim Edmonds. He's a 45 year old former baseball center fielder (who really cares that much about baseball anyway). He's currently working as a sportscaster for Fox Sports Midwest. He used to be pretty hot 'back in the day' and has an estimated net worth of $35 million. He's been married twice before marrying Meghan with whom he carried on an affair for two years before marrying her. His second wife Allison Jaye Raski is a beauty. (obviously Jim prefers thin blondes). He married Allison in 2008 and they have two children together, a boy and a girl. Jim and Allison were divorced in February 2014 and Jim married Meghan in October 2014, just eight months later and approximately four months before the taping of season 10 was scheduled. This is Allison (on the left) at a black tie affair in 2013.



    Here's the kicker. It was Allison, not Meghan that was slated to be the new housewife. Allison is good friends with Heather Dubrow and it was rumored that Heather was instrumental in the arrangements made between E! network, Jim and Allison to have them appear on the season 10 of Housewives. When the divorce happened, the deal fell through. Meghan claims to have been in the lives of Jim's two children for two years which would make that in the ballpark of the winter of 2013. That's an entire year before the divorce of Jim and Allison happened. After marrying Jim Edmonds, Meghan had a career in St. Louis in medical software sales. As mentioned on the first episode of the season, Meghan was living a "jet-setter" life before becoming a step-mom and moving to California. But, Meghan gave it up to move to California in order to replace Allison as the new Housewife of Orange County.



    One last thing that Meghan doesn't really like to disclose is the fact that she's been married before Jim Edmonds. She was reportedly married to a young attorney named Brad McDill shortly after she graduated from University of Mississippi in 2007. According to court documents Meghan Edmonds married her beau in July 2007 and separated on October 14, 2011, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for their separation. Jim Edmonds spends most of his time living in their St. Louis home since that's where his sports announcing job is. The bottom line here is that Jim Edmonds is a philanderer and both Jim and Meghan are adulterers so there's a big question mark as to how long this 'marriage' going to be able to sustain itself.

    Pictured is Brad and Meghan McDill


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  2. Also, what's the deal with avoiding the paparazzi?  She's gone from one reality show to another.  Her life is on full display.  It seems like avoiding the paparazzi is just a way to avoid having the media scoop her appearance and activities before the carefully-planning introduction at the ESPY's and then the debut of I AM CAIT.


    Come on, Cait. Don't pretend that you're being stalked by ISIS.  It's just a fucking camera.  The same device that bought your house and all of your cars and gave you the money for all the medical procedures that made you look so good. (With a little help from the javelin, high jump etc.)

    People magazine paid $4.1 million dollars for the Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt baby photos in June 2006. Second higher paid photo went to Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s wedding photos, for which OK! magazine reportedly paid $3 million in October 2005. Paparazzi are more than a nuisance to celebrities. Photographers depend on getting photos that are highly sought after in order to make a living, they aren't chasing and stalking for fun. Celebrities can also manipulate their careers by making their photos desirable and selling them to magazines. It's almost a natural instinct that people want to uncover something that's hidden and take a photo of it. If a celebrity walks on Rodeo Drive shielding their face with a big hat or disguise, people are even more intensely interested in them without it. How many sex tapes of celebrities were 'leaked' unintentionally? It's a huge career boost to get free publicity whether it's positive or negative, it's still putting them in the spotlight. If a celebrity wants to draw attention all they have to do is rebuke it publicly.


    If Caitlyn Jenner doesn't want paparazzi following her and snapping photos of her no matter where she goes or what she's doing, then rather than run away trying to avoid them, she would be smarter by offering herself freely to photographers no matter where she is or what she's doing. Take the photos, take millions of the photos, who cares? After a short time of the market absolutely deluged with photos of Caitlyn Jenner, nobody will even care anymore. When a photo of Cailtyn Jenner eating a hot dog from a food cart isn't new or out of the ordinary, no paparazzi will feel it's worth their time chasing and stalking her anymore.

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  3. I suspect that if and when she shows some humanity, people might recognize it.


    All I see so far is a self-absorbed dilettante and opportunist shamelessly exercising what she believes is her destiny to capitalize on an oppressed segment of society and trying to pass it off as activism. 

    You hit the nail on the head for many of us in so few words. I think that the majority of the heterosexual community would agree strongly that all people have the right to choose how they live their lives. A proportionately small number of heterosexuals object vehemently, and sometimes violently to people within the LGBT community based solely on religious and personal beliefs. Humans are not nice sometimes and there will always be someone or something to hate on if that's what they want to do.


    There are approximately 319 million people in the United States. The transgender community represents between 0.2 to 0.3% of our population, or 700 thousand. Whether the remainder of the 318.3 million people agree with Caitlyn Jenner's transition or not, the fact remains that her story is just not what 318.3 million people are interested in for very long. Jenner is viewed by many as a famous man that has been tied in for many years to the Kardashian pop culture and all it represents. Narcissism, extravagance, fame-seeking, privilege and wealth. Simply put, ordinary people just can't relate to Caityn Jenner and for a big network like E! and Cailtyn Jenner herself putting so much money and effort into promoting her 'docudrama' appears to be the main cause for most of the dissension and division amongst people regarding this series.


    It might be more intriguing to watch a series on E! about the long journey of someone diagnosed with terminal cancer and their struggle to get into a clinical trial which would hopefully prolong their life. Or a series about what we're doing to help prevent the slaughter of endangered species from the barrel of a gun or the arrow from a crossbow of a wealthy Texans or dentist. Even a series about single mothers living in poverty and struggling to pay for food for her children without the help of public assistance would appeal more to the general public, because they can relate to that better than they can relate to Caitlyn Jenner. Maybe a 8-part series about the techniques, alternatives, methods and success stories regarding quitting smoking cigarettes. At least it might save the taxpayers millions of dollars in health care costs and prevent a lot of unnecessary deaths in this country.


    I think that people just feel that Caitlyn Jenner has crossed a line. We're happy she's happy, and that's should be enough for her and for most of us. People, even transgenders, really don't need to see Caitlyn's long pink chiffon designer dress blowing in the breeze above her multi-million dollar Malibu estate. Ultimately Caitlyn's agenda, dream and focus has been realized. She lived long enough to accomplish a lifelong dream and good for her. But as with Kim Kardashian and her 'Selfish' book, sometime the public just gets repelled and says 'enough'. I truly believe that's what the general consensus among the 318.3 million of us 'others' are thinking.

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  4. This is probably old news but it's funny and I'll repeat it. It's about the book sales of Kim's book of selfies called 'Selfish'.

    Only 32,000 copies of the book have sold. 32,000 may not sound like a totally minuscule amount — who buys books, anyway? — but when you consider that Kim has an Instagram following of more than 40 million, that sales number starts to look a lot less impressive. Perhaps the people who enjoy looking at her selfies for the low, low cost of free just weren’t willing to shell out money to do the same.


    There is one silver lining for Kim. Selfish has already outsold Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s dystopian young adult novel, Rebels: City of Indra, which has sold only 13,000 copies since its release more than a year ago. The Kardashians and Jenners have proven adept at conquering the worlds of fashion, beauty, television, and social media, but apparently the book-buying public is not ready for their art. You win some, you lose some. Even when you’re a Kardashian.

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  5. Bruce Jenner was always a boring speaker, I pity those who had to sit through his motivational speeches. Changing genders has only made her a boring 'dudette'. There's no spark or substance to this docu-series that Catilyn is the Executive Producer of. A person can pay for plastic surgery on just about any part of their body, but Jenner can't get a personality transplant. Her personality is as monotonous as toasted white bread.

  6.     Clearly, the way she has been expressing herself so far has been alienating a lot of people. It's the primary discussion on this forum.  She is asking for help "making sure that everything she says from now on in is congruent with the ultimate view of the transgender community as a whole.”   According to much of what I've read on these boards, this is what most people wanted to hear, right? She is trying. I can't find it in my heart to judge her at all but I have tried to understand why she has not been considered a desirable representative for the transgender community so far. If others feel as you do about her asking for help, I would like to pose the question " What do you want her to do?"

    I can only quote the words of Angelica Ross, the CEO of TransTechSocial Enterprises.

    "Having the access that Caitlyn has is such a drastic contrast to what the normal experience of being trans in America is," Ross said. "It's starting to expose the hypocrisy of our country to want to celebrate and at the same time ridicule and violate a [trans] community."

    Angelica says it's time for Caitlyn Jenner to start "writing some checks" to support the trans community.

    Jenner's transition is something that many trans women will never be able to afford, Iden D. Campbell McCollum, a transgender man, and community leader said. "She is showing a person that has the means and income to go and immediately get cosmetic surgery and...look and present as this person she feels she has always been," Campbell said.

    He said in some ways her transition and the laser focus on her cosmetic procedures, has overshadowed the issues that the trans community desperately need to be addressed.

  7. I think this is the main thing many of us are debating/disputing. Was it really an eye opener?  Or was it part of a crass reality TV "journey" to get to the place Caitlyn's marketing team would like us to be at ("ESPY Courage Award Winner")?


    I think we can all accept the enormous good done by the things said by those guests being said on national TV.  As well as the overall notion that anyone going through a transition is going to experience a spectrum of reactions and wind up with a different point of view at the end.


    Accepting the total legitimacy and honesty of what we're seeing with Caitlyn Jenner is another thing entirely.  That seems to be the sticking point (and doesn't deny all of the other good being done by this all being on TV).

    So again, was it really an "eye opener"? Or was it just made to appear that way?

    My reference to this episode being an 'eye opener' is that the eyes that were opened wider were Caitlyn's. She has carried on since her transition as though she was a teenager given a Centurian American Express and left free to spend at Escada in Beverly Hills. I think that Caitlyn Jenner got a small dose of reality by meeting with other transgender women who had to struggle and inch their way to transitioning, even selling sex to get the money to afford their procedures. I almost felt that there was some contentious remarks that crossed from a couple of the trans people who attending that discussion at the end of the episode, but we will see more of that next week. Like most people, they can't help but view Caitlyn Jenner as coming from a totally different set of circumstances that they had and I think that it did have a sobering effect on Caitlyn. Another thing that I noted was the jealousy of Caitlyn's friend Rhonda. Now, Rhonda and Bruce were best friends and confidants to each other for over ten years and suddenly Caitlyn is out and developing a different set of friendships that really push Rhonda out of the circle now.


    I can honestly say that I'm not really sure that this is doing any good for the transgender community and have read many comments from transgenders who would agree with me. Caitlyn Jenner's future as a motivational speaker depends on how she's received by the community she wishes to represent, and that's still uncertain. But there's no doubt that her future success financially hinge on the community accepting her and on her being proactive and work doggedly and tirelessly on their behalf. Whether she's both prepared and willing to put 'the cause' ahead of her own is still uncertain.

  8. I just finished watching the second episode of 'I Am Cait' and want to add my observations to all of the other really insightful comments made in this forum.


    I think that in many ways, this episode with other transgender women was an eye-opener for Caitlyn. She found out how painfully difficult it had been for the others compared to her transitioning. There's been suicides, denial of medical treatment, risky surgical procedures done in other countries, resorting to selling sex for money to be able to afford their surgeries. Caitlyn's journey to transition was far different. Bruce Jenner was a multi-millionaire and could arrange any surgical procedures without a second thought about cost. The others expressed the difficulties they encountered for many years with social acceptance after transitioning. Caitlyn has a very large support system with family and friends.... for the time being anyway.


    It was pretty obvious that Jenny Boylan who is a political activist, author, lecturer and college professor, has some doubts as to exactly what the real objectives of Caitlyn Jenner are. The conservative views of Caitlyn are unrealistic in the transgender world and Jenny Boylan recognized that immediately."Transgender people often go through a second adolescence. When you first come out you can really find yourself acting like a giddy teenager, andthe sad fact is that our community is in trouble. Caitlyn, wants to be our savior, but most people don't have what she has. She may be oblivious but she's eager to learn, I'm not sure what gets through to her. "


    Caitlyn Jenner has completed her transition to a female. This was the objective of course but it's not really finished yet since she is determined to remaster her male voice into a more feminine one since her voice is a giveaway. This is obviously a huge concern for her. Asking the others how they managed to change their voices so they wouldn't be 'outed' in public or on the phone, Jen Richards said that it took a few years to get her voice to sound more feminine. Chandi Moore piped in and said "Oh I didn't do a thing honey, if they're going to accept me they'll accept my voice the way it is."  All of this comes to my point.....


    Bruce Jenner had the mind of a woman so transitioning is a lifelong dream she had. The objective was to be everything a female is from the exterior. The female clothes, the female hair, the female makeup and the female voice. The transition is almost complete, she looks like a woman on the outside. Now she's going to focus on changing her voice. But no matter how much money, how many surgeries or voice lessons Caitlyn pays for, she will never be a female, she will always be a transgender. If Caitlyn assumes that people will not recognize her as a transgender woman then she is going to be in for a surprise because being totally and completely unnoticed as transgender is never going to happen. She will never blend easily into the public eye or be 'outed'. One thing I'd advise Caitlyn to practice is changing her walking gait. It's awkward and masculine. She still has the gait of a man, it's clumsy and lumbering. All the hullabaloo about Caitlyn wanting to make a difference or to be a role model to others wishing to transition, or to educate the public or inspire lawmakers to pass stricter punishments for hate crimes is only publicity and image making. Caitlyn has no humanitarian or compassionate concerns for anyone but herself and her own transformation into someone that resembles a female on the exterior. I call bullshit on the whole 'I Am Cait' series.


    Caitlyn Jenner feels confident that her own children and closest friends are not going to pull away from their association with her. They are supporting her publicly right now because she's in the spotlight and she's the buzz of pop culture today. But how long will they stick by her once the news becomes old news and nobody cares anymore? I don't think that other transgender women have anything in common with Caitlyn other than a sex change. Other than that, their worlds are so vastly disconnected from each other that there's little or nothing at all that others can relate to.

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  9. Tamra is just another who was probably one of the mean girls in high school. She has absolutely no class. Swimming topless was something I overlook because I know her implants cost her a few grand, but announcing that she was peeing in the pool was just crass and disgusting. She just lacks any sense of class or sophistication. She acts more like a old Vegas hooker.

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  10. I don't like Meghan, there's not a single thing likeable about her. She looks evil when she smiles, she looks evil when she's angry, and I guess her face in general is just something hard to look at. She's not well spoken and doesn't appear to have any intelligence. I would bet she excelled in cheerleading in high school, certainly not math or grammar. To top it all off, she's childish and still acts like the mean girl, her defenses are always up and ready to fight. She looks totally out of sync with the rest of the older housewives. She just looks out of her element and out of place.


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  11. Or perhaps he's acknowledging that these shows portray the female participants in the worst possible light, and the producers basically force them to act like cat-fighting caricatures of their real selves in order to remain in front of the cameras.  So, he really does not want people thinking his hometown's residents are anything like the RH women and their hometowns.  Just my opinion, but I think Andy is one of the biggest misogynists in television today.

    Maybe because the East and West coast narcissists are more readily consumed in a reality show by the average mid-west housewife. It's something that's bizarre and unique to behold. There's a quality about women like the 'Housewives' that can't be faked and that quality is wealthy pretentiousness. They live within a tiny microcosm of culture that most people don't get to experience firsthand. I compare them to the old side-show days of carnival when you could pay .50 cents to see a three legged woman, or a toad with the face of Abe Lincoln. It's on the same level as that, we just stare wide-eyed at something unusual and at times totally unbelievable. To the average viewer, the cities of New York, Los Angeles, Malibu or San Francisco congers up a mental image of lots of money, sophistication and style. What comes to mind when a person thinks of St. Louis? Only speaking for myself, I immediately think of the big stainless steel gateway arch.

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  12. Dysfunctional parents beget dysfunctional children. Kourtney and Scott's children have been handed down their dysfunctional heritage. It's really too bad since Scott and Kourtney had every opportunity born to them that most young parents don't have, wealth and privilege. They could have had an ideal family unit if they both weren't so narcissistic and selfish. Although their fame and wealth would seem to be something most would envy, it does extract a heavy price sometimes.

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  13. At 88 and after a lifetime of a distant relationship with Caitlyn, she is called and asked to come visit, along with her other two children.. I wonder how many other invitations or visits she's received from Caitlyn over the years (not many, from what we've seen on the show). She remarked that in the past, Caitlyn wasn't comfortable around her, she didn't really know why. Now she gets this call, the gender issue is discussed, she's invited to come visit.  Is it a crass attempt to manipulate her for ratings? I don't know, but I think she viewed it solely as possibly one of, if not the last, chance she'd have to spend time with all her kids together.

    Personally, I think its a cruel thing to do, if in fact it was the very first time her mother saw her as Caitlyn. But, it isn't the first selfish behavior we've seen from Caitlyn and probably not the last.

    I did get the sense that Caitlyn may have thought there would be more resistance from her, more drama. The scene with Pam and Caitlyn boxing up the old clothing and Caitlyn asking Pam about what has mom said to you...  though Pam said that there hadn't been any discussion, I thought she might have just been discreet. I'm sure there was plenty said in the car to the airport.  

    It was clear to see from the look in the faces of both his sister and mother that meeting Caitlyn for the first time was a very painful, difficult thing to get through. The image of Caitlyn's mother, with tears filling her eyes, stammering "this...has been very... difficult", said it all for me. Both the Jenner and Kardashians are extremely visible pop culture icons. None of them would dare to be shown as someone disappointed, angry, non-supportive or not there to fortify Caitlyn. These are public people, in the spotlight where they want to be. The last thing they want for their image is to be viewed negatively by their public.

  14. No matter what Caitlyn Jenner does to try to portray herself as a person who lived her entire life in the wrong gender and wanted to be a woman all her life, she is never going to be seen in the same way to transgender communities. To the majority of the *cisgender population, Caitlyn is viewed as someone who was born male, didn't feel male, wanted to be female his entire life and happily at the ripe age of 65 was able to 'come out' and realize his life-long dream, and 'yay' and 'yippee' for him. *Cisgenders applaud her for courage, reward her for her visibility, and stop just shy of petitioning Rome for her Sainthood.


    Bruce Jenner had led a life unlike any other transgender people in the entire world. Caitlyn portrays herself as a person who longed to be female, who felt at odds with herself as a man and who was very unhappy about her gender assignment since she was a small child. She drew the sympathy of millions with her well-planned Diane Sawyer interview. I mean, how could anyone want to withhold 'true happiness' from such a deeply unhappy man? Our instincts immediately want to fix it, we want his happiness, so we accept all he does and says regarding his need and desire to transition.


    We forget that Bruce Jenner was a decathlon Olympic gold medal winner, which brought him an entire lifetime of fame, fortune, opportunities and attention. He lived lavishly, he enjoyed being married three times and having 10 children, six of which are biological children. Where in that picture does the immense unhappiness part come in? Where in that whole lifetime of 65 years was there any inclination for Bruce to be true to himself?


    Caitlyn Jenner lives in another biosphere as every-day transgenders, and they can't relate to it. She refuses to believe that transgenders have no alternative but to accept welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing. He can't understand why they can't get off welfare, roll up their sleeves, get a job and be a responsible member of the community. She doesn't get it. She will never approach the problems of transgender in a way that makes any impact to what they really need. They need more than watching 'I Am Cait' every Sunday night to see her display of designer dresses, Malibu home, and countless pairs of expensive shoes. They need someone who will understand THEIR needs, fight for them in Congress and the House of Representatives to get bills passed that will assist them with medical care, and provide them safety from hate crimes. There's a long laundry list of things transgenders need besides a celebrity like Caitlyn Jenner demonstrating her makeup routine and extensive wardrobe in an 8 part 'docu-drama'.


    *Cisgender: "Denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity conforms with the gender that corresponds to their biological sex; not transgender."

    **edited numerous times for mismatching of pronouns to either past or current gender

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  15. I had to record this and watch it when nobody was home. I didn't want to hear the complaints "you aren't really going to watch that, are you?".  I was sorry I watched because I found there was only one person that wasn't pretending and play acting for the cameras and that was Bruce Jenner's mother. She's 88 years old and is obviously struggling with this transition of her son into a woman. She loves Caitlyn, that won't change. But almost brought tears to my eyes when she tearfully tried expressing to Caitlyn how very difficult this has been for her to accept.


    I can't even imagine how they will fill 7 more episodes of this documentary series or why on earth would anyone want to see more of the same.


    I'm compelled to edit in order to add my two-cents about Caitlyn's appearance and choice of wardrobe. I think she makes a skinny, not especially attractive, woman with bad posture. She's had way too much plastic surgery and looks unnatural. One eye is frozen and takes longer to blink than the other eye because of a bad Botox injection. Her legs are too skinny for some of the dresses she wears which by the way, are pretty damned ugly. So there, done now.


    No wait, wasn't done quite yet. One more thing, that laugh. What is UP with that laugh. Bruce had it, and Caitlyn should have done something to change it. It's fake and so annoying.

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  16. I feel like I'm beating a dead horse, so this will be the last time I post about this. Why can't she show off her shoe collection? If she doesn't show it off, will all those transgender people without hormones, health care, or rent money suddenly get them? Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt are known for their humanitarian work, but they also bought themselves a nice French castle with a moat & Angelina recently bought Brad a special Aston Martin that goes for 200K. George Clooney is known for his work with human rights, but he also owns 2 vacation villas in Lake Como, italy. So what if Caitlyn is showing off her shoes? She can have fun being a girl AND help people. And she doesn't have to be on "transgender call" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every second of her life doesn't have to be about helping other people.

    The obvious flaunting of privilege is most likely the reason that people start to get turned off. What other celebrities, including those you mention, are ostentatious about their material possessions or over elaborate their worldly valuables? You're right, showing off her line of shoes and designer dresses is of no benefit to the transgender community, but to whose benefit is it anyway?

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  17. Yes, but she was also part of a high profile reality show before her transition, so she's not really doing anything new, she's just doing it as a woman now.

    She's also doing it as the Executive Producer of her own show. What does that tell us?  Well, it tells is it will be 'sensitive', there will be soft background music, flowing gowns, a lot of makeup and a few tears sprinkled in here and there.

  18. I have to highlight the above as a really good post (although I thumbs upped it I wanted to do more and say WHY I liked it).


    1.) It fairly concludes that Caitlyn may have good intentions.

    2.) It speaks to the issue that Caitlyn is some fantasy version of a Transgender without assigning blame to that overall, but also doesn't whitewash the fact that Caitlyn is perfectly willing to do some creepy/slimy stuff, like trot her mother out for an emotional reveal in front of the whole world.

    3.) The poster admits they're still gong to watch. That's key. We have to be honest with/about ourselves before we dig into the people we see onscreen. If we're willing to watch, then at least a little there's a point to what the star/show is doing (even if we might hate ourselves for watching later on).

    I saw an extended look at the premiere episode on Sunday and that told me exactly what I thought. I won't be watching.

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  19. Watching a marathon now, season 7. Caitlyn has shorter hair and wearing a large diamond stud in each ear.

    I watched some of that marathon, from 2012. It was the episode when Kris, Bruce and Khloe were going to Boston. There were some very revealing remarks and innuendo made in that episode between Kris and Bruce. Contempt bordering on hatred was clear between Kris and Bruce.


    I sort of got a laugh though in another episode where Khloe was showing Kim all the shoes she bought Bruce (yes, he was still Bruce) She picked a pair of high heels shoes out of the box and said to Kim "they're 13M, I have no idea what M means".   Well duh Khloe, how many things can the M mean in shoe size. I had a sneaky feeling she thought it meant "male" and never considered it would mean medium.

  20. Why is TLC even featuring the Duggars' in a special about abuse? J'Chelle and Boob feel that Smuggar did nothing wrong, and all should be forgiven. This is not the right message to be portraying.  Just axe the Duggars' all together, TLC. We've had enough.

    That's exactly the same question I posed in an earlier post. It would seem to be very contradictory after the way they downplayed any inappropriate touching when they were young, even denying they were aware of it, in the Meghan Kelly interview. And to profess in a documentary to have been sexually molested or give 'sage advice' to other people that have been sexually abused will only make them appear to be playing for television exposure. If they plan to do that in a documentary about child sexual abuse, then shame on them. It's only to keep their names and faces in the spotlight.

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  21. Again, I'm not understanding why she seems to be getting blamed for having money & fame, or even why she should have to be the face of the transgender community. It would certainly be nice if she helped other transgender people in some way, but it's not actually required that she does. Is every female who is rich & famous required to help other females? Is every male who is rich & famous required to help all other males? No, they aren't, so why would someone who happens to be transgender be required to help other transgenders? Why can't she just enjoy her rich & famous life without being required to take on the problems of all transgender people?

    Nobody is 'blaming' her for being a multi-millionaire. But with money comes privileges as everyone knows. Bruce Jenner worked very hard for his fame and for the riches that followed by establishing a career in television, film, auto racing, and business. As you said, it's not Cailtlyn Jenner's responsibility to financially support others who wish to transgender. So, there is no blame for her having wealth. What people perceive as a ways and means to further her own celebrity career, and subsequently build up an empire through wealth is what people question.


    It’s more that whatever courage she may have has been lost to or hidden by all the attention she can possibly gain, including photo and video shoots of her Vanity Fair glamour makeover. I don't think it takes courage, but it does take lots of lights, cameras, makeup and wardrobe consultants. Maybe we’re just unfamiliar with the kind of courage it takes to abandon one’s dignity on behalf of any life-altering decision. Caitlyn Jenner is highly skilled at the art of sales and marketing and had to strike while the iron was hot, which she did by receiving the ESPYS Arthur Ashe Courage Award. Her 'docu-series' will no doubt have some curiosity seekers at first, but they'll soon tire of the attention mongering.


    Caitlyn Jenner in no way feels responsible for 'taking on all the problems of the transgender community'. There's no doubt that Caitlyn Jenner will surely enjoy her new-found fame and richer-than-ever famous existence.

  22. Which could be found where?


    ETA: Thanks, Julia. Just googled "finding Google cached pages" and I think I get it. Wish it were a little less complicated, though. I was hoping I could just wear a Groucho Marx disguise when I visited any Duggar page. But seriously - thanks for your help! Rather ... my friend thanks you.


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  23. Yes. Rich and famous Caitlyn won't have to face age discrimination like other 60+ senior citizen women looking for a job. She won't face sex discrimination in a job search; she'll never have to prove she can do a job as well as a man, and she will never have to do the same job as a man for less pay. In fact, I heard that she'll make even higher fees on the motivational speaker circuit as Caitlyn than she made as Bruce. With all the publicity and the reality show, she will never have to endure the awful feeling of being "invisible," which is experienced by many older women. Well, more power to her in getting the money, but she'll never be able to comprehend what it's like to be an ordinary elderly woman.

    And she will never.......thanks to the millions she has and the millions of dollars yet to come,.... feel the necessity to choose at the end of each month whether to spend $235 for her atrial fibrillation medication or diabetic supplies because she's hit her Medicare doughnut hole and has to decide what's more important between gasoline for her 2005 Vibe or medication to stop her heart from fluttering. There's no way that anyone can relate to Caitlyn even those who have transgendered already or those only hoping they could. Financially, nobody has the financial advantages that Caitlyn and/or Bruce Jenner have, and the process is well beyond the grasp of the majority of people wishing to go forward transitioning.


    Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover drew some criticism from transgender advocates who say the representation is detached from the lived realities of most trans people. Chase Strangio, a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union who specializes in trans issues, said that the key mark of success would be whether Jenner’s huge new platform could be used to highlight the “horrible discrimination and violence” trans people face. “So many people are dying because they cannot access the healthcare that Jenner as a wealthy white woman was able to get.”


    The jury is still out as to whether Caitlyn Jenner will use her celebrity status to help the transgender community in the ways they need the help or if she will only be focused on the fame, attention and money that she'll be able to stuff in her Saint Laurent designer purse.

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  24. As far as being the captain of a large crab vessel, Jake just isn't prepared to handle this enormous responsibility. He thinks he is, but exactly what has he done in order to be prepared to effectively operate a successful crab season? Had he taken first aide or CPR courses to prepare for any emergencies of his crew? Does he have full knowledge of how to read the sonar images of the bottom of the ocean on the monitor he stares at? After the last episode I doubt whether or not Jake knows which way is North, South, East or West for positioning and setting of his traps. Does he understand about underwater currents? Sig tried to help but he decided to set his traps the way he thought they should be set.


    If Jake wants the glory then he'll have to put on his big boy pants and man up to the task and not rely on Sig or anyone else to help him out when he doesn't know what he's doing. There's an old saying "we don't plan to fail, we fail to plan" and Jake thinks this will all come to him without a plan.

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