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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Jake Anderson....sigh, what can I saw that's good about Jake Anderson. Um, nothing really. He's a weak captain and a lousy one to boot. He nearly got his men killed and doesn't know how to read the ultrasonic undersea graphs in order to put traps where there's actually some adult crab. Then he asks for Sig's help and gets it but screws up Sig's instructions anyway. He is not going to make a good captain, he's just not a leader of men. And he looks absolutely horrible, he's aged 20 years since he first appeared on this show. He'd better take care of his own health so he can be around to see his son grow up.

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  2. I was bored for most of it. The psychic reading was such bullshit! I found the Dorinda/Carole scene interesting (Dorinda and her London history and Carole's sad past). I liked them talking and relating to each other.

    The psychic was unsettling to me. I hope that all that was just fed to her in advance, otherwise it's even more creepy. The details about Carole are pretty much common knowledge with a little bit of research. The same with Jax. Both the ear surgery and the doctor have been seen on a previous episode. BUT, the thing about the balloon and Dorinda's dead husband was something that only Dorinda would know about. All three of the women were visibly shaken by what this woman had to say.

    I was sarcastic, and I apologize for that. It's one of my worst traits and I could have made my point in a more polite way.

    Don't feel too badly for being sarcastic because we all are to a point, that's why we're here. A 'snotty remark' is what we love to do to the obnoxious people that are making tons of money in 'unreality-reality' shows that we like to watch. Okay, here's the sarcasm to beat all for the day. Although I find Heather barely tolerable, I like her once in a while. But she's just about the ugliest woman I've every seen. I don't mean on TV, I mean anywhere in my life. I tried hard to find something good about her face, I can't. She's just plain butt-ugly. There, I said it. Now can I have the sarcastic and snarky award for today, please?

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  3. I have raised my opinion of Dorinda since watching her on Watch What Happens Live. Even though I have liked Dorinda from the start, I like her even more now. She was a guest along with Shannon Beador on Andy Cohen's live show. I almost didn't recognize her. She was glammed up with full makeup, eyelashes and all and a stunning white jumpsuit that showed her amazing cleavage. A live caller remarked to her about how great her breasts looked. But the thing that really convinced me of why I like Dorinda was a remark she made at the very end of tonight's episode when they show the upcoming episode for next week. She was talking about taking care of her husband when he was ill and dying. She said 'It was never a burden, it was an honor".  I thought to myself, that right there shows what true love is about

    . watch-what-happens-live-season-12-galler

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  4. How much deeper in denial can Vicki get? She needs to put on her big girl pants and learn that life and death go hand in hand and be grateful that she had her mother for as long as she had. There's many people who lose a parent when they're very young. My niece was only 16 years old when her mother had a heart attack and died instantly right before her eyes. I can understand a 16 year old not being able to cope with that, but a 53 year old adult woman should be able to understand death. Accepting death is a process that people need to go through by mourning them but calling her mother and leaving voice messages for her isn't going to help much with acceptance.

    • Love 8
  5. He's a worthless hanger-on-er.  He abused the celebrity status that the Kardashian name brought him. "The Lord" my ass.  Lord Fuckup is more like it.



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  6. I think that it's completely possible that Brooks is faking it, but to play devil's advocate, when you're sick, everyone that you encounter will want to suggest doctors and therapies to you. It can get exhausting. I remember when a close relative was in the last months of her life suffering from cancer, and a well-meaning family friend was trying to convince her to fly out to another state to visit a center that he had seen on a television commercial. When my relative politely declined, this friend stomped away muttering, "I guess she doesn't really want to get better." It never occurred to the relative that my relative was just exhausted from trying every possible treatment and was finally coming to grips with the inevitable. 

    I'm not saying that this is what's going on with Brooks, but that I understand if he doesn't jump at Shannon's suggestion. 

    I believe that people do this because they think it's helping or because they themselves can't accept the fact that their loved one or friend will die. People with cancer are usually pretty educated on their own disease and course of treatment. They discuss this at length with their doctors and they research their disease extensively. They are aware of the options and the prognosis. It's a very sensitive matter suggesting to someone with cancer what they should or shouldn't do. The best approach to use when talking with someone that has cancer is to be supportive of any decision they make and to support their family.

    • Love 6
  7. We all know that these ultra-rich, ultra-spoiled and ultra-narcissistic women are not living in the same world as the majority of the earth's population. Realizing this fact, I also came to understand that when life brings natural occurrences to loved ones like terminal illnesses and death, these spoiled rich women are far from being capable of facing these tragedies and deal with them. There is no natural resilience or inbred defenses to deal with life's tribulations. The most they contend with is a cheating husband, and children suffering from 'affluenza'. Being wealthy and privileged brings a considerable impact to the environment. Do they worry that the extravagant landscaping on their mini-estates also contributes to the severe water shortage? Do they care that the diamonds they adorn their bodies with were mined by child slavery? Does it matter to them if a wealthy big game hunter from Texas killed a black rhino that's on the endangered species list? They don't give a single thought to any of it.


    I almost feel sorry for them living in their perfect world bubble when that bubble bursts and they have to rely on someone else for strength during hard times because they just aren't capable themselves. Life happens for everyone even the ultra-rich. We are accustomed to dealing with adversities on a daily basis, they fall apart and crumple up as Vicki did.


    Vicki is mourning for herself, not her mother. She's selfish and can only be angry that she was cheated by her mother dying. Well, deal with it Vicki, and start appreciating every day what your boyfriend Brooks is going through. He lost 42 pounds and his prognosis is dire, he's going to die a painful death. She should appreciate what she still has, and accept what she just lost. And Tamra should learn how to be kind. It's such a simple thing but a person is either kind or they aren't and Tamra is not a kind person. She treats her husband like he's a pariah that's ready to snatch her gym from the clutches of her 51%. Treating him in a mistrusting way will surely bring problems into their marriage. Does she REALLY have to keep reminding Eddie that she owns the place? He owns 49% of that gym and she wouldn't have to close it up if Eddie wasn't there dedicated to it.


    Shannon was pissing me off by insisting that Brooks give her holistic doctor a try at treating his Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. While a cancer patient is undergoing treatment and dedicated to the regime establish by notable doctors in the field of Oncology it's not acceptable for someone to leap in and start insisting they change or deviate from the program just because they 'think' it would help his cancer.


    Nobody looks attractive when they have a cry-face going on, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone less attractive while crying than that dumbass Meghan. If I could find a screen shot of that scrunched up raisin face, I think it would go viral on the internet.

    • Love 8
  8. Not if someone's talking in the present tense, about a present action or statement.  That's inexcusable IMO.


    When you get into the PAST though, that's thorny, and I bet there's not much benefit to pronoun policing in those cases.

    When referring to anything remotely connected to the Kardashian's or Jenner's, and having to be socially or politically correct when using the proper pronoun just doesn't entirely fly with me. 

  9. Please use the pronouns "she" or "her" rather than "he" or "him" when discussing Caitlyn. Thanks.

    Sometimes it's difficult to sort out exactly when to use either 'he', 'she' 'him' or 'her'. There's a gray area in between the Diane Sawyer interview, the accident when he rear-ended a woman causing her death, and the coming out party for Caitlyn at the ESPYS. I think that even though people might mistakenly use the incorrect pronoun now and then, it's totally understandable.

    • Love 3
  10. However, Anna could be like many other women, including her mother, and have only three or four more children each a longer interval past the previous one and have her last child in her late thirties. 

    That would take some brains to do and Anna is a 'Stepford Wife' and does whatever Josh says she'll do. Wouldn't that involve some form of birth control or abstinence?

    • Love 1
  11. I make it a point not to follow any of the Kardashian's or Jenner's in the media. Once in a while when I'm surfing I'll watch an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashian's. I have noticed on many occasions that despite each of them owning a totally gourmet kitchen, they'll gather around a table eating a cold salad that comes in a big plastic takeout box. Don't they ever really cook or at least put a salad together themselves?

    • Love 1
  12. It just goes to show what money, fame and popularity within pop culture can do for someone. The public is eager to see a rich, famous celebrity transition sexually but they dismiss the fact that because of her fame, she wasn't made culpable for vehicular homicide.

    This is the boy-toy that Bruce was towing when he rear-ended the woman who died. He bragged to Brandon in one episode that the upgrades alone cost $30,000. It could be considered by some to be self-indulgent but with millions of dollars to play with, a person can indulge just about anything.


  13. I suppose if there's any downside for the transgender community in all of this is that Caitlyn's coverage has been focused so much on how she looks, what she's wearing, etc. I can see where it would lead to the impression that transgenderism is playing dress up -- and that is not what this is about. However, I think/hope that once things start to die down, probably about after the first season of her show airs, that there won't be so much focus on how Caitlyn looks and instead it is more about how she's finding/living life as a woman.

    I would be very interested to get some feedback from actual people who wish to transition into the opposite gender. Those people, who are not as privileged financially as Bruce Jenner was, or as Caitlyn Jenner will be, transitioning is an extremely expensive process. Reportedly, Caitlyn spent $4 million on her transitioning. I think that Bruce Jenner lived a 'closet' existence as a woman for many years. All three wives and possibly his children had to be aware at some point that he had idiosyncrasies such as cross-dressing, obsession with plastic surgery and other feminine traits such as wearing makeup. The only difference now is that Caitlyn can live openly as a woman. Other people that want to transition the same as Caitlyn won't have the money to be able to surgically transition. For many, it will be nothing more than a life-dream.

  14. Josh was quoted in the Inquisitor article when asked;


    Do they plan to have 19 like Josh’s mother, Michelle Duggar did? While admits that he’s not in control of how many children he will father because “God has the control” over the number of kids Anna gives birth to, he recently told People that financial pressures may keep them from having an extremely large family.


        “I've done the math, and there is no way we can have 20 kids that I can figure. But the reason most people don’t have a large family is because they feel the financial pressures. It’s tough to have so many kids in today’s world.”


    Josh should re-calculate his math numbers. In reality, it's possible that they can have 16 more children. There could be a couple of sets of twins somewhere in the mix. Anna is only 27 years old and potentially has another 20 years of childbearing ahead of her. But, the question I'd pose to Josh is how would they intend to curtail the number of children they have since they don't believe in birth control and are beginning to realize 'financial pressures' since he no longer has a high-paying Washington D.C. job to support them. Will he defy God by not allowing Him to choose the number of 'blessings' that he and Anna are to receive? Welcome to the real world Josh.


    • Love 5
  15. Speaking of which:

    The reality star will not face felony charges for her involvement in the accident, according to TMZ.


    It just goes to show what money, fame and popularity within pop culture can do for someone. The public is eager to see a rich, famous celebrity transition sexually but they dismiss the fact that because of her fame, she wasn't made culpable for vehicular homicide.

    • Love 3
  16. It read like a planned, targeted strategy intended to deflect and diminish critics. The tears seemed like an accessory, like "look, everybody, I'm crying because this is what women do." One wonders if Jenner ever shed a tear for the childhoods she ruined, or for Kim Howe.

    I liked this post so much that it bears repeating over and over again. We shouldn't forget that Bruce Jenner was a motivational speaker for years and made lots of money doing it too. Money earned through her 'inspiring motivational speaking' probably helped defer the exorbitant small fortune spent on changing her appearance. If 'Jenner' truly wishes to help others on their quest for transitioning into the opposite sex, then she should establish a foundation that provides financial assistance to those people who aren't millionaires and can't afford the medical costs. Incidentally (or not) the Bruce to Caitlyn transformation is reported to have cost this multi-millionaire $4 milion dollars, which sounds pretty high but the figure includes her expensive wardrobe of designer gowns, dresses and lounge wear. But Caitlyn will most certainly recoup some of her expenses through her own TV 'reality' series, lectures, speeches, appearances, books and magazine covers. Who knows, there may even be a line of Caitlyn designer clothes in the future.
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  17. I never doubted the genuineness and sincerity and desire of Bruce Jenner to transition to being a female Caitlyn after 65 years of living as a man. What I doubt is the sincerity of Caitlyn to want to 'help and motivate those who are struggling with the desire to transition'. To that I say bullcrap. Yes, Caitlyn may have thrown that altruistic wish into the mix of her own self-serving desires but that in no way has anything to do with her physical transformation into a female.

    Bruce Jenner went through three wives and raised ten children. During all those years, didn't she consider even once that this was very selfish on his part, that she would ultimately hurt those people in her life more than anyone else? It kills me to say this, but I even had sympathy for Kris Jenner who had to live with her lie all those years. Bruce was selfish all her life. Did she have to marry? Did she have to spawn all those children? Was she too religious to practice birth control? 'No' to all the above. Caitlyn isn't a role model to those people who wish to transition. Caitlyn is a very wealthy person who had the ways and means to pour buckets of money into jaw sculpting, brow lifting. eye lifts, numerous nose jobs, lip and breast augmentation, hormone therapy replacement, psychologists, psychiatrists, counseling sessions. The list goes on and on and the money was there to pay for all that without a second thought.

    So if Caitlyn believes that some will be 'inspired and motivated' by her transition, then she should also support those decisions financially and create an organization that raises money for that cause. In other words, put your money where your mouth is and really help people to transition.

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  18. For me it tries to be satire but somehow, it takes the approach to parody instead.  I know that makes little sense in many regards, but the delivery gets too shrill and too manic and never quite delivers in a darkly comedic way I feel it seems to hint at if not openly promise.  The lead is horrible and grating and I hate that the show has so much to deliver and instead of nuanced and clever it decides to stomp all over things.  I do chuckle now and again, but I'm not finding it laugh out loud funny.


    I guess I watched too many episodes of The New Adventures of Old Christine.  Julia kicks ass with even sillier premises and situations.  Plus it serves as a reminder of what this show lacks.  There is some good focus on the Upper East Side in some regards.  But it also goes too broad and common when it could skewer so of the more focused aspects that are all the rage right now (Isn't That Rich, Primates... and a third book I cannot remember without checking my galley list on my Kindle -- all are just out about the UES)


    I hope if it returns they see it as an opportunity to hone and refine it instead of (like that horrible dramedy) thinking a renewal is a carte blanche sign of approval.

    The concept of the show is absolutely parody since the creator/writer Jill Kargman, (in the role of New Yorker Jill Weber), plays a fictionalized and exaggerated version of herself. Jill Kargman lived in that elitist ecosystem and felt like the odd mom out among the other ultra-wealthy moms. She published the novel 'Momzillas' in 2007 and created this satirical series inspired by real-life experiences. I think that's why I think it's so funny. The lives of snooty upper East side mothers is depicted in an exaggerated but really genuine way.   


    I much prefer a satirical look at the lives of the ultra-rich, ultra-snooty and ultra-narcissist women where I can just laugh at their exaggerated outrageous snootiness rather than a 'non-reality-realty' show in which the botox'd, frozen-faced women are all posing for the cameras, throwing down extra dirty martinis, publicizing their line of wines and cat fighting in exotic locations. 'Odd Mom Out' isn't a show that will appeal to everyone, but I like the show and have enjoyed every episode so far anyway. But, that's what a remote is for, just a click and it's gone.

    • Love 4
  19. I'm right there with you. People take things so fucking seriously and this is totally a satire and funny as hell. And it's in NY and the clothes are really good. And were you totally surprised when you learned what I thought was a masseuse did to Jill's husband? And as I've already said, I loved that they showed us Grenouille's adventures at the end of that other episode.


    I love this show.

    "back, sack and crack"      LMAO

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  20. LOL But oh my...... LuAnn is mad when she comes out of her room,  and says in her TH....."that they could knock first and let me put my robe on for God's sake before they came in"! Why put a robe on for your friends when you walk around in front of the cameras/production/house manager/house staff with it wide open showing your undies? It is more upsetting to LuAnn for then friends Heather/Carole see her in her underwear than for everyone on the film crew and house staff to see them? Really! LOL

    Don't forget about the jumping up and down in waist-deep water for the camera without her bathing suit top. But oh dear is me, they BURST into her bedroom when she was under the covers naked.  Shame on them/you/who/anyone/Idunno

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