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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. The devil usually gets his pound of flesh as a price for fame and fortune. The Kardashians want to be in the spotlight, they want to be in front of the public, they want the attention. Well, not all attention is good. They live in a fishbowl and they like it that way. There's been many celebrities murdered only because of one crazed fan who was allowed to get too close.

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  2. There comes a point when 'reality shows' or, what was scripted and imaginary, crosses the line from something that pretends to exist into the sphere of reality where circumstances truly do exist. Such is the case with Kourtney and Scott Disick. Kourtney is expecting her third child with Scott, despite being fully conscious of the fact that he's an alcoholic and has admitted to having 'anger issues'. Why? Well, Kourtney feels entitled to fulfill her own personal need to have multiple children putting aside the welfare of the children because that's what a Kardashian does, they self-serve and appease their own whims. Okay, so she's stupid for doing that. Scott Disick on the other hand was born with a silver spoon in his mouth to wealthy parents who doted on him since he was an only child. His only claim to fame is being the boyfriend of a wealthy pop-culture figure. That's it, Scott hasn't done a single thing on his own as a human being.


    After his reported 'suicide attempt' while filming an episode of "Kourtney and Khloe Take the Hamptons", Scott retreated to an apartment on his own, away from his children and pregnant girlfriend. Can we see where this is all heading? Will Scott suddenly come to his sense and do a 180 degree turnaround and become a faithful partner to Kourtney and a role model for his three children? That's still up for debate but in my own opinion a leopard just doesn't change his spots and I feel that Scott and Kourtney are going to be just one more 'celebrity without merit' couple that will fall by the wayside along with others such as, Melanie Griffin and Antonio Banderas, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum and Seal. There's a downward spiral happening here and if these two don't get together and figure it all out, I think this relationship is fated to crash and burn.


  3. I think I will miss Gretchen a little . Slade Slimey, no. And I won't miss Lydia or her pot smoking mother either.


    Lydia.... ah sweet Lydia. She just never belonged from day one. She always seemed to be ten steps behind the flow. "like, oh my gosh, what's going on here?"  Maybe her looks just didn't mesh with the blonde, Botox, spray tan others. The only thing in common with some of the x-housewives is her anorexic look. It's really not nice to say, but I found her creepy looking.



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  4. I'm surprised that child hasn't snatched that thing off her head.    Not fun to have something tightly wrapped around your head when you are little.

    In 'old' Czechoslovia', they used to wrap a baby's head so it would be round like a cantelope (not a good look I think) and in Japan of course they bind the feet of girls to keep their feet tiny and dainty. Maybe Kim is trying to bind her legs to keep her calves thin and her head into a cantelope shape?

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