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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Alternative theory: Alison's desire to leave Montauk predates Gabriel's death, only Alison didn't want to follow in her mother Athena's footsteps by abandoning her child. Afterwards, Alison felt too guilty to leave.



    Hey, then I'm as confused as you are.  I guess I'll go on not caring about the exact continuity.  But I thought people have been talking about the policeman two years in the future. 



    I was under the impression that the affair happened in current time (2014) and the interrogation scenes are in the future. 

    Now I'm more confused than ever. I have to let out my frustration about this timeline, it's making me nuts trying to figure it out.


  2. I noticed that the blackmail loan check was written in August 2014.  I think that must have been a continuity mistake.  Shouldn't it have been 2012?


    The scene about the Vanity Fair profile was hilarious.  Loved learning that Dad's work was ghost edited by Mom, and he'd been torturing Noah on false pretenses.  What a tool, and Noah rightly earned the right to savor it.

    Now I'm confused. Isn't the blackmail and the affair both supposed to be in current time, 2014?  Gabriel died in 2012 when he was four years old, and Alison said that "he would be six now".

  3. I still don't like Helen or Cole, but I also don't like Noah or Alison.  


    I think this show really shines a light on how selfish an affair can be.  Both Noah and Alison were unhappy in their marriages.  Okay, that happens.  But when you're unhappy with something you deal with it.  Talk to your spouse, get therapy, individual and/or couples.  Try to figure out why you're so unhappy; is the relationship abusive, stifling?  Is the unhappiness something that ties back to childhood?  Does the person have unrealistic expectations of marriage, their spouse, the world in general?  


    Neither Noah nor Alison did that, they simply checked out, and had an affair and made even more people unhappy.

    I actually like Alison, Helen and Cole. Noah grates on my nerves. Yes, Alison and Noah were selfish but Noah's reasons for having a "fling" as he puts it, was definitely intentional. He was out there looking for it. He needed to boost up a deflated ego, whereas I don't think Alison was actually looking for an affair, I think she needed an affair. She was brain dead, and her emotions were dead. There was a genuine psychological need for her to connect with someone emotionally. I believe that she actually fell in love with Noah, but I don't for a minute think that Noah felt anything more than lust for Alison.


    Regarding the drowning death of Gabriel. There's never been any hint at who was responsible. There's always someone responsible when a four year old drowns. My theory is that Cole was teaching Gabriel to either fish or surf and he drowned on Cole's watch. I think that may be a reason that Alison put up a psychological wall between them, because even though it was an accidental death, she might blame Cole and resent him for it.

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  4. So are we saying Helen deserves to be cheated on an treated badly because she might be a snob and her onl real problem before the affair were "white people problems"? Like white people aren't allowed to have problems and emotional attachments that are just as important as real as Alison's husband who love his home when the tourirs leave and hates the cuty. I actually think he isire a snob then Helen.

    I think that Helen is a snob only because of her social standing, her affluence and her avoidance of people that are regarded as inferior. Helen was born into a family that wasn't merely 'wealthy' they were absolutely filthy rich. And it wasn't only wealth from her parents, it was old money from several past generations. But being a snob doesn't make Helen a bad person by any means. Quite the contrary. She's a great mother, a devoted wife, a good daughter. She loves Noah and even though she may have had a 'fling' in her own past, she wants this family to survive.

  5. For *you* maybe. For it's not only the loss of her childhood restaurant but also a constant remainder that her husband was willing to throw 20 years of marriage out of the window.


    It bears repeating. Everyone we see through Noah and Alison's are coloured through their perceptions of them. So yeah Helen may be a snob. But that could also be Noah's snobbery coming out, and yeah just because he's teacher who remembers to tip at a restaurant doesn't mean he's not a snob. He could very well be. And it could also be that constant mentions of Alison being a waitress, are Noah's thoughts and he chastising himself for throwing his marriage away.

    I think that Noah is not only a snob, but he's a selfish snob at that. He was tempted in the pilot episode by the young woman in the pool who was flirting with him. Oh yeah, he wanted to tap that, the thought crossed his mind more than once. But he's shrewd, he knows that having any affair with someone so close to home is not a great idea. He knew he'd have to deal with seeing her at the club even after he broke it off. That would be messy. He was definitely on the prowl for a sex toy, not someone to love. He was committed to his wife and family. Alison fit the bill absolutely perfectly. She was needy, she was hot, she was willing. Not only that, but he could lust her and leave her at the end of the summer and just wash his hands of her. I think over the years that Noah had been sufficiently emasculated since he owes his father-in-law for the home he lives in. That brownstone is in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn where the prices range from $900,000 for an entry level so-so unit to $6 million for one similar to the one the Solloways inhabit.

    They've never made that clear. We've been told that Alison, Scotty and Oscar were all there. And when the detective implied that it was odd that Oscar was invited, Alison said something like, "In Montauk, we invite our neighbors, even if we don't get along with them." And the detective said something like, "I guess that explains why you were invited."


    So presumably both Oscar and Alison had some bad blood with whoever was getting married.



    I don't recall the exact dialogue, but there were references to Scotty being the victim in both Noah's scenes with the detective, and Alison's scenes with the detective.


    Also (This refers to a comment by a writer, so I don't think this counts as a spoiler, but I'll spoiler-tag it just in case),

    I had mentioned that I had a suspicion that the two interviews were done in two different time spans for two different deaths.

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  6. Didn't both viewpoints (Noah and Allison's) tell us that the questioning by the detective was for the death of Scotty?

    I don't recall they were both told that the investigation was into the death of Scotty. Noah asked why he’s been called in for questioning (Alison uses the term "interrogated"), the detective replied, “we’re just gathering up the information of anyone who knew the victim, to see if anyone might have motive to kill this fella.”  We know that when the affair began Noah had just finished chapter one of his newest novel.(his first novel was a dismal failure). The detective was reading a copy of the new published book which means there was a period of time, perhaps six months to a year to finish writing the book and having it published. The murder or accidental death of the person that Noah is being questioned about happened after he left Montaug. I think the death of Scotty will be proven to be accidental and not anything more sinister than that. Scotty has shown himself to be a bit of a loose cannon and very impulsive and I think he made an impulsive move that cost him his life.

  7. I believe that when Noah was telling Helen that he was out 'doing research' for his book. He was doing the research while still having his "fling" (in his own words) with Alison. I believe Noah was dead serious about his research and really dug deep regarding the shady family feuds and illegal businesses that comprised Montauk's long illustrious history. He tells the detective to buy a copy of his book that involves a theory about the town’s dark business and the feuds and/or the collaborations between the Lockhart, Bailey, and Butler families. The detective does read the book quite intensely as shown by the multiple yellow notes marking off certain passages in the book. The title of the book, 'Descent' is open to some very interesting interpretations.



    I think that although Alison and Noah's recounting of events that took place two years ago parallel each other, they are not given to the detective in the same point in time. I believe that Alison's statements take place at least a year after Noah's statements since Noah physical appearance hasn't changed at all since Montauk and we know that Helen pushed him to get his book out sooner but Alison on the other hand is very changed both physically and emotionally. She no longer has the look of someone insecure or vulnerable but projects the persona of a very mature and rational adult woman.


    I think we're looking at two separate deaths here, one a murder and one an accident. I think one was Scotty (maybe) and the other was either Oscar or it could even be Noah himself. Ever think of that?  The most recent death could have been Noah's.


    One last thought. It's all the biblical names, Noah, Caleb, and 'Cole' In John Steinbecks 'East of Eden' there are a few parallels to The Affair.  Steinbeck's allusion to Cain and Abel is furthered by the naming of various characters; the first letters of the names of the main characters start with C.  Okay, now I'm officially over the edge.

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  8. Regarding the time line of whether Helen knew, that's one of those purposeful differences for us to keep wondering about. We don't know that Helen WAS icy toward Allison. This is Allison's distorted memory so it was awkward in Allison's mind even if it wasn't awkward for Helen, Allison is projecting that it was. Just like Allison sees the happy family hugging when, meanwhile, I would think Noah's version of Helen not gettimg in on the family hug would be more accurate.

    Martin decided not to participate in the warm/fuzzy hug either. He chose sides at that point and it was Helen's side against Noah for reasons of his own. I can understand Helen's reason for not joining the hug, but what could Martin's reason be? (sorry I said Noah)


    I see Athena as more than what she appears to be, a comic (or cosmic) relief. She appears flighty and a bit air-headed with her belief in Reiki and 'life's energy' pseudoscience. I think her passion in practicing Reiki for 'balanced essence' and 'tranquil healing' have us intentionally discarding Athena as a weirdo. Plus the fact that she left her daughter alone with grandparents to raise while she traipsed around the world seemingly uncaring of the fact that she did leave Alison behind, albeit in good hands.  I can't help but think there's much more history between Athena and Cherry. Cherry is a manipulator, and despite her meek looking appearance, I think she's calculating and shrewd. She gives Alison her wedding ring while Athena is there for lunch for a reason- to make Athena feel even more ostracized and to pull Alison even further under her control. Athena told Alison in the car while they were driving together that Alison has forgotten so much about her past. This leaves me wondering what those things in Alison's past are.

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    I know a lot of people bitch about the murder mystery, but for me my interest in those scenes is more about the time jump, and how all these relationships have shaken out in the future. Up till this episode I had assumed Allison and Noah were together, and shared a child, but now it seems just as likely the child is Cole's, and that she and Noah aren't together. I still think she and Cole are done, but yeah I'm interested in what's happening that has led them to be suspects in a murder investigation.

    I kind of don't think they're suspects in a murder investigation because if they thought they were suspected of any foul play, they would each have a lawyer there with them at all times as they answer questions for the detective. Cole and Scotty pounded on Oscar pretty good. If Oscar didn't die from the beating, I would imagine he would have to visit the emergency room for a few stitches or broken ribs. Oscar has to die eventually, because viewers want his blood at any cost even if it's at the cost of Scotty's life. Mare Winningham showed a side that we haven't seen before. Instead of being the respected but demur monarch of the Lockhart clan, I saw her controlling and chillingly cold side.

  10. Bob Fosse cast Hope Lange as the 'Angel of Death', a part that he had written specifically for her in his semi-autobiographical film, All That Jazz (1979). When I watched that movie, I thought that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life.



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  11. Does anyone have a theory about why Helen doesn't already know Cole, Oscar or Alison since she grew up in Montaug? Helen's father Bruce was born into wealth as a result of his ancestors bootlegging and smuggling during the 30's. Helen grew up there so it would make sense that she'd know all these people.


    I notice that there is some focus given to the one-way mirror on the back wall of the interrogation room and a couple of times the camera lingered on it at the end of a scene. There must be someone in there watching the interviews. Any ideas about this?


    A couple of other things. Alison was a pediatric nurse until her son drowned.  She and Cole live in her grandparents old house. Alison is angry about her son's death, angry at who? She likes to go to the lighthouse because the waves are angrier than she is. She's angry with someone that is responsible for Gabriele's death. There's a fishing lure draped over the top of his tombstone. Could it have been Cole with Gabriel teaching him how to fish when he drowned? Is this why Alison is so angry?


    Something else that I noticed watching the first episodes again that don't mean anything but I thought was interesting. While having sex with Cole in their bed, Alison reaches to his butt and her finger aims to his ****** at which point he suddenly climaxes. Am I reading too much into this?


    In Noah's version after the town meeting, when Oscar and Alison are on the beach again and he asks "I can't stop thinking about you, I can't sleep, what am I going to do" and she says "you could just fuck me and get it out of your system" he resists and says "no, stop it just stop" and says "you can't rush me, we have to do this at my speed, I want to be in charge" then sits her on his lap and his hands disappear, he wasn't using his penis he was using fingers. The first thing he does when he gets back to the house is wash up his hands before doing anything.


    Going back to the surfer bonfire party in the first episode, Cole is cozying up on a blanket next to a pretty blonde, 'Jace'. He gets driven home by Jace and as she leaves, Jace says 'see you tomorrow' to Cole. Alison tells Cole "you can fuck her, just don't do it in front of me". Have they had an open marriage all this time?


    There's no love loss between Oscar (the grouch) and the Lockharts but was invited to the wedding so that's a puzzle even though Alison says 'we're like family and show up when it really counts. Why would a wedding count enough to invite Oscar?


    Back to Noah. In the first episode when he shows up to give his statement and the detective asks "what do you remember" regarding Alison, Noah replies quickly "I remember her face asshole".  Who in their right mind would call a police 'asshole' ?

    Other miscellaneous rambling thoughts....

    Cole looked all gray and ashen in the last episode as though he was on drugs.

    Noah lies to the detective says "she was bad news and I went out of my way to avoid her". He plays the helpless victim here but all the emasculating that his in-laws do on a continual basis, the fact that not one person had taken out his book that's in the Montaug public library, and the fact that Helen is less interested in passion (even laughs because he had funny look on his face while they were having sex)  leads me to believe he was Hell-bent on an affair with anyone, just to bolster up his injured middle-age ego.

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  12. Among many theories about this series, there are theories that connect the words of the theme song to the plot of the story. It may or may not be but I'm just addicted to the Fiona Apple theme song


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  13. I know, I know... tv shows aren't supposed to be realistic. But I still don't understand why for the life of people on this show aren't portrayed with NY accents. As a native New Yorker (City) with a summer home in Suffolk County, you'd be hard pressed to find someone anywhere on Lawn Guyland without an accent, especially out on the End. 


    Which brings me to my next point: on this show they act like they're in the middle of nowhere removed from civilization. Granted, Montauk really is the end of the island but they're hardly in the middle of nowhere. They're free to leave at any time, especially since their property values are so high they could just sell.

    Long Island Accent, now....go sit down, relax, turn on The Affair and fix yourself a nice cup of cawfee. :)



  14. I usually play poker online while my husband insists on watching this contrived bunch of hooey. I've watched some episodes in previous seasons and Todd Hoffman gets on my 'fricken' nerves and I wish I was a ghost with a pair of scissors and I'd chop off that wild bunch of hay on his chin in an instant. I can't even watch the aerial view of the complete and utter devastation they leave behind in search of riches.

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  15. http://imgur.com/a/QRdMT


    what else do you guys think she's done to her face? other than the obvious nose and lips? 

    I had a pretty heated debate with a male friend just last night, this is the second time we've debated the question about whether Kylie has had any procedures done. My point wasn't whether or not she has, but exactly how many has she had. He insisted that it can all be achieved with makeup. I know that makeup can make some changes in lips, eyebrows and nose with the right shadowing but Kylie has had more invasive procedures despite her denials. One thing I notice that's really apparent is a brow lift. I can tell that her forehead has been lifted which lifts the brows. There's Botox injections in her forehead. Her face has a subtle change in the contouring of her jaws and even her chin. I believe that's been surgically 'shaved' down. Then there's her nose which isn't the same nose she had at 15, it's been changed surgically. The lips FOR SURE have had multiple plumping injections of Juvederm gel, no doubt about that. Then there's the breast augmentation, oh yeah those puppies are new too.


    I figured that the very day she turned sixteen that Kris gave her the red light to go ahead with all the procedures that she had probably been planning for a couple of years. My male friend insists that a female can change that much between 15 and 16 years of age and I told him to show me one person either a celebrity or friend that has grown boobs, gotten fuller lips and a new forehead in one year. He shut up. So here's the score; forehead lift, botox, lips, nose, chin, and possibly breasts. This girl is going to be Joan Rivers by the time she's 30.




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  16. It hasn't changed, and I don't know how to pump gas, either....one of the reasons why I love living in New Jersey!

    I live in Connecticut and sure, I've traveled through New Jersey and stopped on the highway for gas and loved it when someone else did it for me. But I remember when I was around 8 years old, and my dad stopped for gas, even with my little, immature brain at 8, I'm pretty certain that I was fully capable of figuring out how to unscrew the gas cap from the car and pick up the pump handle (the long skinny end goes in the opening) and pump it myself if I had to. I mean sheesh, dumb is dumb but if you can't figure out a gas pump how the hell do you operate a pasta machine, or turn on the blender in the kitchen which I'm sure she knows all about with all her cook books.

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  17. I would agree with you except that the Guidices commited their crimes way before there was ever a show called Real Housewives of Anything, their criminal activities had already happened when Bravo got to them, so whether there was a show or not the crimes have already been commited.


    Of course Teresa would try to blame anybody but her but she knows and Andy got her to reaffirm in their WWHL interview that the crimes that they were being convicted of happened before she joined the show.  

    What has always bothered me is that by the time the Guidices declared bankrupcy, Teresa was already on the show, she had an income, she was working on her cookbook, they had money coming in like they haven't had in years, yet these swindlers dared to try to claim bankrupcy so they wouldn't have to pay any of their extravagant purchases. Talk about having your cake and eat it too. I am glad the law put a stop to that.

    I totally agree here. Teresa is trying to paint a picture of herself as the innocent victim and she even tried to pin the tail on the Bravo donkey by saying all these things wouldn't have happened were it not for Bravo and the notoriety of the RHNJ franchise. The lies, the frauds the not filing of income tax happened both before and after Teresa signed on with Bravo. The empty look she gives "I didn't know", "  didn't understand", "I never read it" is such bullcock that it's laughable. She knew exactly what was happening when she defrauded the bank out of money so she could continue with her lavish lifestyle. Regarding their statement to Judge Salas, the judge said this, "the couple said they felt pressure to keep up with their wealthier friends." So, there you go, a simple case of greed.

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  18. I think Teresa is a fool and pretty unlikable but I would totally watch, if I am honest, her return to TV at the end of her sentence.  So I guess I'm part and parcel of the dysfunction which is why, I suppose, I feel confused, annoyed and conflicted when I'd admonished to keep it just about the show.  The show has never just been about the show, ever.   That being said, no more personal anything beyond the limits of the show ever.


    The Gotti chick is a total user of anyone within her sphere.  Even if any of that were true, who on earth goes there?  Therehsa is super inarticulate and annoying and her inability to keep it in her pants because it was the ONLY thing she had going on was annoying and uncomfortable to watch but, really, if it were my mother, I'd have been freaking livid also.  That's just way beyond and Andy Cohen should have acknowledged that too. 

    I don't think there's a single one of us that wouldn't be curious enough to at least watch an episode of any show Teresa may get lucky enough to be contracted to after prison. But it's not going to be the same Teresa we've all grown to love/hate/detest over the years. I don't think she's going to have the same feisty, arrogant, entitled attitude ever again. Let's face it,  that's the primary reason we watched her. I don't think anyone is every going to see the 'old' Teresa and her high-jinks again.


    As far as that scummy tramp Victoria Gotti, the woman is detestable. She wrote a few crappy books because she's the daughter of one of the most arrogant, ruthless, murderous low life of a father who was a Gambino family crime Mafia boss. She even lied about having breast cancer just to get attention from the press. After being accused of faking her illness she came forward with the truth, that she had 'precancerous' cells in her breast rather than an actual diagnosis of breast cancer. The disclosure of her not actually having breast cancer led to the cancellation of her show "Growing Up Gotti" which was horrible anyway. Basically, Victoria Gotti is a sad, aging, pathetic liar. I wouldn't trust her if she told me that the sun was hot.

    • Love 9
  19. I'm wondering when they'll bring something relevant to the story about Martin the son who faked his own hanging in their Brooklyn apartment in the first episode. The kid obviously has some issues that need to be addressed, but it seems the problems of the children of this affluent family take a back seat to the selfishness of their parents.

  20. I haven't watched Homeland since the last season because I couldn't take any more of that angst and open-eyed crazy of Carrie. Just my misfortune to tune into last night's episode just as Carrie was having her psychedelic bad trip. So someone switched her med and made her act all crazy and stuff. Well, well isn't that a new twist, ... not.


    I won't watch any more episodes after this one, it'll hold me for a long time, yep. The one curiously humorous scene was Saul listening and watching Bin Laden having sex. WTF was that supposed to be, torture for Saul to watch someone having sex when he couldn't? I didn't get it. But then I didn't care either.  Oh well, back to surfing.

  21. So, 5 episodes of excruciating details on the affair including farmer's markets, cocktail parties, teenage issues, field trips etc etc and the victim is... Scotty?! But...

    we've seen him maybe twice so far and I would barely remember who he was if they didn't make it a priority to say his name in a loud and clear voice and show his face right afterwards during the "can I use your phone" scene at the restaurant. Also, I don't believe Noah has ever even met him apart from that brief encounter at the ranch. So why the endless interviews with the detective? Even if there's some sort of sketchy drug-related business going on in those fishing ice boxes that Allison carries, it still wouldn't explain Noah's involvement or the pertinence of his and Allison's affair. I suppose we are still to receive further info.


    That first scene where Cole sees Allison fully dressed up two seconds after she said she'd spend the morning in bed left me wondering if he really is the most naive person on the planet, he really trusts his wife or he just doesn't care anymore. If I had a husband and that happened, I think I'd ask a couple questions.


    I think Oscar has caught on to what's going on between Noah and Allison and he's going to use it to his advantage somehow.

    I also didn't remember which was Scottie and had to rewind it to actually get a brief glimpse of his face. Was he bringing money in an envelop to Oscar for hush money to keep some deep family secret or could it have been drug money? He didn't want Scottie's phone call left in the memory of his own cell phone since it's traceable, so he asked Alison to make the call.  Noah lecturing Whitney about the consequences of her actions and how they impact many people should be a lecture saved to give to himself. 


    Alison's memory of the morning Cole left and she immediately got out of bed to put on a nice dress was her memory of it. In Noah's memory, she had a shirt and jeans on. If Cole walked in while she was putting on jeans, he wouldn't suspect anything.




    In case we forget Scotties face, there it is. And poor Alison chose the wrong husband, he's much hotter. :)

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