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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Gillian gets a pass from me for being an incestuous, murderous, manipulating woman. She was 13 when her life was decided for her. She came from an orphanage I assume, so who taught orphans morality back then, or even now? Growing up devoid of any social conscience or ethical guidelines by adults would leave her up to her own defenses. She took the only path she was led to in life. She grew up learning by example. Gretchen Mol was just superb in this role and kudos to her for those grape-size nipples, she could have dialed a long distance telephone call with those. Just a little side note about Gillian. When Nucky first apprehended her on the boardwalk, she had a book and inside the book it was written that it belonged to Nellie Bly. Gillian took inspiration from the life of Nellie Bly. But Nellie Bly was only a pen name taken by American journalist Elizabeth Jane Cochrane who wrote an expose after she had faked insanity in order to study an insane asylum from within. Now, I'll imagine that Gillian is the writer Elizabeth Jane Cochrane and was only faking her insanity. I know, it's far-fetched but I have to make Gillian survive victoriously somehow.


    I was left at the ends with some 'huh' moments. Whatever happened to Mable for instance. We assume she died so I'll just have to make it up in my mind that she died following the miscarriage by some infection since she refused to see a doctor. The "mishap" passed quickly and I took care of it, it's not a baby, just a mishap". Was Mable mentally slow or what? The woman just always seemed to be simple-minded and not in touch  with reality.


    I like the way Al Capone went out. He was a showman all the way to the court steps but the look in his face as he turned to face Elliot Ness said a different thing, he was scared. The way he talked with his deaf son made me think of how Joe Giudice would talk to Milania. "I'm going away for a while not like a couple of weeks. I did this all for you and that can't be for nothin."  All I can say is that Stephen Graham was just perfect in this role. He affected a wonderful tough guy accent for a guy from Great Britain. If anyone cares to see Stephen Graham in another excellent tough-guy role, watch the movie 'This Is England'.


    I really don't like having to edit my posts so much but there's one small thing that I remember being confused about last night but now I think I understand. It was a brief scene with Nucky walking with his paper bag full of money to give to Eli. He meets a futuristic costumed platinum blonde wig woman on the boardwalk. She almost seems to know who he is when she asks "do you know who I am?" She tells him she's from the future and she has a message for him. He follows her to a booth with a purple velvet curtain. "what's inside" he asks. "the world to come" Then he asks if she'll be there, she smiles and says "I'll be there but I won't be there". She tells him "the only way to knowledge is through experience".  So he enters through the blue velvet curtains, it's dark in there but the sees something glowing and he's indescribably drawn towards it, it's a television and the same woman is there (but not there) singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The eerie music here made the scene seem surreal and foreboding. Nicky is speechless and intrigued by this revelation. This short scene made me wonder if it was sort of a secret joke between the producers of Boardwalk that we would one day be watching this amazing series on our satellite and digitally enhanced versions of their little pre-modern model of the everyday television set. I think Nucky was dumbstruck with the knowledge that he, with all his pre-depression smarts about bootlegging and ganstering, had overlooked something that was going to change the world, technology.

    • Love 2
  2. Sorry but I have to be a spoiler for something in this season by saying that I just felt too overwhelmed by those big square fake teeth of young Nucky. I might even have some nightmares tonight about those.

  3. We didn't see much of Logan yet but that's okay with me. His toothy grin sort of bugs me anyway. Can it actually BE that both Logan and Giada have the same amount of teeth as other humans? It seems possible to me that they were both dealt a few extra teeth by the tooth fairy.





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  4. Kat has always sounded to me like she's trying hard to cover her accent and it just ends up sounding weird.

    Kat Held is from Rhode Island and as far as I know, if they have any accent, there's a 'sort of' Boston-ish accent. But she has said on the show that she likes Ben and will attempt it because she thinks his accent is marvelous. I have heard her try to affect a proper upper-crust British and it's a total fail.

    • Love 1
  5. Two of my favorite actors these five seasons were Elias "Eli" Thompson played by Shea Whigham. Eli's character went under several extreme transformations, probably more than any other character. He started as a haughty Sheriff and ended up a broken man who always had to learn his lessons the hard way. Nothing was easy for Eli.


    Gillian, played by Gretchen Mol was outstanding. She just brought that character to life in every scene she was in. She did horrible things including seducing her own son and committing murder. But I never wanted to see Gillian get what she deserved because she was so messed up in her head.  I missed seeing enough of Gillian this season. I hope that at least they will give her some great last scenes next week. Gillian is a survivor.


    When you think of all the characters over the past five seasons, there's only a handful that really were memorable to me. Nucky, Eli, Gillian, Jimmy, Nelson Van Alden, Richard Harrow, Al Capone, Gyp Rosetti and the butcher, Manny Horvitz. These were all powerful characters with amazing actors. The other cast members were very good but these were just outstanding in my mind.

    • Love 4
  6. I can envision Narcisse approaching Daughter to beat her in anger. Daughter's little girl (who is really Chalky's daughter) is there in the room. Narcisse swings the little girl out of the room and closes the door. The girl falls and her doll flies out of her arms onto the stairway. Narcisse beats Daughter up but doesn't quite kill her. Narcisse leaves to go say mass or tend to his prostitutes (depending on the day) and he trips over the doll on the stair. He falls in slow motion ass over teakettle landing with a thud at the bottom of the stairs (audible crack of the neck) and last but not least, the porcelain doll lands next to his face, eyes open they star at each other, but his eyes are dead. The daughter of Daughter unwittingly plays a part in the demise of Narcisse.


    ...The end. )

    • Love 3
  7. The way I saw it, Kelley wanted the friendship with Jennice to go further and when it looks like it might he seemed like he maybe wanted to back off a bit.

    Kelley is a piece of crap. He knew Jennice had a boyfriend and he still came on to her. No respect. Then, once he 'got' her in the sack he had enough and suddenly did a turn around and wanted no part of a relationship with her. Is he just one more guy that only wants what someone else has? Is it the chase that turns him on and not the catch?  I think he's a scumbag that's messed up in his head and only needs to be needed by someone.


    Oh, and Ben? Molecular gastronomy is an obnoxious, pretentious bit of food science that nobody cares about except stuffy, self-centered, egotistical chefs like you.

    • Love 4
  8. Agreed. When I was 19 to me exotic food meant California rolls from the local sushi joint, not uni and ovary foam and whatever the guy was talking about. I am not surprised that Bianca wanted no part of that molecular gastronomy meal. I don't get why Ben gets all butthurt by these guests' preferences. He is there to make what they want to eat, not what he thinks they should be eating. If I was paying that much for a vacation I would want to eat what I like. Simple as that.

    I don't think it was so much that Bianca didn't want any part of the molecular gastronomy meal that pissed Ben off, I think that is was the way she reacted that pissed him off. Gagging and making faces at the food made by a top chef is not cool at all no matter who they are. Bianca was just an accessory that happened to be riding on the nouveau riche wave with her jerky penny stock trader, or as he refers to himself as "the mini Wolf of Wall Street".  


    This episode, more than any before, seemed to be too contrived and phoney for me to take seriously. From the first words out of Bianca's mouth "look at these tiny little boats, so sad" to the way she made faces and gagged at the food offerings put before her, made me think that she was acting. Any grown up, mature adult with manners would have politely declined to eat whatever they didn't want to eat and not make a dramatic big deal out of it. Timothy Sykes brought along some of his paying disciples (his subscribers pay anywhere from $497-$5,000 for his services.) to be filmed furiously trying to make penny trades on puts and calls while being frustrated for the lack of internet. Other than those few moments, we saw very little of their time on the trip.

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  9. I caught a couple of scenes with Capt Lee Rosbach and I was a little taken back by his appearance. It looked like he had lost a lot of weight, and his face looked drawn and pale. Did anyone else notice this?


    And Timothy Sykes is proof that new money has no class. The guy turned his $12,000 bar mitzvah money into millions of $$$'s  by trading penny stocks and hedge funds. No matter how much money the guy has made or will make, he's a jerk and will always be a classless jerk.

    • Love 2
  10. Wow, I'm sitting here reading the comments and I'm wondering if I saw the same show as everyone else. Showtime's 'The Affair' was something I hadn't heard about so I went into the episode shown Oct 12th with a blind eye and no opinion. I was just looking for something worthy of watching after Boardwalk Empire.


    It's funny how the mind has the capacity to switch gears so abruptly from 1930's something to New Jersey 2014 Manhattan, but luckily, our minds can do that effortlessly. I found the East Side Brownstone surprisingly comforting after being absorbed in back alley shootings and the velvet wallpapers and tassels of post-prohibition thugs. It didn't take very long for me to get pulled into the subtle nuances behind the day to day goings on of Noah and Helen Solloway and their four precocious children. Noah is evidently beginning a mid-life crisis and is gratified that any woman still looks at him as though he was still young and unattached. Two of their children, Whitney (how white is that?) and Jake, are suffering from affluenza. Their obvious upper middle class financial privilege is affording them all benefits of their lifestyle disease.


    Making this brief, I thought the writing was just a tad short of superb but absolutely first-rate. It was all brilliantly synchronized with the sullen and foreboding drone of the background score. The way the episode was segmented in half with 'his and hers' interpretations of events was really interesting and it illustrates how the same story can be interpreted by ones perception of the events, not the reality or truth of it. I'm looking forward to the next episode. I found 'The Affair' intriguing especially with the stellar cast they've scored for this one. 

    • Love 12
  11. Juicy drinks 2, 3 or 4 bottles of wine every night? No wonder he looks so bloaty. He said he drinks because he doesn't want to take a pill. One sleeping pill per night would be far better than 4 bottles of wine. 

    Juicy did mention having to take Xanax to sleep. Well Juicy, Xanax will HELP you to sleep but be careful with it when drinking alcohol. Now I know where Teresa got her soft-spoken demeanor and calmness from Xanax!!  I KNEW IT!

    • Love 1
  12. I missed the first minute or two, did they show Andy asking the question about the show being "scripted"? If so, how did Tre answer?

    This little snippet was very interesting and easily missed because Andy Cohen wanted to get past this issue. Everyone knows that Teresa, under oath, had sworn that RHONJ is scripted and edited. Andy Cohen couldn't really press this issue since Teresa could possibly be liable for falsifying another thing that she said under oath. But at the same time, Andy Cohen had to make an attempt to debunk the accusation that the shows are scripted. Most of us already know that the shows are scripted and highly edited. Sometime the people in a sequence of a scene just aren't even in the same room as they were a second before.  Anyway, it went like this.


    Andy: "In court papers you've said that the Real Housewives of New Jersey is scripted, the image is nothing more than a carefully crafted fiction engineered by Bravo TV by scripted lines and clever editing." Teresa: "Well, you know there is editors in the show and producers"  Andy interrupted: "Were you told to flip the table?"  Teresa: "well no, flipping the table is what I did".  Andy: "Were you told to fight with Melissa or Joe?" Teresa: "You know Andy, I didn't know they were coming on the show". Andy: "You didn't want them on the show?"  Teresa: "It's not that I didn't want them, you never told me they were coming on the show".


    As you can clearly see, Andy Cohen deflected the allegations of scripting and editing by hand-picking certain instances that were not. Needless to say, Andy Cohen had to save Bravo and his paycheck  He is the producer and how would it look if everyone really believed it was all smoke and mirrors?

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  13. I get that there are kids out there with morally sound parents who are in the shitter, but I still feel bad for the Giudice kids. They didn't ask to be born. Gia grew up with Teresa's version of "normal"......and now she's left taking the fall, more or less. How embarrassing for a 13 year old to go through this....13 is a bitch ass age, and I'd never repeat it, even for a million dollars. 


    ETA: I still don't see Teresa divorcing Joe. "Old school Italians" just don't do such things. (In her world)

    Teresa has always used the "I'm Italian" card as a pass for her obnoxious behavior. "I'm Italian, we talk with our hands"  "I'm Italian and we have hot tempers" "I'm Italian, we don't get divorces". "I'm Italian, we have close families". She has used this excuse so many times but never has said "I'm Italian, we don't read important documents"  "I'm Italian, I'll sign anything put in front of me".

    • Love 5
  14. Teresa was most definitely sedated with either Valium or Xanax. She kept going on about 'my girls' and how important they are to her. Well, maybe she thinks the judge will see how good of a mother she is and reverse her decision to send her to prison.  Nah, that isn't happening, but maybe she still believes her violin-playing will work somehow. The constant movement of her right hand got annoying after a while but in her own words "I'm Italian....I talk with my hands". This might be a bad habit she'll need to correct in Federal prison.

  15. My DVR automatically recorded it, even though the new episodes were supposed to come on at midnight.  I love all reality TV and this show just sucks, I don't think I've ever disliked a show more (ok, well, maybe Raising Asia since I bailed on that show after a few episodes).  The Manzo's show seemed so forced, I knew we were being fooled when Lauren walked into the kitchen with a small bag of chips, saying those were her favorite (after Caroline just told her sister she needed to diet).  I mean, come on, coincidence - I think not.  And the show is a fake, I guess they forgot to tell Albie, Lauren and Chris NOT to instagram pictures this summer from their Hoboken apartment or the boat they have docked somewhere around the Hudson River - because we are supposed to believe they are "moved back and are living at home".  Bullshit, they just show up for filming.

    Here is next week's episode:


    Chris and Albie attempt to open a lavish new restaurant at the Meadowlands Race Track, but quickly learn the space isn't big enough to accommodate their vision. Albie's new girlfriend, Brittany, meets the family for the first time, much to Caroline's disapproval. Albie and Lauren disagree over the direction of Albie's life. For a sneak peek at next week's episode, visit: http://www.bravotv.com/manzod-with-children/season-1/videos/albies-girlfriend-meets-the-manzos



    A 'sneak peek' means that someone wants to see something really bad and they don't want to have to wait to see the thing they want to see but then there's a small video clip of this special thing and it gives them a little thrill about seeing a 30 second clip about the upcoming episode of that and it makes them want to see that show more than ever before. It's sort of letting a person smell their Delmonico steak an hour before they get to eat it, it makes their mouth water in anticipation.


    I think I'll pass on the sneak thing because I don't intend to ever see this Manzo catastrophe ever again in my life.


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  16. I read an article where Caroline said they taped 8 episodes so if we get 2 episodes per week we'll be done with this show by the end of this month.  Hopefully, more episodes won't be ordered and the show cancelled.


    Speaking of RHONJ rolling into this show on DVR.  My DVR had Manzo'd schedule to air at midnight last night as the "first" episode.  While watching RHONJ after 9:00 last night I saw that Manzo'd was premiering in less than 1 hour (that countdown clock on the bottom right they always put up for new episodes/premieres).  According to my Comcast channel schedule, Manzo'd was not supposed to be new at 10:00pm but at Midnight. I thought that was odd.

    Eight episodes in total already in the can, two of them aired. Six more to go. I think Bravo should just run those six remaining episodes back to back starting at 7 a.m. on Saturday, cartoon day for kiddies, and just get them over with. Hand the Manzo's the check, brush their hands and say 'done deal, bye bye'.




    I would have been happier if Bravo hastily put together a quickie spinoff "Milania Takes Over" (sort of a Tabitha Takes Over) only with Milania Giudice as the superstar. I'd tune in to watching Milania displaying full on out-of-control brattiness and general 8 year old fucknuttery before I'd ever watch another episode of the Manzo's

    • Love 13
  17. If Tre's sent to Camp Cupcake in WV, that's an 8 hr drive one way if traffic isn't an issue. The prison in Danbury, CT is less than 2 hours each way. The farther away she is the less likely Juicy'll be to visit regularly. And after a few months, I think he'll lessen the frequency regardless of where she's placed.

    Joe Giudice still has to appear in court for the charge of impersonating his brother to obtain a NJ driver's license illegally. If convicted on state charges for identity theft, Joe’s sentence would run currently with his federal sentence for money fraud. This means that Joe would be incarcerated for both state and federal charges in a federal prison rather than in a state facility. If his state sentence is longer than his federal sentence, he would be transferred to state prison after serving his time in federal prison. However, it looks like state prosecutors will work out plea deal with Joe where his state sentence for identity theft will be equal to or less than his federal sentence for money fraud. So if he goes to visit Teresa with the kids, they might have to take the 8 hour drive back and forth by limousine.

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