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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I may be in the minority, but I actually could see Teresa not understanding what was going on, including the original crimes. She strikes me as very old school, as in "the wife takes care of the house and the kids," and "business matters are up to the men." I could easily see a situation where Joe provided her with papers to sign, even handled things with their attorneys, and Teresa assumed that he was acting her their best interest. That doesn't mean that I don't think that she should be punished (because you have to do the time even if you're not fully cognizant of doing the crime), but just that I actually don't think that she's lying when she says that she "didn't know" or "didn't understand." As for the clip from the view, I absolutely believe that she was trying to remember her lines, but not because she was lying. Rather, I think that Teresa honestly has no clue about what's going on, why it's happening, or what it all means, but has been trying to cover up her ignorance by parroting whatever her husband, their business associates, and their legal team tells her.

    I'm not so sure about Teresa being the blank-minded 'what-the-heck-just-happened' woman that we might assume she is. How many cookbooks does she currently have in publication, four? I'm sure Teresa had many documents to sign as she processe through the editing and co-writing and contracts of every one of them. If she, as she says, just takes a pen and signs on the dotted line then I'd say yes, her brain is about the size of a turtle and just as wise. Remember what Teresa said on an episode of RHONJ, "It's like, you gotta lie [in court!]"  If Teresa thinks ''you gotta lie' before a Federal judge, I don't think she'd have any problem lying to Andy Cohen.

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  2. I followed Homeland the first and second seasons but only sporadically the 3rd. I had decided not to get into season four at all, but then my son mentioned that he had watched it and started to talk about "so and so doing this fat chick" and Carrie almost drowning her Brody-baby. I thought it sounded interesting enough to try to watch so I DVD'd the episode to watch. I have to say that I was not a fan of Brody's character at all. I got tired of his angst-ridden face, runny nose and mental issues. I also got to the point that I couldn't stand to see the expressions of anxiety, fear and hysteria on the face of Claire Danes one more time. Those expressions that crazy Carrie had, started to become a little joke around my house with each of us doing the 'Carrie in angst face' for laughs.



     Claire-Danes-Ugly-Cry.jpg Yeah, yeah, you all know what I'm talking about.

    Anyway, I watched the episode 'The Drone Queen' and once again I think I might just hang around next week for more. It was fast moving yet I was able to follow what was going on quite easily. The baby in bathtub scene was well done since it didn't actually show the kid's face under the water gasping for air. (thanks Showtime). But on a different vein of thought regarding Carrie and her lack of attachment to her own baby, I don't think it has anything to do with her bipolar mental state or that it has anything to do with her drive and dedication to her career. I just think that Carrie is one of those women born without the 'need to nurture' gene. Not all women have it although we assume that nature gives it to all people of female gender, it's just not so. Carries sister just assumed (as most would) that she had that maternal gene automatically built in and that she'd never turn her back on her own baby. Carrie's original thoughts about putting the baby up for adoption is a horrifying thought to most women. But being logical, and knowing herself so well, it turns out that Carrie was absolutely right about adoption. If the sister can't accept this baby and raise her like one of her own, then she should be the responsible person now and move forward with the adoption idea. Get this baby into a home where everyone wants her and will do anything to raise her.

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  3. Andy Cohen and Bravo are no doubt irritated with Teresa and her jackass husband. Of course they have been good for the network and made them money, but I am good for my company and make them money too. That doesn't mean that everything that I might do would sit well with them. I have always assumed that there were legal folks at Bravo who kept an eye on the G's legal battle. More than likely each season when it was time to get ready for filming they would ask them how things were going, if there were any issues they should be aware of, etc. I would imagine that any company would do the same. Bravo is relying on Teresa to the extent that she is one of only 5 or 6 gals on a show that has been in the past highly rated. She is bank to them and they would want some assurance as to what might happen to them in the future that would impact their show.  To some extent what happens to Teresa significantly impacts this show. 


    I would also assume that Teresa answered any query with rapid fire blinking and denials similar to those she fed to Jac. What legal case? Jail? What? How? What in the world are you talking about? This is interesting to me because after they were charged and they came on Bravo to do their WWHL interview with Andy, Juicy admitted that they had known they were being investigated for about 2 years. I would imagine they had never before shared this little nugget with Bravo.


    At the end, I get why Bravo would be pissed about Teresa or anyone else running around talking about the show being scripted or having their home furnished on Bravo's dime. They sign up for a Reality Show. They understand what is going on, and they understand what Bravo is trying to portray. They merrily go along with it all until they find themselves in trouble, and then they want to tell everyone how the sausage is made to take the heat off of them. They work for Bravo. All the money and things they bought legitimately are because of Bravo. Whether they like it or not, they owe Bravo big time. 

    I think that Teresa in a courtroom sitting in the hot seat being questioned about her flagrant and excessive spending on jewelry, clothes and extravagant parties that she was between a rock and a hard place here. Sort of damned if she did, damned if she didn't kind of thing.  If she allowed the court to believe that she is nothing more than a shallow, materialistic bitch as she was shown on the show,  then it wouldn't bear well on her image in their eyes. That negative image of her might sway the judge's decision one way or another. Teresa had to be self-defensive by claiming that RHONJ is all scripted and she was only being paid for 'acting' a role that Bravo had specifically designed and provided to her. So she went the "not my fault" route and deflected her blame back to Bravo.

  4. Radar Online reports that her prison sentence might be served in Alderson Federal Prison Camp in W. Virginia, aka "Camp Cupcake".


    The story is here.  http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/10/teresa-joe-giudice-rhonj-real-housewives-new-jersey-3/


    Photos of the prison





    Sorry for this Jersey Girl, our messages crossed paths.

  5.  The public sentiment seems even worse than before. Just watching the two lying, self absorbled, delusional, liars has only made it worse. 

    I don't believe for a minute that either of them thought this would boost their public image, I do believe that they legally committed themselves to Bravo by doing this exclusive interview with Andy Cohen for the money Bravo paid them. I'm sure Teresa read every word of that contract very carefully. Bravo needed the ratings boost because the ratings for RHONJ had been at an all-time low. They got the ratings boost they wanted, no doubt about that. It's rumored that Bravo paid them $325,000 which would nearly eliminate the $400,000 restitution they have to make. Truthfully, I feel that Bravo scored that interview for peanuts and I think they could have signed a deal for a lot more money than what Bravo coughed up. They have made a lot of dumb moves, but they’re hoping that there will be a job for Teresa down the line. They are also begging that Joe be part of the next season while Teresa is in jail. They need the money. They arrived at 2 p.m. and finished at 4:30 so everyone could “run to temple” for Yom Kippur. But we’re told Cohen went to celebrate landing the interview instead.


    But it all backfired on Bravo and on Andy Cohen in many ways. There's been a backlash of people accusing Bravo of exploitation of the Giudices for profit.  In the teaser for the second part of the interview that airs this coming Thursday, Andy Cohen cleverly deflects sworn testimony made by Teresa during the court procedures in which she stated that Real Housewives is scripted. "In court papers you claim that the Real Housewives of New Jersey is scripted. Were you told to flip the table?"  (save Bravos ass and your own at any cost Andy)


    Here we go, Andy Cohen and Bravo is going to insist to their last breath that the Real Housewives franchises are not scripted only because there are some moments that aren't.

    • Love 4
  6. Why did these dumbasses even agree to the WWHL interview?


    Or did I just answer my own question.

    Teresa and Joe Giudice scored a HUGE payday before shipping off to prison ... a deal so sweet the restitution they owe to the government has almost been whittled down to nothing.

    The two "Real Housewives of New Jersey" stars snagged $325,000 for a two-on-one interview with Bravo head honcho Andy Cohen ... sources close to the deal tell us.

    We're told the network offered $275K for Teresa alone, but kicked in another $50K to have her less interesting husband onboard.

    The Giudices owe around $400K in restitution -- which means all of the money they made will go directly towards paying off their debt ... but days after the sentencing they can now see the light at the end of the financial tunnel.

    Let's hope they remember to pay taxes on the $325K.

    UPDATE:  Bravo disputes the amount.

    Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/06/joe-teresa-giudice-bravo-paid-money-interview-andy-cohen-bravo-restitution/#ixzz3FTF0ahXA

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  7. Teresa saying "I paid my taxes, too. I ALWAYS pay my taxes."

    I think she thinks if she says something, her fans will assume it's true? Because why else is she continuing to blatantly lie and play dumb?

    Embarrassing, the both of them.

    If Joe is running a stucco company then there's a lot of cash that goes back and forth. "hey bud, can ya give a guy a break on the price here if I pay ya in cash?".  This is exactly what the IRS hates because he doesn't claim those cash transactions as he should and it's nearly impossible to track.


    Teresa appeared as the 'celebrity guest' at Kim D's Porsche Spring Soiree on March 19, 2014. According to guests who attending the event, Teresa charged $25.00 to have her book autographed and a photo with her. Guests were required to pay the $25.00 fee in CASH ONLY. No receipts were issued to patrons and the cash was stuffed in brown paper bags like common street thugs.


    Oh, and she's going to tell the 3 younger girls that she's going away, but not mention prison. Doesn't she think that in 15 months those girls just might hear someone mention mommy being in prison? I'd be interested to know where exactly she's going to tell them she's going.

    • Love 4
  8. I wonder if anyone can set me straight about Joe's drivers license. Does he currently have a valid license to drive a car, or not? An article going back to 2012 said that Joe Giudice was facing State charges after allegedly obtaining a New Jersey driver’s license by impersonating his brother. At the time, Joe's license was suspended because of a driving-under-the-influence episode.

    State records show his license has been suspended 47 times since he first became a New Jersey driver in 1987. He has a long history of driver’s license suspensions and was cited by police in his hometown of Montville, N.J., for careless driving in a school zone. So what's up with this? If he drives drunk, texts while driving endangering the lives of children in a school zone, get's a drivers license under his brother's name and if he's still driving then something is very wrong with the Motor Vehicle Department in New Jersey.  In 2010, a man in Texas got life in prison for his 9th DUI. What's wrong with these two pictures?


    Does anyone know if he's still allowed to drive?

  9. Teresa always seems so nervous  when Joe speaks. Could it be because she doesn't think he'll deliver his lines correctly? Or is it because she doesn't know what he's going to say? I'm going with the l

    Juicy has no filters on his speech and even Teresa is smart enough to see that. Juicy is so arrogant that he feels he can just come right out and say 'whateverdafug' he feels like saying.

    • Love 2
  10. If the lawyers told them to list all their assets or they may get more prison time by not complying, why wouldn't they list anything...at all?  I just don't get it...


    Not excusing her, but maybe she trusted Joe 100% to take care of all finances and never even thought twice...even up to sentencing.  Maybe Joe was trying to take all the blame because she just signed whatever he put in front of her, at least those documents that he didn't forge himself.  The alleged mailbox incident makes me wonder how bad his temper might be when he is crossed.

    This has crossed my mind many times regarding the relationship between Teresa and Joe. Yes, Teresa wants the finest things, big house, clothes, jewelry all that is of paramount importance to her and I think she would tolerate anything, yes...even spousal abuse, to get it. Just the demeanor she has with Joe tells me there's something to it. To me, he looks like a man with a short fuse.

    • Love 5
  11. Ok, for once this clusterf#ck of a show has left me a little speechless.

    1. Why would Jim and Amber think that they could possibly stay and enjoy the rest of the weekend after the bombs he dropped on everyone? Do they not understand that no one would want to go yachting with them after their despicable behavior?

    2. Where in the hell are the Fraudices getting the money to go on a date night in the city? Oh yeah they have commited fraud and essentially stole millions of dollars from anyone they could bamboozle (I love this word and rarely have an opportunity to use it as I do not know many criminals)...Joe.."we have been 'working' so hard, we deserve a break...yeah if commiting fraud is work.

    3. When and how did Joe Gorga become the voice of reason?

    4. Why is Kathy still on this show? Why is Jacqueline talking about downsizing now? Sorry Jacs, too little to late.

    5. How much longer do we have to be subjected to the twins? Seriously, these two have some serious issues, none of them remotely normal. Bobby can't commit...oh too bad, so sad. Rino screwed your mom, how does a rumor like this even start?

    6. Dina grew a pair and kicked Jim and Amber out...to quote Melissa "thank you Jesus!".

    7. I honestly do not want to hear anymore of these miscreants talk about their sex lives...to quote Teresa it makes me shkeeve to think about it. Blech.

    8. Bobby and Joe having a bromance? Huh?

    9. I still don't understand why people with so many skeletons put it all out there on national television? On what planet do they live on?

    10. The words upstanding and honorable have totally different meanings in Jersey, in the dinky little town I live in you would be ostracized be EVERYONE for behaving so badly...ALL of them!

    This whole episode has left me at a loss, I have never known anybody with this level of disfunction and vindictiveness, thank God. The remarkable thing is that they all have a whatareyagonnadoaboutit attitude.

    The scene with Jim and Amber after the blow up was just bizarre, it was simultaneously disturbing and disgusting..."oh Jimmy, I know it was really their fault and you are such a misundersood person"...really Amber?

    I just can't with this bunch of assholes...Amber, Jim, get your head out of your ass, it is not a hat!

    I feel dumbstruck, I actually lost IQ points watching this. If I keep it up, by the time this season is over I will be riding the short bus.

    On a totally unrelated note, Mr. Sunflowers bought me my first new appliance and installed it himself...the entire time asking me, What is wrong with these people? I just can't anymore with these people. I will keep updated through the forums, but I am done watching tbia abitshow.

    Now that I have all of that off my chest, I have to bounce over to the Manzo with children thread to begin my Caroline rant, feel free to join me.

    (In a squeaky cry-voice) "I just want everything to be like it was, and that's the truth"  :(  Oh right, Teresa keep wishing for that.

  12. More Jacqueline = less me. I just can't with her. Add that to the horror that is Jim, and this show, which I've given up on any number of times, has lost me. This time it is for real. 

    I'm about ready to give up on all the 'Housewives' except Orange County. The OC biotches can still make me chuckle or seethe with disgust....I like that.  New Jersey lost me long ago. If it wasn't only for the fact that I've been waiting for the 'Teresa gets her comeuppance moment' there's nothing in the franchise that carries any interest. If I want to see bad makeup, orange tans, and big mouths, all I have to do is wander around Walmart for an hour or so.

    • Love 1
  13. I have a couple questions:


    1. Obviously Joe and Teresa are nowhere near death, but they have this big debt to pay off ($13 million I think is the amount?) which I don't see them paying off before they pass on. So if there is still any debt left by the time they have passed, do their kids get stuck with the debt?


    2. When the girls are old enough to go to college, I'm assuming due to the debt and everything else, the girls would have to pay for it with loans. But obviously due to their parents' history I don't see them being able to get a loan very easily. So can a relative sign for the loan? If they can't get a loan, is there some other way for them to get their college education? The parents have a faulty credit history, not them. It would be unfair if the college didn't find some way for them to get their education just because the parents were crooks.

    I'm no expert but I doubt very much that any children would inherit the debt of their parents after the parents die.

    As for college, unless the relatives can help them out with some money, maybe they'll have to do what many college students do to pay for their college. They work and save up money, then go to a community college and hold a part time job while attending. As the old saying goes 'where there's a will, there's a way' and if they have a strong enough desire and initiative to get a college degree, then they will make it happen all on their own.


    'Powerful' is putting it mildly. Alfred Dobler, wrote a commanding, insightful article. It puts the harsh truths right there on display for us on just how much the public feels absorbed, and even compelled, to follow people like the Giudices. In reality, they are nothing more than drain sludge where all the evils of humanity collect in a slimy pool. It's definitely a modern social behavior that Psychologists and Sociologists should be giving college classes on.  It isn't a very nice picture of human behavior, that's for sure. It goes right to the root of the problems we have in society. We are intrigued by greed and excess. Maybe it's because we feel that we can commit the crimes against all we believe in by doing it vicariously through reality stars, or maybe we feel superior in some ways by judging their unscrupulous behaviors. Perhaps understanding how our thinking is manipulated and what they really are may help keep reality shows in perspective and we can begin to learn what's important in life, and what's not.

    • Love 6
  15. TMZ


    Teresa and Joe Giudice blew past reporters Thursday after they were sentenced to prison ... but it wasn't because they were too upset to speak ... it's because they were ordered to shut their traps until Andy Cohen could ask them, Wasssup?

    Our Giudice sources tell us ... the felonious couple will break their silence Monday on a special "Watch What Happens Live:  One-on-One with Teresa and Joe."

    It's pretty funny ... when Teresa was begging the judge for mercy she was quick to say she didn't give a crap about TV anymore.  What she FAILED to disclose is that she had a secret deal with Andy!

    As for what's on Andy's docket ... we're told he'll discuss the Giudice's fears, family and fraudulent ways. 

    Gotta say ... brilliant move on Bravo's part. And ... it's not like the judge can sentence her for lying ... something Teresa's clearly got down pat.

    Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/03/joe-teresa-giudice-andy-cohen-interview-before-prison/#ixzz3F7eK3lbT

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  16. After Juicy called Teresa a C U Next Tuesday didnt he buy her a ridiculously expensive piece of jewelry to get back in her good graces?   Didnt they talk about it at the reunion or in a Talking Head??  If so, where is it and why would you not list it on your asset sheet?   

    I mentioned that yesterday that I was watching a 2012 reunion in which Jacqueline spilled the beans about Teresa finding Joe banging a woman on his desk in his office. Joe laughed about it of course saying that it cost him a bundle because as he said "usually I buy her something nice and she takes it and it's over, but that one cost me plenty I had to keep going back to the jewelry store to exchange it until she was happy with it". Teresa laughed and pointed to her long diamond earrings and diamond bracelet. So, yes, I would think that every piece of expensive jewelry would have to be listed on their asset sheet.

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  17. I'm not at all sure that I agree with the sentence.  I think the judge was afraid that some rabid fan would set fire to her house and went a little easy on them.  If they hadn't been on a popular TV show, would they have been sentenced more harshly?  I have to wonder.

    I'm with you. I don't agree at all with this sentence. Teresa and Joe Giudice did everything wrong from the day the trial began. They went in direct opposition to court orders by lying about income and not divulging certain assets. To me, that's clearly contempt of court and they should have been given harsher sentences or extended sentences just for this alone. I truly believe that their high profile status worked in their behalf. A judge would have slammed any common man with the maximum sentence allowed by law. The fact that the alcoholic and philanderer Joe Giudice will be sole parent that will be responsible for 4 minor children is worrisome to say the least. Perhaps Child Protective Services will step in to assure that these kids have a responsible adult caring for them. Joe Giudice has been doing dirty business most of his life, Teresa was the Italian princess that wanted the glamorous life and didn't care how she got that. They're both dirty people. Anyone in New Jersey that owns a concrete business, major road construction business, or garbage business has mob connections. Everyone knows this, it doesn't only happen in the Sopranos.


    Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on which side of the prison fence you're looking out from, any Federal prison is a country club compared to most State or local prisons. The level of violence in the maximum security places in the State system is higher than in the Federal prisons. My guess is that both Joe and Teresa will be sent to a low or medium security prison where they'll share quarters with Wall Street executives, Corporate CEO's and white collar crime types. (no they won't meet up with any Manson-like guys with a homemade shiv made of dog bone).


    Martha Stewart did five months in a Federal Prison for felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators. She was sentenced in July 2004 to serve a five-month term in a federal correctional facility and a two-year period of supervised release (to include five months of electronic monitoring). While in prison, Martha made the best of it. While in confinement, she took a job and became an informal liaison between the administration and her fellow inmates. Martha Stewart took her lemons of her sentence and made lemonade out of them. She emerged no worse for wear and her Federal crimes never made any negative impact in her 'stardomship'. I anticipate the same will happen with Teresa. I'm sure she'll petition to be sent to a prison that will be close to her New Jersey home and NOT out of State. She might even be allowed to give personal interviews for money while in prison. Heck, she might be on the cover of People or modeling her orange jumpsuit for Vogue, who knows?

    • Love 5
  18. She'll not only have to live in a used house, but sleep in a used bed.


    Nothing can be done at this point to appeal this, can it? She's still lucky to only get 15 months, but I'm so glad the judge saw through her act today. She is not remorseful at all, and really--right to the end--seemed to think she could manipulate everyone by playing the "my four daughters need me" card. Fortunately, there are others to take care of them while she and Joe do time. (And you know from now until forever, she'll be railing about the "injustice" of it all.)

    I can't imagine the horror when Teresa won't be able to get her regular manicure, or have to use showers with the pubes of others stuck on the drain. Federal Prison is a pretty soft prison as far as prison goes, it's not like the type of prison where hardened criminals go. But for her, it will be pretty nasty. Who knows, after her sentence is served Bravo might just give her a show of her own. People like the Giudices always seem to manage to come out better than before and shining like a star.  I hope that's not the case.

    I wonder if the marriage will last.

    Teresa has been silenced by Joe and his many extramarital affairs simply by buying her shiny 'stuff'. Maybe without the means to buy her fidelity, she might just see him for what he is,.... a fat, ugly, ignorant, alcoholic, uncouth, beast.

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