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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. I really, really, really wanted to see what it looked like to live inside a windmill!!!  I was so hoping that Yolanda's old boyfriend would have invited them in for tea and hazelnut cakes - especially after some of the women were asking about it!  


    I think it was Lisa that said laughingly "Just think Yolanda, if you married him this could have been all yours". I felt that was a put-down of the way this guy was living. It was said facetiously and I didn't like that because she was obviously looking down her nose at Yolanda's friend and his lifestyle.


    I just saw Kyle on Extra and she said the reunion was 'intense' and that a few of them didn't leave their homes for days after it was filmed.

    • Love 7
  2. If I could compile just one single woman of substance by taking the better parts of each one, I'd take Yolanda's sensibility, articulation skills and wealth, Eileen's graciousness, Lisa Vanderpump's body and hair (but not her knock-knees), Kyle's husband, Lisa R's humor, Brandi's youth and Kim's....well nothing of Kims.


    (yeah, I know mods, this isn't in keeping with the topic. oh well)

    • Love 4
  3. LOL, Kim drives me nuts for sure, I have little patience with addicts that refuse to look in the mirror and get honest. If she wants to get high/self medicate, then just say it, don't keep lying then get all self righteous when you get called out.


    Oh, did Kim/LisaR also talk off camera because we saw them talking on camera the morning after the dinner fight?

    I think a lot of their talking is off camera. There's just no way I can believe that a cameraman was just waiting around in Lisa's room doing nothing. The cameraman was there waiting for the cue of the door knock by Kim. LisaR wasn't surprised, she knew in advance that Kim would be knocking, this was all arranged ahead of time. Yes, it's scripted, and yes they do go off script also. But in the end, they're all contracted actors. It's Bravo's way of saying......


    • Love 8
  4. I would really love to believe that was what Brandi was thinking in that teeny, tiny brain of hers, but no. I will go with the idea that Brandi, again, was on her own, just like at LisaV's surprise birthday party. She didn't have Kimmy by her side. YoFo was chatting it up with LisaR and Eileen while LisaV was chatting with Kyle and YoFo's brother. Brandi sits there sulking because she is not the center of attention. She had to find something to bitch about and found her target: Kyle.  She then goes off and has a tantrum and a public outburst. It was very rude of Brandi to display, again, her juvenile antics, especially on the streets of Amsterdam. YoFo and her brother looked like they couldn't get away from her fast enough.

    I was kind of inside Brandi's head during that hash-house trip. She was bored to death because she's done her share of weed smoking of course and knows that most of the others have too. Their pretenses at being 'first-time-innocents' was even amusing to me.

    • Love 5
  5. I could see how it could be interpreted that way.  My view on Kyle, though, is that all season it seems like she's trying to cover for Kim.  In the limo back from Eileen's with Lisa R, when Kyle already knew that Kim had taken a pain pill, she didn't tell Lisa that.  As she discussed with the Lisas and Eileen after dinner, she can't say anything negative about Kim or she gets the wrath of the whole family.  So, the way I interpret that was - let's find a spin for why Kim didn't come.  Because I can't say a word about her sobriety or she's gonna go apeshit on me.

    From what I observe, Kyle is 'there for Kim' when it suits her, but she's very reticent to defend Kim when she's in front of the camera or out in public with the other women. Kyle is more concerned with how she comes off, she needs the fan support and if she had defended Kim right that at the moment with LisaR then people would have put her squarely in Kim's camp. She wants to be liked, even if it means separating herself from giving her sister the support she so desperately needs.

    • Love 6
  6. I have to agree that it's time for them to swap out HW's on this show, after this.  At a certain point it becomes...repetitive and tiresome.  Brandi feels ignored for the millionth time.  Everyone's vowing to move forward...again.  I think they need to shift focus to fresh faces sooner rather than later, or else it just becomes...Jersey (family drama on repeat and you have to scrape the very bottom of the barrel to find new castmembers).

    Unfortunately, or...fortunately for Bravo, it's precisely the 'bottom of the barrel' that brings the rating that has Bravo rubbing its hands in glee over.

    • Love 2
  7. I agree. I smoked pot a bit in high school, so I'm definitely no stranger to it. But it was always on the downlow, as it . Honestly, I thought they were just having a good time and the only real reason I can see for Brandi getting so put out by the behavior would be jealousy. 


    Brandi realized as I had also that the women sitting in the pot shop were all transparently disingenuous in their reluctance to taste a tiny piece of hash-cake. I mean really, they know their kids will watch the episode so I'm sure they didn't want to sit there and say "hey yah, give me five pieces, I like that shit".  Comon' now, which of them that has teenage or older kids believes their kid hasn't tried smoking a joint at least once? And how many of their almost-adult children actually believe their mothers are sainted beings that have done no wrong in their lives? (cough-cough)

    • Love 5
  8. There was a 'tell' about Kyle that I noticed in the scene where they were all sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for Kim and Kyle to show up so they could all go to the pot shop. Kyle strolls in looking like she just stepped out of photo shoot, hair, clothes, makeup and accessories were all impeccably put together.


    Everyone stands up ready to go as she approaches. Kim stands there and asks "where's Kim, she coming?" Lisa Rinna says "mm-mm". Kyle looks surprised and says "Kim's not coming?"  Lisa V says  "She's not coming. Well, I don't think she's gonna go to the pot shop, is she?" There was a pause in which Kyle stands there in wide-eyed dismay then a light bulb goes off inside her head where she makes the connection of Kim's addiction and pot and says "Oh". Kyle in her solo dialog shot says "It's best that Kim isn't coming. Kim and I are not even looking at each other may not be the most mature route to go but anything more than this is going to lead to disaster."


    This was a huge revelation about Kyle in my opinion. Kim's sobriety was the furthest thing from her mind. She never gave a single thought to how going to a pot shop might be uncomfortable, unpleasant and maybe even dangerous for her sister who has been fighting for sobriety for 3 years. Kyle thought that it was best that Kim not accompany them to the pot shop only because it would have been uncomfortable for her because they were not even looking at each other. Kim's sobriety was the last thing that concerned Kyle.


    I'm really disliking Kyle more and more. Saying that, I am sympathizing with Kim more and more, although I in no way condone the erratic behavior and anger she's projecting to everyone around her.


    As far as the 'makeup' between Lisa Rinna and Kim, I felt that under normal circumstance, they would have never had contact with each other again. Lisa even told Kyle that she will never speak to or have anything to do with Kim ever again. Then in the next scene she and Kim are sitting down calmly discussing the incident and suddenly it's all good, they're congenial once again. I know that they have a contract and it wouldn't be in their best interest to be in violation of that Bravo contract and that's the only reason those two women came face to face to smooth things out.

    • Love 11
  9. It all boils down to something so simple. Kim is afraid of losing her kids if they even suspect she's not clean and sober, they'll abandon her. What's more important than protecting that?  Kim gets a pass from me, and I hope LisaR has learned a lesson. If she wants to help someone, speak to them directly and not beat around the bushes.

    • Love 4
  10. Kim had no idea that her sobriety would be made into a story this season, and she even says that in her blog.  That when Eileen began to question her in the kitchen, she thought the conversation about the wives being "worried" about her had something to do with Monty dying. 


    As soon as she knew, she tried, several times to shut it down.  The others were relentless, and when they tried the intervention at the table in Amsterdam she finally blew up and turned the tables. 


    Kim has every right to deal with her own medical issues, and yes, addiction IS a medical issue, away from the glare of the cameras.  What the other wives had every right to do was address specific behaviors, but not to dissect her condition, and gossip endlessly about that, which did divert focus from issues they might wanted to avoid on the show.  That's just not how this works.  Doing it under the fake auspices of "trying to help" is sickening.  If any of them actually gave a damn about Kim, they would have never done this on camera.  Ever.


    It was cheap fodder for Bravo, one of the lowest of the low reality show networks.  So getting Bravo a story, and them a paycheck, is worth further destroying a woman who is obviously on the edge and struggling?  To them, apparently so. 

    I wish there was a way to give this more than one thumbs up. Good post and I totally agree with every word.  (y)

    • Love 4
  11. I think that Yolanda has been able to remain neutral between Kim and Lisa Rinna. Yolanda is a cool head and she's articulate. Except for her disagreement with Ken Todd last season, Yolanda really hasn't gone head-to-head with any of the wives in a way that's unreasonable.


    Although she's from Holland, she's been able to remain 'Switzerland' between Kim and LisaR. She's smarter than the others because she's not taking anyone's side to any degree and remains in a neutral corner. Both Kim and Lisa know that Yolanda is a force they don't want to tangle with. There's a whole ot of clout behind Yolanda Foster, mainly her husband David. Yes, Harry Hamlin is an actor and Lisa Rinna is an actress and popular television personality and Kim Richards is..... well, she's Kim Richards, neither of them wants to piss off the wife of Steven Foster because he's a megalith in the industry and they know they can be pretty much destroyed professionally if they alienate his 'love', Yolanda.


    Everyone has skeletons in their closet but Yolanda is smart by bringing out the skeletons like the DUI that Bella got. She put it out there to all the others and let it be known how she felt about it. Skeletons aren't news once they're exposed and talked about openly so there's no fear of hidden things being brought out as weapons. Yolanda's filming for the reunion was brief because of her issues with Lyme disease.

    • Love 2
  12. They've come back before from that and likely will again.  I'll bet they've been on again, off again for most of their lives.  Imo, they are twisted so tight that like Kim says, nothing can tear them apart.  Both of them have told us that no one understands their bond.  I for SURE don't understand them but I think if I were Lisa Rinna (for instance) no matter how on the outs I thought the sisters were, I'd NEVER divulge any personal issues nor diss one sister to the other.  Because the hammer might not come down immediately but it will come down.

    I'm sure that most people assume that 'the bond' that Kim and Kyle share as sisters is like the bond that normal sisters have. Their mother, 'Big Kathy' wasn't exactly June Cleaver. If you read excerpts from the book House of Hilton you will see that those three daughters of Big Kathy were brought up by a profoundly dysfunctional mother who had been married four times. Marry rich, have tons of babies, and get attention at any cost. Throw in the fact that Big Kathy was a stage mother that insisted her teenage daughter 'Little Kathy' to know all about sex, and to learn how to perform, literally, so she asked a young man to give her teenage daughter ‘sex lessons’ in his van. The bond(s) that join Kim and Kyle may not be the fuzzy-good type of bond shared by most sister. We share bonds based on good times and positive memories. I think that the bond that Kim and Kyle share might just be the type of bond that's insidiously negative and unless it's changed miraculously to be a positive bond, then the bond might be catastrophic in the end.

    • Love 4
  13. I've had days to think about Kim Richards and my initial thoughts were like most, I was offended by what appeared to be out of line comments to Lisa Rinna. I think Kim snapped and was out of line. I've been trying to see this through Kim's eyes because up to now I've only seen Kim's behavior within the context of the poker night fiasco.


    Yes, Kim took a drug that was either given to her by Monty or that she just took herself without his knowledge. That much as been acknowledge by Kim. Yes, it just happened to be LisaR sharing her limo ride and got the first look into Kim's craziness that night and it scared her.


    I want to try and believe Kim and trust all she's been saying all along. She's been sober for 3 years, she took a drug that had a negative effect on her on poker night.  She's being hounded by both LisaR and Eileen who are insisting that she's broken her sobriety and is again using either drugs or alcohol. When I put it into this perspective, I can completely understand Kim's anger and frustration at both Eileen who tried to be a moderator between Kyle and Kim, and to LisaR who is almost insisting to be told that Kim has fallen off the wagon.


    Kim is wrong attacking Lisa and Eileen at dinner, she was completely out of line. But maybe she needed to do that in order to bring it to the forefront in view of everyone that basically LisaR had been trying to undermine and belittle her 3 years of sobriety and that Kyle really hasn't been insisting to anyone that she knows for a fact that Kim has been sober for 3 years.


    The public has branded Kim Richards as a substance abuser and crazier than a lunatic. But, have we honestly considered that Kim might actually be telling the truth that she's clean and sober for 3 years? Can it be that we just need someone to hate on and Kim's behavior has made that easy to do?

    • Love 8
  14. I'm wondering how Bravo is going to pick up all the broken pieces to make this show work again. After Kim and Eileen went eyeball to eyeball saying 'I don't like you' and 'I don't like you very much either' to 'I don't like your hair or your face'. 


    I mean this is hateful and something that I could never get past no matter how many times I heard 'I apologize'. How is Kim, Eileen and LisaR ever going to be able to move past this one and do another year of luncheons and fun party games together?


    I think someone absolutely has to go.

    • Love 6
  15. Isn't this Brandi's MO? When some of the shit being slung by another may land on her doesn't she stay quiet? I may not remember accurately but I thought she was on the quiet side at the dinner table in Puerto Rico when the shit storm started there too. Someone please help me remember.

    I found Brandi to be unusually subdued, even the way she dressed. Everyone was dressed pretty much in dinner attire. LisaV was sitting across from her in her pink see-through designer blouse with black bow. Some have remarked they liked that blouse but when I first saw her showing Ken I thought it was way too youthful looking for a 54 year old woman. In stark contrast, Brandi was wearing shabby jeans and a very discreet top. Her hair and makeup were both subdued as well. I thought how sweet she actually looked. She was pretty silent so that added to the illusion of 'sweetness'. I think Brandi is tired of being hated on and let Kim have center stage for fan hatred and disgust for a change.

    • Love 8
  16. Here's my thing. He is not really on this show. Lisa is. I just find it distasteful that he gets raked through whatever mud Kim wants to rake because she has a problem with his wife who is on this show. I don't know what his deal is, I don't care what his deal is, I really don't want to learn what his deal is just because Kim has a bug up her addict butt.

    I know there's a lot of baggage in Harry Hamlin's past and he fiercely objected to Lisa being on this show initially then changed his mind and encouraged her participation. Keeping that in mind, I think that there's an unwritten (maybe written) clause in their Bravo contract that specifically says that they do not bring up their spouse's old transgressions or unsavory past. Sure, Harry has some baggage but so does David Foster, Monty and Mauricio. Kim clearly crossed the line and left Harry's past in question. Once those contractual rules are broken it's fair game for any of the women to drag up dirt on each others spouses or ex's and commence a shit-storm over it.

    • Love 7

    What IS she doing there?  I'm not her number one fan but I feel bad that her excitement to show the Hos (and us) her country turned into a shitstorm.  I hope she doesn't come back next season.  She needs to take care of herself and change her phone number so none of these lunatics can call her again. Who needs 'em.  I wonder what My Love will say after he sees this episode. 


    I think she's silently praying a portion of Psalm 23 in Dutch,

    Heer, u nodigt mij uit aan uw tafel,  (Thou preparest a table before me)

    mijn tegenstanders moeten het aanzien; (in the presence of mine enemies)

    • Love 6
  18. Well, I just watched First Look and, OMG, holy crap and WOW!  It was ugly and I can't wait to see the full episode. I just want to grab Kim by the hair and slap the beejeebers out of her. Shouldn't they all be just a little bit ashamed of themselves acting like American assholes in a foreign country in a classy restaurant? Good to know that money doesn't buy class. Sorry, I keep editing because I'm watching it for a second time and see more every time. Now as I watch LisaR talking about her sister dying of a drug overdose and the camera shows Kim coldly staring and not really giving a flying fig about Lisa's past traumatic experience, I see a sociopath who lacks any empathy at all. She's such a damaged, sick person.


    • Love 9
  19. It is not letting us watch it.

    All I can say is Brandi must wear size 12 shoes-those boats are huge.

    http://youtu.be/zla1LbUPbUs     Here you go. If you want to see the video, it's on Youtube.  It struck me watching this how extremely thin both Kim and Brandi are. I watched Kyle this morning on Access Hollywood Live and they showed some additional footage of the fight between LisaR and Kim. Kyle didn't give any specifics about the fight but she did say that the reunion was basically a mess and they all left with a lot of hard feelings. She swears that RHOBH is not all scripted. I noticed in the last episode that LisaR attempted to grab Kim by the face or throat and Kim pulled away just in time. I can't wait to see it.

    • Love 4
  20. I don't think what Shonda said about Gaga was as nasty as what Guiliana said about Zendaya, because it didn't have any racial implications and maybe Shonda thought Idina Menzel was the better singer.  Personally, I thought Gaga was great and sounded very much like Julie Andrews.

    I don't know what the comment about Gaga was that Shonda made but I can honestly say that I thought Gaga did an absolutely wonderful job singing the songs that Julie Andrews made classic. She didn't make any attempts to stylize or twist the words or melody to make it unique for herself, she just put it out there in the most refined and classic manner. It was the true Julie Andrews version and I loved it. I am not, and have never been a fan of the voice of Idina Menzel. To me she has a voice trained specifically for the Broadway stage. It's sharp and it's loud. A stage performer has to be able to project their voice as far back as the last row in the theater. It's not the same as holding a microphone and singing into it in a voice that's not strained or sharp sounding. The entire John Travolta gag was so fake and awkward that I actually blushed with embarrassment in my own bedroom!  That was just awful.

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