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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. Okay I have a question for anyone who follows this show about the Duggars. Has anyone every tried to speak and sound like Michelle Duggar? I have to admit that today, with my bedroom door closed so nobody could hear me, I tried doing 'Michelle-speak' and actually tried speaking her very words in her soft, slow voice that just resounds with Duggar wisdom....


    “the idea of overpopulation is a not accurate, because really the entire population of the world, if they were stretched shoulder to shoulder, could fit within the city limits of Jacksonville."


    So let me know, has anyone else taken a shot at 'Michelle-speak' ?

    • Love 5
  2. I watch this Boring Sea Gold entirely against my wishes, my husband gets control of the remote and he likes this show only because he likes gold and all men are treasure hunters, it's in their DNA. The Kelly father is a brutal mess. Brad Kelly was only 16 years old when he had Kris. Andy and Kris Kelly sure drew the short straw when they got Brad Kelly for a father. Brad Kelly left Hawaii to move to Nome to dredge. I can't even imagine the Kelly's living in Hawaii and leaving it for that disgusting God-forsaken place, Nome, Alaska. That right there makes me question their sanity.


    I like Kris Kelly, he appears to be sincere about his efforts to work hard and find some gold. He's not the brightest bulb in the pack and probably has a sixth grade education if that much. But he seems to be sincere and honest compared to his low-down, nasty old man Brad. Stealing gold from the sluice box is something so lowdown that he's fortunate his sleazy ass hasn't met up with a shotgun to this point. What disgusting piece of human flesh he is.

    • Love 1
  3. Hey, be fair! The article mentions that the bags were filled with junk food. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Martinez were all, "Thanks, but we don't want your tater tot casserole." (Or whatever the pre-packaged equivalent was.)

    Maybe the Martinez family was in need of paper plates and plastic dinnerware. The Duggar's seem to have an eternal, never-ending supply of those.

  4. The following are excerpts from an article written by J.M.Bishop



    The Duggars are by far the most famous adherents of Bill Gothard's teachings and in turn, they consider the show a ministry to teach the world about the wonders of the Christian side hug. They are the most special Gothard snowflakes outside of Bill himself.


    They adhere to a religion that emphasizes womanly modesty above all else because they blame women FOR EVERYTHING. Because men are sinful and all their superior brain power can't help them decide to keep it in their pants. There was a scene where Jim-Bob was worried that Jordyn's dress was too short. Jordyn was THREE years old at the time. And the dress fit— she hadn't outgrown it clearly, but it showed too much leg for a three year old. Even young children are seen as objects of sin if they aren't sufficiently modest. Another episode had Michelle Duggar water-skiing in her modesty bathing suit and when her knees were showing, she had the producers put a black bar over them because they were exposing something that was private. Knees are for Jim Bob only, not for the lascivious knees fetishistic public.


    It is well known among Gothard's that the kind of crunchy, curly home-permed hair favored by Michelle and the clan in the early season is based on preferences of Gothard, who loved long, wavy womanly hair and damn the woman who does not possess sacred this crown.


    Here they are in their pinafore wearing glory in their first special, 14 Kids and Pregnant filmed in 2003:


    • Love 1
  5. I don't know if it's only me or not but there's something about RyanD that gives me a deep ominous feeling inside. He just seems like the type of man that could really be explosive and impulsive. He just seems to have very little control of his anger. I felt that the first time I saw him looking with side-eyes at Jessica. It was almost an evil look. It's like he has a volcanic eruption just under his surface. I don't like Ryan at all and out of the 3 mien, he's the one that I'd say would fail first at this experiment. There's nothing warm, gentle or genuine about him that I could see. I always look for the best in anyone, just any sign that they have a warm heart. I couldn't find that in RyanD.

    • Love 6
  6. What do people think of this slight forum name change to get Baby Izzy in on the action:

    The DillardZ: Jerick, Dill and Iz

    I think we might get carried away with the funny nicknames and it sometimes makes it difficult to find exactly what particular names we're interested in reading about. Maybe it's best to leave their names as they are Derick, Jill and Israel.  Maybe others feel differently and like the more amusing nicknames so it doesn't matter to me, I'm just giving my opinion.

    • Love 1
  7. I quite honestly think Ryan is getting beat up in social media unfairly. I think actions speak louder than words. He does have a hard time saying the words right but his actions are clear. HE compromised by moving to an apartment she wanted. There was one he loved and she told him it was silly to spend that much. She didn't want it he let her pick. She called him stupid for spending so much money going out to eat yet doesn't cook. Not only does she NOT cook, she doesn't even go get the food so Ryan can eat when he gets home. HE walked into the apartment and immediately went over and kissed he hello. She couldn't even bother to stand up and greet him. He asked about a home cooked dinner and she went off on him with things that had nothing to do with dinner. HE walked away without embarassing her to an audience yet she let us believe he stole their wedding money.On New Year's Eve they stayed home with HER friends. He didn't complain and he interacted very nicely with them. HE made his peanutbutter banana thing or whatever and was willing to share it with her. She said she prefers pancakes but didn't offer to make them. The ironing thing was silly but he even moved a table over to make it easier for her. I wouldn't think of ironing on a bed because it is too soft but thats just me. Was it a dumb argument? Absolutely. In his talking heads he always talks about wanting Jess to be happy and compromising and communicating. In Jess's talking heads it's all I didn't sign up for this, this isn't what I want yadda yadda yadda making Ryan look bad. I think Ryan's grandparents were Ralph and Alice Cramden and there definitely was a lot of love in that relationship.

    When Ryan walked in from work, and Jessica asked how his day was and he let her know it was long, and he appeared to be tired. She shouldn't have been sitting at the table reading a magazine, she should have been in the kitchen making supper. That would have taken away the 'you never cook' argument. They agree they need an activity to do together. Why don't they cook something together? "Hey, what do you feel like eating? I feel like pasta so let's go shopping together and let's spend the evening together cooking the pasta sauce."  Two birds with one stone, cooking together as an activity and not eating sushi, and no argument about either of them.

    • Love 1
  8. "I had been praying for contractions and when contractions did start, God made me grateful for those contractions," she says. "When they came, even though they were really intense, I was crying, but I was saying, 'Thank you for this contraction God, this is what I prayed for, thank you for this.'"

    Derick, had his own method for keeping his new wife calm. "I would say, 'Think about being on the beach on our honeymoon, just think about this one contraction, don't think about the future ones,'" he remembers. "I would tell her not to think about the pain right now."

    Here's what my concerns are regarding Jill's labor and delivery as far as Israel's birth and any future pregnancies.


    Jill's water broke early on a Saturday morning, April 4th. She delivered Israel in a hospital on April 7th, after 70 hours of hard labor. They showed on the preview of the upcoming episode of the birth that they were all set up for a home delivery and had a portable inflatable bathtub set up in the living room. It usually takes from 12 hours up to 24 hours after a woman's water breaks for a baby to deliver. Any longer and there's a danger to both mother and infant. There may be fetal heart changes and a larger risk of infection.


    What I'm wondering is how long did Jill, Michelle and Jana wait (Derick doesn't count, he's clueless) before they decided 'let's get to a hospital and screw this home delivery bullshit'? I know they didn't go immediately because they had no way to know the baby was breach. Their reluctance to get to a hospital might have resulted in a very sad ending to this baby. That's a concern about home births.


    The other thing I'm wondering about is future pregnancies. Every two minutes a woman dies from complications of childbirth, but that's only in third-world countries, right? Wrong. 800 women die each day unnecessarily from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. There will be some controversy over whether or not Jill will ever be able to deliver other children vaginally. Some hospitals will not risk attempting a vaginal birth after a woman has had a previous delivery via caesarean section. The risk and liability is too great for both the hospital and the infant and mother. We aren't given the details, but if Jill suffered a torn uterus, she will more than likely have to deliver subsequent children via C-section. So, how many children will they have in the future? Nobody knows. But, will their religious cult allow her to use birth control or maybe let Derick have a vasectomy? It won't be long before Jill and Derick face these choices.

    • Love 4
  9. I just don't get these two at all, they just talk like two crazy people. They eat sushi 'nearly every night' according to Jessica. Ryan likes sushi, well no.... he LOVES sushi about a kabillion times more than he loves Jessica, that's obvious. Ryan sits his ass on the kitchen counter but he bitched to Jessica about her ironing on the bed? Wassup wid dat!? Oh yeah right, Ryan your ass doesn't have any stinky poo germs but an iron heated to 150 degrees does, right?  "SLAP" And you Jess, what is up with your complaining that you're sick of sushi but on the other side of your face you're talking about how much you love love love to cook and yet....there's no cooking being done anywhere that I can see. Wassup wid dat!? "SLAP"


    I almost feel with these two that they communicate with each other like a search-and-find word puzzle. They look for things to be angry about, they enjoy the discord and arguments. They aren't even trying, not one bit.


    Ryan's brain at suppertime



    Jess says "I don't get it. I would rather cook, of course, but I really don't appreciate how he speaks to me". What does one thought have to do with the other?  If you like to cook, then cook! Have a few pots on the stove with heat under them cooking something when he comes home. There...you cooked, that problem is solved. Now, deal with how he communicates with you only now he cannot communicate that you aren't cooking. If he doesn't like the food you cook, or complains in any way about the food, then hand him the phone and order up some sushi. There, all fixed


    • Love 6
  10. josie may have had tests and the Duggars may know more than they let on  Didn't James recognize it? I'm surely not giving the Duggars any awards for parenting but i also think there is a lot we don't see  

    The reason I started watching 19 Kids and Counting is because I never saw anything negative or disappointing in the lives of the Duggar's. Things always appeared to be in control with everyone happy, everyone on the same page, praying and playing together. I thought "hmm, something's missing here" and it was, it was real life. The way the Duggar's are portrayed is exactly how they wish it to be portrayed. The fact remains that life happens to everyone, even the Duggar's. James quickly recognized the onset of Josie's seizure. He was quick to recognize it because they've all seen it before since she had several in the past. Her seizure lasted a very long time, ten minutes at least, maybe more according to Jana.


    They said that she had a fever when they put her in the ambulance, and Michelle also said that Josie has had seizures in the past when she has a fever. Jana said that she was up and playing and wasn't sick right before the seizure so perhaps Josie had a low-grade fever. That's all it takes for a child to have a seizure when they have 'febrile seizure disorder'. The biggest danger Josie faced during her seizure was the chance of aspirating vomit. The EMT person that carried Josie to the ambulance told Jana that Josie had vomit in her mouth.


    I think that going forward, the Duggar's will have to be more alert to any signs of fever in Josie and give her Tylenol or Ibuprophen right away. I don't think she'll be started on any anti-seizure medication since there's just too many side effect to those for a small child. They might even have a rectal suppository that can be given to Josie during a seizure to stop it from going on too long. Children that have long seizures can develop epilepsy later in life, so the duration of the seizure activity is very important.


    I have such a huge problem with Michelle and Jim Bob flying to Chicago for a 'meeting' with the sexual molester, creepy Bill "Grabby Hands" Gothard. They were aware of Josie's health risks, they were aware a febrile seizure could occur at any time. They put that huge responsibility into the hands of their 'daughter-mother' Jana. Michelle and Jim Bob have no other agenda but their own. They feel they've done their duty having all these kids and now they can do other things with their creepy cult people and leave the kids in the hands of someone else.

    • Love 3
  11. Looks like the Duggars officially have papz following them around. I just post this to illustrate how tired Jill looks. And why shouldn't she? She really hasn't had time to sit back and take a couple days off since she had major abdominal surgery! Going to Big Sandy probably took more out of her than she ever realized it could. I may not like her or her husband much, but I can feel her pain in these pics. 



    I'm pretty sure that Jill isn't going to take after her momma and have 18 more babies. The 'blessing's' of having a whole pack of children one-after-the-other style isn't going to be possible for Jill. Does that mean that she and Derrick won't be very blessed according to Michelle? Will they be the black sheep of their religious cult?  Maybe they'll choose to adopt some babies. Perhaps after she goes through a few c-sections, they'll get smart and start using birth control (gasp)

  12. Glad you have had a change of mind from thinking pharmaceutical sales is a sleazy job! (comparing to Paychex in a prior thread which makes me need a shower)



    Education recruiters do not make commission. That's not allowed in the industry. Not all online schools are sleazy and expensive. I work in the industry and have for years. Also pharmaceutical sales is not sleazy. Many drug companies provide free samples via these reps. It may not be a profession you agree with but its an honest living.

    I have a different opinion about pharmaceutical salesmen. I managed an oxygen company and I had sales representatives that called on physician's offices to try and get the oxygen referrals of their patients that use supplemental oxygen. Invariably, they would meet pharmaceutical sales reps. calling on the same doctor offices. They're all very polished, well-spoken, dressed impeccably and well groomed as all sales reps. are supposed to be. They work on commission and the commissions in pharmacy sales are huge so many of them were earning upwards of six figures a year. Pharmacy sales reps are told to downplay the negative side effects of the drug they're pushing. Yes, they give samples to the doctors. Some doctors just allow the pharmacy rep. to come in the back without asking and go to the free samples closet that most doctors have. It's like a drug store all on its own. So they fill the shelves with 'freebies' in exchange for that doctor prescribing their newest 'drug du jour', or in better terms the most expensive new drugs on the market that their company manufactures. Doctors love it because they can send their patient home with a few samples of what will probably cost them $200 or more without insurance, but if the patient does have a drug plan with a doughnut hole, they'll hit that hole in a few months since most of the free drugs are tier 4 or 5. In the end, there's a couple of winners with pharmaceutical sales. The doctor is a winner because he's such a great guy handing out free samples to his patients, the pharmaceutical sales rep is a winner because he's making a commission, and the drug company is a winner because they stand to gain millions of dollars through the efforts of the sales rep. Yes, Pharmaceutical sales is an honest business since they're not doing anything illegal and they're helping patients through illnesses via the new medications, but the biggest winner is the company that produces that drug at a cost of around $300 per prescription and that same drug can be bought in Mexico, India or Canada for one-sixteenth the price. It ends up to be a very lucrative alliance between physicians, pharmacy reps and the pharmacy industry

    • Love 7
  13. *Disclaimer. This post is just 100% total snark, condemnation and criticism on my part. I'm flawed, no doubt about it. But I'm not on a television show where I willingly put myself up to being scrutinized and publicly judged.


    I've seen comments from others about Ryan and his reaction to Jessica ironing on the bed. This was particularly disturbing to me, and I mean disturbing in a way that I wanted to iron Ryan's face and heat-seal his lips together. This is something so unimportant, so insignificant that any normal man wouldn't care that she was using the bed as a surface to iron on. He made a big deal out of it because he's the kind of man that wants to put a woman down and shame her for no good reason instead of wanting to bolster her self-esteem and make her feel good about herself. "Jess don't iron on a bed" "You're Ironing on a bed" "You're ironing on a bed? I mean, you don't iron on a bed!" "It's a bed and you're ironing on a bed!"  I counted EIGHT times that he said that. Again, as someone else mentioned, what the hell is so wrong about ironing on a bed? I mean if there are any cooties running around on the bed, the heat would kill them, right?  Will the mattress fall apart because you're ironing on the bed? Will the clothes suck up the pattern of the comforter on the bed and be ruined? He even brings up the 'ironing on the bed' debacle later on in the episode. I have so much intense dislike of Ryan (notice I didn't say hate) that all I can think of is ........


    Davina is the second runner-up in my list. I can barely listen to her or watch her expressions. Her exaggerated wide-eye looks she gives to Sean just make her appear to be some kind of crazy person. And sorry but this is 2015, the technique for permanent laser removal of unwanted hair has been perfected, so why is anyone still wearing dark black sideburns? You can afford it, so go get that stuff removed. Oh, and stop playing the victim. On that note, her husband Sean's voice annoys the hell out of me. There are voice coaches that will help train your voice to lower a couple of octaves.

    Next, Jaclyn and RyanR. I wish the 'experts' could take a shot at analyzing why Jaclyn seems to always be wearing black and white clothes and her entire apartment is decorated in black and white, devoid of any color. Even her clothes closet has no door but it has a black and white zebra scarf-thing covering the door opening. A real psychologist could probably analyze the reason for that. RyanR seems like a nice enough person but I get a sense that he always has morning breath. There, I said it.

    Jessica is the least annoying to me even though I want to pick up a facial cleansing wipe and rub off some of that butterfly eyelash mascara.


    I wish the director would use softer lighting on these scenes. I mean, where there's a serious discussion going on, feelings being discussed and tensions rising then there's these big bright lights shining in their faces, it takes away from the 'magic' of making the scenes believable. (oh I didn't notice that there's a camera, a few crew people and airport lighting in my face). It's like the lighting the police would use on a crime scene after dark. Sometimes I can even see the reflections of the bright lights on their foreheads. It lessens the believable factor.


    *thanks for ironing out the way I messed up all their names 74368.gif

    • Love 7
  14. Just 'beginning'???  Where have you been the past ten years ;)

    I only got open-mouthed, astonished, disbelieving interested in this stupid show the past few weeks. Before that I just thought they were just a family of weird Arkansas people and never watched the show. Now I'm sickly fascinated with what I'm finding out is a show about a sick cult of religious freaks that are fundamentally misguided, twisted, mentally ill weirdos that want to rule the country eventually by over-breeding. At first i thought, "okay, they're strange but the kids are cute" then after a while "okay, they're strange, the kids are strange". And now, I think that couple is mentally ill and should never have been allowed to breed.  Just sayin'  :)

    • Love 8
  15. humbleopinion, on 28 Apr 2015 - 10:49 PM, said:

        Luckily, Ryan and Jessica live above the sushi place, so easy to run down for dinner.

        Instead of witholding sex, she's withholding home cooking.

    Hah, although I thought they live above a mozzarella store.


    I think Ryan has to realize that what worked for his grandparents is not necessarily going to work for him.  It seems like a very immature attitude to think you can imitate the superficial aspects of your relatives' relationships in order to succeed in your own.  He has to learn to just be himself and not put on an act.  I question his readiness for marriage if he doesn't realize this stuff yet.  Then again I question Jessica's readiness too.

    They live above Russo's Mozzarella & Pizza. That's about oh...20 feet from their apartment door and downstairs. So why they have sushi all the time is something I don't understand. Knuckleheads, that's why.


  16. How did Jessa get those sweet potato fries cut so thin?  She had to have a food processor or some other method; no way she sliced them all.

    It was great seeing that Jessa put some time and effort into preparing a dinner that didn't come right out of a can or the freezer like all the other dinners on this show. Now if she could only convince Ben to take something for his stuffed up sinuses so he could actually taste her food, then she'll be a winner.

    • Love 2
  17. http://www.people.com/article/19-kids-counting-josie-duggar-seizure


    The posted a preview. Looks like Jim Bob and Michelle were at a Gothard meeting (which is based in Chicago, love those codewords!). They also had no problem showing quite a bit of Josie's body. Seems like Michelle is spinning it as febrile. The nurse in me wants to watch this episode, but I already want to barf.

    "As the episode reveals, Josie has a history of seizures – this is the fourth or fifth she's had.

    "One of the little glitches for Josie is that if she runs a fever, she does have the tendency to have febrile seizures," reveals Duggar matriarch Michelle, 48. "It might happen just like that; she'll spike a temp when you least expect it, and she'll have a seizure."


    I wasn't aware of this article until now. But as a nurse also, I had known that seizure disorders, or epilepsy, happens frequently in children that were born 'super-premies' as Josie was. I was surprised to read that Michelle makes light of it by saying it happens when she has a fever. Most parents know when their kids starts running a temp and take steps to reduce the fever before it goes dangerously high. I can see that happening once, maybe twice. But once a parent sees that in their child, they are hyper-alert for those signs and symptoms and take measures to prevent it escalating to the point that the child has a seizure. It's really not that difficult to lower the temperature in a child once you know what to do. What I'm seeing with the Duggars is that everything is presented in a positive, happy way. They don't admit to illness, bad behavior, or really any difficulties in their lives at all. They want to appear to be a perfect, happy and healthy family. We know that's not realistic considering the number of children and the things that happen with children and their health and behaviors. And by the way, if I had a child prone to seizures, I wouldn't be flying off to go to Chicago and leave a daughter in charge totally unsupported and on her own. Jim Bob could have gone to that conference, meeting, holy roller thing without Michelle. He's a big boy that should be able to leave his wife with their kids while he goes off to do something else.

    • Love 6
  18. There is no reason they can't partition that room and give the older girls and younger girls separate spaces. I presume none of the older girls (I'm thinking Jana - who is a 25 year old grown ass woman and needs her own space, same goes for Jinger at what, 20-21? - down to Joy) have period cramps, migraines, or anything that would make them feel like garbage, and not want to share a room with a bunch of elementary school kids?

    And no privacy to use any sex toys since the little ones might ask what that noise is when they hear the 'humm' of the batteries humming happily.  JUST KIDDING! (no I don't, really)   :)

    • Love 4

    Kill me now. Kill me slowly with a rusty spoon, to the tune of cardboard violins, if I have to watch Anna patch together one more janky Bible school craft that involves baby planning, baby making, baby arriving, baby sleeping, playing, rocking, eating, burping, pooping, whatever. I applaud Anna for dealing with the kids she chose to have, but slow your roll, Anna. She needs to develop some interests that don't involve obsessing on pregnancies and babies. Read a book, go on a hike, just anything non-baby related.

    I look at Anna sometime when she's so immersed every single minute into her children and her constant kiss-kiss-kiss to Josh and I can see that she's a total brain-washed 'Stepford Wife' whose brain has been controlled all her life by her Fundamentalist extreme upbringing. Sometime I look at how her eyes are and she almost looks like someone that's hypnotized, like a robot almost. These 'girls' and I will refer to them all as 'girls' fall in love with love. They are conditioned to need babies for survival. It's a sick, induced mental illness to have the constant need to bear children or to be pregnant all the time.

    • Love 9
  20. She said that she wasn't cooking for Ryan because she didn't like the way he talked to her. Not that she's passive aggressive or anything.


    I feel like I actually get some of the communication issues between Jessica & Ryan. When Ryan said his grandfather would yell at his grandmother to 'shut up a just do it', my guess is his grandmother would probably just roll her eyes and do as she pleased. If they had a long and happy marriage (as Ryan has described it) it was probably a dynamic that worked for them. But it doesn't work for Jessica because she's too sensitive to conflict. In my family growing up, there was never any yelling between my parents or at the kids. We weren't even allowed to say 'shut up' to someone because my parents thought it was disrespectful. As a result, I am very sensitive to someone losing their temper or yelling at me. I have a hard time getting over it and I think Jessica is the same way. For Ryan, he's used to people yelling and arguing and then quickly moving on. Too bad the experts didn't figure out this would be a problem for them.

    I have to agree with you about the 'shut up' thing. People are raised differently of course and in some families, like the one that Ryan grew up with, those words were used frequently and casually it seems. I also was raised in a family that never used the words 'shut up' to us kids. And, when I raised my own kids, I'd say 'be quiet' and never 'shut up' because to me it just sounded so harsh. I think Jessica is sensitive to being spoken to in that way and feels it's hurtful to her, not to mention very disrespectful as well. I can empathize with her on that.

    • Love 5
  21. These "experts" are nothing but jokes, as evidenced by these sinking ships. 


    Ryan D. has had bad relationship models but that's no excuse for being a dick. Sick of him.

    I agree with you about these three experts. I don't think they know their ass from their elbows as far as matching up people. They seem to choose two total opposites and get some sort of sick kick out of watching the couples flounder, fight and fail. Hey, that's not a bad name for this series 'Flounder, Fight and Fail'.

    • Love 10
  22. I agree with others that thought this episode was a bunch of patched together themes. Shopping for baby furniture (nesting), redecorating the girls room, Jessa cooking for her almost-live-version of a husband, and Josie's seizure. It all didn't fit somehow. I get the sense that Jana felt resentment that she was left to deal with all this by herself. I read that she's leaving the show to go to college. She's been the main 'sister-mom' to most of those kids. I know it would be against the family rules to attend any college other than a Christian Ministry college but I'd like to see Jana break tradition and go rogue and go to a normal college, with normal people her age, and study for a degree in a profession of her choosing.


    Michelle is almost never around the house with her kids. There are a few scenes with her fixing eggs for breakfast but she's mostly out of the picture and the girls are doing all the work. I felt a lot of new animosity towards Michelle for being in Chicago when Josie had a seizure. The one who spotted Josie having the seizure first, the boy that I can't recall which it was, but apparently he recognized it as a seizure "Josie is having a seizure".  That's not something that most kids would immediately recognize and call it a 'seizure'. There was some mention of the hospital being able to control and lower her fever before she was released. Was it even mentioned that she had been ill with a high fever? I don't think so. If she was ill with a high fever, why was she downstairs in the kitchen and not in her bed? There's a lot of unanswered questions there that we'll never be told about. Follow the Lord Michelle and Jim Bob, follow the preacher in Chicago that fornicates, ignore the 'blessings' you've created in search of your own greater glory. I'm beginning to get bitter about this couple.

    • Love 7
  23. Josie is at the age when super-premies develop epilepsy if they are going to develop it at all. If this was her first seizure, and I doubt it was, I'm afraid that Josie will be epileptic most of her life and on medication forever to control the seizures.


    I can't stand the way this family prepares meals. Doesn't Michelle know how to cook and able to teach the older girls how to make something else besides tater-tot casserole, barbeque tuna or chicetti (a particularly nasty concoction).The Duggar family prides themselves on frugality yet they use thousands of paper plates, bowls and plastic utensils every week. I don't think I've ever seen any dinner in Josh and Anna's or the Duggar family house that was served on a real dish. When Anna shopped for Thanksgiving, she bought instant mashed potatoes, canned vegetables, and pre-made pumpkin pies. Not only that, but Josh had no idea of how to carve a turkey. Wasn't he watching when his father carved a turkey, or maybe they never made one for the family. He destroyed it and it looked as dry as the tuna fish Jim Bob is so fond of. I've never seen a meal made that I'd think 'umm that looks good'. It's all junky quick frozen or canned food. Hey guys, try making some meals from scratch with homemade sauce instead of Ragu once in a while.

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