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Posts posted by HumblePi

  1. From People Magazine  http://www.people.com/article/19-kids-counting-spin-off-tlc-jessa-seewald-jill-dillard-duggar-family


    "a source close to the Duggars says a new plan may shift focus away from the large brood headed up by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and instead focus on newlyweds Jill and Derick Dillard, and Jessa and Ben Seewald."


    I don't know what everyone feels about this but I had thought for a long time that Jessa and Jill would eventually get their own spin-off shows. In the aftermath of all this with Josh, I don't think I can even think about Jessa and Jill in the same way as before. I think I'll pass on watching that if it comes to light.

    • Love 2
  2. What is their obsession with sucking their toes. That should have never become a thing. Weirdos.


    I love Davina's perma bitchface whenever Sean says anything.

    I like how she has a habit when Sean is talking to her where her eyes gaze either down or in the opposite direction as her tongue curls behind her bottom teeth. You didn't notice that, did ya?   lol

    • Love 1


    I had mentioned this quote to someone here earlier in a PM, but to me it just sums up reality TV in one sentence;

                                             "reality is easy. It's deception that's the hard work".

    • Love 11
  4. I've kind of lost the will to watch this show, but I caught up the other night and noticed that Sean is a total narrator. It's like he just talks a bit about what's currently happening and hopes that he's approximating normal human conversation.


    Exposition Sean.

    I miss just about every other episode but saw some of the most recent. It's a horrible show and these are all horribly mismatched couples. I nearly laughed out loud when Sean was having a drink with Chris, Davina's friend and he said "I know at heart I'm a very intimate, very sexual person. I mean Christian Grey sexual".  My eyes rolled back into my head.


    These couples are all so doomed it isn't even a guess who's going to fail, they ALL are.


    I had to edit because it seems that HumblePi quoted HumblePi

    • Love 2
  5. I just finished watching the entire episode. I've said previously that I didn't watch RHoNY when Bethenny Frankel was a cast member. I had seen bits and pieces and decided then that I didn't like her or Jill or anyone. I also never watched Bethenny's talk show. I just honestly never liked her on a personal level, not for any other reasons other than I found her abrasive and talked too fast.


    I've completely changed my mind about Bethenny Frankel. I know about her childhood and it was horrible. Now I like her almost for the same reasons I disliked her. She just cuts to the chase of things, goes to the heart of the matter. She doesn't mince words and she says exactly what she thinks. She's very vulnerable and still healing, that's obvious. I appreciate that Bethenny puts her weekends with her daughter above a weekend at Dorinda's house in the Berkshires, which looked beautiful by the way in the promo for the next episode.


    I have also changed my opinion of Dorinda. I didn't like her at first and felt she didn't quite fit in with the others. Now I can see that the other women really like Dorinda and respect her. I haven't seen Dorinda be intentionally catty or spiteful yet, maybe that's why I still like her. Her boyfriend looks like the exact opposite of any man I could ever be attracted to both physically, and mentally.

    • Love 10
  6. This had to be the highlight of the episode. The 30 second clip between commercials when Ramona and her partner are interviewing a woman who has filled out an application.


    On the application there's a question under skills.  "List any other office machines you can operate:" The woman filled in the answer "stapler".  She then explains "because I thought like you know, like with bar-tending like you know, we staple receipts and stuff". 


    If I was that woman, I would have NEVER signed a release for the show to use that clip.



    • Love 3
  7. People's first Duggar offering of the day (you know there will be several more) is a non-story where a "source" claims the Duggars aren't worried about the future of the show, but instead are "focusing on their faith." Of course they are, right? It's not like they'd come out and say they are busy frantically rearranging the deck chairs on their Titanic.


    ETA: You know you're in trouble when you get dropped from an event/poster that features even Kate Gosselin. And does this mean they are gonig to revive the Roloff show? (maybe they were always going to- I think Zach is supposed to get married this summer).

    Even on TLC, if you let your freak-flag-fly just a little too high, they'll chop you right off the schedule. (Cue the Roloffs)

    • Love 2
  8. 2915F6A500000578-0-image-m-4_14326516522

    Poster with the Duggars

    It had already dropped the Duggars' hit show, 19 Kids and Counting, from its schedule after it emerged that the family's eldest son, Josh, had molested several young girls as a teenager.

    Now, TLC has pulled Jim Bob Duggar, his wife Michelle and their 19 children from its highly-anticipated Summer Block Party, which is taking place in Philadelphia at noon on Saturday.

    The family had originally been slated to appear at the event, which features a number of network stars and is open and free to the public - and had even appeared on the party's official poster.

    But they have since been dropped from the party, while Little People Big World's Roloff family has replaced Jim Bob and Michelle on the poster,


    Poster magically replaced with the Roloffs

    I have a vision of Michelle calling over the loudspeaker/intercom thing for all the children to come to the living room for a family meeting. As they're all sitting quietly, looking at her somber face, with eyes wide, speaking in a slow, hushed Michelle-speak. "Now children, we will not be going to the big block party in Philadelphia this weekend. Instead, we will be praying as a family, giving side hugs and making tater-tot casserole together. This is what God wants us to do, so we should all pray on that. Now, everyone haul your own suitcases up the stairs so that the girls can unpack them."

    • Love 11
  9. That site has a report that the "Hero Mom" from Maryland that smacked her kid on TV is being investigated too, but in Maryland.  But the protection people have the same last name Lancaster. 


    Both sites are seriously bogus.

    This is what happens, vultures sweep in to sensationalize and inflame people. It's a disgusting way to do business and I'll send a complaint to the FCC about that website.

    • Love 2
  10. Oh my God. I don't know if this is good or horrible news. All this will become a matter of public record and the names may be revealed. Now I'm feeling sick to my stomach. The show should be cancelled. That enough already


    *.TLC has since announced the cancellation of the family’s long running reality show 19 Kids and Counting.

    • Love 1
  11. Is that really what they were doing? Or was it a weird documentary that happened every year and then got to be a TV show because the America liked to watch them? I don't really recall feeling like I was being told my life was wrong watching their show, but that is just me.


    I don't think this is the liberal media vs. All-American Christian values in any shape or fashion. What I do know is that some very liberal people I know (and I consider myself very liberal and don't identify as Christian, btw) are "gleeful" as they put it about this whole situation. I am concerned about the victims and them suddenly being out of a future and an income and being humiliated....the people I know don't really care because they are "bigots."

    I think that people need to evaluate their own personal reasons for being intrigued by the Duggar family. I know that personally, I had to record it and watch when my husband wasn't around. "why are you watching this horrible stuff, change the channel." So, I recorded it and watched it later. But why did I watch? I wondered about that really. I know that it was unusual, so many children in a world that's already overcrowded. I know that I thought Michelle must be under some kind of spell. I knew I watched because I was trying to find something genuine, it all seemed so fake. I truly felt embarrassed to admit that I watched '19 Kids and Counting" so I never told anyone, it was my own secret obsession. I know for sure that I didn't watch because I liked them, I watched for some little sign that they were actually genuine and believed that what they were doing was better than any of us could do. Yes, in a lot of ways I did feel that watching was wrong, that I was being duped by the Duggars, but still I watched out of curiosity. I know that it's not wrong to hug someone or kiss a boyfriend on the lips. I know that it's not wrong to have sexual thoughts or even want to have sex just for the fun of it, not to procreate over and over. I knew it's not mentally healthy to have an addiction to having babies then passing them off for another child to raise. I possibly looked for some sign that there was some normalcy within that family, I mean genuine normalcy.

    • Love 5
  12. "Anyone would molest children if they had the opportunity and no consequences."

    Really? No. Just ... no. I can't with these people. Those poor girls.


    I happened to be reading all these posts,(trying anyway) and came across yours with the link and I clicked on it and I honestly thought I was reading some twisted, contrived Duggar hater making this stuff up. Then, I understood. It was quoted from the Michael Seeward blog. I absolutely cannot believe this. I will, for the benefit of those who haven't taken the time to click the link since there's so much on these boards to read, post a sampling of the article.


    "According to Seewald, only consequences keep us from acting as Duggar did when he molested five children in their beds. Seewald said that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar “are to be commended” for their roles in covering up their son’s crimes, reporting them only to a law enforcement officer who is currently serving more than 50 years in prison for possession of photos of naked children."


    “As it stands criminal charges were not brought against Josh but I believe that Josh’s parents acted in a way that godly parents should,” Seewald writes. After the Duggars discovered their son’s horrific actions, he was sent for treatment at a center run by a man who ultimately resigned after it was discovered that he was “sexually grooming” teens and young women."


    "Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray that he would keep us and our children from falling."


    Honest to God, if all these are true statements made by Michael Seeward, then he belongs in a nuthouse with the rest of the clan. I'm a little wary of stories that are coming out that may be erroneous and constructed specifically to inflame the court of public opinion. I will take these quotes with a grain of salt unless I actually can find them on his blog myself.

    • Love 2
  13. Me, I wonder if it doesn't have something to do with the fact that according to the press release someone linked, the woman who's running the asylum got the big job because of the ratings she got with the Duggars. If they start shutting down shows on TLC where you can tell it's not the middle of the 12th century because everyone's wearing synthetic fibers, what has she got?

    Those high paying jobs are the first to be eliminated when the shit hits the fan. They got all the glory but they're the first one taken down in a storm.

    • Love 1
  14. I think the TLC network is being very cautious about issuing a formal statement cancelling all further episodes because they're waiting to see how many sponsors they'll lose first. To me this speaks volumes for the type of people are running TLC.  They don't want to kill off the program if they can keep their sponsors. But, if they don't cancel and continue filming, how much of their viewer base will be sacrificed by doing that? I strongly think that TLC will come out shortly with an announcement of permanent cancellation of all future filming.

    • Love 12
  15. When I was eleven, I stayed the night at a so-called "friend's" house. I woke up in the middle of the night to both her and her 15-year-old sister molesting me. While I can look back on it now and say those girls were likely abused, because how else would an eleven-year-old know to do that, it doesn't stop me from hating the both of them, and their parents who tried to sweep it under the rug. I was just as violated then as I was when I was molested in my sleep by my brother's best friend right before my 13th birthday (he was 16), when I was raped by a fifteen-year-old at a high school party, and when I was repeatedly bullied and sexually assaulted by one of my peers between the 9th and 11th grade. All of them fucking sucked. All of them gave me nightmares, and PTSD that I have to deal with to this very day, as a 28-year-old. I used to think I had some kind of signal I emitted that said "easy to abuse". All of these people were under 18, none faced any consequences for what they did to me. The cops deemed the first incident "sexual exploration" even though it was done to me in my fucking sleep and refused to do anything about it. And that's when I learned that the cops don't care and won't do anything to help, so I didn't even report after that, because why bother?

    That's all hard to read so I can't even imagine how difficult that's been to live with all your life. I see that you had felt at one time that you were in some way to blame for the sexual abuse.  I think that victims of sexual abuse are somehow made to feel the shame for their own sexual abuse rather than shifting it to where it belongs, the abuser. This may lead to a re-victimization and other subsequent sexual abuses. In a perfect world, children that are sexually abused would speak up, say something to a parent, a teacher or police. But, it's not a perfect world of course and children feel guilt and hide their shame with silence. Perhaps the children that Josh Duggar molested felt the same way, hence their silence over the years.


    I hope you heal

    • Love 9
  16. Congratulations, TLC (most highly paid CEO), Jim Boob and Me-chelle. Thanks to you, Josh Duggar is now one of the the most hated people in America. In reality you sacrificed family and soul. Was it worth it?

    If the justice system was thwarted in the prosecution Joshua Duggar for a criminal act, there is are punishments, recriminations and banishments made in the life of the Duggars. No matter how long justice took, it was inevitable that this story would come out eventually. Yes, they profited greatly over the past years and now it's going to cost them all dearly, first and foremost by losing the respect anyone had for this family the monetary losses will be secondary to the Duggars.

    • Love 2
  17. I may be in a minority here and will probably get thumped pretty good by the board members.  But that's okay.  I can take it.


    I am a Christian.  I was a carnal Christian for many years before I developed a relationship with God through Christ.  A carnal Christian is one who believes in Jesus Christ and what He did for the world, yet continues to live life by doing whatever one wants to do without the feeling of guilt or consequences.  That was me.   I believed, yet I had not submitted my life to God through Christ.  I didn't care who I hurt as long as it felt good to me.  I was selfish.  I just didn't care.


    Having said this, I understand where Josh is coming from.  He did a terrible thing.  He was young, he was self-absorbed, he was only thinking of himself and what satisfied him.  He didn't think or care about the scarring of the victims.  Josh repented.  He apologized to God, his parents and the victims.  All forgave him and sought help for him and the victims (at least that's what I understand).  And like Ben's father said, when we refuse to forgive we are putting ourselves in God's seat.  How can we (Christians) NOT forgive when Christ forgave us?


    Does this mean I feel we should just forget about it and pretend nothing happened?  No.  What I am saying is the person who has no sin at all should be the one to cast the first stone.  That person is Jesus Christ.  Our acceptance of Him as Lord and Savior means He has forgiven ALL our sins, past, present, and future.  We will find no stone in his hand, nor should there be one in ours.

    Sin is one thing. People make mistakes and commit sins all the time. But, this offense was not only a sin, it was a criminal act. I can forgive Josh but I still believe he should have been brought up on charges for his heinous crimes.

    • Love 7
  18. I understand the public outrage, the appeal to TLC to cancel this series has been overwhelming. I think that people that followed the Duggar family always had a feeling that something just wasn't right about them. The 'no kissing' rule when Jim Bob and Michelle admitted to 'kissing and a lot of it' before marriage, and to using contraceptives at one time all seemed to be so opposite from the standards they expected their children to adhere to. They were rigid, unreasonable, and unrealistic. Do we know for sure if the perversions committed by Josh were a direct result of the sexual oppression in his home? No, we don't know that for certain. I just don't think that children raised in an open family atmosphere where sex is not a forbidden topic would become teenagers that sexually molest their siblings.


    The one question we really don't want to ask ourselves is whether we are outraged because of the offense committed by Josh or because we feel vindicated in our thinking that there just might be something amiss all these years with the Duggars? How many have silently said "I knew it!  I just knew it!" ?

    • Love 3
  19. And as far as the trooper is concerned?  Aside from the child pornography  charges, he committed another crime and that was by not reporting Josh Duggar.  He didn't have the option to decide whether or not this was something to be reported.  Any and all crimes must be reported by an officer no matter what.  If he had done his job maybe the victims would have had some type of proper counseling or therapy.  Jim Bob, Michelle, and the trooper all failed every single one of those children.

    Maybe Jim Bob 'convinced' this trooper that it would be in his (the trooper's) best interest to snuff this report, otherwise some very unsavory information about this trooper could likely be uncovered by the press. You never want to throw stones when you're living in a glass house, and he certainly had much to hide. Of course he was convicted eventually of child pornography and sent to prison. Don't forget that Jim Bob Duggar was a very influential politician in their part of the State and I'm certain had a lot of connections.

    • Love 2
  20. What makes me LOL SO hard about these photos is their phony claims of being frugal. My husband and I are hardcore apple fans and we have 3 new apple laptops and two iMacs, iPhones and iPads...they are EXPENSIVE...you'd think for being so cheap they'd be using refurbished laptops....


    Mac Books, iPads, iPhones, designer clothing...they do not shop at Goodwill anymore or Aldi...they are just so fakety fake fake.

    They're all really cheap when someone else buys them for you.

    • Love 15
  21. Are the five girls who were allegedly sexually molested considered accessories to their own molestation considering the fact that they're adults now and have the freedom to speak up for themselves?  Does the money coming from TLC for their appearances on the show convince them to protect the brother that committed crimes towards them?  Did Michelle and Jim Bob swear them to secrecy in order to keep the gravy train rolling smoothly on track? Did they sacrifice five girls in order to protect their oldest son who had political aspirations?


    So many questions, so few answers.


    I'm certain that a lot of the answers comes right from Wikipedia and Jim Bob Duggar's political ambitions.


    "From 1999 to 2002, Duggar served in the Arkansas House of Representatives for the sixth district, which included part of northern Washington County, Arkansas. Duggar was vice chair of the House Corrections and Criminal Law Subcommittee and also participated in the Insurance and Commerce Committee and Judiciary Committee.

    He also ran in the Republican Party of Arkansas primary election for the United States Senate in 2002, but lost to incumbent Senator Tim Hutchinson by a vote of 71,576 to 20,546. Duggar sought the Republican nomination to the Arkansas State Senate District 35 seat in 2006, but lost to candidate Bill Pritchard by 200 votes."


    Now really, how could a conservative Republican run for political office if people knew he had a son that molested younger siblings?

    • Love 4
  22. That's the last thing they'll ever do. It's not like they just found out their son is a child molester; they've known all along and it never held them back in their hate campaigns. They'll keep defending their right to their own beliefs, which is fine -- the problem is, you can't justify the claim that LGBT people are more likely to be child molesters as a religious "belief." It's not a matter of belief. It's a statistic that we can verify, and it isn't true. But, back on point, I don't see them ever backing down on their mission to oppress others. It's a classic example of the "It's different when we do it" philosophy, which has been applied countless times by many, many interest groups.

    I know that well. My response was to a comment about what the Duggar's could possibly do now, at this point in time, since Josh has already been dealt with their own way. I know that my answer was totally outside the realm of possibilities, it was tongue-in-cheek.

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  23. There hasn't been any public statement made from Oprah Winfrey or her production company Harpo. This is disturbing because if Oprah Winfrey was aware that the Duggars had a child molester living within their home wouldn't you think she would have spoken up about it? She is a victim of sexual abuse and I feel the omission on her part to expose this publicly makes her as responsible as TLC.

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